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Sharp   [2007]

Sharp Released by :
Fairlight [web], Instinct

Release Date :
8 July 2007

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :
Backslash 2007

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at Backslash 2007 :  #1

User rating:*********_  9.1/10 (72 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.1/10 (31 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Hollowman of Fairlight
  JackAsser of Instinct
Music .... Goto80 of Hack n' Trade, Oxsid Planetary, Phantasy, Up Rough
  King Fisher of Triad
Graphics .... Hollowman of Fairlight
  JackAsser of Instinct
Loader .... Krill of Plush

SIDs used in this release :
I Want You(/MUSICIANS/K/King_Fisher/I_Want_You.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Flex on 12 March 2024
This demo has aged beautifully, still keeping its charm.
User Comment
Submitted by Flex on 29 July 2020
Still very very impressive!
User Comment
Submitted by Sith on 22 March 2014
The branches are lovely, and many of the other parts look cool. The bleepy chaotic music is not my thing though...
User Comment
Submitted by Magnar on 10 December 2012
Really like this demo! Code and visuals are really great. But the music is just too crazy for my taste.. Drags down my overall impression as I really found it disturbing more than enchanting. Anyway, great work! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Hoild on 17 March 2012
Pleasantly different demo, 7/10.
User Comment
Submitted by Jok on 19 February 2012
One of my favorite - great that finally took place in charts at position it deserves
User Comment
Submitted by Cresh on 20 March 2010
Hypnotic. How come I have never seen it before? ;)
User Comment
Submitted by clonK on 22 September 2009
Added correct sid details.
User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 20 May 2009
Different, in every imaginable and unimaginable way. Which in this case is definitely NOT a bad thing!

Unique, well executed, experimental music like you've never heard on C64 before, and slightly disturbing too. While watching this I'm not on my safe cosy C64 demo planet but experimenting something otherworldy.

Modern art in its best form.
User Comment
Submitted by Celtic on 4 January 2009
Today is the first time i have seen this demo, and i must say that i am truly truly amazed by this one. Completely making me forget this is a c64 i am watching. Amazing, amazing, amazing. One of the best things i have seen so far.

and yeah, i loved the music too :) cannot find the sid in hvsc though...
User Comment
Submitted by MacGyver on 28 March 2008
The music is way too experimental for me, otherwise an excellent production. One of the best C64 demos of 2007.
User Comment
Submitted by Testa on 20 February 2008
very very cool stuff... i love your style hollowman!
User Comment
Submitted by gregg on 30 August 2007
I first heard the soundtrack yesterday at the goto80 concert in Lüneburg, and of course I HAD to watch the demo now. Absolutely great and very creative. I dig these hires and full frame rate effects. I wonder how I managed to miss it (in fact the complete Backslash party).
User Comment
Submitted by tempest on 6 August 2007
thanks for keeping the borders clean! (I didn't notice it at first, which is a good thing; I usually spot design flaws that are caused by including borders in the screen composition, for example in Manhood 2, where the car vanishes into thin air)
User Comment
Submitted by mathman on 24 July 2007
Superb demo. The opening part may be the best ever. I would give it a 10 if it only did something in the border at least once:)
User Comment
Submitted by Mermaid on 24 July 2007
The sort of demo I wish I could make.
User Comment
Submitted by hollowman on 17 July 2007
frantic, actually they are sort of inspired by the last part in demotronic. i had that part in mind, aswell as lots of mfx/kwl/sts demos with tunnels. http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=1164 is another one i had in mind while doing the demo, without actually managing to do anything like it
User Comment
Submitted by JackAsser on 17 July 2007
@Frantic: Hehe, not at all actually. All those parts were done by Hollowman, but perhaps he was inspired by your GBC demo(?). I think not however. ;D

@Nightlord: I did the basic fade, the growing stuff and the tubes. Hollowman did the rest. I linked my stuff and he linked his stuff. All in all it was a pleasure to work with Hollowman as always. Goto80 did the music and me and Hollowman tried our best to sync to it.
User Comment
Submitted by Nightlord on 16 July 2007
very nice demo. it is always a good day when you have a fairlight demo, or an instinct demo, or a triad demo, or any combination of the three...

is there a note file that I missed or do we not know who did what again :)
User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 15 July 2007
Very good!

@Jackasser: Were these backgrounds behind the buddha inspired by our GBC demo? :)
User Comment
Submitted by hollowman on 13 July 2007
motion, assembly 2004 invitation/moppi is the source of inspiration for that part
User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 11 July 2007
Are the growing branches inspired by the FLT PC demo that was entered into the Intel Duo, short demo contest? ...or was it another group? I could be wrong!

Nicely done guys...
User Comment
Submitted by Twoflower on 11 July 2007
This is a really nice demo. Really coherent for beeing done by two coders, and the organic growth-plant in the beginning is the only thing that doesn't fit perfectly with the rest. I really like Hollowmans theme, code and graphics in this one - for sure one of his best achievements so far.
User Comment
Submitted by Puterman on 11 July 2007
Now I'm finally home, where the machine allowed me to have a look at this thing again. It's very good, and especially the first part is just awesome. The whole package is very smoothly put together, maybe a bit too smooth for me, but Goto80's music adds some well needed dirtiness. Not your typical Hollowman demo, but I guess JackAsser might have a good/bad influence on his creative organs. It's nice to see him put together some parts that aren't just insane in the coding department, but also imaginative.
User Comment
Submitted by Clarence on 9 July 2007
Some superb ideas + coding here. The growing thing in the beginning is something very cool!

However, the overall 'monochrome' feeling of the demo is a bit of a downside, but is ok. The music is a matter of taste as always, for me it's a bit on the odd side. Also too bad the demo hangs on c128d.
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Submitted by macx on 9 July 2007
Je flotte en air mince avec eux Fairlighters!
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Submitted by pernod on 9 July 2007
I had been getting previews from my bro (JackAsser) before this was released, but it was a surprise to see the final version, how it all fits together so perfectly. To you who didn't like the music, I recommend 'Allsång på Skansen' instead. ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by ChristopherJam on 9 July 2007
Very nice. Some fresh effects, and once again I'm also beaten to release on a few ideas I've had kicking around. note to self: release stuff!

Nice design too, but not quite as strong as (say) Mathematica, which is why I gave it an 8 rather than 9. Need fractional votes! ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 9 July 2007
Best demo in ages! really nice design and cool tune! (not even close to too much weirdness IMO)
User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 8 July 2007
the music really is not my cup of tea... brrr - rest is nice
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 8 July 2007
WVL: Personally I reckon people should just set the emulator sound buffer to something a bit more sensible than 350 ms.
User Comment
Submitted by oys on 8 July 2007
i like it ALOT!
User Comment
Submitted by WVL on 8 July 2007
Nice :D

I'm glad the point I made with Trans*Form with the 350msec delay came across to other ppl aswell :) Everybody should include it!
User Comment
Submitted by JackAsser on 8 July 2007
@ZZAP69: That's because we never used the latest version of the loader. Krill has fixed this problems multiple times already. The loader used here is the same one that was used in The Wild Bunch.
User Comment
Submitted by ZZAP69 on 8 July 2007
Sweet stuff! I'm afraid the loader doesn't work on a C128D though.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 8 July 2007
very nice stuff I couldnt even think up in a million years :) I miss a hollowmanish weirdo storyline tho :)
User Comment
Submitted by ne7 on 8 July 2007
uber great stuff guys! what a nice way to start monday!
goto80, love the music mate! :)
User Comment
Submitted by zenda on 8 July 2007
A VERY cool demo indeed :-)
And actually I like the changing in the music, allthough it gets too noisy for me in the end ;-)

Great work guys !!
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Submitted by Laxity on 7 July 2007
Way cool.. Neat effects, and great music. Some passages of the music are mindblowingly cool.
User Comment
Submitted by SIDWAVE on 7 July 2007
Great work boys! keep it up!
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Submitted by Jucke on 7 July 2007
What a trip. I am stunned. One of the coolest demos i have ever seen. Where is my weed?
User Comment
Submitted by d0c on 7 July 2007
the growing branches and the triangle head over blue and purple backdrop, has to be the most original demo part i have seen in ages. i give it 10!!!!!

User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 7 July 2007
Awesome screens in this demo!
Only the music is ruining it for me :-/
Goto80 is going over the top with his self-proclaimed freakishness.
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 7 July 2007
very nice and creative demo. great to see refreshing effects!

too bad the music goes haywire after a very nice start.

User Comment
Submitted by Ed on 7 July 2007
Some ok screens.

Feels like a typical televisioncommercial design or fetched from some X-program seen on television mixed with some typical 1990s technovideo (Eat Static, for example...)

But one of the most beautiful demos I have seen in a ... long while. But really what the fuck is up with the music. It starts so great but the sounds are really wasted. Thank you.

User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 7 July 2007
I saw those growing lines on TV the other day and wondered if it would be possible to do that on C64... it obviously is :D
And that pipe effect is very cool too.
Yay \o/!
User Comment
Submitted by Archmage on 7 July 2007
Incredibly cool and inventive stuff, this!
Made my c64-day, week and month!
User Comment
Submitted by Stinky on 7 July 2007
Stunning design and techniques,FLT just keeps getting better.
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 7 July 2007
Awesome, awesome, awesome! The music is great, too - fits like a tight black glove.
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Submitted by Hein on 7 July 2007
Love the animations, esp. the trees and the pipes. I'd've prefered a more musical piece, but that's just a matter of taste.
User Comment
Submitted by tempest on 7 July 2007
fucking impressive
User Comment
Submitted by Higgie on 7 July 2007
congrats!!! top fairlight and instinct quality! what i like is the consistent flow and design, the transitions and the overall pace. i very much loved the balls flying around that candy cane. the soundtrack is a bit too much psycho for me, as i just got up. ;) instead the music should have set a stronger counterpoint to the speed of the effects. that would have been more appealing to me. ... in dubio pro reo: 9/10 ;)
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 7 July 2007
WHAT...THE...HELL... ????

you sick sick bastards, this rox. and i want some of that stuff you have OBVIOUSLY been smoking =)
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Submitted by Skate on 7 July 2007
some new effects for c64. i really enjoyed watching it. good work guys.
User Comment
Submitted by Medicus on 7 July 2007
Thats not music. thats noise :(. Otherwise a really wonderful demo
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Submitted by MagerValp on 7 July 2007
Purple and blue is the new king.
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Submitted by jailbird on 7 July 2007
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Submitted by Trazan on 7 July 2007
Very Good. Ohyeah.
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Submitted by Raffox|HF on 7 July 2007
Cool demo indeed! Loved the beginning...
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Submitted by Axis on 7 July 2007
a nice play with the gfx ..psycho sound .. hehe..
nice work :-)
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Submitted by Sixx on 7 July 2007
Wowsie! Fast paced action demo without any weak parts. One of the most original demos i've ever seen and a true masterpiece. Thumbs up!
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Submitted by CreaMD on 7 July 2007
A lot of fresh looking ideas, just that fullscreen allstretch with the eye bitmap was a bit out. Thank you. Applause!
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Submitted by Isildur on 7 July 2007
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Submitted by Motion on 7 July 2007
Lookin' real good! The freakiest thing I've seen in ages. WOW! :)
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Submitted by TGI on 7 July 2007
seriously! thats one masterpiece of pure c64 code`n`design pron! a worthy 20th bday -present! all three thumbs up! ...word!
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Submitted by Sander on 7 July 2007
Yummy, some really great screens!
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 7 July 2007
Some really creative stuff, and a nice soundtrack to boot.
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