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Immaculate   [2007]

Immaculate Released by :

Release Date :
18 August 2007

Type :
C64 Music Collection

User rating:*********_  8.6/10 (8 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision
Music .... MCA of Focus
Graphics .... Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision
Idea .... The Dark Judge of Focus, World Wide Expressive
Text .... The Dark Judge of Focus, World Wide Expressive
Loader .... Cadaver of Covert Bitops

SIDs used in this release :
Blade Runner(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Blade_Runner.sid)
Dismembrd Pixels(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Dismembrd_Pixels.sid)
For Nightshade(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/For_Nightshade.sid)
Galway Remix(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Galway_Remix.sid)
Ingame Tunes(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Ingame_Tunes.sid)
Internal Mag(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Internal_Mag.sid)
Martin's Mix(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Martins_Mix.sid)
Not Worthy(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Not_Worthy.sid)
Snare Intro(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Snare_Intro.sid)
Snare Mix(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Snare_Mix.sid)
Snare Note(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Snare_Note.sid)
Terminal Despair(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Terminal_Despair.sid)
Times o'Combat(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Times_o_Combat.sid)
Vrolijke Vier(/MUSICIANS/M/MCA/Vrolijke_Vier.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by prowler on 3 January 2017
A very nice collection of enjoyable tunes, listening to it right now :-) Thanks!
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 23 September 2010
Great interface. Amazing sounds. The movement of the stars works well.
Blade Runner rates as one of the best conversions on C64

While playing the music, and watching the stars, a part of me would have liked to have seen the large sphere rotate. By rotate, I mean the sphere would rotate then stop on a unique position depending on what tune has been selected. I’m sure for the rotation effect, the resolution would have to be lower. On stopping, the resolution could return to a high-res.
User Comment
Submitted by macx on 20 January 2008
Ace! Quite a few brilliant tunes. "For Nightshade" is just one example.
User Comment
Submitted by DRAX on 19 August 2007
What a nice tribute to MCA from Hein. I really like the screen alot. Always liked MCA's stuff... Would have loved to hear some new stuff from him though... Snare Intro somehow reminds me of JCH... TEP-dancing nice ode to Laxity tune :D (the lead sound in this one is a little weak though)... Twosome also an ode to Laxity... Dismembered Pixels sounds detuned somehow... don't know why... Belly Dancer is definately one of my favorites... is this really 440 hz... Nice release all in all.
User Comment
Submitted by tempest on 19 August 2007
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Submitted by Oswald on 19 August 2007
nice design, and I like the 1 scroller/tune thing aswell. tempest, dont be an oswald :)
User Comment
Submitted by tempest on 18 August 2007
@Hein: actually YES, trees to stones and not pebbles to stones, as a pebble (I wasn't familiar with that word and neither that saying) seems to mean a small stone. If I'd compare John Cage to Jeroen Tel, it would make no sense, as their works are so different. That's a trees & stones case (another awful analogy, I know).

So actually I WAS comparing pebbles to stones, MCA being the pebble and Tel being the stone. They are in the same category, but the other is bigger, making them comparable. That was the whole point :)

I wrote more about Tel's overall influence, but I scrapped it, as this might be the wrong place to discuss about it.

A very nice production. 'Nuff said.
User Comment
Submitted by Hein on 18 August 2007
Tempest, pebbles to stones, not trees to stones. Frankly, I don't think MCA sounds like Jeroen enough to compare them, other than to make an easy argument.

anyway, you've every right to be critical. Your critic will be judged by your (my) own level of competence, naturally. (The good old 'do it better yourself')

As for defending MCA's music, I do not feel the need to defend (or critisize) it that much, since my motivation for doing this collection is not to show the scene what a great musician he is, merely done for personal pleasure (codewise).
User Comment
Submitted by tempest on 18 August 2007
@Hein: you are absolutely right in your remark about music in general; it doesn't have to be anything fancy or complex to be interesting and original. The problem here (in my head), is that after hearing a piece 50 times, it just loses it's charm. There's simply no excitement left in a piece by Mozart by the time it's being used in a butter commercial (a real life example). Not that I like Mozart anyway :)

If the Blade Runner cover would've been MCA's own composition, and so I'd heard it the first time in this collection, I would've most likely enjoyed it, as it is a very memorable theme. But in reality it's a cover of a composition which I've heard many times, in many variations.

You are wrong about your Tel remark. Comparing a SID musician to Jeroen Tel is quite justified, as Jeroen Tel was a SID musician, so it's not like I'm comparing stones to trees here. Justification rises even more more when the SID musician in question is clearly influenced heavily by Tel and thus making music that is stylisticly very close to Tel's music.

And as for me being entitled to make this comparison... why not? There's no need to compare myself to Tel, as my music is not the case here. Sure, I may be influenced by him and so are you and every post-Tel musician (I think he is the most influental C64 composer, far more influental than Hubbard or other "big names"), but I have never made music that resembles Tel's music as much as some of MCA's music does. And what if I'd done? Why would that lessen my right for sharing my observations and critisism of MCA's music? To me it's the exact opposite; I know this stuff, so I'm just the right person to say something about it. And critisism in general is not dependent on critic's own level of excellence in the field he is critisizing in (although it brings some credibility to his sayings). Your argument is a variation of the good old "well... do it better yourself then!"
User Comment
Submitted by Hein on 18 August 2007
Tempest, as for the Galway/Vangelis covers, I disagree, music doesn't always have to be over exciting, offbeat or musical masterpieces to be interesting. There's also the sensitive/soul part. And besides that, it's a bit unfair to compare a SID musician with Jeroen, unless you compare yourself with Jeroen too and see if you can keep up with him.

The lines maybe shouldn't have been there, I don't know. Did a few other versions of this design, and the moment I put the stars in, all others became obsolete (making the stars look like fleas :)).

Cheers, also to TDJ for being patient ;), this music collection has for me been lessons in code.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 18 August 2007
@Tempest: you're right, this is to be seen as a 'epitaph' so to speak. Almost all of these tunes were done ages ago, and although we've talked about it, chances that MCA will do new c64 material are almost none. That's why, as of yesterday, he is no longer in the memberlist :(

As for the scrolltext-thingy: I agree with you that a return to the main text would be nice, but there was some kind of miscommunication between Hein & me (also the reason why 3 of the tunes don't feature any text). I've asked Hein for a fix but I don't think he can be bothered ;)

Btw, thanks for the extensive review man!
User Comment
Submitted by tempest on 18 August 2007
The music featured here is mostly very typical "post Tel" c64 music, where emphasis is on the rapid bass and chords, with heavy dose of syncopation on both and a strong backbeat to tie it all together. Melody is usually the element where copycats fail to be Jeroen Tel.


'Combat Times' had really good hooks and it's perhaps the best of these Tel pastiches. The Laxity-inspired 'Intro Tune' featured some sweet and unexpected chord changes, the kind of harmonic twists that create melodies and not vice versa. And I'm a sucker for the kind of bass grooves that 'Twosome' has.

I didn't care much for the cover songs, as I don't care that much for Galway, not to mention his best tunes are covers (and so Jerry Goldsmith creeped into this collection aswell). And Blade Runner is dead boring. It's almost like Axel F; every other scene musician has to make a cover of it.

23 tunes in one listen is a bit too much for me, especially if most the tunes tend to sound pretty much the same, but if this collection is a sort of a scene career epitaph, then I can understand the amount.

Hein's design is neat, although I can't decide what to think about the lines. They kind of take the moon out of the background, make it part of the text-layer, and lessen the illusion of the the moon's (and viewer's) movement in space. But the overall design is very fresh.

The scrolltexts were entertaining. After changing a tune, I wish the scroller, after dealing with the song info, would've returned to the same place of the main scrolltext where it had left.

Overall a very nice sunday morning surprise.
User Comment
Submitted by dalezy on 18 August 2007
excellent collection. mca's underrated indeed, just having his probably easily overlooked directoy in hvsc only can't make up for the nice tunes he did, so having more of it in one package with nice graphics and text makes sense =)
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Submitted by Jazzcat on 18 August 2007
Lovely music from MCA. Glad to see his compositions showcased in a wonderful and unique design. Well done!
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Submitted by Rough on 18 August 2007
I already enjoyed MCA's tunes before, especially the thrilling Bladerunner cover.
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Submitted by TDJ on 17 August 2007
Nope, not faking modesty, just stealing from Harry Potter ;)

All hail must go to Hein btw, without whom this would never have become a reality. Plus he's the one that makes this thing stand-out (apart from the awesome tunes ofcourse).

Now let's hope people will finally recognize MCA for what he is :)
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 17 August 2007
Thoughts in time and out of season
The Hitchhiker
Stood by the side of the road
And leveled his thumb
In the calm calculus of reason
Hi. How you doin'?
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 17 August 2007
"he who not shall be named", not faking modesty here now, are we ;) lol ;)

love the design and the tunes btw!
User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 17 August 2007
Lovely design and some classy tunes aswell.
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Submitted by Acidchild on 17 August 2007
now we want a nice gfx-collection too, common guys!
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Submitted by Zyron on 17 August 2007
Reaching your head with the cold, sudden fury of a divine messenger
Let me tell you about heartache and the loss of God
Wandering, wandering in hopeless night
Out here in the perimeter there are no stars. Out here we is stoned, immaculate.
User Comment
Submitted by Richard on 17 August 2007
Excellent music, stunning code (never seen a music selector like this before). Nice idea. Good work ;)
User Comment
Submitted by FMan on 17 August 2007
Very good music!
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