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G-Force    (2012 - ??)

Function :
Original Supplier

Handlestory :
G-Force then later on changed to (battle of the planets) is taken from the cartoon from the 70's and 80's and which was one of favourite cartoons from that era and one of my favourite soundtracks as well.
I insert ****G-FORCE**** in the disk id header of a program to signify the phoenix of g-force with the asterisks being the wings and looking like the wings are on fire also.
Just doing my project at the moment,but when i have finished my big project i will have lots of spare time to make cracks of games.
Started to make a game on the spectrum with my mates called mad mick in 1984 a platform type game,but they got fed up with the project so far through it and that was that.
First game played was pong on the tv game at home in 1976 and from there i was always in the arcades from 1977-1988 playing the likes of space invaders and all the other classics like galaxians,defender,missile command,astro blaster,gorf,pac-man,super sprint,gauntlet etc.
First went on a computer playing games in 1980 on my mates bbc b and atari 800 and then finally got to own one myself when the prices came down in 1983 which was a spectrum 16k later upgraded to 48k and the first game i got was atic atac and from then on i was hooked completely on home computers.
Got a c64 in 1985 after seeing staff of karnath through (ultimate) again and then got a atari st in mid 1987 which broken down every week,so got an amiga in 1988 when i saw sinbad on my mates amiga and this was my most reliable computer ever with no problems at all with it in the 5 years that i owned it.
Loved the demo scene and cracktro's on the amiga in its heyday with favourite's like demons are forever and favourite groups like unit a,ackerlight,tristar,red sector,paranoimia,defjam,bamiga sector one,crystal,trsi,wow etc.
me and my mates bought originals from the computer shop and copied games from each other using the action replay,double adapter lead and double deck hi-fi.
There used to be droves of mates waiting outside the rotherham micro fun computer shop where i used to live waiting to copy my originals that i bought and then off to their houses all day long to copy them onto their disk drives and in return to get their unreleased stuff.
They mentioned a lot of my originals ended up with local sceners such as derby ram and other local groups.
Im amazed we did not get caught we were that careless lol.
Fav groups on the c64 now though are hokuto force,derbyshire ram,remember,triad,chromance,fairlight,laxity,bonzai,mayhem,excess,f4cg,rsi,triangle,hotline,onslaught,legend,hackersoft,genesis project,mr.z,esi,ikari,mhi,avt,hitmen,etc etc haha.
Bought a amiga cd32 in 1993 then sold it in 1995 and then bought ps1 in 1995,ps2 2000,ps3 2007 and ps4 2014.
Got about 130,000+ games so far on 31 different computers/emulators 8/16/32/64 bit which has taken me nearly five years all mostly checked and they take up 1.5tb on my external hardrive in which they are backed up on 4 different ones just in case and when i have finished renaming and checking games on the c64 in which they are 40,000 games left to do i will have finished with the emulators.
So with everything finished i will then start to crack and train games,as i will have lots of spare time on my hands and there are 1,000,s of good original games yet to be cracked in my vast collection,so plenty of work to keep me occupied far into the future.
First got a pc in 2000 and started with the emulators straight away and downloading games on and off,but started to download and check games heavily from 2005.

Country :
United Kingdom

Credits :
DownloadTile Style Preview + by Hokuto Force ...  2020 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadBreak Out + by Hokuto Force ...  2020 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadA Ziggy Christmas by Hokuto Force ...  2016 Demo  (Original Supply)
DownloadMolar Madness - ISE - Preview 2 by Hokuto Force ...  2016 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadColor Code by Hokuto Force ...  2016 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadZorro in Wonderland 2 Preview by Hokuto Force ...  2016 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadMunch Load +M by Hokuto Force ...  2016 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadWarp Drive +3 by Genesis Project ...  2016 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadTic Tac Toe by Hokuto Force ...  2016 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadMeadowbrook Nine by Hokuto Force ...  2016 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadQue +2 by Hokuto Force ...  2015 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadThe Wasps and the Apples +T by Hokuto Force ...  2015 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadTipster V2 by Hokuto Force ...  2015 Tool  (Original Supply)
DownloadMad Ninja Preview by Hokuto Force ...  2014 Crack  (Original Supply)

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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