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T.P.C.T.S.   [2017]

T.P.C.T.S. Released by :
Bonzai [web]

Release Date :
11 February 2017

Type :
C64 Music Collection

The Phoenix Code The Soundtrack

Released At :
Datastorm 2017

User rating:**********  9.5/10 (9 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Trap of Bonzai
  Walt of Bonzai
Music .... Drax of Bonzai, Camelot, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  Jeroen Tel of Focus, Maniacs of Noise, Oxyron
  Laxity of Bonzai, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  Metal of Bonzai, Camelot, Vibrants
  Scortia of Bonzai
Graphics .... Dize of Bonzai

SIDs used in this release :
Hasta La Vista(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Hasta_La_Vista.sid)
Phat Phunk(/MUSICIANS/M/Metal/Phat_Phunk.sid)
The Phoenix Code End Tune(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Phoenix_Code_End_Tune.sid)
The Phoenix Code Intro(/MUSICIANS/L/Laxity/Phoenix_Code_Intro.sid)
The Phoenix Code Turn Disk(/MUSICIANS/L/Laxity/Phoenix_Code_Turn_Disk.sid)
Tjainese Pops(/MUSICIANS/S/Scortia/Tjainese_Pops.sid)
Too Many Notes(/MUSICIANS/M/Metal/Too_Many_Notes.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Saphir on 26 December 2020
Great demo, and the soundtrack as standalone works well too :)
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 24 May 2018
What Digger said. Jeroen's tune really sounds like Tel/Drax fusion ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Walt on 27 March 2017
Mekong, you surely have read the scroller in Bonzieed :)

As someone mentioned in the comment for The Phoenix Code, Bonzai never grows up so maybe I've just reached puberty mentally? ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Mekong on 10 March 2017
BZ ruled, or that was at least my impression, when I was making my first steps in the scene, and I still remember you guys' bios from that time: Walt surely must be mentally at least 15 by now ;) The musicians that contributed to this release have all always been in my top 10 and it's fantastic to get such a shot of fresh tunes from this bunch. It's funny that Metal credits Atjazz for inspiration, as most of downtempo/deephouse revolution, another scene that had huge impact on me, would have never happened without people like himself showing the way. In short, this release touches several life-defining moments for me so thanks fellas for putting it together.
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Submitted by DRAX on 8 March 2017
The tune in the intro was an old unreleased tune from Jeroen Tel - not me, Digger :)
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Submitted by Digger on 4 March 2017
Added scrolltexts for all songs as Trivia (thanks Trap!)
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Submitted by Digger on 25 February 2017
Superb release! Your promise has been made :) Spectrometer nails it. Lots of effort put into this little prod.

@Trap: Would you paste the scrolltexts for each track in prod notes? Can't be patient to read scrolltexts anymore. Plus, they could be used as STIL in HVSC.

A new/unpublished Jeroen Tel's tune in the intro?! Unpossible... Sounds very DRAX'y though. With Reyn's LN3 bass and snare ;-)
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Submitted by Dano on 15 February 2017
Loved the screen at Datastorm?

Trap, yes please some more tech would be appreciated! Didn't think that so much thought is involved in that one.

Me rather noticed other optical details. :)
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 15 February 2017
Thank you for all the kind words, it means a lot to me.
The spectromizer reads the currently playing node and looks up the positioning using a binary search algorithm. The height of the node is determined by looking at the decay value. Finally I do an analysis on neighbouring bars and calculate an interpolation position - it's a trick, but it gives the whole thing a very convincing look. The spectromizer was by far the thing in this demo that I'm the most proud of, so your comment means a lot to me, Stinsen. Thank you. Laxity did help me out with the initial code design, so he deserves a bit of credit here as well. It took me close to a week to get it right :) I'd love to share my code if interested.
And yes, one file - it was a struggle to keep everything in memory but it was a goal right from the beginning. Let's just say it's a really right fit *laughing*.
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Submitted by TheRyk on 14 February 2017
Rhaa! Lovely! <3

And all in 1 file!

Be sure we're gonna blast this via very powerful stereo all over Berlin at BCC!
User Comment
Submitted by Stinsen on 14 February 2017
As if I wasn't already impressed enough by the soundtrack this came along.. That visualizer just blew me away at the party (which I might have mentioned to the nearby crowd one time too many, sorry for that ;). It looks like not only frequency analysis but also envelope is taken into consideration? Would love some tech notes on this one. :D
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Submitted by Yogibear on 13 February 2017
Excellent stuff! HVSC crew don't forget to rip the awesome Jeroen Tel tune in the intro!
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Submitted by Flex on 13 February 2017
Thank you for putting this into one file. Instant great memories from X'2016 just from the music itself.. Quality stuff, well, just look who's behind the music. If I had to pick one favourite, Drax's endtune #8 gave me the chills..
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Submitted by Walt on 12 February 2017
Animated screenshot uploaded :)
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 12 February 2017
Oh y helo again, Bonzai!

P.S: Someone dithered one c64 palette into another instead of mapping the colors directly in that screenshot! 8)
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