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Flashback 2019 Invitation
Released At :
Syntax 2018
Achievements :
Mixed Demo Competition at Syntax 2018 : #3
Credits :
Code | .... | ChristopherJam |
Music | .... | psych858o of Artstate, Elysium, Genesis Project, MultiStyle Labs |
Graphics | .... | iLKke of DataDoor, Funkentstört, RGCD |
Text | .... | Jazzcat of Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, RGCD, Vandalism News Staff |
| | Reload of Defame |
Charset | .... | iLKke of DataDoor, Funkentstört, RGCD |
SIDs used in this release :
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Trivia Info Submitted by ChristopherJam on 10 November 2018
Presents screen is 192px wide pseudo-hires five colour image, using a half pixel offset multicolour sprite underlay.
Main effect is the first gapless split bitmap scroller I've seen - but do let me know if this isn't a first.
Only unusual colour restriction is that colour ram has to be constant per column. A hires bitmap would have no routine-specific restrictions at all.
The blitter for the lower half averages a mere 7.2 cycles per byte, allowing for a new relative alignment* every three or four frames despite a fairly typical music player and a relatively unoptimised DYCP for the scrolltext.
* (floor(upperscroll/8)-floor(lowerscroll/8)) |
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