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Ex member of :
Cheyens, Daniax, The Walking Heads 6664
Functions :
Coder, Graphician
Founder of :
Daniax, Cheyens

Trivia :
Jacob Andersen was in daniax from 1989 - 1992 where he went on to the amiga scene. on the amiga scene he was making graphics for groups like kefrens , silents , anarchy & lemon under the alias' slash & jade. around 1993 he and 3-4 other sceeners went to the usa where jacob made graphics for the sega consol in a firm called scavanger inc. around 1996-97 scavanger inc. filed bankruptsy and jacob & 3-4 others went back to denmark where they started a softwarefirm called IO Interactive. they produced the hit series Hitman & freedomfigters and sold their firm for 256 million danish smackers in 2002 to Eidos. he now lives in cypres along with 4 of the other founders of IO Interactive..........

signed platoon

Country :

Credits :
DownloadPower the Demo by Daniax ...  1991 One-File Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadDaniaction Part 3 by Daniax ...  1991 Demo  (Graphics, Charset)
DownloadDaniaction II by Daniax ...  1991 Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadRanx #01 by Daniax ...  1991 Charts  (Graphics)
DownloadDemo Bemo 2 by Atrix ...  1990 Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadPiece of Dope by Daniax ...  1990 Demo  (Code, Graphics, Idea, Text, Charset)
DownloadAcid Stinks by Daniax ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Idea, Text, Charset)
DownloadDaniaction 1 by Daniax ...  1990 Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text)
DownloadParty Time by Daniax ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text)
DownloadTrash by Daniax ...  1990 Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadPiece of Art 3 by Demotion ...  1989 Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadKeep Busting by Daniax ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Graphics, Charset)
DownloadMega-Disc V2.0 by The Walking Heads 6664 ...  1989 Tool Collection  (Code, Linking)
DownloadIce Demo by Cheyens ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Code, Text)
DownloadIron Maiden Demo by The Walking Heads 6664 ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics)
DownloadPool of Radiance by The Walking Heads 6664 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)

Attended :
Daniax 1990
Dexter/Sunshine Party
Dominators/Upfront/Trilogy Party 1989

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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