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Credits :
Code | .... | Ninja of The Dreams |
| | White Flame of Onslaught |
Music | .... | Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision |
Graphics | .... | Deev of Onslaught |
| | Hein of Focus, Onslaught, Vision |
| | James Svärd of Wrath Designs |
Design | .... | James Svärd of Wrath Designs |
| | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff |
| | White Flame of Onslaught |
Storyboard | .... | Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff |
Linking | .... | White Flame of Onslaught |
Help | .... | Ninja of The Dreams |
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Summary Submitted by White Flame on 3 October 2010
This is a mashing together of some of the more presentable parts of Hawkeye2 that currently exist. There's also a lot of graphics and code that aren't yet fully integrated into the runnable engine.
While we did start from the original Hawkeye2 development disks from the BWB/X-Ample guys, the code is a 100% rewrite, using far less memory & raster time to allow the game to go beyond just a simple shoot & collect.
We're all in full acknowledgment that good graphics do not cover bad gameplay; the gameplay has just as much design going behind it as the technical feature set. |
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