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Tyree    (1 November 1991 - 1 December 1993)

Currently member of :
Arcade (18/9-2021 -> )
Ex member of :
Arcade (11-1991 -> 8-1993), Bloods, Digitech ( -> 12-1990), Genesis Project (6-1993 -> 6-1993) [web], Legend, Success (9-1991 -> 11-1991) [web], The Austrian Union (1988 -> 1988), Trinity (1/9-1991 -> 1/9-1991), X-Ray (1-1988 -> 1-1990)
Functions :
Cracker, Modem Trader, Net Trader, Organizer, Original Supplier, Papermag Editor, Phreaker
Founder of :
Arcade, Trinity

Handle alternative spelling :
Tyree Cooper

Handlestory :
Zapp is an earlier handle of Tyree.
Frontpage #15 mentions that he changed handle to Fast Eddie.

Trivia :
He denies to have been a member of Bloods, but an interview in The Bloody Scene #01 mentions otherwise. He has advised this was printed only for fun. Nothing more.

Chris started 1987 his activities together with Tom in THE AUSTRIAN UNION 1881. A good year later Chris and Tom left TAU to go their own ways. Tyree started his activities in X-Ray ( 88/90 ) as Original Supplier, because his friend Thomas ( The Arrogance ) asked him after being for a long time in X-Ray to join Trinity first and afterwards the rebirth of Success. So he did! Tom instead joined 1988 the forces of several famous groups, like THE NEW EDITION and became a well known cracker.

After rebuilding Success with a GOOD Dutch Section, Chris wasn't in that long, due the intention, to build something alone. For nearly a month ( in the end! ) he left Arcade due some problems with most of the "lazy" members and joined Illusion. 2 month before Arcade died, he got a G*P member, too. Oliver never ever forgot the day, when Arcade kicked G*P from MYSTIC CAVERN and became Arcade WHQ within one night with Debbie, The Sorceress, as Sysop. Therefore they got blamed from the whole Scene.
So both never ever became "real" friends in any way at all... So Chris decided to leave G*P immediately, noticing that it has been his biggest mistake on the 8-bit-machine ever. He quit the 64-Scene at the same time like Thomas ( The Arrogance ) did - end of 1993 because of starting his job at the Insurance Allianz.

Chris has been the founder of Trinity, too, together with The Arrogance ( 09/91 until 09/91 ) (besides Arcade, 11/91-08/93) after leaving the new rebuilt Success ( 09/91-11/91 ) and kicked at once 3 people for doing nothing at all in Arcade: Lazyness aka OlliBolli within the first week ( what for a bigmouth! ) and Maniac and Sting for re - cracking a game ( TDS Prv. ) 3 or 4 months later - after releasing Empius ( wasn't fixable for the Canadians; l8ter on Arcade 1st-released the PAL/NTSC-Version ) at the G*P - Party ( 04/92, Neubrück ); Radar joined ARC after Victims has been split up, being alone for a while, and organized within a few days HIC. Mystic Cavern became G*P WHQ again. Before Trinity was born, Chris has been in X-Ray & Success and released under those groups Name a Paper magazine called "ZEROPAGE".

Other handles used by this scener :(Display all info for all handles)

Country :

Organizer of :
Success & Dominators Party 1991

User on BBS :
Spankerz Heaven

Credits :
DownloadGalaxian DX +1D by Arcade ...  2021 Crack  (Trainer, Linking, Bug-Fix, Docs)
DownloadSpace Panic +3 by Arcade ...  2021 Crack  (Trainer, Linking)
DownloadGalaga V1.03 + by Arcade ...  2021 Crack  (Trainer, Linking, Bug-Fix)
DownloadGalaga V1.03 + by Arcade ...  2021 Crack  (Trainer, Linking, Bug-Fix)
DownloadArcade Intro 2021 by Arcade ...  2021 Crack Intro  (Idea)
DownloadInternational Sports Challenge +F by Arcade, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadInternational Sports Challenge by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadRock Paper Shear +1F by Arcade, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadHagar the Horrible +8 by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadEnforcer +4 by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadMunch + by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadMoons +3 by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadDemon Blues +1F by Arcade, The Shaolin Monastery ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply)
DownloadPharaoh's Revenge +2 by Arcade, The Shaolin Monastery ...  1992 Crack  (Trainer, Original Supply, Linking)
Download12 O'Clock +1F by Arcade, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
DownloadLocomotion +3PF by Arcade, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadTetrados + by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadBlue Baron +2 by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply)
DownloadFrankenstein +3 by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply)
DownloadGraeme Souness Soccer Manager by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
DownloadTetrados + by Arcade, Nebula ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadCruel Zone +3F by Arcade, Deadline, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadTranslogic +2 by Arcade, Deadline, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadTranslogic +2 by Arcade, Deadline, Empire, Italian Cracking Service ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
Robocop 3 +2 by Arcade, Deadline, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadGeo Matrix +2F by Arcade, Deadline, Empire, Fists of Fury ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadGeo Matrix +2F by Arcade, Deadline, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadGeo Matrix +2 by Arcade, Deadline ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadTank Division +4F by Arcade, Deadline, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
DownloadNo Deeper Meaning +2F by Arcade, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadEmpius +F by Arcade, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadGauntlet III +1F by Arcade, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadThe Bod Squad Preview +2 by Illusion ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply, Linking)
DownloadLemmings Preview by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadQuadrant +2F by Arcade, Empire ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadLittle Hero Preview by Arcade, Deadline ...  1992 Crack  (Linking)
DownloadNobby the Aardvark Preview +3 by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Original Supply)
DownloadBattle Bars + by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadJames Pond 2: Codename Robocod +3 by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer, Original Supply)
DownloadMemorix +3 by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadTank Division +4F by Arcade, Deadline, Empire, Yela ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
Download12 O'Clock +1F by Arcade, Empire, Triangle ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
DownloadSmash Out + by Arcade ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadTank Division +4F by Arcade, Deadline, Empire, Feco ...  1992 Crack  (Crack, Original Supply)
DownloadBild Zeitung #6 by Bild Zeitung Staff, X-Ray ...  1991 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadThe Bloody Scene #01 by Bloods ...  1991 Diskmag  (Interviewed)
DownloadSuccess and Dominators Christmas-Party by Success, The Dominators ...  1991 Invitation  (Text)
DownloadNew Group by Radius ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Text)
DownloadBattle Bars + by Arcade, Feco ...  ???? Crack  (Crack, Trainer)

Attended :
Arcade Copy-Party 1992
NATO + Steel Party 1992
Genesis Project Copy Party 1992
Success & Dominators Party 1991
Silicon Limited Summer Party 1991
Venlo Meeting June 1990
Venlo Meeting June 1989
Venlo Meeting February 1988

User ratings :  
As Cracker:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Modem Trader:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Net Trader:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Organizer:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Original Supplier:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Papermag Editor:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Phreaker:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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