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Better   [2012]

Better Released by :
Onslaught [web]

Release Date :
10 June 2012

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :
Flashback 2012

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at Flashback 2012 :  #2

User rating:********__  7.5/10 (21 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid
  Conjuror of Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff
Music .... Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid
  SoNiC of Onslaught, Smash Designs, The Art Project Studios, The Obsessed Maniacs
Graphics .... Algorithm of Algotech, Onslaught, svenonacid
  CONS of Onslaught, Tristar & Red Sector Inc.
Charset .... B-Wyze of Hardcore, Onslaught, Success
  CONS of Onslaught, Tristar & Red Sector Inc.
Test .... Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff
Help .... Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff

SIDs used in this release :
Breaking the Ring(/MUSICIANS/S/Sonic/Breaking_the_Ring.sid)
The Origin Sound(/MUSICIANS/S/Sonic/Origin_Sound.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by JAC on 22 August 2012
The zooming faces are cool, glenz looks OK but the Kefrens bars really deserve real time code without artifacts to be impressive.

As for the rest it's really nice, but the absolutely most catching thing for me are the single hires images. They are simply wonderful.

(... click submit thinking about how cool it would be to have attribute RBAM on his Atari :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 12 June 2012
Style, not so sure on that part :D But yeah, demo was rocking and some boppin' soundtracks to go with it (10+ minutes).

For me, not being a coder, I do not care if code is rehashed, improved or brand new. What matters for me is the entertainment and this one did just that, and for me more so than the others at the compo :D Like Algo said, each to their own (and yes, I do prefer boobs).
User Comment
Submitted by bepp on 12 June 2012
Too much digitized stuff for my taste... I miss the handcrafted pixels *sob* I think I counted one piece (!) that was not converted gfx. Some good music though!
User Comment
Submitted by Style on 12 June 2012
could have been shorter, with a better choice of subject matter, but a rockin demo nonetheless. In the light of day though I reckon it was probably fair this was beaten by "are we there yet?"
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 12 June 2012
@skate. You do have a valid point and i do accept the criticism in regards to same or similar parts in particular side 2 where i reused parts. Info on all this is explained in the production notes. the only two parts that took the longest to code was the intro and striptease part. The rest of my parts were put together and linked (i whole days of work) due to leaving most things till the last second

@groepaz. Only ping pong effect is in the color vq part. The main strip part consists of unique non repeated frames around 300 frames. Explanations of each part again is in the production notes
User Comment
Submitted by Paul Bearer on 12 June 2012
Well, my opinion is that when a man feels unable or afraid to watch something involving a half-naked woman (not even talking about porn) with his girlfriend/wife... ah, you know what, I won't complete that sentence, not trying to piss anybody off.

So, the demo? Fun and technically brillant. Really great work.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 12 June 2012
mmmh. i am with skate there. also the fact that some things that we have already seen better in realtime (glenz vector, kefrens bars) are anims here spoils it for me. also everytime i see ping pong animated dancing girls i want to hit the screen with a hammer =P
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 12 June 2012
Lol @ skate's comment on improving older stuff. :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 12 June 2012
@algorithm: first of all, i know that you are very talented coder and since i'm in the video/audio streaming industry, i'm capable of understanding the technicial background. congratulations for this nice demo. i also liked the tech-tech and other not video/audio related parts.

but... (yes, there is a but :))

i also think AEG is a very talented coder, one of my favorites in the 90s. i like triage series as well. but what i don't like about triage series is re-used, slightly improved, "better" effects. :) some triage demos are 70-80% similar. watching the same effects/techniques in a new demo is a little bit disappointing for the audience even the audience has a technicial background.

so, you get some bad criticisms because you already shared the core material of this demo before. it's not that we don't get the technicial background but it's not shocking for us since we've seen "maybe worse but similar" stuff not long ago from you.

i hope you get my comments as constructive criticism since they were meant to be constructive. i want to watch more stuff from you but maybe you can use your "packing huge stuff in a few bytes" knowledge in different, more original ways next time.
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 11 June 2012
algo: why either or? ;-) I like both the penguins and the tits a lot! Now someone please go and make a demo with bare-chested penguins! 8)))
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 11 June 2012
Each to their own. Either they like watching three bitmap ships and penguins or tits , i know what i would like to watch. Excellent graphics although vanja. You are one of the best c64 graphicians no doubt
User Comment
Submitted by Mermaid on 11 June 2012
radiantx summed it up nicely. Not something I'm going to want to watch.
User Comment
Submitted by Xiny6581 on 11 June 2012
I love this demo all the way. This shows what the C-64 can do for sure. The code is amazingly, especially the decoder-parts and the sweet strip-show! Sure the design could somehow been a bit smoother, but hey can't get it all can we? :) The music is outstanding! Now we've seen girls, boobs and many sexy views again, but in a new flavour. Brutal work! Let's get wild and crazy now :)
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 11 June 2012
Another demo that I can't really watch while my wife is in the same room. Definitely won't be able to show this in any demoshows at clubs either, when doing outreach. A shame, because the code is good.

(Please be a little more creative regarding the visual material next time.)
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 11 June 2012
Was great watching this on the bigscreen! Audience reactions were great! Kudos to all involved, well done!
User Comment
Submitted by BHF on 11 June 2012
Striptease and techtech ! :D
Great code and cool effects.
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 11 June 2012
Thanks for all the positive comments. Production notes has been added now
User Comment
Submitted by daison on 11 June 2012
Great demo, not sure if it's because or despite all the boobies :)
User Comment
Submitted by BrandonWalsh on 11 June 2012
Nice demo. However, the boobies and girls are getting a bit stale by now imho.
User Comment
Submitted by Ksubi on 11 June 2012
Thumbs up for the tech-tech!
User Comment
Submitted by iLKke on 11 June 2012
This was quite a crowd-pleaser, no surprise there :)
User Comment
Submitted by wozza on 11 June 2012
Always thought productions were meant to entertain, whilst showcasing new and/or updated/original routines. I enjoyed this production, even with 'blocky' animations. Thumbs up from me guys, put a smile on my face. Cheers.
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 10 June 2012
Nice production, appreciate the brain effort behind it, but it lacks a little polish here and there.. given the time constraints, this is hardly surprising. I'd have liked to see the madonna picture a whole lot higher, Censor has done a size like that with bitmap ages ago, make use of your much lower memory usage and make that pic like 8-10 screens high! ;-) Digi audio didn't quite come through here in the strip part, must have had the wrong audio emulation set in VICE... The anims could be a bit less blocky - i know it's not easy, but then again there's that old saying that has become somewhat forgotten ever since we passed the "PC effect in ugly & slow 4x4" days: "make it smooth or don't make it"! :-D

P.S: Bonus points for tits! ;-) Never grow tired of 'em, i dunno why... <:-)
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 10 June 2012
Wow..Algorithm: man you control hires bitmaps like a god. high quality calculations and filters , very well designed , just Stunning stuff. i very like the Face zooming part , overall : very impressive demo . i think is one of the 3 best released this year . thanks for greeting for the force !
User Comment
Submitted by Maxlide on 10 June 2012
I don't agree with wackee here. I like this demo! Great work guys! A lot of great calculation routines by algorithm.
User Comment
Submitted by celticdesign on 10 June 2012
stylish and excellent music here. me likes.
User Comment
Submitted by Elder0010 on 10 June 2012
WOAH for the rotators and the kefrens!
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 10 June 2012
I am more interested in the tech side. Its easy enough to have higher quality video but then demo would run to a few seconds? Furthermore the cliched plasma routines etc bore me to death. I have other commitments and coding time if any is only half an hour per day on average. Its just annoying when the demo is reviewed in a way not taking the technical achievements. Your last summary was "better" as you have acknowledged what goes on behind the scenes. Bear in mind that this is a 1mhz computer. Can't have photoquality and crystal clear digitized audio when streaming from stock floppy as well as the extremely limited file space.
User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 10 June 2012
I know this and that about a/v encoding and animations, both in 64 and pc domains. And I can really appreciate that there is probably a (technically) impressive code in there, but so what if the result looks, let's put it mildly, slightly unattractive? :)
What makes me don't like the demo is that you're using similar (ok, "Better" :D) routines to display the same cheap subject matter over and over again. Are you surprised that someone can get bored of that?
I think you should find a good designer and put your coding skills to better use, making just BETTER LOOKING demos.
User Comment
Submitted by algorithm on 10 June 2012
I will give indepth info tomorrow about the demo. It takes someone to understand what is going on in the background with knowledge of what goes on to understand this. Not wanting to be bitchy but that text alone you had written uses the same space as a few animation frames of the so called slow frame rate blocky blocks. Try and encode a video on pc at less than 80 bytes per frame and see what the result is. Furthermore bear in mind its also playing back audio at less than half k per second and dual decimpressng and mixing in realtime. I would appreciate if you can take this into account as its rather annoying when someone just says its blocky and crap . Furthermore even though the project started a few months ago. The total coding and data encoding preparation time for all my parts in the whole demo was just under three days including linking
User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 10 June 2012
What Yazoo said.

Sorry if I will sound a bit harsh, but the phrase "chasing your own tail" comes to mind. It's not like I'm representing ANYONE that HASN'T done the converted girls or slow chunky effects in their demos (doh) but that was '97 for god's sake. Sometimes it looks like the assumption is that if you show a piece of tit or ass here and there, nobody will care that it's in ugly 4x4 or 8x8 and 3 fps. Or maybe it's just a question of taste, because even the fact that you're using pop crap like Gaga or Beyonce to show up your sound encoding skills makes my teeth hurt...

Of course, that's just a one man opinion ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 10 June 2012
Some really nice pixel-manipulation in there. All in all a really good demo.
Like the TURN DISC.
Do NOT like the Greetings part.
Like most of the girls in there :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 10 June 2012
The members part was good.. .
The female face rotator looked smooth.. .
The audio during the strip part was good.. .

All in all - RAW ;P
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 10 June 2012
i have a bit mixed feelings about this. on one hand its a nice and entertaining demo. on the other hand it really bores me to see all those converted girls faces... its not that i havent seen about 10 millions of those in the past :) but good job with the rest
User Comment
Submitted by Matt on 10 June 2012
Hey I really like this demo.
The members-part is my favourite. Ofcourse the stripper's awesome too. The music throughout the whole demo kicks ass, really!
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 10 June 2012
...And sexier :)
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