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Fjälldata 2023

Fjälldata 2023

- abnorm konstform i snöstorm

Event Type :
Demo Party


Dates :
10 - 12 February 2023

Place :
Republiken Jämtland

Organizers :
Norrland, redcrab, Twoflower

Organizer Groups :
Genesis Project, Triad

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1JustinBlue by GraffityDownload9.49.8
2In Nebula by Atlantis, Pretzel LogicDownload9.3
3Party Elk by Booze DesignDownload
4My Song for you by Finnish GoldDownload9.3
6Bachtracking by TriadDownload
8WAQ ReturnsDownload

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Hi-Reshojning by Qdor/FegolhuzzDownload
2Misfortunes by StinsenDownload9.59.8
3Chasing Dreams by JLDDownload9.6
4Floppy Dog by ArchmageDownload
5Memories & Remedies by PolynomyDownload9.910.0
6The Night is Always Too Short by TridentDownload
7Inhale and Decay in Pain by Xiny6581Download
8Perpetual Fragility by LftDownload
9The Alibis Excuse by DeMOSicDownload
10Movement by ProtonDownload
11Too Little Too Much by acrouzetDownload
13Sydän ja Veri [2sid] by MoraffDownload

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Det finns ingen kärlek kvar i världen! by RazorbackDownload9.89.8
3Teddy Krueger by The SargeDownload9.710.0
4How to Skin a Cat by FacetDownload9.59.8
5Exercise in Futility II by FrostDownload9.4
6When You Gonna Learn by HammerfistDownload9.6
7Minuit Rouge by FabsDownload9.2
8Yellow Yolla by ZoreDownload8.8
9Trantor by FabsDownload9.0
10Club Ascension by 4gentEDownload7.9
11Marie-Odile by NoriDownload
12My WifeDownload

WiLD Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Frostdrake by Genesis Project, VisionDownload9.59.9
2Stretching It! by TriadDownload
3Red Rogue by ZoreDownload
4Anime Girl by ExcessDownload

Mixed Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Hermit by Genesis ProjectDownload9.910.0
2Floppy Dog by ArchmageDownload9.5
3Bullseye by Pretzel LogicDownload9.8
4Fjällstugan by AtlantisDownload9.69.9
5Revenger by TriadDownload9.2
6T-Rex by Hokuto ForceDownload8.4
7Hokuto Truck by Hokuto ForceDownload8.1
8The Last Kiss by Hokuto ForceDownload8.1
9Penguin Love by BlazonDownload
10Night Express by ExcessDownload
11Good Night my Knight by LogikerDownload
12Elven Maid by WilDownload
13Stiga Racer by TrazanDownload
14Tunnelblick by LogikerDownload

Mixed Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Shantae's Burning Town by SHAPEDownload
2Martin Ljungs Pung by TriadDownload
3Vi drar till fjallen by FairlightDownload
4Mera Brännvin by MegastyleDownload
5Umbapp by DinasoursDownload
6Carma - Das Omen Teil Zwo by Hokuto ForceDownload
7Lotus by ExcessDownload
8Das Omen Teil Eins by Hokuto ForceDownload

Mixed Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Selbuvotter Latitudes by FossilDownload9.4
2Polarcirkeln by OffenceDownload9.3
3Snowy Night by FairlightDownload9.3
4North of the Wall by Genesis ProjectDownload9.7
5Perpetual Fragility by LftDownload
7Partly Snowy by Booze DesignDownload
8Snowstormscii by JudasDownload
9Let It Visnow by VisionDownload9.3
10Stardust by Second DimensionDownload
11Snow in my by DinasoursDownload
127 Byte Stormy Night by LftDownload
13Snowurst by DinasoursDownload

Productions released outside compos :
As Crimson by Triad (Graphics)
Machine EP by Triad (Music Collection)
Royal Editor by Triad (Tool)
Slowbrother by Triad (Graphics)
SUXX-Editor 5.0+ by Triad (Tool)

Attendants : (26)
Archmage, Bacchus, Dane, Frost, HCL, JackAsser, KMS, Knut M. Clausen, Lft, Mahoney, Norrland, papademos, Pernod, Perplex, Prowler, Qdor, Razorback, redcrab, Riddler, Ruk, SkY, Stinsen, Stone, Trasher, Trident, Twoflower

User Comment
Submitted by KMS on 18 February 2023
Great and very cozy party! Thanks to the orgaz and the friendly people who attended !

User Comment
Submitted by HCL on 16 February 2023
Perhaps the most cozy party of them all.. This is such a great happening and i'm so happy i was able to attend this year! Big thanx to the orgaz and all the nice people there!

User Comment
Submitted by Archmage on 16 February 2023
Awesome party as always! Great people, great location and great organizing!

User Comment
Submitted by JLD on 13 February 2023
Superfun party! even remote! Had a blast, thank you so much. Hope to visit next time!

User Comment
Submitted by redcrab on 13 February 2023
This years Fjälldata really was a blast!
Thank you so much all participants both on site and remote <3
We hope you are as pleased as we are. See you next time!
//2f, nld & rc

User Comment
Submitted by lft on 12 February 2023
Thanks for a great party!
The program for generating the results file doesn't detect ties. I wrote it at 2 am and it slipped my mind. Sorry! =) So e.g. in the snowstorm compo, Perpetual Fragility and Snow Day share a 5th place.

User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 12 February 2023
What an odd konkydink: Just the other day I came out of work, seeing snowflakes fall, and I remembered Abyss' really nice snow routine in The Punchuin that Bartman showed off on the last SCSM meeting (and also the snowflakes in the Avantgarde intro) and I thought to myself how there should be a CSDb compo for the best snow effect. I never talked to anyone about this, but lo and behold, here's exactly that compo on Fjälldata!

User Comment
Submitted by katon on 12 February 2023
The incredible amount and quality of the productions released is something wonderful.

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 12 February 2023
fixed it for the time being by putting the 3 col gfx entries into "WiLD Demo", we know gfx ain't demo but as a workaround it should do, better than putting entries from different compos into same category

User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 12 February 2023
As it is now PETSCII and 3col gfx are mixed in the csdb results. Time to add PETSCII as a separate entity for compos.

User Comment
Submitted by redcrab on 12 February 2023
## Results for Fjälldata 2023

1. (c.0c) Hi-reshöjning - Qdor & Fegolhuzz / Fairlight - 3:23 (8580)
2. (a.ea) Misfortunes - Stinsen / Genesis Project - 4:00 (8580)
3. (9.b5) Chasing Dreams - JLD / Finnish Gold - 3:57 (8580)
4. (9.2f) Floppy Dog - Archmage - 2:26 (8580)
5. (8.f5) Memories & Remedies - Polynomy - 2:34 (8580)
6. (8.ea) The Night is always too short - Trident / Failright - 1:00 (8580)
7. (8.d3) Inhale and Decay in Pain - Xiny6581- 3:40 (8580)
8. (8.a7) Perpetual Fragility - LFT - 3:35 (8580)
9. (7.b2) The Alibis Excuse - DeMOSic - 1:32 (8580)
10. (7.7a) Movement - Proton / Finnish Gold - 2:42 (8580)
11. (7.4e) Too Little Too Much - Acrouzet / Genesis Project - 3:45 (8580)
12. (6.75) Jungski 2.0 - XSM / Up rough - 0:00 (Amiga mod)
13. (6.75) Sydän Ja Veri - moraff / Gorbat soft - 3:10 (2 x 8580)

1. (d.00) Shantae - GRG / Shape - 1:01 (8580)
2. (a.17) Martin Ljungs Pung - TDM /Triad - 0:51 (8580)
3. (9.a3) Vi drar till Fjällen - Fegolhuzz / Fairlight - 1:15 (8580)
4. (9.74) Mera Brännvin - Rotteroy / Megastyle 1:44 (8580)
5. (9.46) Umbapp - Skyffel / Dinasours 3:46 (8580)
6. (6.af) Das Omen teil zwo - Manganoid 2:43 (8580)
7. (6.69) Lotus - Slaxx / Excess - 1:27 (8580)
8. (6.2f) Das Omen teil eins - Manganoid 2:38 (8580)

1. (d.55) Hermit - redcrab / Genesis Project (petscii + borders)
2. (b.5a) Floppy Dog - Archmage (petscii)
3. (a.f3) Bullseye - Mikael / Pretzel Logic (petscii)
4. (a.9e) Fjällstugan - Honcho / Atlantis (petscii)
5. (9.6e) Revenger - Skyhawk / Triad (petscii)
6. (7.36) T-Rex - Kody / Hokuto Force (petscii)
7. (7.0c) Hokuto Truck - Kody / Hokuto Force (petscii)
8. (6.c0) The Last Kiss - Kody / Hokuto Force (petscii)
9. (6.0c) Penguin Love - Freeze / Blazon (petscii)
10. (5.18) Night Express - Slaxx / Excess (petscii)
11. (4.cd) Good night my knight - Logiker (petscii)
12. (4.bd) Elven Maid - Wil / VCC (petscii)
13. (4.73) StigaRacer - Trazan (petscii)
14. (2.80) Tunnelblick - Logiker (petscii)

# grafik 3col
1. (c.8d) Frostdrake - Mermaid / Genesis Project (256 chars)
2. (b.5a) Stretched it! - Twoflower / Triad (237 chars)
3. (9.39) Red Rouge - Zore (chars)
4. (8.4d) Anime Girl - Slaxx / Excess (251 chars)

1. (d.5d) Det finns ingen kärlek kvar i världen! - Razorback / GP (multicolour)
2. (d.0c) Jalapeno - The Sarge / Fairlight (vic20)
3. (c.af) Teddy Krueger - The Sarge / Fairlight (multicolour + borders)
4. (c.00) How to Skin a Cat - Facet / Genesis Project (multicolour)
5. (b.f4) Exercise in Futility II - Frost / Triad (multicolour)
6. (a.92) When You Gonna Learn - Hammerfist / Desire (multicolor +rasters + borders)
7. (9.0c) Minuit Rouge - Fabs (hires)
8. (8.a3) Yellow Yolla - Zore (multicolour)
9. (8.18) Trantor - Fabs (multicolor + sprites)
10. (6.a6) Club Ascension - 4gentE / Triad (multicolour)
11. (6.55) Marie Odile - Nori (multicolour)
12. (4.bd) My Wife - LA style / Excess (multicolour)

1. (d.c6) Selbuvotter Latitudes - Fossil (c64)
2. (c.0c) Polarcirkeln - Offence (c64)
3. (b.0c) Snowy Night - Fairlight (c64)
4. (b.00) North of the Wall - Mermaid & Shadow / Genesis Project (c64)
5. (a.a3) Perpetual Fragility - LFT (c64)
6. (a.a3) Snow Day - Mermaid & Shadow / Genesis Project (atari2600)
7. (9.5d) Partly Snowy - Moose Design (c64)
8. (8.4d) Snowstormscii - Jucke (c64)
9. (8.49) Let it Visnow - Hein / Vision (c64)
10. (7.c0) Stardust - Second Dimension (c64)
11. (7.00) Snow in my - Dinasours (c64)
12. (6.bd) 7 byte stormy Night - LFT (c64)
13. (3.46) Snowurst - Dinasours (c64)

1. (c.c6) JustinBlue 99% - Graffity (c64)
2. (9.97) In Nebula - Pretzel Logic & Atlantis (c64)
3. (9.23) Party Elk - Moose Design (c64)
4. (8.f4) My song for You - Finnish Gold (c64)
5. (8.e6) Dankollection - Danko (amiga)
6. (7.e9) Bachtracking - Triad (c64)
7. (6.f4) Paug - Grip (amiga)
8. (6.5d) WAQ Returns - Sledge /Fairlight (c64)
9. (5.7a) Fleisch 6 - Up Rough (amiga)

User Comment
Submitted by redcrab on 7 February 2023
Compos will begin at 21:00 local time (not 21:30 as stated before) and starts with music, then gfx and last demos.

Tune in at

User Comment
Submitted by redcrab on 20 January 2023
Clarification nr2:
Questions have emerged regarding the snowstorm compo. There’s no rule against “making a demo” of the snow effect. Please do. We won’t judge if your demo belongs to the snow effect compo, or in the regular demo compo. This is supposed to spark creativity - not constrain it, and in the end I hope this will be fun regardless of labels!

(We do have a plan for how upcoming special compos will be less confusing but now we have to stick to what’s said from start)

User Comment
Submitted by Zore on 10 January 2023
That really sounds like a great party. Thanks for accepting and encouraging remote entries. I'd love to get a contribution done till then!

User Comment
Submitted by redcrab on 8 December 2022
Just to clarify:
2sids will be mono-mixed

User Comment
Submitted by Gordian on 10 September 2022
Best snowfall effect what I've ever seen is that one from Creatures 2.

User Comment
Submitted by redcrab on 9 September 2022
Small demo party in the northern part of Sweden with main focus on c64. The compos will start at Saturday 21:30 local time and most of the party will be streamed at scenesat and https://www.twitch.tv/fjalldata



Specify 8580 or 6581 and song length. 2sid's are also welcome and will be run as 2x 8580 $d420

Specify 8580 or 6581, song length and original. 2sid's are also welcome and will be run as 2x 8580 $d420

All formats ok. 1 still frame. Specify format.

One still image that use no more than 256 unique chars.
Maximum 3 colors plus background.
Provide the image as an executable file, either in actual multicolor charmode, or as a bitmap (proven convertible to these restrictions).

Should be runnable on a stock c64 +u1541 PAL. Ask us beforehand if you have special requirements.

Code the best snowfall effect a'la starfield (or in basically any fashion) that looks like a lot of snowflakes or dots. The effect can be integrated in a setting with more graphics, music etc.

The effect can even be integrated in a bigger demo *which is much enouraged* and then compete in both compos. In that case the effect must be provided as a standalone part too for this compo.


We don't have a runtime limit for music or demos, but we might take action if the crowd yells "space" during very lengthy contributions :)

There will be nice prizes in all compos, and we do send them out to remote winners too.

Send your contributions to fjalldata@gmail.com before 1700 UTC 2023-02-11 (1800 local time) and if you don't get a responding message in reasonable time please contact redcrab or Norrland via Facebook Messenger or PM at csdb to make sure we got it.
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