Code | .... | Muddler of Bzdet Design, The Coders |
Music | .... | A-Man |
| | AudioMaster J of Byterapers, Side B, Topaz Beerline |
| | Bappalander |
| | Bax of Lepsi De, No Name |
| | Beathoven of Reflex |
| | Bleed Into One |
| | Bordeaux of Acrise, Active |
| | Cane |
| | celticdesign of Masters' Design Group |
| | Chubrock of Natural Beat |
| | Comer of Taboo |
| | Compod of Amorphis, Funeral Moon |
| | Daf of Samar Productions |
| | Dane |
| | Danko of Censor Design, Fairlight |
| | Decoder |
| | Decoy of Excess |
| | Deek of Crest |
| | Dgazz of Plush |
| | Djinn |
| | DOS of Lethargy |
| | Dr. Voice of Panic |
| | Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants |
| | Echo |
| | Fanta of Oxyron, Plush |
| | Gaston of Elysium, The Imperium Arts |
| | Gregfeel of Lepsi De |
| | GT |
| | Guy Shavitt of Sidchip Scratchers |
| | Haldor |
| | Harti of Vermes |
| | HTD of Topaz Beerline |
| | Imaic of Axelerate, Commo Bam |
| | JCH of Vibrants |
| | Jeff of Bonzai, Camelot, Crest, Cyberzound Productions |
| | Jeroen Tel of Focus, Maniacs of Noise |
| | kb of Farbrausch, Reflex, Smash Designs, The Obsessed Maniacs |
| | Lyon of Arise |
| | MC |
| | MHD of Motiv 8 |
| | Mitch of Crest, Cyberzound Productions |
| | Mixer of Origo Dreamline, Side B |
| | Moog of Agony Design |
| | MSK of Crest, Vibrants |
| | Olsen of Albion Crew, Amorphis |
| | Page of Hoaxers, Side B |
| | PCH of KGB'92, Unreal |
| | Peet of Chorus, Damage, Natural Beat |
| | Praiser of Arise, Faith Design, Galicya, Lepsi De, Onslaught |
| | PRI of Oxyron, The Imperium Arts |
| | PVCF of Reflex |
| | Red Devil |
| | Roy |
| | Scarlet of Samar Productions |
| | Scortia of Bonzai |
| | Shogoon of Elysium |
| | SMC of Pretzel Logic, The Imperium Arts |
| | The Syndrom of Crest, The Imperium Arts |
| | Tracker of Padua |
| | Wacek of Albion Crew, Arise, WST |
| | Wizard of Crystal Sound, Elysium |
| | Xayne of Beat Machine, Crest |
| | Zbyti |
| | Zyron of Fantastic 4 Cracking Group, Nostalgia, Oxsid Planetary |
Graphics | .... | Muddler of Bzdet Design, The Coders |