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Trick and Treat   [2012]

Trick and Treat Released by :
Fairlight [web], Offence [web], Prosonix

Release Date :
28 October 2012

Type :
C64 Demo

Nerds of Steel

Released At :

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at X'2012 :  #3

User rating:*********_  9/10 (66 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.4/10 (25 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs
  Killsquad of Accept, Offence
  Kribust of Offence
  Pantaloon of Fairlight
  Perplex of Offence
  Stein Pedersen of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix
  Zaphod of Antimon, Offence
Music .... Groms of Offence
  Kribust of Offence
  OMP of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix
  Stein Pedersen of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix
Graphics .... Kribust of Offence
  Louie64 of CNCD, Fairlight, Insane
  Pal of Fairlight, Offence
Design .... Louie64 of CNCD, Fairlight, Insane
  Pal of Fairlight, Offence
  Pantaloon of Fairlight
Text .... Bjørn Røstøen of Offence, Panoramic Designs
  Pal of Fairlight, Offence
  Stein Pedersen of Offence, Panoramic Designs, Prosonix
Linking .... Pantaloon of Fairlight
Loader .... Krill of Plush
Test .... Lemming of HiRMU, Nostalgia, Offence, Orange, Späggession
Help .... Puterman of Fairlight

SIDs used in this release :
Empire of Norway (TnT edit)(/MUSICIANS/P/Prosonix/Pettersen_Ole_Marius/Empire_of_Norway_TnT_edit.sid)
Luder8580 (short)(/MUSICIANS/G/Groms/Luder8580_short.sid)
The Rascal(/MUSICIANS/P/Prosonix/Pettersen_Ole_Marius/Rascal.sid)
Trick and Treat (tune 11)(/MUSICIANS/K/Kribust/Trick_and_Treat_tune_11.sid)
Trick and Treat (tune 9)(/MUSICIANS/K/Kribust/Trick_and_Treat_tune_9.sid)
Virgin of the Woods(/MUSICIANS/P/Prosonix/Pettersen_Ole_Marius/Virgin_of_the_Woods.sid)
Yoda's Trip(/MUSICIANS/P/Prosonix/Pettersen_Ole_Marius/Yodas_Trip.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 7 September 2018
Some great stuff on this demo. It -does- run quite long, as others have said, but with such great music, particularly at the start of the demo, that's fine.

The graphics and music make the demo for me, backed up by some solid code.
User Comment
Submitted by Saphir on 5 March 2017
Very long and the pace is a bit slow, but still very very enjoyable :D
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 8 June 2015
ehhh... was ment to a respond in goof from groepaz
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 8 June 2015
It is? WOW... how on earth did you find that? If that is the thing I salute the powers within you! And also if there are people having trouble with this, I thank you so much! Why kr? krill? what?
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 20 February 2015
Just watched this demo on a friday eve, it is a gem!
timeless piece of art, and code and music, there is much stuff here that really makes one wonder.
I truly enjoyed this master piece!
User Comment
Submitted by Sith on 21 March 2014
This demo is artprOn. I don't care if it was a bit slow in places, I loved every moment of it. The twisting scrollers, the seemingly never-ending upscroll of gorgeous picture art and of course the end sequence, which was my absolute favorite. Such eerie but magical atmosphere. Top stuff guys!
User Comment
Submitted by dink on 15 August 2013
this is my favorite demo at X'2012, mad props!
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 15 August 2013
Very underestimated demo in my mind! ... and that is not due to pixels included, it is just a great demo... I think of demos of the largest and hardest one can do and in this one really... there cant be done much more timeconsuming work in one demo than in this, can there?... I saw the whole demo again tonight, this is one hell of a demo... when i grow really old i will look at this and say to myself, what the fuck pal, this one was massive in all ways... all did so great in this... ohhhaaaa... we just did over 4,5 hours of visual and audial art in 4 years... 5 hours... i looked at all our demos after we returned... man that is so massive that is just beyond all kaviar on earth!

To my fellow crew members and dearest friends... I truly thank you for the last part in this demo, it really ment so much too me and that i did not know about it was the insanest thing ever... I cried and cried at that demo showing in somren... Burglar smiled at me... lars held my shoulder and to me you made my perfect life and scene moment come true with that... thanx! It has been such a super journey...what a rush!
User Comment
Submitted by null on 15 February 2013
No, I just have a different taste than other people.

Sorry, it just literally made me fall asleep during the compos, and I sure as hell wasn't the only one.

Again, it's quite pretty and put together very well. Just tedious to watch.
User Comment
Submitted by Perplex on 10 February 2013
"...boring as fuck"? Dude, you're doing it wrong.
User Comment
Submitted by null on 6 February 2013
Pretty, but boring as fuck.
User Comment
Submitted by Zaphod on 22 January 2013
Well... Usually I don't involve myself into these discussions.
But it's funny to read your comment yazoo. When you point out that cl fell off the throne after peisel's comment.
What happened to TNT then?
There is no way someone can give this or another production of this format a "2"
That is pure bullshit!!

Anyways. We gotta move on! We have new stuff in the pipeline. And we will certainly do it our way!!

User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 21 January 2013
Nah ulli aint no asshole i can vouch for him.
One of the most loveable guys around.

User Comment
Submitted by OMP on 21 January 2013
@Yazoo: Hiya dude :) NOpe - No drama here… I just stated I always felt Peis was an ass.

@Linus: Hipp! Nope, that statement alone wouldn't make him an ARSE. But he's always been an ass - and that last message was just what made me utter it in public. Luuv! :D
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 18 January 2013
Well... my vote at 9 stands for comalight13 so no change there. And no scene war here...
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 18 January 2013
i agree that ullis words dont sound too nice, but its not bad enough to start a big csdb drama - me thinks. linus may be right - maybe he just used the wrong words to express himself.
to me peisel was always a very nice person. sometimes a bit over the top - but who isnt (including myself)

btw. what i find a bit funny is the fact, that cl13 went down to the 2nd place in the top10 list right after peisel made his comment here :)
you see... the szene never is objective... thats part of the game (i dont cry because of the 2nd place for cl13 btw)...

also i pretty much agree to what veto wrote here.

i have another opinion - and most other szeners have their own opinions about demos.
i think its not a drama when they say what they think how a demo should look like (or not look like) - as that is what this comment-feature is for (i guess).
demos are art... and art never pleases everyone the same way.

i would say: offence go on with what you do. most people like it, and even more important is that you like it yourself. dont let single comments take you down. there is so many positive comments here :)

regarding the demo: i think i gave my honest comment some time ago.

we all need to pay respect to eachother for spending so much time with the breadbox still to create something nice which entertains a drunken partycrowd.
User Comment
Submitted by Medicus on 18 January 2013
It is not possible to please everyone???? Gosh.. that IS news. lol ;)... Relax, Pal!
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 18 January 2013
Linus: When we comment on Peisel from now on we all have to keep in mind that the man run around after the demo competition and shouted out and told all why they should not vote for others because it were all lame and that one should or must vote for them instead, were acting as a wet-turd arse... a Peiselarse... sorry but it is the truth and I told him so there and then... I said, what the fuck, let people vote, do not be like this, you are making an arse out of yourself... He were the worst scener ever - He were the anti-scener!
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 18 January 2013
Every time we do create something on the c64 I feel a situation emerging where we have to defend what we created... there are constantly a lot of people wanting us to make other stuff than what we do make! The c64 scene is so fragile and it is so weird and special, for me it is the urge to make something that I feel is great, something that my fellow group members think is fun to create and to use their time on.

During two years of our return I just sum up some of the feedback here:

1. Do not make a cooperation demo again.
2. Split the demos up because they are lame because they hold too much.
3. loaders sux, make trackmo.
4. loaders were cool, do not make trackmo.
5. Sound is cool but holds too much simular sounds.
6. You should make the tunes more in the sounds of prosonix sound.
7. Best sinus ever.
8. Too much text.
9. Love the text, code and music! The graphics are wonderful.
10. Graphics could be more technical.
11. Music in last part fit so great to that part.
12. Music should have gone over more parts.
13. Cut the crap, cut it down to 4 minutes.
14. A fucking ORGIEEE in gfx.. world is not fair.
15. More unified design.
16. Love the amount of different parts.
17. A part with so long image is too long and booooring, so the idea of making it is silly and not really enjoyable on a machine like c64.
18. No codeporn
19. Best code ever seen if you know how to code.
20. You have wired some images, not good.
21. The 3d created logos are the best ever created on a c64!
22. Should have been more in the demo, it is a bit short.
23. The demo is perfect!
24. Too oldschool.
25. Oldschool demo can be this great? make more...
28. You do it wrong!

I have so many feedbacks I have saved on my disk from pm, mails and comunications and threads, I just quit this list here because the point is the following:

You are never able to please all!!!

And just maybe, just maybe it is cool that we are us and not like you... but maybe we should all do the same? It would be better that way maybe? I do not know... Or I do know... I want us to be us!

So, BOB, Mr.SEX, Mahoney, Bepp, Elm, Hoaxers, Tjelta (list is long), my outside scene friends and all you others that like our demos - I am so happy that you were pleased by our efforts the last two years, and for that I will work hard to be able to please you again.

We released more than 150 parts, effects or mood-setters (as we call them) and released more stuff in music graphics and code in these two years than most other groups have ever released in their whole life span, that is something... and to me... that is to me... WE JUST DID IT - WE DID IT GREAT - WE DID IT OUR WAY - WE JUST DO IT!

PAL of Offence
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 18 January 2013
The graphics. Wow! That offence logo in the large bitmap upscroller is one of the best multicolor images i have seen on this machine.

I like the idea of incorporating different effects to the large upscroller in particular the optical illusion with the lines in the credits section.

The starwars scroller as well as the skull parallax also looked good.

Note: On c64's with the grey dot glitch, there were few parts which show the glitch which could have easily been fixed (in particular the end part with the parallax trees)
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 18 January 2013
Ah c'mon, Ole :) I think Peisel was just trying to express his opinion on the demo - he feels it is too long, that's all. Maybe the words chosen are a bit clumsy, but that hardly makes him an arse, does it? :) Free hugs for everybody! "Love" - PAL

User Comment
Submitted by OMP on 18 January 2013

hear, hear.

"like" - click

User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 18 January 2013
flashback: when i saw another beginning at x2010 my first thought was "finally somebody continues the idea of graphical driven style demos like seal of focalor". and since then there is some controversy, because some people are missing more code pr0n stuff.
same with '2011 - a press space oddyssey'. in case of 'trick and treat' it was more like 'too long', should have been cut. all these demos are pushing the kind of megademo in a direction that i'd call them collections.
seriously i do not see anything wrong with these productions. only thing i see that people are mixing up things like hyping their favorite teams, their opinion of true archievements (speaking of all categories) and forget the most important thing - something pal would sum up with "love": why we all are doing this...
or like a good friend of mine said: why so many talented people are wasting time on antique computers...
tbh i wish the c64 demoscene would stop thinking in standards 'how demos should be designed', 'how demos should be directed', 'how good graphics should look like'... and start celebrating the creativity
User Comment
Submitted by OMP on 18 January 2013
…lesson we have to learn?

LOL - you might have done some decent stuff during your time on here, Peis - but I always felt you were an ass.

- and there's no take-the-edge-off-wink-smiley after that.
User Comment
Submitted by Stone on 17 January 2013
@Peis: I think you're taking this retirement stuff too literally. Grumpiness isn't mandatory, you know :)
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 17 January 2013
i hate to say it, but as much as i loved some of the parts (starwarsscroller is fucking ace!), that endless scroller bored me and i dont feel like watching it again. pity.
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 14 January 2013
This demo should be in top 10..
far to epic to be less..
User Comment
Submitted by Mr. Sex on 6 December 2012
WTF? Best C64 demo ever? Who knows... artistically this is the best ever seen! I love this one!
User Comment
Submitted by psych on 17 November 2012
uffff......I have watched this once again.....what a tremendous amount of work. It is so impressive that each of you have spend so much time to make this beauty. Massive respect!
User Comment
Submitted by Killsquad on 14 November 2012
@JMP$FCE2 Could it be that you turn the disk too early? You have to wait until the "Turn Disk" sprites is on screen.
User Comment
Submitted by JMP$FCE2 on 13 November 2012
This really fine demo do not work realible on real Hardware. I tried @several C64 and 1541, it does not reconize the Diskchange after Disk1.
It does not crash, it´s playing the tune
and waits forever for the diskchange...
Therefore it will not shown @ the next [connected]. What a pity or german speak: Schade Schokolade.
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 12 November 2012
A stunning first part of the demo... the star wars themed part is truely excellent. Music, perfect scroller, jumping Yoda... but then everything changes and despite many of the parts being truly amazing it get's a little too much for me, especially as I can't see any relation between the parts. Why the mish mash? I think if you had separated out this demo into 3 demos - one star wars themed, one never ending story / long gfx themed and one around the fantastic "forest of sin" parts, each of the individual demos would have been true winners.

Personal favourites from the demo:
- all of the star wars parts
- best DYCP ever if you ask me (moves so natural)
- the vectorballs above trailblazer part!
- PAL's brilliant Fairlight-Offence-Prosonix logo in the beginning
- the greetings (thanks!!)
- the Box transitions
- the forest of sin with the squirrel and the awesome flame animations.

Oh and yes, I also request a side selector :)
User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 10 November 2012
i just love that tune during the huge picture scroller. it is like addam's family visiting an amusement park. simply great.
User Comment
Submitted by Monte Carlos on 9 November 2012
Just wanted to ask before i go to the cellar to bring my real 64 up. Anyway, much respect to you guys !
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 8 November 2012
Monte Carlos - I really do not know because I have no such system... Maybe you know some who holds that system and can ask them... We would have told you if we knew... I am no coder but really if we knew we would have told you! Some have changed the discs before the turn disk letters come and disk is ready reading and crash from that!

MagerValp [PM] on 7 November 2012Hmm, the demo works fine with x64sc and a 1571 configured as drive #8 though...

User Comment
Submitted by Monte Carlos on 8 November 2012
Is there any chance to watch the demo on a c128D with internal 1571 disk drive? I have enough 1541 laying around. I'm so curious about the demo.
User Comment
Submitted by Mr Wegi on 8 November 2012
When I 'd read about 4 side disks of demo even don't tried emu. I waited for free time and real units and... That's worth it! Monumental work show the power of PAL. When I watch on real hardware in the dark room that was so surprised :) Thanx pal's for a lot of work and for trackmo this is like movie:)
User Comment
Submitted by MagerValp on 7 November 2012
Hmm, the demo works fine with x64sc and a 1571 configured as drive #8 though...
User Comment
Submitted by ZZAP69 on 7 November 2012
Epic demo. I love it! I don't think you would have got less credit for your work if you had split it in a two sequel series.
User Comment
Submitted by ZZAP69 on 7 November 2012
Arrgh! Please tell me exactly what hardware I should use, or not use, to see the wholde demo. Or atleast what the correct settings in Vice are.

On C64C+1541II the loader crashes when im supposed to insert disc 3.

EDIT: 1541C was better!
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 6 November 2012
I have been looking at this demo a couple of times now... wow...
it has everything...
Code awesome stuff really..
needless to say gfx ;) aaaalot...
Eddie... hmppff... ;)
the Music is just awesome..
Emotion this demo leaves you struck..
alot of heart guys. love the hidden part ;)
the whole scene should be touched by that
love the boing boing, the wood, the twister scroller, starwars scroller, Pantas (c) voxel stuf scrollers/yodas.. all picture movers.. the fab layered horisontal scroller... damn.. yes this is several demos in one.. totally epic..
it fucking moves me ;) gives the whole spectrum of moods.. I am exhausted.. from laughing of humor.. to amazement to almost crying this is a DEEEP DEEEP demo...
it involves emotions.. the more I look at it the more I admire it..

I can now understand the time and effort it took to make... the heart you guys put into this demo.

and I once again must say the graphics... maan I am still speechless..

User Comment
Submitted by Monte Carlos on 6 November 2012
Has anyone experienced problems running this on c128D (metal)?
Starting the demo with Vice works, so my d64 are ok. Now i transferred it the second time to disk and when i start it then from the real machine, the demo hangs directly after run before the first or at the first disk access.
I also tried to change the device number of the internal drive so that i can use an external 1541, which fails. Also, issuing the floppy command u0>m0 to switch the internal 1571 to 1541 emulation (this time without changing the device number) before demo start does not fix the situation.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 6 November 2012
This is just not from this world. More than epic, intergalactic.

Sure, if you wanna criticize anything about this, it may have its lengths which might cost a few percent in such a giant competition. But I can't rate this anything else but 11/10.

Will definetely watch it in some winter nights together with the pre 2012 alltimes demo classics.
User Comment
Submitted by SplAtterpunk on 6 November 2012
3rd disc side rocks! Top class demo. I'll return to it many times for sure.
User Comment
Submitted by lemming on 6 November 2012
The loader is modified from and older version and does not indeed work with a 1571. Use 1541/1541-II.
User Comment
Submitted by raven on 6 November 2012
Did some tests yesterday with several drives & computers.
This demo does not work with 1571 (connected to either C64 or C128) but did work fine with an 1541.
I tried 3 different 1571 drives so its not a coincidence.
User Comment
Submitted by raven on 5 November 2012

Naturally I didn't try to run the demo in 128 mode :)
Tried load"*",8,1 same file is loaded ("00").
This demo uses Krill's loader, which should work on 1571.
I did have problems with other demos using this loader (random crashes) but this one doesn't even start.
I'll try to transfer the D64's again later tonight, although I doubt thats the problem.
User Comment
Submitted by G-Fellow on 5 November 2012
@raven I guess you wrote in C128 Basic the command "GO64" !? If yes, than maybe this demo do not work on the 1571 !?

EDIT: raven, try to write LOAD"*",8,1 on side 1
User Comment
Submitted by raven on 5 November 2012
Anyone got this running on a 128D (or possibly C128+1571) ?

I'm running the "00" file on Side-1, but nothing happens except the drive motor starts spinning (drive LED is off).
Tried with/without cartridge, makes no difference.
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 3 November 2012
Wow! This is a masterpiece in all aspects! Love the Music, love the Pixels and love the Code! Thumbs Up!
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 3 November 2012
Axis - hell yeahhh... we had an epic failure in this once again, but this time we were not all stressed out and in a bad mood, we had a great time on X2012 doing final stuff we had time for... Next X2014 we will have a finished demo... we know what it takes in all ways of demo creating now, even with loading when viewing, something that were rather totally new for us... As said in the woods part: NO PANTA............NO DEMO! So a big round of applause for the swedish coding assassin... PANTALOON - the maggot in the heart of the apple!

To the rest of the gang - We put on a big, big, big show and thanx again for us finding this so cool and that we are the absolutely best of friends... that is what our demos are about... friends making something they think is cool to create. As a bonus we see that a lot of you in the scene love them small babies we keep squeezing out... 170 koalas, 35+ sids, 100+ parts or what the hell the count is now from our return demo Another Beginning two years ago can not be bad at all... lets squeeze some more...

And CRT: Love your comment "A spinning cube should not get all the attention, this should." It is a massive teamwork among great friends this demo...
User Comment
Submitted by Axis/Oxyron on 3 November 2012
What a massive demo. Deepest respect to you guys. That must have been a hell of work.
Pal, you are a pixel animal. Bringing us this unfuckingbelievable amount of finest pixel art in just one demo. Insane!
My highlights were the star wars scroller and the extremely moody credits part.
But there was one thing I was missing at the party. You guys! I remember a promise from Pal on LCP that Offence is going to finish their next demo before the party, so that they can enjoy partying and share a beer and talk with us. I hope this works better next time. Finishing a demo on a party is just wasting the to 2 greatest days of the year.
User Comment
Submitted by CRT on 2 November 2012
My fav of the competition, a bit rough but so much to look at. It was more like 2-3 demos in one..and it was. The amount of gfx alone is a decade of work by others, great code and the forest.. wow. A spinning cube should not get all the attention, this should. Though you stole Eddie, will not forget that ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 2 November 2012
Always crashes at my place on WinVICE 2.2 x64 while the greetings part. :(
Gotta xfer the 4 sides to real hardware.
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 2 November 2012
Massive demo , there was so much hard work invested in this big (4 side !) demo .the demo feature great parts like the smooth starwars scroller (guess the best untill today) and all the 3d scrollers are totally amazing.
really brilliant and blowing parts.
i honsetly think maybe is was worthy to split the demo for 2 releases or
to make a disk/part selector because it too long to watch all the parts (if i want to see only the 4-disk part f.e?) you did incredible work ! one of the greatest demos .
okey last word for Pal : absolutely great work . thumbs up for massive pixeling. you are so talented. wait for more gfx from you in the future
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 2 November 2012
Wow! What a MEGA demo! Epic!
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 1 November 2012
This blew me off my chair during the compo. A demo with a truly epic scope - the only thing I can think of in comparison is Odyssey on the Amiga. This is however much better, of course. Seeing all that high quality content in a single demo was like a blow to the stomach.

Three groups involved, but still I can't even begin to imagine the amount of work that each and every person put into this. Especially PAL's work stands out. You're a god damned machine, man! Also I can only guess what pains Pantaloon had to go through linking all this together.

Now, the reasons I, personally didn't give this a straight ten are twofold: 1) Booty scroller. Technically nothing wrong with it of course, and the implementation is a bit more innovative than what we've already seen in a similar vein from e.g. Algotech, but it's still a bit too close to Farm Song for my liking. 2) Length. It's an absolutely massive demo, and the task of watching it all in one go is a bit daunting. A part selector, or even individually loadable disk sides, would have helped immensely in this regard. Hereby requesting a 101% version!

Anyway, huge thanks for all of the work, excellent effects, music and graphics. Inspiring for sure.
User Comment
Submitted by Oxbow on 1 November 2012
To each his own.. I love the massive graphics on side B. Well each side, for that matter :) Straight 10! Love the end-part and of course Eddie, a subtle hint to Censor!
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 1 November 2012
Oh my!!! Guys, this was great... also the little animated parts and fx blended in... Loved it!!! Massive respect...
User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 31 October 2012
great graphics and music, beautiful effects and loads of it. there is so much content in this one that imo a the demo a disk selector would have been nice.
please do not get me wrong but i wish that this one could have been watched in parts.
nethertheless there is much great stuff in it. i just love the credits part at the end. so atmospheric, so smoooth.
the massive picture scroller gets better every single watch. the little 3d-yoda, this twister scroller. great, great, great.
and biggest respect for pal. why choosing between quality and quantity if you can do both.
nethertheless i was still not sure to vote 9 or 10 because of black screens and relative slow pace some times. that this would be no fair for this archievement. 10/10
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 31 October 2012
side B might be a brilliant idea and execution looks clean but it really bored me as hell. i just re-watched the demo on the real thing and without ALT+W, it was a real torture. i don't think i will ever be able to watch it again. personally, i don't like watching graphic collections either. so, it might be my problem but this is my own comment after all...

when i first saw good old star wars scroller effect, i thought i'd give 9 or 10 for this demo but at the end i found myself considering much lower ranks like 7 just because of side B. then i tried to be fair and voted for each disk side seperately. result became an 8.

side A - 9/10
side B - 7/10
side C - 8/10
side D - 8/10

i will keep watching side A. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by RaveGuru on 31 October 2012
I was blown away by the amount of quality pixels. Some really nice effects in there. Music is massive! It's a keeper!
User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 31 October 2012
OMG! finally managed to see the demo in full thanks to the youtube upload (kept crashing on me in vice halfway disk 2)

Graphics pr0n.. check, Audio pr0n.. check.. awesome code.. check.. best logo ever.. check.. best credits part that (even beats Veto's, and I never expected that 2 days ago).. check..

I can only vote 10/10.. What a serious masterpiece!
User Comment
Submitted by spider-j on 31 October 2012
Insane amount of content in this one. Really awesome demo, but I agree with those who already pointed out that it may be "too much" for one production. Side B (tallest gfx ever) i.e. imho is worth a release on its own.
User Comment
Submitted by Nightlord on 31 October 2012
oh man what an unbelievable amount of graphics work. Pal, your dedication to this machine is insanely admirable. There are so many little details (like the semi transparent portion of the cloth/ribbon in front of flt, off, prosonics logo horizontally swinging in side A and the little highlight animations on the eyes in the endless upscroll. And any demo that contains iron maiden references gets bonus love from me :)

On the coding side the starwars scroller and the bouncing vector ball parts were the highlights for me. and don't get mad at me but I am really glad to see an offence demo that is a trackmo.

I also liked the combination of flt and offence elements. I don't think every coop has the same potential to gel well. flt and offence definetly works.

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 30 October 2012
We added two eddies as a tribute to two decades of no censor demos BOB - and we did it just to annoy you! I remember when OLE said... hey this iron maden song will really piss of censor dudes... and we all almost exploded in crying when I put up my hand and said... lets annoy bobban some more with some pictures... not really time but let us just do it! Panta said, can you make it big PAL, That will annoy bob even more... So from all of us to you BOB! LOVE YOU!!!!

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Submitted by 6R6 on 30 October 2012
Ok, guys. Just watched this on the real thing using a VSP approved C64 with a 8580 chip.
The Prosonix songs are great and PAL's pixels are just perfect. I had to laugh when watching disk two - that got to be the tallest C64 picture ever made. A new record.
A disk side selector or part selector would be most welcome.
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Submitted by Bob on 30 October 2012
WTF .. does an Eddie part do in your demo? you could have donate it to us ;)
you did that with purpose... I know you eddie... I know you ....
Pantaaa... (it was you!!) 8)=)
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Submitted by Ed on 30 October 2012
Some incredible screens in this demo.
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Submitted by Joe on 30 October 2012
Wow! I simply cannot grasp how you could do all that graphics in that amount of time. Impossible, I like that!
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Submitted by DRAX on 30 October 2012
Nice intro tune... Almost sound Jeroenish ;) ... All in all perfect soundtrack and graphics... Love it ;) I like the overall spirit of the demo :) ... Pal you really did an amazing job here ;) ... I am so impressed!
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Submitted by Oswald on 30 October 2012
"and pal... wtf... that offence-logo on the 2nd diskside. just awesome!!!!!! best logo i have ever seen on c64"
I thought the same. Crazy amount of gfx in crazy quality.

edit: btw it would be great to check out those huge & cool graphics in one piece :)
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Submitted by Yazoo on 30 October 2012
this is pretty amazing in many aspects. the amount of content (especially the gfx) is unbelievable.
i very well remember pals bleeding pixelfinger which i could see live at x. thats insane man!
and all on a very high quality level. i bet thats not gonna be beaten soon.

also most effects were quite nice. the music fits wonderful - and everything got a very good flow / concept.

but... yes, theres a little but... - it may not have been the 100% perfect compo-material for this years x, as the pace is relatively slow, and because of that it wasnt easy to make the crowd cheer and celebrate (which is ofcoz not only your fault, guys - as the compos were delayed and half of the crowd almost fell asleep at 4am).
when i was just checking this out at home again it blew me away - more than at the party itself.
its just maybe too big somehow - looks more like a lifes work of a great gfx-man like pal than a demo.

anyways. i love you guys for releasing this - it really is something special which ppl will keep in mind forever.

and pal... wtf... that offence-logo on the 2nd diskside. just awesome!!!!!! best logo i have ever seen on c64

the creditz-part is also looking soooo good :)

also hugs to the rest of the team

btw - i think hcl is right. i would prefer to see non-cooperation productions from you guys again. just to have little smaller demos and more competition going on :) each of your groups has the power emselfes to win a compo.
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Submitted by ne7 on 30 October 2012
amazing piece of work: I particularly _LOVED_ the end credits part, the tune, the graphics, the scrolling, everything; so atmospheric... just brill lads <3
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Submitted by Burglar on 30 October 2012
a 4 disk demo... again!!!

so much graphical content, it is unreal.
also, best star wars scroller ever and I totally digged the boing-boing part!

I am uncertain what PAL means with "only I can understand", some of the text in the demo seems to give clues. I'm not sure if that should worry me or not...

anyhow, I take my hat off to you!
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Submitted by Mixer on 30 October 2012
Star Wars upscroller! The Parallax forest credits part!

Upscroller might have been more pleasant with double the speed.

I salute the huge amount of work put to pixels.

PS. have to rewind the whole demo if fails at turn disk. I am getting old, no time to waste before the grave! Please, make continuing from disk 2,3,4 possible.

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Submitted by Sander on 30 October 2012
Awesome work! So much great stuff in this one. Thanks for the show!
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Submitted by Pex Mahoney Tufvesson on 30 October 2012
Cool stuff! Very beautiful and solid production. And boring, in one way, since the pace is slow and the huge scrolling images never ends. Still, I welcome all genres of demo making, since most of the time I myself try to stay away from the commonly accepted demo-formats! Life is more than intros/one-filers and one-disk-demos! It's 4-siders, shorties, uglies and everything else as well. G*P's Holy Crap is my favourite example of breaking those standard rules in a cool way!
Well done, even though I miss the Jeff Minter stuff ;) Where did it go? To the same place as my Lazy Jones stuff? Life is full of surprises, so I'm really looking forward to anything else you Offence and FLT guys may or may not come up with - any time!
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Submitted by Magnar on 30 October 2012
Respect to Pal to spend all this time pixeling for this masterpiece! Codewise I was through the pre-hype before the release expecting a bit more out of it, but what's been done is truely amazing! Cheers and big hugs to all of you!
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Submitted by 6R6 on 30 October 2012
Anyone else having troubles running this on 1541u1 (when inserting side 2) ?
Edit2: Solved : My C64 crashed because of some vsp routine.
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Submitted by HCL on 30 October 2012
Generally i second Jackasser, but something is wrong here.. Three groups cooperating and releasing a 4-side demo (!). Why!? I start to loose the point. Are you afraid that you are not good enough alone? Well, i can tell you that you are all of you! Silly thing to complain about perhaps but in this situation i would say that less is more, and 2 disk sides should be enough for everyone. Plus the fact that i just do *not* sit down and transfer 4 disks to be able to watch it on the real thing.

I'll probably return with more positive feedback whenever i feel like it :).
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Submitted by cba on 30 October 2012
Just amazing ...
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Submitted by JackAsser on 30 October 2012
Best part for me was the end credits part. That was really lovely! From a coder point of view I was impressed by the Star Wars scroller and the twisted scroller. The graphics was, as expected, massive and stunning, no surprise here honestly. I expect 10/10 when it comes to graphics from this gang. The code could have been better I suppose and I would like less black screens, but with such amount of data I know it's very hard. Massive effort guys! <3
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Submitted by Optimus on 30 October 2012
This is massive!!! So massive it gets too long sometimes, but massive. The endless picture scroller never seen to end, wondering how much could they fit. My favorte part is the beginning with the best star wars scroller ever and the voxel yoda. B&w layers of trees also rule, such atmoshphere. I am not sure I am a fan of the size though, but technically is amazing.
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Submitted by algorithm on 30 October 2012
The multicolor gfx in this demo is excellent. How long did all this take you PAL.
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Submitted by CONS on 29 October 2012
Are you fucking kidding me? That many stunning gfx? really? Eyegasmic! (And so were the scrollers) The only downer was the often change of music who kind of interrupted the mood every time.
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Submitted by BHF on 29 October 2012
Like Bob said, an orgy in beautiful graphics. But also has a lot of good routines and great Music :)
I love the starwars scroller, The awesome greetings part, Twistscroller and the 3d scrollers. It offers something for everyone, Thumbs up guys!
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Submitted by Mr. SID on 29 October 2012
Pixelled perfection: thumbs up!
Pacing: thumbs down!
But I adore all the twisting vertical scrollers and the details in the credits part! :)
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Submitted by hedning on 29 October 2012
Thanx for the DL! <3 It was a true honor to sit in the middle of your nervosity before handing this in, watching PAL's bleeding pixelfinger. Great demo in every aspect. <3
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Submitted by Peacemaker on 29 October 2012
give it to us =)
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Submitted by blackdroid on 29 October 2012
Yeah where is the demo?
Panta stop delaying already!
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Submitted by Bob on 29 October 2012
Where is it !! wanna see...
A fucking ORGIEEE in gfx.. world is not fair ;) you guys have 40 pics we had 3 :) PAL give me some... I just loooooooooved this masterpiece.. fantastic work FLT/OFFENCE/PROSONIX
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