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Ex member of : South Banat Crew
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This story started some good time ago (actually in August '88) when we organized a copy party at some youth club. It was done by MR.PRO (at that time in THP), COZY MC (brain damage) and me, SHIZZCAT. I know that you've never heard of these names, but they're pretty popular here in Yugoslavia. At that time we found a free telephone line and started exploiting it, so we called our friends like MAD ALL, STRIDER/FAIRLIGHT, JEFFIE, FUN FUN/TRIANGLE, MATRIX/DOM and many others, frequently every weekend from there.
The other day (February, 2nd 1989) I again walked to the youth club without anyone else this time, because nobody was at home. I got there and called JEFFIE up. A few minutes later, somebody turned on the lights in the corridor and I heard some voices. Two policemen and a janitor (sounds familiar) came in the room. The pigs wanted to examine me, but I didn't let them. But I got hit over my mouth with a police club. They took me to the station, and started all that investigation. I kept MR.PRO's name quiet, although he made 1/3 of all phone calls.
One inspector took my photos and my fingerprints. They drove me home and gave me a piece of paper which invited me for more examinations at the police office later on. The telephone bill I got made me almost getting an infarct - it was over 4,000,000 Dinars (which is something like 2000 DM or 850 GBP). So I told everything to my father, who must now pay for the whole shit. Well that was the first time I ever had problems with the police, but I think I had it in style. /SHIZZCAT of VICTORY
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