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Alternate Reality - The City +11D   [2020]

Alternate Reality - The City +11D Released by :
Fairlight [web]

Release Date :
14 February 2020

Type :
C64 Crack

Videosystem: any
Properties: Onesided

User rating:**********  9.6/10 (42 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.7/10 (17 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Crack .... Bacchus of Fairlight
Trainer .... Bacchus of Fairlight
  Pitcher of Fairlight
Original Supply .... jcompton of From the Ashes
Linking .... Bacchus of Fairlight
Docs .... Bacchus of Fairlight
  tNG of Fairlight
Ripping .... Bacchus of Fairlight
Test .... jcompton of From the Ashes
  Pitcher of Fairlight
  tNG of Fairlight
Help .... jcompton of From the Ashes
  Pitcher of Fairlight
  Trasher of Fairlight

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadFairlight Intro (Alternate Reality - The City) by Fairlight

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User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 1 December 2020
I just noted that Fungus lowered his vote from 7 to 5, to ensure the average wouldn't be too high. How is your fixed version coming along?
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 7 March 2020
I think it's relevant what it is to crack a game and to code a game. Rewriting a borked part of the game is for sure beyond the scope of what one can reasonably expect from a crack IMHO. A 100% crack is a 100% crack. It's fair to also look at striving towards 101% versions and I would warmly welcome Fungus to make one.

And we just spent the time to make a REU release (that should also please those who find that the most important part of a release is to have as few files as possible).
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 7 March 2020
Changed my vote since no effort was put into fixing the bugs in the game.
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 27 February 2020
I guess the thing with this game is that not many people ever played it - at least not in my circles. I heard the names many times, but only in the context of how difficult it was to crack. And a lot of the people saying this were merely relaying hearsay.

I think it's a lot more than decent. The 3D graphics when you run around is so before it's time. Super complex logic calculating the probabilities of things happening.

The c64 version is not 100% the same as the Atari one, but you can get a sense of the depth by looking here:

User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 27 February 2020
must admit not my fav. game but i stumble this crack only now, and i lay my hat off for Bacchus great efforts. awesome work !!
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 27 February 2020
Cool stuff! I gave it a straight 10, but it's worth more!
Keep in there and keep on there
(interesting discussion (at times) on the forum, especially about the compacted loaders:
I do think it's a dead waste unless a release "whispers",

"It could franky, it could be franky
It could be very fresh and clean
It could be a balloon
All these are the days my friends
And these are the days my friends
It could get some wind for the sailboat
And it could get for it is
It could get the railroad for these workers
It could get for it is were
It could be a ballon
It could be franky"

User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 27 February 2020
haha yea, one of my more successful failures :)
good to have you back and active too!
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 25 February 2020
@burglar - Enno, you know that all this is your fault? If it hadn't been for that Return of Herakles compo I would still have a life ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 24 February 2020
holy cow! an actually impressive crack in 2020 \o/

well done Bacchus et al!

and long note is long ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Moderators on 20 February 2020
Keep the comments on topic, anything else should be moved to the forums. This comment section will be cleansed in the near future.
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 20 February 2020
"a feat near impossible"

That sounds like a great personal challenge for yourself :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 20 February 2020
@fungus Reacting is pure heart and telling the heart how to react is beyond me. Me brain knows you're perfectly correct - but my heart doesn't care.

And thinking the game requires REU support is a fully valid argument for your vote.

Hat of pal - I truly appreciate your opinion.

@fix making a 101%, addressing all the issues Jason list is a feat near impossible.
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 20 February 2020
@bacchus I got upset once upon a time when people downvoted stuff I put a ton of work into, but there is always haters and jelous people, especially in the scene. You should expect that, and ignore it because they can be dismissed as such. People's reputations also have a lot to do with it, and the scene is different now than back in the times, so you also have to overcome that and any egotistical behavior or perceived incompetence will reflect in it. I know that very very well...

@Fix maybe for only 1541 IFFL, but n0sd0s is a bit more than a 5 minutes job to implement due to the amount of devices supported, and it requires a lot of testing. I voted a 9 because I really want the ability to use an REU to play games to effectively remove loading times, especially in games which have a lot of disk access.
User Comment
Submitted by Fix on 19 February 2020
A solid 10!

IFFL or Not... Adding IFFL is a 5 min job. Making it a 101% will be more impressive! But still a solid 10!
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 19 February 2020
@fungus Some do their stuff for the joy of doing it, and some do it to see people like the result. I'm much more the latter and every unjust comment and six vote is a dart of poison to my heart. A pain that really make me question why I loose sleep to provide something a number of people still take the liberty of pissing on. Call me a drama queen if you want, but it REALLY the fun out of the effort for me. REALLY!

It's a separate discussion but I really think that secret votes is breeding a category of people that vote just to bring down the average of something they see as a competition.
User Comment
Submitted by Pitcher on 19 February 2020
@Fungus- Also, a teleport trainer is indeed 1 trainer, not more than one.

Yes it's counted as 1 trainer not 5, otherwise it would have been +15
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 18 February 2020
Would rather see bug fixes that IFFL at the moment. Would rather see AR-The Dungeon too. Of course if someone else can step in to do it? :)

Pure 10 from me. People voting 6 etc. Guess anonymous envy happening there (agree with Bacchus on that).
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 18 February 2020
hedning said it, IFFL it. n0sd0s preferred. I guess others would want an easyflash version too. Also, a teleport trainer is indeed 1 trainer, not more than one.

Who cares about votes anyways.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 18 February 2020
Bacchus: Did you even read the forum? Release id #187773 : Alternate Reality - The City +11D
User Comment
Submitted by celticdesign on 18 February 2020
Do you still believe in a world full of retards?
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 18 February 2020
Not asking for votes of any kind but anyone voting 6 on this crack cannot honestly mean that. It's an anonymous vote of envy.
User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 18 February 2020
Asking for 10 votes on the comments - what exactly do you expect again?
(and I didnt vote.)
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 17 February 2020
And now the votes of envy rolled in. The ones not thinking we deserved a perfect ten ..
User Comment
Submitted by wil on 17 February 2020
As far as I tested I can also confirm that it works well with an SD2IEC as well. Excellent work!
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 17 February 2020
Bacchus: IFFL perhaps? Seems like this is a perfect release to IFFL? NosDos it to make it more compatible with stuff? Can’t think of anything else. As said: awesome work.
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 17 February 2020
Andreas: For me is could be "megatrainer". We counted teleport as one where we have a number of set locations and then a fully flexible. We could have counted that as six if boosting this metric was in our interest.

If people want to make it fewer trainers, be my guest.

The one voting 9, please tell us what we should have done to get a ten?
User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 17 February 2020
Very nice overall version.
Turn rich and turn richer on trainer "menu" counted as two trainers?
User Comment
Submitted by ws on 16 February 2020
WOW! Standing Applause and also a big big thank you! Awesome Work! i would love to see a detailed documentation of the cracking process. would surely make a very thrilling read or video even.
User Comment
Submitted by Snabel on 16 February 2020
Outstanding effort! I cross my fingers that you will give The Dungeon the same treatment at some point. Thanks guys!
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 15 February 2020
Now do The Dungeon. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 15 February 2020
Every now and then glimpses of what I consider to be the real cracking scene shine through; this is one of those moments. Selective source, excellent execution - covering both oldie and firstie scenes! Thanks Fairlight!
User Comment
Submitted by jcompton on 15 February 2020
Another mad dream given form! Huge applause to Bacchus for taking it on, to Pitcher for hanging with it even when my description of the potion system proved confusing, and to all those who have tried to play a role in this game's preservation over the years.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 15 February 2020
Bacchus: or add him.
User Comment
Submitted by G-Force on 15 February 2020
Top work.
User Comment
Submitted by sailor on 15 February 2020
Well done, thats how you do it :).
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 15 February 2020
@magervalp - If we just know his name here then that should be added.
User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 15 February 2020
Really big effort here!
3(4) sides, onesided is well done! :)
User Comment
Submitted by MagerValp on 15 February 2020
Fantastic job Bacchus, happy you pulled through! I’ve been following the work behind the scenes, and AR is one hell of a beast to slay. Looking forward to a write-up of all the craziness!

PS: no testing credits for Jason?
User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 15 February 2020
What Smasher said. Same here...
Also, this game has cult status for some people (Atari guys mainly). Which makes me wanna spend some time with it to understand why.
User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 15 February 2020
game is not my taste, but great cracked version!
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 15 February 2020
Bacchus: Ok. Thanx for clarifying that. I thought you went for the dumps I sent as you asked around on Facebook for the original disks, and I was quite fast.
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 15 February 2020
No Hedning - we cracked this off an original by Jason.

We did get a bunch of originals from both you and Sailer, but none were used.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 15 February 2020
Nice! I believe I supplied the original disks to Bacchus here, but no need to credit me I guess? Happy valentines day.
User Comment
Submitted by Giulio/Wolf on 15 February 2020
User Comment
Submitted by MCM on 15 February 2020
Impressive work ! Just amazing, crunching all stuff on 1 disk side ! Ingame Trainer Looks ace, got to take a close look an play it for some time.
User Comment
Submitted by Dymo on 15 February 2020
Well, this gets an "A" for effort.. nice set of trainers.. a fine crack.. cheers! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 15 February 2020
This is the most difficult and challenging thins I have ever taken on.

Do have a look at the in-game trainers as well - they are pretty magnificent.

And do read the docs - especially the one on the main disk. There is a lot of meaty information there.
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 15 February 2020
Wow, nice work, Bacchus! Great crack!
User Comment
Submitted by Brataccas on 15 February 2020
User Comment
Submitted by E$G on 15 February 2020
Great way to handle a crack. Thumbs up!
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 15 February 2020
WOOOT. Cheers!
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