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BCC Party #18

- Extra Terrestrial

Event Types :
Demo Party, 8 bit Party


Dates :
23 - 25 February 2024

Place :
Rungestraße 20
10179 Berlin

Website :

Organizers :
Brainstorm, Charlie, hoeppie, TheRyk, Thunder.Bird

Organizer Groups :
C64 Club Berlin

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Summer Is Coming by Samar ProductionsDownload9.7
 Coop #05 by Low Spirit, NordischsoundDownload
3Mau#40 by LethargyDownload
4Perigeum by MoonShineDownload
 Aldi Oldi by LogikerDownload
6Bouncing Rasterlights by Hokuto ForceDownload
7Capitan Futuro by Hokuto ForceDownload
8Aua mein Ryken by HotstuffazDownload

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Sajnálom Az Elefántokat, Mert Nem Tudnak Piszkálni Az Orrukban by dalezyDownload9.5
2To Absent Friends by ToggleDownload9.7
3Black Lipstick by MibriDownload9.910.0
4Went Under The Schmalzers by Spider JerusalemDownload9.5
5Rapid CatFire by ProtonDownload
 ASIIIIIIIID by SidmanDownload
7BCC2024SYS4000 by SonkiDownload
8Robotic by TechnotronDownload
9Imminent Disaster by TechnotronDownload

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Fish by OniDownload9.4
2Rain by GrassDownload9.2
3E$G and the QUANTUM car by SlaxxDownload9.3
4Forest Druid by CrayonDownload9.0
5Appetite for Some Pixels by PixelnachoDownload9.4
6Tribute to Giana Sisters by FirelordDownload8.8
7Q Fire by SlaxxDownload7.9
8Alienz by SplixxDownload

WiLD Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Offline Player V1.37 by Hokuto ForceDownload
2Blastermania 4.1 by CODE7, International Cracking CompanyDownload
3Pong Music Demo by Mr SQLDownload

Mixed Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Full Ack! by Mayday!Download8.4
2(A head of) Monkey Island by LogikerDownload9.39.9
3MorboSez by Mayday!Download
4Arcade Venus by SkleptoidDownload9.8
5Fallout 64 by Hokuto ForceDownload9.0
 Lino Banscii by Hokuto ForceDownload
7Lapins de mer amoureux by DentifriceDownload

Mixed Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Blasphemous Rumours by Pretzel LogicDownload9.8
2Was Sommer Trinken? by Mayday!Download
3Like Ice in the Sunshine by Hokuto ForceDownload
 Karma Chameleon by Finnish GoldDownload
5Come What May(day) by Mayday!Download
6Gerryk the Germ by Mayday!Download
7Capitan Futuro by Hokuto ForceDownload

Productions released outside compos :
Joystick Reanimator v1.2 by Mayday! (Hardware)

Attendants : (21)
Brainstorm, dalezy, Don Kichote, ElfKaa, GI-Joe, helmutx, hepterida, hoeppie, KBS, Krill, Luisa, Merlin, Ninja, Oni, Prof. Pi^2, Remdy, Shay CPC, Technotron, TheRyk, Thunder.Bird, Toxic

Releases containing information on this event :
BCC#18 Date Saver  Invitation mainly announcing Time and Place
Digital Talk #115 [german]  Party Report by kbs of Lxt^Pht

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 26 February 2024
here's the official results exported from wuhu:
#  ____   _____ _____   _____           _             _  _  __  ___
# |  _ \ / ____/ ____| |  __ \         | |          _| || |/_ |/ _ \
# | |_) | |   | |      | |__) __ _ _ __| |_ _   _  |_  __  _| | (_) |
# |  _ <| |   | |      |  ___/ _` | '__| __| | | |  _| || |_| |> _ <
# | |_) | |___| |____  | |  | (_| | |  | |_| |_| | |_  __  _| | (_) |
# |____/ \_____\_____| |_|   \__,_|_|   \__|\__, |   |_||_| |_|\___/
# ========================================== __/ | ==================
# E X T R A  T E R R E S T I A L            |___/     23-25. 02. 2024


1. #01 101 pts Blasphemous Rumours - The Syndrom
2. #04 98 pts Was Sommer Trinken? - Spider Jerusalem
3. #02 94 pts Like Ice In The Sunshine - Nordischsound
#07 94 pts Karma Chameleon - Proton/Finnish Gold
5. #05 85 pts Come_What_May(day) - GI-Joe
6. #06 83 pts GerRyk the Germ - TheRyk/Mayday!
7. #03 73 pts Capitan Futuro - Manganoid / Hokuto Force


1. #07 103 pts Full Ack! - TheRyk/Mayday!
2. #03 98 pts (A head of) Monkey Island - Logiker
3. #06 92 pts MorboSez - TheRyk/Mayday!
4. #05 87 pts Arcade Venus - Skleptoid
5. #01 81 pts Lino-Banscii - Snake Petsken / Hokuto Force
#04 81 pts Fallout 64 - Snake Petsken / Hokuto Force
7. #02 57 pts Lapins de mer amoureux - Brittle / Dentifrice


1. #02 72 pts Offline Player - BYB / HOKUTO FORCE
2. #01 63 pts BlasterMania 4.1 - TOXIC/ICC
3. #03 48 pts Pong Music Demo - Mr SQL


1. #06 79 pts Sajnálom Az Elefántokat, Mert Nem Tudnak
Piszkálni Az Orrukban - dalezy/Triad
2. #07 78 pts To Absent Friends - Toggle/Padua
3. #04 72 pts Black Lipstick - Mibri / Atlantis ^ MultiStyle
4. #05 63 pts Went Under The Schmalzers - Spider Jerusalem
5. #03 62 pts ASIIIIIIIID - Sidman / Hokuto Force
#08 62 pts Rapid CatFire - Proton/Finnish Gold
7. #09 53 pts BCC24SYS4000 - Sonki/C64 Club Berlin
8. #01 45 pts Robotic - Technotron
9. #02 43 pts Imminent Disaster - Technotron


1. #08 104 pts Fish - Oni
2. #05 98 pts Rain - Grass / Hokuto Force & Lethargy -
additional code TCE / Hokuto Force
3. #07 93 pts E$G and the QUANTUM car - Slaxx
4. #06 90 pts Forest Druid - Crayon / Hokuto Force
5. #02 89 pts Appetite for some Pixels - Pixelnacho / Hokuto
6. #03 75 pts Tribute to Giana Sisters - Firelord/Excess
7. #01 66 pts Q Fire - Slaxx
8. #04 60 pts Alienz - Splixx / Hokuto Force


1. #04 75 pts coop #05 - Nordischsound and Low Spirit
#08 75 pts Summer Is Coming - Samar
3. #05 73 pts Mau#40 - Lethargy
4. #02 67 pts Aldi Oldi - Logiker
#07 67 pts Perigeum - MoonShine
6. #03 61 pts Bouncing Rasterlights - Hokuto Force (code:
mpsoft, music: et1999cc)
7. #01 57 pts Capitan Futuro - Kimono
8. #06 56 pts Aua mein Ryken - Hotstuffers


29 votes were cast by 43 registered voters.

Made possible by Wuhu - http://wuhu.function.hu
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