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Serpent Picture   [1987]

Serpent Picture Released by :
Triad [web]

Release Date :
2 May 1987

Type :
C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (5 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Music .... Matt Gray
Graphics .... Robin Levy

SIDs used in this release :
Serpent Demo(/MUSICIANS/G/Gray_Matt/Serpent_Demo.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Robin Levy on 18 June 2018
Release date is wrong. This image was completed in one night on the date under the sig. I do not ever recall this ever being uploaded to COMPUNET but it was on the B-side o the Hunter's Moon disk. There is a small chance that it might have been included on one of our disks swaps to mainland Europe at the time- however this is doubtful considering its called "serpent" which was the file name that was used on the Hunters game disk because of an objection from the boss of Thalamus.
This was my first ever "finished" c64 picture and the first time I used VIDCOM which I continued to use till Turbo Charge; which should go some way to explain why it's sub-par compared to my later stuff.
Yes- it's a copy of the cabinet art from the Salamander arcade machine that me and the rest of Cyberdyne were addicted to and was the inspiration for Armalyte.
User Comment
Submitted by cba on 19 December 2013
Uploaded a spread disk from Triad with Hunter's Moon and this file.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 24 August 2010
There, Serpent Demo [fix]
recreated from original frozen file and fixed.
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 24 August 2010
just looked at this one. the bitmap initialization routine is at $4000 and it copies colour ram from $8328 to $d800. which makes it a bog standard koala setup routine thats right out of the koala manual. however the colour ram at 8328 is also screwed, which means it's not the colour copy routine thats wrong. editing the colour ram beginning at 8328 and replacing the multiple occurances of 0E (light blue) in blocks of 3 to 09 and 0B (the surrounding values) will restore the pic to its proper state. however i don't know how to restart it with the music. executing 4000 simply shows the now properly coloured pic. $4000 is called from down low near 0200 along with other stuff. over to a coder now i think :)
User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 20 August 2010
JCB: That's the sys-line for the depacker showing the Triad logo, either he linked the release or did that packer.
User Comment
Submitted by JCB on 20 August 2010
If you stop the decompression before it jumps to run the demo you can see the SYS line from the demo part which has SKYDIVE on it so it's probably safe to credit it to him.?
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 20 August 2010
I have an original Delta disk, somewhere. It is the only Thamalus game I own on disk.
User Comment
Submitted by T.M.R on 20 August 2010
Thanks iAN, it would've bugged me... =-)

So the chances are that Triad did a version of Hunter's Moon and released this at the same time since it was on the disk?

And looking at the colour problems, i'll bet that whichever register is being used for the loop setting up the colour isn't being initialised, so the differing problems are dependent on whatever that register has in it when the code is run. =-)
User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 19 August 2010
iAN definitely rules, no doubt about that.
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 19 August 2010
Nerds we are, we do love it!
User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 19 August 2010
Success - iAN CooG rules! I looked at the version I have at C64pixels, and again there are some major differences with the colour map.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 19 August 2010
I have the Quedex original disk and contains as extras
- hunters moon demo
- willy worm ii

Delta contains:
nostalga trip-------a
xmas 'roids---------c
delta demo----------d

Hunters moon finally contains this
1. hunter's moon
2. serpent+sample <<<<
3. alien pic
4. hunter's moon pic
5. hawkeye pic 1
6. xenophobia pic 1

and has a correct color table, but only if loaded from inside the disk menu %)
User Comment
Submitted by T.M.R on 19 August 2010
i'm fairly sure it was on a Thalamus disk... i've never seen an ori of Delta so it can't be that, anyone got Quedex to check? =-)
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 18 August 2010
checked now, Sanxion doesn't contain this but Mindsmear and a lot of other cnet demos/pics
demon's demo #1--b
future shock-----c
mind smear-------g
power windows----h
sanxion demo-----i
User Comment
Submitted by T.M.R on 18 August 2010
Could be my memory going (and i can't find the disk image i'm fairly sure i had at one point) but wasn't this "bundled" on the original disk of Sanxion...?
User Comment
Submitted by JCB on 18 August 2010
lol you guys are funny. Now Cnetters/UK sceners didn't know/have traders? ROFL We didn't live near This guy and meet up with him every week and he neeeeeever traded all over the world noooo that shit never happened. lol Same with a lot of the other Cnet guys, we had all the traders you guys did AND Cnet.. :P

Also quite funny is if you go to Triad's site and check the members list you'll see a few cnetter's listed ;)
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 18 August 2010
@Rough, how can i know? and just who do you think cnetters traded with? do u really think that the UK didnt trade to anyone else. If you were actually part of the scene then you should be aware that euro groups made special efforts to trade with cnetters to get uk stuff.
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 18 August 2010
"Naive?" Keep your projections for yourself, stupid. Triad spread wares got along the world wide far more back in 86/87 than 90% of CNET stuff. You cant know, cos CNET is the only part and only a small part of the world you knew and the rest is blank.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 18 August 2010
"@Rough, what just like the other hundreds of CNET releases on here never made it worldwide you mean? like Bob and Dokk and SIT and myself? dont be so niave."
i guess the other cnet stuff was spread by cnetters then. those typically had thousends of mail contacts so they could send their downloads to everyone. hail \o/
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 18 August 2010
@Rough, what just like the other hundreds of CNET releases on here never made it worldwide you mean? like Bob and Dokk and SIT and myself? dont be so niave.

@Deev i also wondered if the colour ram was corrupted because of the blue too.
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 18 August 2010
Robin Levy was pretty much my pixelling hero when I was a kid, but this wasn't one of his better days.

Wondering if the pic is slightly corrupted, the blocks of light blue dotted around the screen don't make much sense.
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 18 August 2010
At least the Triad guys made the pic worldwide spread, cause else no donkey would have seen that except for some Compunetters.
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 15 August 2010
It's just a tiny bit squeezed and flattened :)
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 15 August 2010
@STE’98 ‘This is Robin Levy art’
Well yes, and well no. Its an image from Salamander, the Konami arcade game.

By Robin Levy standards, Serpent Picture is not his best. Maybe this is how he started out.
If it is, he progressed fast. The same was also evident when comparing the Armalyte previews to the finished game.

Salamander/Konami [1988]

In the original image, the creature looks more like its made from metal.
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 15 August 2010
Whoever released what, it's still a nice image and a remarkable piece (copy) by Robin Levy. I'm not a friend of symmetry and neither is the restrictions of the c64 so thankfully part from some elements it was distorted.

Now, off the track (curiosity): It's told that the first central perspective (symmetrical composition) was to depict Jesus Christ Crucifixion (can't remember the artists name though, but probably some Italian). So in that drawing technique we didn't just get a wit of religion but also the notion of death :).
Not without a certain irony, it seems appropriate to the deadly animal in the image.
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 15 August 2010
oh yeah, they added a triad logo before it runs. how novel. makes you wonder how many other "graphic" releases on mr mouses list down to Triad in 87 aren't triad at all doesn't it? i would have thought this one should be Robin Levy or its a Triad demo. coz it certainly isnt Triad art
User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 15 August 2010
Try running it & you'll see.
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 15 August 2010
This is Robin Levy art. we didnt know who he was when this first appeared on Cnet in 87. which is why i find the "triad" release a bit dubious. Matt Gray music and Robin Levy art, uploaded onto cnet but released by Triad? unlikely i think
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