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Made in (P)Russia MiG-19 Mix [2014] |
Made In Russia 1K 2014
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C64 Music Competition at X'2014 : #27
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Trivia Info Submitted by TheRyk on 15 November 2014
Just noticed that this old Roland Hermans player version I used miscalculates file size/range which is $1000-$13ff so real size _IS_ 1024 bytes _not_ 1025, otherwise the fail would have been really strong with 1K in title. :) | Trivia Info Submitted by TheRyk on 4 November 2014
An experiment by a coder messing around with goat tracker to produce a 1K cover of a 16K soundmonitor tune
Made in Russia
So this is not really meant to be a cover of the CCCP pop song from the 80s but a cover of the C64 version which I found on one of my warez disk in this production:
The Ce-BIT Demo
Wanted a 1K tune for another release anyway, so I tried to do this one, cause it's not that hard to figure out the few notes and create 2 or 3 instruments for it.
Releasing this at X was a little... let's say bold. But I was a little frustrated that none of my groups managed to finish a demo release and so I thought... why not. Initially I was declaring "not getting last place" as target. But being no musician but a great SID gourmet I must admit anything but last place would have been a scandal. So this was released because someone must be last :) |
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