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Braindeath (BRD) (1997 - ??) |
Ex member of : Banshee (1998 -> 1999), Civitas [web], High-Tech ( -> 1996), KRG, Raiders of the Lost Empire [web], Sanity, Tiger-Crew [web]
Functions : Author, Coder, Cover Designer, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Importer, Organizer, Papermag Editor, Swapper, Webmaster
Founder of : Sanity
Handlestory :
Well, in case ya know the splatter movie "Braindead" by Peter Jackson - that's the story :) .
Trivia :
A little bit active since 2011 again, but no scene activities anymore. Still using a real C64 of course!
Other handles used by this scener :(Display all info for all handles)
Country :
Credits :
Wares List 04 by The Stock | ... | 2004 Misc. | (Charset) |
Intel Outside #9 by Sanity | ... | 2000 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Charset, Concept) |
Intel Outside #8 by Sanity | ... | 2000 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Charset, Concept) |
Demohazard by Sanity | ... | 2000 Demo | (Graphics, Idea, Import) |
Sanguis Et Cinis by Sanity | ... | 2000 Graphics Collection | (Text, Import, Original Supply, Linking, Concept) |
Eva Habermann Interlaced by Sanity | ... | 2000 Graphics Collection | (Graphics, Text, Import, Original Supply, Linking, Concept) |
Werner Interlaced by Sanity | ... | 2000 Graphics Collection | (Graphics, Design, Idea, Text, Import, Original Supply, Linking, Concept) |
Intel Outside #7 by Sanity | ... | 2000 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Charset, Concept) |
Riptease by Sanity | ... | 2000 Music Collection | (Design, Idea, Text, Charset, Linking, Concept) |
Intel Outside #6 by Sanity | ... | 2000 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Charset, Concept) |
Intel Outside #5 by Sanity | ... | 1999 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Original Supply, Charset, Concept) |
Intel Outside #4 by Sanity | ... | 1999 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Original Supply, Charset, Concept) |
Beauties Interlaced by Sanity | ... | 1999 Graphics Collection | (Graphics, Idea, Text, Import, Original Supply, Linking, Concept) |
Intel Outside #3 by Sanity | ... | 1999 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Original Supply, Charset, Concept) |
Mixed Pickles Interlaced by Sanity | ... | 1999 Graphics Collection | (Graphics, Idea, Text, Import, Original Supply, Linking, Concept) |
Sailormoon Interlaced II by Sanity | ... | 1999 Graphics Collection | (Graphics, Design, Text, Import, Original Supply, Linking, Concept) |
Computer's Hell Interlaced by Sanity | ... | 1999 Graphics Collection | (Graphics, Idea, Text, Import, Original Supply, Linking, Concept) |
Sailormoon Interlaced by Sanity | ... | 1999 Graphics Collection | (Graphics, Design, Text, Linking) |
Computer's Hell '99 - das Adventure by Braindeath, Punica | ... | 1999 Game | (Storyboard) |
Xenoglossy #2 by Banshee | ... | 1999 Diskmag | (Text) |
Intel Outside #2 by Sanity | ... | 1999 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Original Supply, Charset, Concept) |
Earworms #2 by Civitas | ... | 1999 Music Collection | (Test) |
Xenoglossy #1 by Banshee | ... | 1999 Diskmag | (Text) |
Men Only #12 by Mayhem, Sanity | ... | 1999 Graphics Collection | (Linking) |
Intel Outside #1 by Sanity | ... | 1998 Diskmag | (Idea, Text, Original Supply, Charset, Concept) |
Publication #30 by Civitas | ... | 1998 Diskmag | (Text) |
Publication #29 by Civitas | ... | 1998 Diskmag | (Text) |
Toolish World by Civitas | ... | 1998 Tool Collection | (Code) |
Tiger-Disk #53 by Tiger-Crew | ... | 1998 Diskmag | (Text) |
Tiger-Disk #51 by Tiger-Crew | ... | 1998 Diskmag | (Text) |
Voodoomania by Civitas | ... | 1998 Music Collection | (Design, Idea, Text, Import, Ripping, Test) |
Odylitoolz V2 by Tiger-Crew | ... | 1997 Tool Collection | (Code) |
The Rip-Disk V by Braindeath | ... | 1997 Music Collection | (Design, Idea, Text, Charset, Ripping, Test) |
Bioblech #1 by KRG | ... | 1997 Diskmag | (Text) |
Bioblech #2 by KRG | ... | 1997 Diskmag | (Text) |
Attended : Computer's Hell 1999
User ratings : As Author: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Coder: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Cover Designer: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Diskmag Editor: | awaiting 8 votes (7 left) See votestatistics | As Graphician: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Importer: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Organizer: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Papermag Editor: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Swapper: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) | As Webmaster: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) |
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