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User Comment Submitted by Raistlin on 9 July 2024
Well... I like it. Risque ... but art. As Ricky Gervais once said.. if you're not offending a few people, you're not trying hard enough. | User Comment Submitted by Dr.j on 3 August 2014
I don't have anything wrong with porn , if its stylish and gives a new dimension to the image. i don't want to get into a Philosophical debate where its legitimate to release Provocative pictures and then you need to regard to the content maybe more than the pixel work and mostly this is what happened , but for the image itself (not the content of the sex action) the picture is okey but i agree with most of the people that saying you had much better works , i think your great artistic makings are not expressed well here . art for my concern make you think and here you just watch a lesbian action without the extra art concept | User Comment Submitted by Mase on 1 August 2014
Just noticed, the fly has a landing strip. | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 31 July 2014
Is she Elastigirl? No normal person bends like this.
Sorry Leon, I am not fond of this, but not because of the porn. Let me elaborate.
Other than being cheaply provocative, the motive is a popular cliché and the concept itself is boring and stale. The main objects are stiff and lifeless (well, maybe that was intentional, thus the title?). The perception of depth is distorted, the colors are dull and uninteresting, the texture of the bedsheet, but especially of the skin is weird, unnatural.
Last but not least, the pixelling is unusually weak from you considering it's an IFLI. You could fit 95% of the image into Drazlace and no one would ever notice (or even into AFLI with a little bit of sweat).
Have seen much much better works from you. | User Comment Submitted by Hoild on 31 July 2014
Bahh... I translated Leon's reply to English via online chat, but he did not edit out the chat timestamp and contact info. How great that editing comments is disabled here... ;b | User Comment Submitted by leonofsgr on 31 July 2014
I was happy to see the intense debate triggered by my picture. I am happy, because that was exactly what I intended with it. I wanted to go to the extremes, pushing on the limits. Whoever knows me or my work recognizes that I always made an effort at creating pictures with an emotional content, that tell something, that move people, and that possess many shades and corners, allowing the viewer to approach them from various points of view.
Fly on the Wall, on the contrary, makes no attempt at telling anything, having only a primitive sexual content, simply implying that some men would gladly be the fly on the wall spectating the scene (if you checked the song by Tatu that I linked you would have realized that).
[19:33:03] Istvan Belanszky: Like it or not, untasteful, breaking the established borders... one can say anything about it, it does not matter. I wanted it to blow your fuses and was curious to see how the international demoscene reacts to something like this.
I agree with all the negative or positive comments and opinions regarding the picture, there is freedom of opinion for everyone. CSDb comments are for everyone to speak their own.
I was surprised about the votes, I expected votes of 2-3... receiving tens was a positive surprise.
[19:33:16] Istvan Belanszky: Technically, it is no better or worse than the rest of my works. You can vote purely based upon the subject, but that would not be objective.
It is 100% No Copy, based on a sketch I made. Perspective is not perfect, obviously, but still I prefer it to converting an existing photo or graphics...
(seeing the output of many of the graphicians who commented here -- no names called --, the latter method of productivity does happen a lot)
I don't plan to create more pictures like this in the near future, so be at ease. ;_)
However, it made me thinking that somebody reported me to Facebook for spreading pornographic content, and they did remove my picture from there... well-well... X_D
Thanks for your attention! | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 31 July 2014
DAS SCHLIMMSTE IST, WENN DAS BIER ALLE IST! | User Comment Submitted by lemming on 31 July 2014
Nice objectification of Algorithm there, Tao. | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 31 July 2014
@Tao. Can you give me an example of any of my demo's that have any hardcore porn? There are many other productions by others which depict adult content more. Like I have iterated many times over (and this does not only apply to you) I do as I please, I do not give a F£$%ck whether I have offended anyone or not. Neither do I care what people in the adult industry go through. If you don't like it, then don't watch it. :-) But yes, freedom of speech and content apply on both sides. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 31 July 2014 User Comment Submitted by GeoAnas on 31 July 2014 User Comment Submitted by Tao on 31 July 2014
@Cresh: I'm gonna assume you mean me :P
My take is as follows:
* Most of the time when I refer to things as immature and sexist it's outright conversions of porn (Algorithm), and in a few cases images that no one would've found even the slightest bit interesting if they didn't contain naked women. Sort of like with music videos for rap music...
* As far as art, sexism and pornography goes: It is certainly possible to make nude art, even nude art involving sex.
People depicted having sex does not automatically imply pornography or sexism. It's all about intent. For instance, a random teen movie that contains the almost obligatory (for that genre) topless scene most likely is sexist. The purpose for such scenes is to cash in on the fact that most male viewers (some of the female too) enjoy watching boobs. Enjoying boobs isn't sexist. Cashing in on it, however, is. The female anatomy, rather than their characters, become the focus.
There's plenty of films that are sexist without nudity too though (sexism is, after all, simply treating people differently based on their gender; women are more often treated as objects, or given secondary functions, etc. than men in films).
Not all pornography is sexist, for that matter, though most is. There *is* pornography where the actors are equally objectified (which is of course not exactly an improvement -- the thinking that equally bad is better than inequality is something I have a hard time accepting, though it seems to be prevalent in some ideologies), but also a few examples of pornography where the actors actually participate because they enjoy themselves, where the camera angles don't serve to make create a dominant/subservient dichotomy (I'm not saying that BDSM is inherently sexist, only that the implicit dominant/subservient roles of typical pornography is), etc.
As a note, there are people who claim that sex workers (prostitutes, porn actors, etc.) cannot possibly enjoy their work. I disagree. I'm fairly sure that most prostitutes are unhappy with their situation (especially because a fair amount of them are victims of trafficking), and I'm sure that a lot of the porn actors do plenty of scenes that they'd rather not do, but I wouldn't generalise it.
There are plenty of cases where nudity and/or sex just serves to depict a part of life. All of us are at some point undressed, most of us have sex from time to time, hopefully all of us takes showers frequently, etc., and this doesn't make it pornographic or sexist. Full frontal nudity of a woman who steps out of the shower and grabs a towel can be totally non-sexist, while a woman in panties can be sexist (hello American Apparel, I'm talking to you).
It's a question of focus, lighting, intent, etc. Is the actor/actress an object? Are they nude because the situation is such that it makes sense, does the scene add value to the story, etc.?
Anyway, to wrap things up and get back to the image in question:
This image, to me, looks as though it's a couple that are having sex because they enjoy it, not because there's a viewer to show off in front of. Granted, the fact that the "giver" looks towards the observer could be taken as though it's a case of objectification, but I'm gonna interpret it as though she simply wants to maintain eye contact with the "receiver".
This observer independent view, to me, makes this non-pornographic. Nothing *in* the picture itself makes it sexist either per se, though the creation and distribution might possibly be if the intent really was to objectify.
The image is certainly erotic, but that's no offence...
* I don't particularly like this image, but not primarily because of its motive, but because it looks just plain weird.
* Finally, interlaced images almost always annoys the hell out of me. This is no exception. | User Comment Submitted by metalux on 31 July 2014
While you guys keep discussing this important topic, I'll spend my time coding on my next demo. How about that? | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 31 July 2014
Paul Bearer and Jammer: Never forget
 | User Comment Submitted by Conrad on 31 July 2014 User Comment Submitted by Luca on 31 July 2014
Sixx penis?
■ | User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 31 July 2014
My first thought as well ;) | User Comment Submitted by Paul Bearer on 31 July 2014
hedning: "I enjoy Sixx penis"
I'm not sure how to interpret this. :) | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 31 July 2014
Oh. And I am tired of Leon Interlaced FLI. More plain hires and multicolor to the people. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 31 July 2014
Again: Please keep on do whatever gfx you want, and I will keep commenting my thoughts. In this case the perspectives are bad, motif is cheap, pornographic and immature, and I don't like it. Nothing wrong with nudity and humour, for example I enjoy Sixx penis and love it forcing people off the scene any day. ;) | User Comment Submitted by Luca on 31 July 2014
Most interlaced Interlaced FLI ever, btw... | User Comment Submitted by Bitbreaker on 31 July 2014
Means 4 out of 10 girls love to get licked. | User Comment Submitted by Sounx on 31 July 2014
Ok, to make sense of the never ending discussions regarding female nudity, I asked my girlfriend what her thoughts were... She loved this pic. But since she knows I'm a 64-gfxer she might have been biased...
So I decided to ask some of her girlfriends and some of my friends girlfriends, most of them unfamiliar with my scene activities and send them this pic asking for a short opinion.
9 girls in total (sorry couldn't be bothered to make it 10), here's what they said:
4 said: like it and it's art! Instantly.
2 said: art, but not my taste
1 said: horrible, sexist
1 said: Just plain awful
and 1 said: what's this shit? stop bothering me with your childhood hobby and your nerdy computerfriends ;)
And then she wrote in big capital letters: NOBODY CARES ANYMORE (about what we do on this 'prehistoric' machine)...
My opinion: it's art and should be considered as such. The main thing is the picture itself NOT the individuals on it or the 'act' they are performing. | User Comment Submitted by Luca on 31 July 2014
Indeed a weird perspective, which implies that her mouth is actually playing on the anus and not around th...ok you got it. And that would be a revelation! (:
Puffy headboard, shaved stuff down there, a very good one overall.
Oh, and vaginadrama yay! \o/ | User Comment Submitted by lemming on 31 July 2014
Oyea, also; shaven is the way. 8) | User Comment Submitted by lemming on 31 July 2014
@DGGR: Ladies with a bit of tummy can enjoy having their pussy eaten too ;)
I like the boldly done female forms in this one quite a lot in fact!
Pic=9/10, forced ridiculous controversy prude bonus+1 makes it a 10/10 for me. Leon rulez. | User Comment Submitted by spider-j on 31 July 2014
Quoting Maseit's actually a pic of a woman giving birth to herself wearing an asshat.
word :-)
Funny idea and nice pixel job, but because of the perspective it just looks weird. | User Comment Submitted by ϵʟʞ on 31 July 2014
I have no idea why someone creating similar pictures, maybe for to be huge commented :) heh
I agree with hedning, I also want the editing function back.. It is nonsense to must left the mischmasch or mistakes here after once released.. | User Comment Submitted by wysiwtf on 31 July 2014 User Comment Submitted by Chico on 31 July 2014
Peeping fly! ;) Nice pic. | User Comment Submitted by NecroPolo on 31 July 2014
That's how a fly should be pixeled. 10/10 | User Comment Submitted by Mase on 31 July 2014
Looks like porn at first, but it's actually a pic of a woman giving birth to herself wearing an asshat. | User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 31 July 2014
DGGR: Well, size-wise indeed but specular on her belly suggests that she's rather skinny ;) | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 30 July 2014
I also want the editing function back. I have no idea why csdb double posted my last comment. :) | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 30 July 2014
I told you you could do and watch whatever you want - I still have rinht to my opinion. My opinion is that this pic is pathetic. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 30 July 2014
I told you you could do and watch whatever you want - I still have rinht to my opinion. My opinion is that this pic is pathetic. | User Comment Submitted by JSL on 30 July 2014
I gave up xxx pictures after some drama and stuff.. :) - Keep up the good work Mihaly.. And prepare for some drama on this one.. :DD | User Comment Submitted by Cresh on 30 July 2014
Rocco, the Italian stallion is 50 and he still delivers! :)
Ps. Still missing a comment from certain dude from Triad. ;) | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 30 July 2014
hedning: you're not making any sense, since when ppl over 40 are not making pron pictures/drawings? it's quite the contrary. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 30 July 2014
Lol. Scene feminist? If I am a scene feminist (which I understand is a bad thing here, am I right?) I would probably like this picture, yes? I just can't understand why you spend time doing pornographic pieces when in your 40ies. It's quite unintresting. But hey, feel free to do a Didi and jerk off in front of your c64. Do what you please, and I will comment how I please. | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 30 July 2014 User Comment Submitted by Digger on 30 July 2014
The receiver looks pregnant. | User Comment Submitted by Matt on 30 July 2014
Helll yeah more of this please, and also, what Jammer said. | User Comment Submitted by Sledge on 30 July 2014 User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 30 July 2014 User Comment Submitted by Bitbreaker on 30 July 2014
\o/ i'm not alone anymore on this planet! | User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 30 July 2014
It's astonishing how the choice of topic affects public reaction when we lose our viewer's comfort zone and suddenly puritan mode is turning on ;) Picture is definitely not much worse technically than Leon's recent work. He then puts funny detail and names the pic after it hence we can guess that Leon has a great sense of humour which is in addition really perverse. That is imho real selling point of this pic. Are we really lacking sense of humour around here? ;) | User Comment Submitted by The Phantom on 30 July 2014
No way that's a fly!
Nice, Leon... Nice ;) | User Comment Submitted by Cresh on 30 July 2014
Carpet munching!
In your face scene feminists!
 | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 30 July 2014
umm. no... Please get back to your more sublime motifs. | User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 30 July 2014
Damn, I'm looking at that fly all the time :P | User Comment Submitted by Mixer on 30 July 2014
Clearly, there is a hungry woman and some food down there or perhaps it is just a peek-a-boo moment. Hard to say what is really going on. | User Comment Submitted by Dane on 30 July 2014 User Comment Submitted by leonofsgr on 30 July 2014
now copy... oh... sorry! (-w X_)
the zip:
-origano, my sketch (.jpg)
-photo-sux, layers (.psd)
-some workstages (.d64)
-pixep perfect and runnalbe format (.d64)
-pixel perfect gfx prg (.d64)
..and the no-lace mode!
enjoy dudez!
p1x3L p0rN... |
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