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Founded in : 1992
Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group
Base Country :
Trivia :
According to Vandalism News #6, in the first few days this group existed, it was called Optima.
Ex Members :
Arrid | (1992 -> 1993) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Swapper |
Avtek | | .... | Cracker |
Blitzwing | | .... | (unknown function) |
Bullet | | .... | Swapper |
Carl | | .... | Musician, Swapper |
Chase | (1992 -> ) | .... | Coder |
Cheetah | | .... | Graphician |
Decoy | | .... | Graphician, Swapper |
Deluxe | | .... | Coder, Graphician |
Discman | | .... | Coder, Graphician |
DNA | | .... | Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper |
Dr. Fate | | .... | (unknown function) |
Druid | | .... | Coder, Cracker, Logo Graphician, Swapper |
Fade | (4-1992 -> 1995) | .... | Coder, Cover Designer, Cracker, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Modem Trader, Musician, Organizer, Phreaker, Swapper, Sysop |
Gladiator | (1992 -> ) | .... | Co-Organizer, Diskmag Editor, Swapper |
Hurricane | | .... | Coder |
Info Freako | (1-1993 -> 5-1993) | .... | Coder |
Jessie | | .... | Cracker |
Martyr | | .... | (unknown function) |
Master | | .... | Importer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Maverick | | .... | Cracker, Importer, Logo Graphician, Swapper |
Messiah | | .... | Coder, Cracker, Musician, Swapper |
Molebrain | (1/1-1992 -> ) | .... | Fullscreen Graphician |
Moonstruck | | .... | Swapper |
Night Hawk | | .... | Graphician, Swapper |
Night Wanderer | | .... | (unknown function) |
Orb | | .... | Coder, Graphician, Swapper |
Perish | | .... | Co-Organizer, Coder, Organizer, Swapper |
Quazar | | .... | Graphician, Swapper |
Racer X | | .... | Musician |
Shockwave | | .... | Coder, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Organizer, Swapper |
Sir Lancelot | | .... | Coder |
Slartibartfast | | .... | Coder, Logo Graphician, Organizer, Swapper, Webmaster |
Strobe | | .... | Coder, Swapper |
The Big Hacker | | .... | Coder, Graphician, Swapper |
The Blackadder | | .... | Coder |
The Rocky Kid | | .... | Graphician, Organizer, Swapper |
Thrain | | .... | Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Tranquility | | .... | Graphician |
Turbo | | .... | Swapper |
Tyrant | | .... | Swapper |
Witty | | .... | Co-Organizer, Coder, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Musician, Organizer, Papermag Editor, Swapper |
Wraith | | .... | Importer, Organizer, Swapper |
BBS's :
Releases : (174)
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