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Krestage 3 - More Weird Stuff   [2007]

Krestage 3 - More Weird Stuff Released by :

Release Date :
13 May 2007

Type :
C64 One-File Demo

User rating:*********_  9.1/10 (35 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.2/10 (16 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Crossbow of Crest
Music .... Jeff of Bonzai, Camelot, Cosine, Crest, Viruz
Graphics .... Crossbow of Crest

SIDs used in this release :
Messy One(/MUSICIANS/J/Jeff/Messy_One.sid)

Scrolltext and other text in this release : ()

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User Comment
Submitted by Krill on 7 August 2015
There is a 9th sprite, of course. Since sprite 0 fetch happens in the beginning of the right border, you can move this very sprite to immediately after that fetch, and it will be displayed again, even if it has been displayed already earlier in the same line. But it cannot be displayed in the following line again before the right border, as the shift register doesn't get filled with new pattern data until the beginning of the right border on that next line. This is why this trick only works on every other line.
User Comment
Submitted by Flavioweb on 16 March 2015
There is no 9th sprite at all.
Is the sprite 0 "cut in half" and displayed, in a line immediately after the fetch, and in the next line ahead on rasterline ...
User Comment
Submitted by TomoAlien on 25 January 2013
I understand the ninesprite trick used in this demo, even though I am not a coder :o).

Anyways, the bombastic bass beat in this bad boy is awesome (One of my fave SIDs), and I wish it got an extended edition, since I'd love to hear a more full-fledged version of this kickass tune akin to what DRAX did with Resolution.

Still, really neat tricks in here.
User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 29 August 2008
@Linus: Yup, it was TRSI in 1994. It was used in the 'Viktoria' music disk and 'Never Liked Uno' slideshow, too.
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 20 July 2007
I have seen the picture in an amiga music collection by Virgill aswell. Can't remember the title, but it certainly was a TRSI production.
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 20 July 2007
WEC: I'm pretty damn sure the "3" cannot be positioned just a single pixel closer to the left! ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by hollowman on 25 May 2007
wec, dunno. i guess this one has correct size http://www.gfxzone.org/personal/made/02/made-secret_m.html
User Comment
Submitted by hollowman on 25 May 2007

User Comment
Submitted by Copyfault on 21 May 2007
@DK: I'd bet the routine in the upper border is not able to display an alternating pixel sequence like '0101...'; by switching an X-expanded sprite from hires to mcol at an appropriate pos, one (resp. two) pixel is simply reused. So no need to ponder about mem-usage ;)
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 20 May 2007
I have a laptop (old 500 Mhz iBook) with me actually, but it's more the lack of time and the sun outside that is preventing me! ;-)
Prophet64 is that c64 sequencing software on cartridge, kinda like a software SIDstation...
P.S: Not planning to go to Taiwan, so hooray! 8) Laos is nice, let's see what it's got to offer...
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 19 May 2007
WEC: You're right, no contribs from me this time (kinda hard to do c64 stuff though while you're gone travelling and had to deal with stupid business stuff before that! ;-)
Watch out for a pretty nice Dicke Eier Weihnachtsfeier Logo from me and Ptoing once that damn Prophet64 is released! 8)
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 17 May 2007
Awesome, Roland! 8)
I just wish i could find a c64 in Bangkok to check this out!
While I'm waiting for Roland to explain this to me, here's one thing to ponder: How do you actually store the bitpatterns for 25-pixel sprites? I guess in the 9 sprites one of the 8 is "re-used" with a new pattern, kinda like a Sprite-FLI... If this is really not a fake it's fucking impressive!
Another good thing about this: This time there's been no raiding of the Meet Crest "treasurebox" as in the first two Krestages! ;-)

Oh, can someone please update the screenshot?
User Comment
Submitted by Rost on 16 May 2007
CCS64 displays the 50 (25) pixels correct. 9 sprites - 10 points !
User Comment
Submitted by FMan on 16 May 2007
Okay, I've watched the demo on my real C128. Works perfectly and I love it!

Wile Coyote, if you read the comments more carefully you could have picked up the clues: Tape saying there are *no limits* and then WVL confirming he wasn't *bluffing*.

So there were your clues, but I guess you are just as bad in solving riddles as I am. ;) Luckily I was on #C-64 at the time Zer0-X cracked the password. :D
User Comment
Submitted by 6R6 on 15 May 2007
Ok, here's the password:
"no limit hold'em"

Sorry for spoiling the fun. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 15 May 2007
Jeff, the music absolutely fits and creates great atmosphere. Crossbow, thanx for coming up with another out of this world trick collection. Thumbs up!

p.s.: 10 years after krestage 2.. whoa..
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 15 May 2007
Yes, I would have loved to do the .sid soundtrack to Zel..eh Mythos.
User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 15 May 2007
Hmm hoxs64 now displays 50 pixel sprites, but a few pixels inside the 48 pixels are wrong now.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 15 May 2007
its a shame about the game, only exploring the map is a huge fun, and the HW scrolled bitmapped gfx works like a dream.
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 15 May 2007
From the Hoxs64 release notes:

16 May 2007 v1.0.4.14
1) Added 25 pixel sprite feature used in the "Krestage 3" Demo by Crest. The demo will
now run unpatched.
User Comment
Submitted by Shadow on 15 May 2007
Good to see that someone extracted the game preview. I started running VICE in warp mode to get to it, but after I calculated it would take approx. 7 hours to run down the counter, I kind of lost interest! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Fzool on 15 May 2007
So, what is the password? :)
User Comment
Submitted by A3 on 15 May 2007
Nice little game. Want to move freely across the map? Try pressing space once to be able to cross all obstacles.
User Comment
Submitted by hollowman on 15 May 2007
wvl, yeah, i thought that was rather fitting, just wasnt sure if it was intentional or not ;)

wec, i uploaded the secret part if you dont want to wait
User Comment
Submitted by Cruzer on 14 May 2007
@wile coyote: About half a day in warp mode :)
User Comment
Submitted by Tape on 14 May 2007
I have to say, this was the most entertaining release I have ever seen. I really enjoyed the password challenge :-) Maybe I have to release a krypto myself...
User Comment
Submitted by WVL on 14 May 2007
get the hint hollowman? bluffing? :)
User Comment
Submitted by hollowman on 14 May 2007
zer0x has also haxxored the password, he isnt bluffing. and judging by his comment, neither is tape
User Comment
Submitted by WVL on 14 May 2007
I bet Tape was bluffing when he said he knew the password ;) I'm calling your bluf man!
User Comment
Submitted by Sledge on 14 May 2007
Hmm.. I tried the passvoid: Ken sent me. But it didn't work ;)
User Comment
Submitted by enthusi on 14 May 2007
works like a charm on my old c64.
However my 1802 hardly displays any border at all :)
I believe you though, xbow!
Nice indeed
User Comment
Submitted by Yodelking on 14 May 2007
Having no C64 connected here, I look forward to see this demo on BFP. :)

Crossbow, I read your handlestory:
"Third random pick from the dictionary. Chosen because it had eight letters (8 sprites!)"

Perhaps you should change your handle now, to get more use of your invented 9 sprites... :)
User Comment
Submitted by Codey on 14 May 2007
what is the correct position of the 3 - between the R and the E, or in the right border? vice renders it between the R and E one raster line lower than the other sprites. this seems more explainable than on the same raster line in the border.
User Comment
Submitted by Copyfault on 14 May 2007
Got my hands on this gem yesterday night and those fx almost had me lying awake the rest of the night! This is OUTSTANDING! Atleast the effect in the upper border has become clear for me;) The true brilliance lies in the simple but powerful ideas!
User Comment
Submitted by FMan on 13 May 2007
Impossible! 9 sprites is undoable. I refuse to accept this. Error! Error! :-)
User Comment
Submitted by HCL on 13 May 2007
Very nice! Crossbow does what he does best, invent new weird things. My deepest respect!!

The FLI-routine looks understandable, so does the lower border trick (at least a little ;). Upper border is totally weird, so i guess that's all as it should be :D.
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 13 May 2007
So the innovations can be described as "weird but not very useful"? :-) Too bad, but quite expected. All VIC tricks that can actually be used for anything cool have been discovered already.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 13 May 2007
hmm so toggling multicolor on off makes the shift register put out one more pixel ? :)
User Comment
Submitted by Clarence on 13 May 2007
Intriguing stuff! Lovely. Never thought of $d01c splitting can give you such results. :) Xbow proves again, the vic article is incomplete and useless for innovative thinking coders. :)

One complaint: no dycp this time which was a mandatory Krestage tradition. ;(
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 13 May 2007
Haha, Roland, very entertaining! :D A nice mix of juggling x-coords and colours while linecrunching some gfx? Looking forward to seeing it on the real thing. Thumbs up, especially for the scrolltext.
User Comment
Submitted by Tape on 13 May 2007
Graham: I too tried at first to go with the password checker... Absolutely too many valid passwords :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 13 May 2007
I just tried my luck on a password decrypter. Sadly it the password test algo allows 18446744073709551615 wrong passwords to be accepted. The first wrong password would be:

"I+;=: @@@@@@@@@@"

ofcourse, this just crashes the demo :D
User Comment
Submitted by Soren on 13 May 2007
As I'm a bit of a freak, I might add that the tune (which ended up a little messy), is best played on 8580, but I tried to make it somewhat ok sounding on 6581r4 aswell. Thanks for votes+comments and Thanks to Crossbow for the nice little coop - was a pleasure. :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 13 May 2007
@Ptoing: Because that wouldn't tickle my cracker-nerve, now would it? If I want to play games on the 64, there's always Paradroid...
User Comment
Submitted by ptoing on 13 May 2007
@Tao: how about just playing "Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" on a SNES Emulator, that's where those graphics are copied from anyway :)
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 13 May 2007
Gah, that game looks awesome. I soooo want it, preferably with a really tough protection.
User Comment
Submitted by Tape on 13 May 2007
And yes, I know what's the password. There's no limits!
User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 13 May 2007
@Mace: If it was X-position movement, nobody would get excited about it :)
User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 13 May 2007
The 50px sprites make me think it's a small x-coord move of 2 px.
From the emulator screenshots, you can see the pixels missing on the right side of the letters appear a bit to the left.
Or rather, the amount of pixels on a line is correct, but some seem to be shifted to the left a bit...
User Comment
Submitted by Cruzer on 13 May 2007
Great to see some more mindboggling tricks from Xbow!

@MRT1975: Of course it's "faked". Almost all seemingly impossible effects are faked somehow. Just like magicians - they don't actually perform magic, although it looks like it when you don't know how they do it.
User Comment
Submitted by AüMTRöN on 13 May 2007
Sorry for another commment, but I'd just like to say (before someone shoot me down), I did vote 9 for this initially, then changed it to a 7 when I thought it was "faked". Now I just totally don't know :D So plz don't take it as disrespect, I'm just a confused lamah - I'll change it back to 9 when someone give me the sekret password :)
User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 13 May 2007
@Oswald: The 'T' isn't doable with $3FFF because that would require black background. And don't judge the 9 sprites part from the buggy Vice screenshot :D
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 13 May 2007
judging on the screenshot when the '3' is moved its displayed on every other lines which is not a big stunt (change X coord and sprite ptr). Also the 'T' looks like doable with $3fff tricks. :) the 25 pixel wideness is weird to say the least.
User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 13 May 2007
@JackAsser: No fake explanations. There's really 50 (well... 25 expanded) pixel wide sprites and really 9 sprites on a line :)
User Comment
Submitted by icon on 13 May 2007
This is very cool indeed! About the FLI/multicolour scroll. Isnt it realy TWO FLI's but the wolf "only" use the limited colour of a multicolour pic?! Still cool as hell... Respect!
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 13 May 2007
WVL: Aaw, so, no magical 9th freely movable sprite? Disappointing! ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Sander on 13 May 2007
Bunch of amateur mythbusters! ;)
Thanks Roland.
User Comment
Submitted by WVL on 13 May 2007
I think I get what's going on with the 9th sprite.

As usual, the reason you can only get 8 sprites is that the VIC only fetches 8 sprite datas each line. Now what crossbow is doing is displaying sprite '3' with the data that is needed for the NEXT line (which is already fetched at that position and the reason the '3' is so far in the right border!) (IE, it's showing the data that is meant for the line that is black and has no sprite contents.)

So in reality, there are only 8 sprites, and the last sprite is made by using the data that is meant for the next line instead.

Would be easy by checking which sprite holds the '3', I'm betting it's sprite 0.

Not 100% sure about this, but this is the way i think about it :)
User Comment
Submitted by AüMTRöN on 13 May 2007
Aww! I so wanted to beleive... Whats with that combined K/3 sprite? ;) Got plenty time to try (and fail) to work it out anyway... $FFDCxxxx still on the secret part counter... LOL!
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 13 May 2007
was it really fake? am I stoned? :)
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 13 May 2007
hmm would have been cooler if its not faked :)
User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 13 May 2007
Nice stuff, but I'm with Krill when it comes to the explanations.
Also, the demo ran twice with a cold VIC, but after that it kept crashing. :(
User Comment
Submitted by AüMTRöN on 13 May 2007
OMG! Is it real!? Triple thumbs up! Great music and pics also it must be said... (even tho my poor C64c bugs out shortly after the pics start moving :) - I guess I need to kiss and reseat my VIC-II :P ) EDIT: on running again it runs perfect. My c64 is weird!
User Comment
Submitted by Krill on 13 May 2007
My money is on the fake explanations for the lamers. And i haven't even watched the demo yet.. o.O :D
User Comment
Submitted by JackAsser on 13 May 2007
So, are the explanations true or is it just yet another Tögel(tm) fake explanation for teh lamers? :D (like the upper nybbles of $d8xx f.e.)
User Comment
Submitted by Platoon on 13 May 2007
looks impressive indeed....

sadly even though i own a real c64'er i dont have a xfer cable so i guess if im ever gonna see this demo in action i have to buy a xfer cable or go to mdz downtown an see it on hes real c64 :P
User Comment
Submitted by Ninja on 13 May 2007
How cruel is this? Can't get my hands on a real commie until end of July. Sigh...
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 13 May 2007
Comeback of the year! Can't wait to get home to watch it. About time somebody did something new. :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 13 May 2007
ok, I havent seen this, but the comments made my pants wet. I mean 9 R E A L sprites on one scanline ? 50 pixels wide sprites ? W H A T T H E F U C K ?! :D
User Comment
Submitted by A3 on 13 May 2007
Hmm, just the other day I was thinking of starting a topic about which series you wanted to see another demo made. And this was the series I was going to vote for. This was all after I had rewatched the first two for the 100th time or so. This series rocks.
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 13 May 2007
Love it! Works on my C64 fine :)
User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 13 May 2007
Crossbow never fails to impress (or do the impossible)! Great tune by JEFF (is this an exclusive? It's too early for my brain to work!). TRIVIA: The Werewolf pic is originally by SAURON of STATIC BYTES (Amiga), entitled FREAK. Released at the The Gathering'93... I know, I was there! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 13 May 2007
@iAN CooG: Even Hoxs is not able to display the 50 pixel wide sprites :P
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 13 May 2007
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 13 May 2007
Yay for Crossbow! YAY YAY!!!! <3 <3 <3
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 13 May 2007

User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 13 May 2007
Emulators would not help you anyway since they don't emulate the effects :D
User Comment
Submitted by l0dy on 12 May 2007
I am pretty curious on this release too. Just tried to get it going in various emulators but never proceeded further than the crest symbols. Could someone please upload a video or tell us how to get it running on emus? Thanks!
User Comment
Submitted by DRAX on 12 May 2007
Hey Roland... What happened to the tunes I did for the demo? You never confirmed that you got them...
User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 12 May 2007
@Frantic: I guess the position is required to have 9 on a rasterline :)
User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 12 May 2007
@Graham: okok.. but still.. the "3" shouldn't be 99% outside my screen, right? (Just wondering.) My monitor isn't that "narrow" really.
User Comment
Submitted by Graham on 12 May 2007
@Frantic: The grey rasterbars misalignment is normal if you have 8 sprites on a rasterline. It cannot be avoided, because sprite DMA needs all the time before the visible color change.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 12 May 2007
Works in Hoxs64, but only after cracking the vic detection.
Vice 1.20 displays the "3" after the "R" and not after the last "E"
Password is very hard to find, there's no use cracking the counter as the password is used to decrypt the part.
/me bows to xbow
User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 12 May 2007
Doesn't seem to work perfectly on my SX-64. The bottom part saying "KREASTAGE3" is a bit fucked. To the left is a one char wide misalignment, so the grey lines looks like this on the left side of the screen:

That is, the whole 9 sprite effect seems shifted one char (or more?) to the right. ...and I can only see about one pixel of the "3" on the right of the screen (I am using a monitor for the SX-64). The rest disappears. In fact, I only assume this is a "3", because I cannot really see it.
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 12 May 2007
50 pixels x-stretched sprites, 9 sprites in a row. Crossbow, are you sure that you are a human being just like us? :) That's totally insane!!! No need to talk about FLI, koala mover with 3 column bug fix. 3 world records/inventions in one screen. I'm about to change my religion :)
User Comment
Submitted by Isildur on 12 May 2007
hmmm... how to play it under CCS64 v3.2?
Sixx share your knowledge with us ;)
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Submitted by Sixx on 12 May 2007
Works on CCS64 v3.2. Great demo!!
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Submitted by leonofsgr on 12 May 2007
not work :_/ why?! :_/
User Comment
Submitted by Shadow on 12 May 2007
Argh, my C64 doesn't like linecrunching so I just get a reset midway through the demo (but I assume that the picture starts scrolling then, right?)
Anyway, respect to Crossbow for continuing his quest to explore all the strangeness of the VIC chip! :)
User Comment
Submitted by yago on 12 May 2007

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Submitted by Burglar on 12 May 2007
don't torture me, upload a vid ;)
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