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DGGR  (DGR)  (2012 - 2016)

Functions :
Coder, Graphician

Trivia :
When I was around 7, my uncle Jasiek (RIP) bought Commodore C16, equipped with datasette (of course!) I instantly fell in love with that toy, but because I couldn't have it, I've nicked all his Bajtek magazines (polish equivalent of Byte Magazine) instead – I could hardly read but somehow all the listings of programs seem to look nice to me. Few years later my dad brought my very own Commodore C64 breadbox from Germany (actually, I still need to ask where did he get it from, I suppose fleamarket) – I've had played games for a few months but I quickly got bored with them. I felt it deeply in my gut – I needed to code.

I begged my father again for weeks till he got me 1541-II disk drive; it costed something about 1,999,999 zł those days (yes, it was nearly 2 million polish zlotys!) I was in heaven – started swapping 5,25" disks with stangers on pirates' local markets, getting more stuff. It occasionally happened that a disk would contain a demo. Woah! Certainly that was far more interesting than some lousy shoot 'em ups. Also, I've bought absolutely every issue of C&A (Commodore & Amiga – hi Jetboy) and Kebab magazine (hi and thanks to Polonus and Silver Dream) – these were the best titles on the market – and I've learnt how to program in Basic 2.0.

Few years later (I was about 13 then) I started exploring MOS 6502 and the whole world of assembler. I found about demoscene, called myself Digger and founded my own group called Atlantic and went to some crazy booze copy/demo parties to win/lose some demo competitions. I was also shown how to use tracker and write SID 6581 music (thanks Ivanhoe) for the first time. Exciting times they were, we've hardly slept for 3 days!
Few people had a huge impact on me those days (thanks Carrion, Shogoon, Brush and Hain), few helped me a lot (thank you Toaster, Branzol, Morris and Druid). Please remember no one had heard about internet, BBS was a luxury so we had to swap disks via post (snailmail). I always used to attach a few pages written by hand, can't imagine how I've done that then – it's hard to find time to write an email nowadays! Sincere thanks to Wozio for giving me a hard lesson how not to be an arse!

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Digger(Currently used handle)
Bufon(1994 - 1994)
Gustek(1993 - 1993)

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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