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Three-Headed Boy   [2014]

Three-Headed Boy Released by :
Mayday! [web]

Release Date :
13 February 2014

Type :
C64 Music

3-headed boy

Released At :
Longplay Music Competition 2014

Achievements :
C64 Music Competition at Longplay Music Competition 2014 :  #5

User rating:********__  8/10 (24 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  8.6/10 (8 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Music .... Spider Jerusalem of Mayday!, svenonacid, Tristar & Red Sector Inc.

SIDs used in this release :
Three-Headed Boy(/MUSICIANS/S/Spider_Jerusalem/Three-Headed_Boy.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 15 March 2014
like it because it surprises me all the time. good one.
User Comment
Submitted by corpsicle on 20 February 2014
This is really growing on me.
It always amazes me when people make these long pieces that feel connected AND varied all the way through.
User Comment
Submitted by spider-j on 18 February 2014
Yep, those chromatic slides are a typical early Jarre thingy.
And thank god someone mentions this EOD thing. I also had this feeling at some parts, but because it wasn't intended I thought I was just getting megalomaniac if I'd mention it by myself. In the end: I assume it's because of the typical (e-)minor scales and that rythm feeling created with arp & ringmod mixture.
User Comment
Submitted by 1BM on 18 February 2014
sounds like an alternate version of "edge of disgrace" with some added progressive elements and a touch of jarre. i like it, good transitions, pleasing sounds, good long time listening! nice scales used in there, never gets boring.
User Comment
Submitted by celticdesign on 14 February 2014
my likes, would fit to a jump&run game. very listenable for a while and one of your best tunes me think.
User Comment
Submitted by Zirias on 13 February 2014
Thumbs up! To me the most interesting entry in this compo, well, /so far/ :) Love the variations, some surprising beats, some ritardandi, nice chromatics, even a 3/4 part in a 4/4 song .. it really doesn't get boring quickly, even though the main theme sounds similar to many others, it's processed nicely and rich in variations.
User Comment
Submitted by cadaver on 13 February 2014
Noticed btw. that to me this sounds a lot more relaxing when listened on 6581 despite the instructions :)
User Comment
Submitted by Hermit on 13 February 2014
LooooL... GT-Wizarding! :-)
I like the retro feel in this tune caused by the interesting slides, and sometimes the rhythm-changes are surprising.
Oh btw, poor 3-headed guy. He must be a top coder at least.
User Comment
Submitted by spider-j on 13 February 2014
@cadaver: no surprise you like the drum & bass sounds, because I took *your* drum & bass sounds (I think from "consultant") as a reference and then did some tweaks - but glad I didn't fuck them up ;-)

@Groepaz: yep, I know what you mean. I wasn't absolutely sure if I really should split the parts, going slowly from one to another (like I did) or if I should mix them more together with abrupt changes. But trying transitions (especially the last one from waltz back to 4/4 ) felt more challenging to me.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 13 February 2014
quite nice, i'd prefer some more abrupt changes and counterpoints though :)
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 13 February 2014
This one was nothing to fall in love with while first listening, but for me it is getting better at second listening.
User Comment
Submitted by cadaver on 13 February 2014
Nice bass + drum sounds. The loud power chord arpeggios somewhat get on my nerves (it's just a matter of taste) and despite length I get the feeling of unfulfilled potential or lacking an especially memorable part.
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 13 February 2014
Sorry ... not my cup of tea ... +1 for the effort! ;)
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