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Function :

Trivia :
There are 3 different handles that uses Antisoft.

This antisoft can be identified by:

- when it has "Antisoft Oslo Norway" in the binary.
- or when it has the SYS line address between brackets and not the "Antisoft" string in brackets.

Country :

Releases released :
DownloadHektik ... 1985 Crack
DownloadWhere's My Bones? ... 1984 Crack
DownloadArtillery Duel ... 1984 Crack
DownloadAztec Challenge ... 1984 Crack
DownloadBlack Hawk ... 1984 Crack
DownloadBlue Max 2001 ... 1984 Crack
DownloadBreak Dance ... 1984 Crack
DownloadChuckie Egg ... 1984 Crack
DownloadCongo Bongo ... 1984 Crack
DownloadCuthbert in the Jungle ... 1984 Crack
DownloadFalcon Patrol II ... 1984 Crack
DownloadFire One ... 1984 Crack
DownloadGorf ... 1984 Crack
DownloadGyruss ... 1984 Crack
DownloadHex-Mon ... 1984 Crack
DownloadHover Bovver ... 1984 Crack
DownloadMotocross ... 1984 Crack
DownloadMr. TNT ... 1984 Crack
DownloadPitfall II - Lost Caverns ... 1984 Crack
DownloadSeven Cities of Gold ... 1984 Crack
DownloadSlinky ... 1984 Crack
DownloadStar Commando ... 1984 Crack
DownloadStellar Dodger ... 1984 Crack
DownloadThe Heist ... 1984 Crack
DownloadThe Pit ... 1984 Crack
DownloadThreshold ... 1984 Crack
DownloadUgh ... 1984 Crack
DownloadUp'n Down ... 1984 Crack
DownloadUp'n Down ... 1984 Crack
DownloadZim Sala Bim ... 1984 Crack
DownloadAstral Zone ... ???? Crack
DownloadBC's Quest for Tires ... ???? Crack
DownloadCaverns of Khafka ... ???? Crack
DownloadCuddly Cuburt ... ???? Crack
DownloadFlying Ace ... ???? Crack
DownloadHektik ... ???? Crack
DownloadHungry Horace ... ???? Crack
DownloadLittle Icarus ... ???? Crack
DownloadLunar Leeper ... ???? Crack
DownloadMunch Mania ... ???? Crack
DownloadMusic-Box ... ???? Music
DownloadQuasar ... ???? Crack
DownloadRetro Ball ... ???? Crack
DownloadSavage Pond ... ???? Crack
DownloadSolar Alert ... ???? Crack
DownloadSpike ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Dam Busters ... ???? Crack
DownloadTriple Tournament ... ???? Crack
DownloadVegas Jackpot ... ???? Crack

Credits :
DownloadHektik by Antisoft, Megabyte ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWhere's My Bones? by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadUp'n Down by Antisoft, 1701 Crackware ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHex-Mon by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSeven Cities of Gold by Antisoft, Norwegian Duplicating Service ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Heist by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadArtillery Duel by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPitfall II - Lost Caverns by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStar Commando by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAztec Challenge by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFire One by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBlack Hawk by Antisoft, Fax ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGorf by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMr. TNT by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadUp'n Down by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBreak Dance by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCongo Bongo by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCuthbert in the Jungle by Antisoft, Pacman ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Pit by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadZim Sala Bim by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFalcon Patrol II by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHover Bovver by Antisoft, J.R. Ewing ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSlinky by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStellar Dodger by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThreshold by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadUgh by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGyruss by Antisoft, Bad Brothers ...  1984 Crack  (Import)
DownloadMotocross by Antisoft ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadUnderground Network by Norwegian Duplicating Service ...  1984 Tool  (Bug-Fix)
DownloadBlue Max 2001 by Antisoft, S&R ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMusic-Box by Antisoft, Biosoft ...  ???? Music  (Code)
DownloadAstral Zone by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMunch Mania by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadQuasar by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHungry Horace by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBC's Quest for Tires by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCaverns of Khafka by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHektik by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRetro Ball by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSolar Alert by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadVegas Jackpot by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSavage Pond by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLittle Icarus by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSpike by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCuddly Cuburt by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLunar Leeper by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFlying Ace by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFootball Manager by D.C.S., Frops ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Dam Busters by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAmbush by Antisoft, Donald Duck & Co ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)
DownloadTriple Tournament by Antisoft ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)

User ratings :  
As Cracker:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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