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Wonderland 12
Released At :
BFP 2013
Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at BFP 2013 : #1
Credits :
Code | .... | Axis of Arsenic, Censor Design, Oxyron, Stonehead |
| | Bob of Censor Design |
| | CRT of Censor Design |
| | Lavazza of Censor Design |
| | Mirage of 5 O'Clock Software, Censor Design |
| | Swallow of Censor Design |
Music | .... | Magnar Harestad of Censor Design |
Graphics | .... | CG of Censor Design, Divine Stylers, Resistance |
| | Creeper of Censor Design |
| | Dragon of Censor Design, Triad |
| | Mirage of 5 O'Clock Software, Censor Design |
| | Taito of Censor Design |
| | Yazoo of Arsenic, Censor Design, Oxyron |
Text | .... | Bob of Censor Design |
| | Creeper of Censor Design |
| | CRT of Censor Design |
| | Lavazza of Censor Design |
| | Yazoo of Arsenic, Censor Design, Oxyron |
Linking | .... | CRT of Censor Design |
Loader | .... | HCL of Booze Design |
| | Krill of Plush |
Sampling | .... | Swallow of Censor Design |
SIDs used in this release :
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User Comment Submitted by Wile Coyote on 1 June 2023
Watched this again today..
The Flip Flop part still rates as one of the best flip disk parts to date.
The clear sample mix at the end sounds amazing!
^_^ | User Comment Submitted by 4gentE on 1 June 2023 User Comment Submitted by Wile Coyote on 4 February 2022
The FLIP FLOP part on side 2 looks really something.
Excellent looking hires font on the part that follows (with the digi samples)
Something about the music during disk side 1 reminded me of Edge of Disgrace
The Cat picture looks great! | User Comment Submitted by Xiurhn on 25 October 2021
What a great demo. So many interesting effects in this one. Love it! | User Comment Submitted by KAL_123 on 12 June 2021
Super Demo, the part on the last disk is a real highlight. | User Comment Submitted by DKT on 15 January 2015
Yeah! True masterpiece! So long, so good, so great, so much effects, so many ideas, so much beautiful gfx, msx, code. Masakra. | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 8 November 2014
just to mention it in here too... I really think the BFP compo were better than the most compos in history... This demo is far better than your current one in my mind when it come to flow, wow, phase and mood... even humor... and scrollwars is a better demo than what it is rated too... I look at thes demo compo at this party and I just take my hat off and say this were so great... we did it all of us there and those demos will be there always as all others will too... but this compo is the thightest one ever in my opinion... really great demos we all created here. Period... this demo is better than comaland and scrollwars is better than alsmost all too... thanx for you time, pal of offence | User Comment Submitted by Sander on 12 April 2014
Forgot to mention; The soundtrack is most awesome! | User Comment Submitted by Conjuror on 19 March 2014
The music is what I love most about this demo. I've got all 4 tracks on my daily place list at work and have done for months. | User Comment Submitted by Magnar on 17 March 2014
clonK, everyone has the right to have their own opinion, and we respect your. :)
No, the demo is not ment to be played faster in an emulator. But loading takes time on old-school C64 floppies, and these effects requires quite a lot of loading to be done between each part. | User Comment Submitted by clonK on 27 February 2014
Liking the demo fx but it all feels a bit too slow-moving. Like it's in slow motion. I use a real C64. Should this be played sped up in an emulator or something?
Not too impressed with the music either. Sounds un-original to me, but then I guess I've been spoiled with Dane's EOD masterpiece and the Pearls For Pigs music, Goto80 stuff, etc, etc.
I seem to be the only one to moan, lol... I guess if u aint got anything nice to say, don't say it... but screw it. That's how I feel. | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 31 December 2013
My god, been watching BFP live on youtube again, what a splendid show we both put on... Ohhh... myhhh fucking god .... BOB you have been a hero for so manny in the past, me too... i meen censor, all of you have been just that... to be one part of triggering you all to make c64 demos again is just so insane, it is... you are the absolutely among the best in the scene and for that I love you, I also love you for the friendship and the history we have, especially magnar as we had some great times making even an amiga game and with lars and so on... I admire your comback almost as much as ours, he he... you know what i meen... you are real heros all of you... lets carry on with this totally beyond all reason thing to do... you know what? it is us, this is us, all of us! Love you dudes!
You inspire me to do more now, you inspire me to make c64 demos, the load are on you now, you must inspire and show love... because you are a love squad too... | User Comment Submitted by F7sus4 on 12 November 2013
Precious attempt on my favourite LSD-fairytale. | User Comment Submitted by 6R6 on 11 October 2013
Watched it on real hw some days ago. Great stuff. I especially liked the cat intro. | User Comment Submitted by BHF on 10 October 2013
Simply great ! Wonderful Wonders of Wonderland, yet again. The best of them if I might say. Its fresh and cool, scrollers and other wicked routines blew me away when I saw it for the first time, still does. 10/10.
Nice graphics, a great tune and excellent code.
Its something for everyone :) | User Comment Submitted by Saphir on 9 October 2013
Oh my god, that is just.. Massive :D For sure one of the best C64 demos i have ever watched, with High Qualities like that, i wonder what will be the next progress which will be made :D
Flawless Demo, nice Sampling in the last part, i loved the colorful zoomer one's, all of High Quality, Awesome Artwork :)
10 Points without any doubt :D | User Comment Submitted by Swallow on 3 October 2013
Nice work Inge!! There is actually a fourth part also you know.. | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 14 September 2013
Fear the power of Inge/HVSC. Added the digi part as 3 sid rips made by Inge. | User Comment Submitted by Burglar on 6 September 2013
I've been holding back on commenting and voting on this excellent demo cause I have mixed feelings.
Should I give it a 10 or 9? Did you really win fair and square, or maybe too close to call
A demo like this deserves an honest review
- the basic fade out rules!
- first colorcycling part really sets the vibe properly, most interesting colorcycling part of the demo, really fluent. especially nice you only show few objects in the beginning and end. tune rocks at this point too. the mood and pace has been set!
- allborder cat simply rules, mirage > *, but wtf is the melody doing, magnar? too much eod wannabe for me and tbh I didnt like the soundtrack for the rest of side 1 either...
- the other parts of side 1 are cool, even though axis border dysp cube felt a bit out of a place
- side 2 starts, nice zoomscroll, but not better than HCLs I think, or?
- the soundtrack has turned into an *ace* demo soundtrack right after the zoomscroller, it makes me not mind "yet another vsp+colorcycling eye part" ;)
- creeper is back! brilliant pic, combined with the best 10 secs of the whole soundtrack! I would've loved to see you explore that theme a lot more, magnar.
- proper change to that fluid blob thing, cool part.
- the scroller now we know from doty, must admit that I liked the doty version more, even though this seems more advanced. soundtrack really rocking still ;)
- hourglass and that chaoszoomer, combined with the music change, it's maybe the coolest part of the demo. it works!
- or wait, mirage flip disk, maybe that's the best part, also the tune is really really nice.
- full disk of 8bit 16khz samples, wth! awesome! but please, Swallow, the beeeeep is killing me
- including effects like upscroller, fld wtf?! super cool
overall, excellent demo, with proper pace and an excellent soundtrack on side 2+3, but a bit too much colorcycling+vsp, I would've kicked out the raytracer part f.ex.
the graphics are ace, mostly styles fit well together, except for maybe the axis multiplexer part. good to see so much rocking talent combining their stuff and the return of creeper surprised me most!
so yea, I've given 10s for worse demos ;)
Keep it up mates! cant wait for the next Censor Demo :) | User Comment Submitted by Bob on 6 September 2013
Thanx boyz and girlz the C64 scene is fanatic.. ehm fantastic... ;)
We appreciate all the comments It warms up whole Censor Design.
We worked hard and everybody was 100% committed to the demo,
the team work was simply put amazing.
It was a wonderland (full) experience to all of us and everybody out did themselves, we where
surprised by eachothers performance and how well it turned out in the end.
It payed off to give *ALL IN*
When competing against the greatest coop in the scene (FLT/OFFENCE/PROSONIX).
The THRILLA became even more exciting then anticipated,
even surpassed the boasting and the upped expectations.
I mean people came from far distance to witness this event ;) , except Hedning who lives basically next door :P (ye ye I know.. baby this and baby that.. been there done that.. been thrown out ;) back next day! heheh
But now we have been exhausted after the demo and a well needed vacation spent ;) and simply enjoying the good feedback from the THRILLA, this was a great experience and a wonderland (full) event.
Thanx again. Censor Design will be back soon ;)
PAL: thanx for the great fight once again. (Historical event)
a 10 from you wow, that is big ;O) cool that you love this demo as I love yours..
I am still mesmerized about this "red thread thingy" and the pics of me ;) and your dedications.
Me bow for you guys in FLT/Offence/Prosonix for the excellent fight.
Never give up, never surrender....
You guys are fearsome competitors!
(it required us 3 times to finally beat you guys (FLT/OFFENCE/PROSONIX)) | User Comment Submitted by bepp on 6 September 2013 User Comment Submitted by PAL on 6 September 2013
You know what Magnar? I will be the better man here, you beat us and we deserved to be beaten... Your Wonderland demo is just totally perfect beside the last part as far as i can see, and maybe that those acid pills are far better than the super scroller in wonderland, and that once in a while can be a bit bored of pace in a way in this... it is really boring that sample part, i know it is hard but it is just nothing i really want to look and listen too... MAGNAR I SECCOND MY THOUGHTS, YOUR MUSIC FIT THE DEMO AND IT IS PERFECT FOR THE DEMO - maybe the best demo ever in my mind. I also go back on the writing your music is the weakest link because as you say... listen and look, you have a super demo with gfx, music and so massive code... i can not really believe the code in this so dear BOB instead of you knowing how we made our demo in two months plus I would like to know how you and the others coders can produce world kick arse code, make it, then deliver it in a SHOW the world of the c64 seldom see... I take my gloves off, but just to put them on in another thrilla and battle at another time, Fuck you BOB... you are the worst, I knew you had a great demo, and we struggle to make something and then suddenly I thought hey, we will battle, and i think we did, but code in massive way your demo is a thrilla winner worthy... All members of censor, thanx for a fantastic demo on the c64 that will stand in time and always be something of the absolute best. I think scrollwars and this demo is the best demos on the c64... bfp 2013 was massive in that way, two demos really among the best ever in my mind. NOW we have to make them even better, and that is the spell and forever doomed to be a c64 slave!
AND, MAGNAR... you are a far better composer today than in the past, in the past you were great, today i will say you are almost stein and ole, but very different ofcourse... and you know that is a lot when i say that. Magnar, you roxxed, i listened and saw the demo again really two times today and you roxx... never put yourself down, if i or another idiot do, rise above and say to yourself, hey that is not right... you made the demo even better when i see it now after....
So the year is 2013 and I PAL of OFFENCE vote a 10 out of 10 on wonderland, i love the demo you have struggeled so much to make! It is a fantastic demo...
pal | User Comment Submitted by Magnar on 29 August 2013
Pål, thanks for the great feedbacks.
The music was made for the WLXII and its effects in mind, so in order to better appreciate the music; you should listen to it while watching the demo.
Besides that, I also have a few restrains when composing for Censor demos. First of all, the memory limit is very though. $1000-$1fff is normally intro-music space, and not 5-6 minutes long per demo side music. I did manage to get the songs very-very close to fit the 5-6 minutes (I overstepped only by ca 100 bytes per song, and it was really annoying to start rip away all kind of things in the songs to fit $1000-$1fff). In the end I just said lets break the two songs into four songs because it will just be better that way instead of changing to much in the compositions.
We have discussed the space to be extended to $0c00-$1fff in forthcoming demos to avoid all that. Lesson learned.
Secondly, when composing music for the Wonderland XI and XII demos I bear in mind that classic Leads and Melody songs really ain't the right choice for Censor Design. Therefore, the songs are more driven by variation in synth-sequences than beautiful songs melodies and arrangements. I understand that this may not be everyone's musical taste, and therefore I completely understand if you don't find all of the 12 minutes of the music in WLXII to fit your taste. My own goals was to give enough musical variation into the tracks that the listeners felt the on-going visuals become even more powerful in colours, shapes and movements as the demo proceeds than if the audio was turned off. :)
Thirdly, I'm not that great a composer. I know others are far better than me to make sid instruments and put time into perfection their arrangements; and I would be the first to admit to that.
However, I did use a lot of hours into finishing the tracks for both WLXI and WLXII, it was not just a sloppy two days work or so. The first track was started on 2 months before the BFP, and I was constantly evolving and throwing in ideas to the tunes during the course of completion of different parts to the demo. Needless to say, the last two weeks was the most busiest ones, where CRT was fulltime working on linking and I was same time working on fitting the audio to the constantly change in visuals and timings.
It's not perfect, but we all did put in a lot of efforts into this demo. And I'm really proud of 1) how we worked together, 2) the end result, and 3) what a great social team we are!
Love and peace, Pål, and see you and the rest of Offence soon in another party place for more demo competition ;) | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 29 August 2013
hmmm... music is better than i would like to admit...some places in the demo it is bliss | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 29 August 2013
ohhhh... my god what a best opening of a demo ever... stars basic plots bliss and then tube, I even had created such an effect and wanted to use it for x2014, not to say it is not great but i had the intro tube in different versions on my koalas, kudos to do that and an arse to me for not making them in time, but at the same time better without the same effect... but the reverse there i would never have thought of, wow that is cool... it is the best of the whole demo almost, almost... lol... it is one of the worlds best demo so i can say that...
the transition with ball is super, but the cat, it is rated the best of the demo in mind of others i think it is the worst of the demo, i do not know why, it is just as the music and visuals are so out of synq thet they can be, but it is splendid ofcourse.... the two twins look great... morph is a win... looks super... then the raytraced... man i could never even imagine that rayrraced loops could look that cool... moving color shifs, then total chaos.... scroller...... wow it is well put together.... underestimated part, 3d... sideborder bliss and then the in my opinion best effect of the demo... inverted color scroller, would never thought of that while we had those routines for such a long time... wow it look great.... zooomer is ofcourse a best zoomer ever.... bu the transition is better... then the eye... lame at first..... then the spheres come... wow censor, i just say you inspire me... that part on look the best i ever seen even the anims are updated less... vesp ftw.... rabbit... lame and so not like it but woman i really like.....
Then the best part in the demo for me... the boubbles thing there is totally awesome and better than almost the whole rest.... the twirl scroller do not compare to the single file demo released even it hold two sided gfx, the acid pills are so much better but still this rules ofcourse.... clock...no go, it is lame.... i heard that this effect holded more 3d in start than what is ended up with... should have hold that as this is not that cool even it is cool ofcourse.... flip disk the best effect ever in my mind.... wow wow wow...... diggi part is really lame, it is probably the best diggi part ever, but man it take time and it is realy not that exciting... but man it is quality in samples and with loading and a upscroller it sure is great... i must admit that!
I think the music in this demo and also phase is the weakest points, not that they are bad, but really this visuals in such a frame rate on a c64 is amazing... magnar, at x you consentrate on the music and do that the best as you can because you are the best when you do just that... this time i think you had a bit of other things to worry about too,,, magnar i love yje music.... the whole demo is bliss.
Deserved winner demo!
CU @ X2014 | User Comment Submitted by ccr on 21 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by Ben on 19 August 2013
Great demo. A pity it is not exclusively Alice in Wonderland themed.
Focus suffered a major loss when Mirage left, obviously. His parts appeal most to me. | User Comment Submitted by Sledge on 14 August 2013
Alot have happened since I first met Bob while you guys were still in Triad. You've got the style back then, and you still have it today! Credz once again! This demo is so cool. And I wish that Tron were active still, since he would have gone bananas over this and try to top it! I have to call him... | User Comment Submitted by Frantic on 13 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by NecroPolo on 13 August 2013
That's been a blast. C'grats and thanks folks in the making.
I loved all the parts but as for a music and audio tech the most interesting to me was the disk3 part. I must admit that I always hated digi music (FX are okay) on C64 but Mahoney's Cubase 64, Vicious SID and this one made me think the other way.
It is an incredible achievment even though you managed to temporarily (for approx. half an hour) destroy my hearing range above 10KHz or so with rev1 with that squeeling upon the samples. Well that's my problem really as I listened to the demo rather loud through rather linear studio monitors :D
There is a squeeling in the rev2 sample pack too but don't sweat about it as it is reduced and is above 12KHz that most people don't seem to notice anyway. Well, they do as a headache and loss of concentration for an extensive listening above 10 minutes but never mind, old tellies do that on a much higher level ;) It should not be a problem for telly speakers and most consumer speakers I guess as they tend to do a mess above 10KHz anyway. | User Comment Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 13 August 2013
@JackAsser: That's already done with all NMI Interrupts and I think this is also why he forgot to use the improvement I suggested. Losing one cycle while using rti, but saving 3 cycles not jumping to $dd0c. | User Comment Submitted by JackAsser on 13 August 2013
@thcm+swallow: also if possible you may place the rti on dd0c and leave the nmi with jmp $dd0c. This will ack the nmi and leave in yet another cycle less since the cpu always read two bytes even on single byte instructions. | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 13 August 2013
Brilliant demo, loved every part of it... great Censor flavour and nice to see the return of Kim (Creeper) and Mirage too!
This is what I love, more please!!! | User Comment Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 12 August 2013
@Swallow: You can improve the NMI routines with 4 and 5 cylces jitter by clearing the interrupt flag with lda $dd0d and leaving the nmi with a simple rti. This saves 3 cylces in this special case. Not much, but every cylce is sacred;) | User Comment Submitted by encore on 12 August 2013
@Swallow: Thanks for the answer. :) Not sure how easy it would be (or how good it would sound) to filter the carrier frequency away with regards to how much the filter varies from chip to chip, atleast on the 6581 side. | User Comment Submitted by Swallow on 12 August 2013
OK, since it seems like there are people who REALLY care then I can try to clarify this.. The demo has only been tested on old farts like me that can't hear shit above 12kHz. :) Apparently there are younger people or people with very good hearing out there that are disturbed by the 15,6kHz PWM carrier and I can imagine that it is really irritating if you can hear it. I deliberately did not use the LP filter on these samples since it compromises the volume but I realize now that that may have been a mistake.
The R2 version contains a fix for the third oscillator that was mistakenly left running at 4kHz and was clearly audiable on some SIDs. :(
Thanks for recognizing the hard work with the part though, maybe we will release a version later on with the LP filter enabled that reduces the carrier noise. Let us know if you want that..
@THCM: I wonder where you found those wasted cycles, thought I had used every possible trick in the book. ;) | User Comment Submitted by Mixer on 12 August 2013
My understanding is that PW update and osc reset with CPU is not fast enough to avoid carrier. The same problem is with the other method. Instruction cycles take time and cause "error" in sound at regular update intervals even with cycle exact timing. | User Comment Submitted by Archmage on 12 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by Conrad on 12 August 2013
Smashing demo! Really enjoyed it!
... and the Insert Disk 3 part really blew me away the most. Congrats! | User Comment Submitted by Mr. SID on 12 August 2013
@Jackasser: except 15734Hz is NTSC, PAL has 15625Hz. Details! :) | User Comment Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 12 August 2013
@encore The only thing I found was a missing lda #$00 ; sta $d412 from the init routine, but perhaps Swallow can enlighten us? | User Comment Submitted by encore on 12 August 2013
@Groepaz: Actually, I started by measuring it with the Spectrum Analysis tool in Sound Forge, in a section of the sample where the frequency is audible, and the peak is at 15640 Hz. http://undone.se/misc/wonderland.png
Anyway, I was just wondering what had been changed between v1 and v2. :P | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 12 August 2013
why dont you just look at the code and see what the carrier freq is? (its nowhere near 15khz, most of you oldfarts wouldnt be able to hear that at all =D) | User Comment Submitted by JackAsser on 12 August 2013
@encode+mrsid: you're right of course, I simply pasted the official PAL frequency and totally forgot that C64 isn't official PAL. :P | User Comment Submitted by encore on 12 August 2013
@JackAsser: How do you calculate that value? 312 rasterlines x 50.125 fps = 15639 Hz
@Mr. SID: It's mainly from the SID and from the sampleplayer-technique used. There are of course both VIC and other digital signals leaking into the SID in the recording here (f.ex. you can hear the serial data when loading samples) but that is beside the point here since it is present to some extent on all unmodified C64's. | User Comment Submitted by Mr. SID on 12 August 2013
@Jackasser: 985248/63=15638.857Hz, no? | User Comment Submitted by JackAsser on 12 August 2013
@encore: Should be 15734 HZ though if it's the PAL horizontal frequency. :) I had severe over hearing on my C64 also, but then I added some distance between audio and video and grounded a few places and some other minor fixes to remove the ringing. | User Comment Submitted by Mr. SID on 12 August 2013
@encore: question is, does the 15639Hz noise come from the SID or from the VIC? :) | User Comment Submitted by encore on 12 August 2013
Swallow: I'm curious what was fixed in v2 though? I can't hear any difference between v1 and v2 on my real C64C with 6581R4 and when I invert a recording of v2 and combine it with a recording of v1 they more or less nullify (or rather flange since the overall frequency seems to slide so very slightly between the recordings). Both version still have that audible 15639 Hz carrier tone. (Recording if anyone's interested: http://undone.se/misc/wonderland_xii_left_v1_right_v2.rar ) | User Comment Submitted by dEViLOCk on 10 August 2013
really, i mean REALLY an awesome demo!
and the music by magnar is so fckng good!!! <3 to magnar - it must have been a hell of work for ya .... | User Comment Submitted by spider-j on 10 August 2013
I can confirm what knoeki said about the samples. I hear a horrible high pitch noise on real machine (8580) + sound system too.*
But besides that: great demo and especially awesome soundtrack!!!
*edit: oh, my fault. didn't see that this was already fixed in R2. | User Comment Submitted by ThunderBlade on 10 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by Axis/Oxyron on 10 August 2013
Thanks for all the nice comments. It looks like a lot of people like my contribution to this demo. But dont under estimate the "colorcycle" parts. I have always been a big fan of these kind of effects and still like them alot. Never seen them in such a creative way. And I know there is alot inside which is more than meets the eye.
@Oswald: Hehe, best demo since EoD. A nice way to say Coma Light 13 suxx. ;o)
@HCL: Yep, that part from Zodiac was the inspiration for the sprite balls. And it ruled big time in the old days. But there are a lot of major improvements that werent possible back then. Using perspective projection on the sprites and doing a correct z-ordering puts a lot of stress on the multiplexer and is only possible due to pre-processing the data on nowadays fast PC´s. And IMHO it adds more to the overall look and feel than just 'doing it realtime'. | User Comment Submitted by HCL on 9 August 2013
Sorry guys, but why are you discussing the "spritebob cube"? It's in the sideborders, yes.. but somehow reminds me of The Legacy, and is thus obsolete and surpassed by ~22 years :P. It would have been ok if it was calculated in realtime, but it really doesn't look like it is. | User Comment Submitted by Jak T Rip on 9 August 2013
JB versus Creeper! I love you guys! ;-)
This demo is just wonderful to watch (and LISTEN TO, what a blast!) - and a Creeper plus Jailbird comeback? Is it x-mas already? A while back I though the Booze'n'Instinct guys had no competition anymore, and now OxyCensor and OffProsonixFlt have all gathered such mighty teams, it is unbelievable. What's next? CamelotCrestPlush?
Anyway: I love the exploding chars intro, Axis' falling vector cubes are GREAT, the Flip Flop screen that has two pics into one is just bliss, Creeper's picture is outstanding and it was about time that THE rabbit would appear in wonderland, was it? ;-)
All thumbs up also for all the hard work, especially by CRT, and the 16k digi rocks big time.
Thanks for the wonders!! | User Comment Submitted by CRT on 8 August 2013
@sledge: A23 rocks! I did send Magnar an A23 tune early on, he took some bass lines and beats to please me but then just went wild and made his own thing. I'm Still happy you heard the A23 beats. A23 would do great as SID covers. | User Comment Submitted by gorans on 8 August 2013
Thanks for this. Beautiful. | User Comment Submitted by lemming on 8 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by Swallow on 8 August 2013
For those of you who care; check out the 2nd revision of the demo.
It includes a fix for the high pitched tone in the end part digi. It was a simple screw up by me that slipped through unnoticed. Sorry for the inconvenience and enjoy pure 16khz samples on the real computer with no noticeable carrier! (unless you are very young and/or a dog) :P | User Comment Submitted by JackAsser on 8 August 2013
@oswald: yes but opening sideborder is performed _before_ sprite fetches => quite easy to time. Otoh 4x4 fli is performed _after_ sprite fetches => hard (like my routine in the wild bunch). :P still an awesome demo by awesome people! | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 8 August 2013
ok so the spritebob cube is on the sideborder? o_O | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 7 August 2013
Exes' meatballs? Boob? Creeper? Swallow? This whole demo is starting to sound like my life a year ago. | User Comment Submitted by HCL on 7 August 2013
Ok, ok. Perhaps i forgot to say that this is also a very nice, colorful (colorcycleful), and stunning demo in many aspects. Last time i think i tried to express some feelings that noone had already mentioned.
I also agree that Axis' meta-balls are damn fine, even though they look very gray compared to the rest of the demo. | User Comment Submitted by Stinsen on 7 August 2013
The grand finale of the demo compo and it really delivered. Obviously a massive effort from everyone involved, just fantastic! :) | User Comment Submitted by Sledge on 7 August 2013
Shit.. wan't to say more... Wonderful all over! And the initial music... reminds me of Assemblage 23 in a way.. and that's good! And the digi! Love it!!! looking forward to see Wonderland XIII :) | User Comment Submitted by Clarence on 7 August 2013
Crazy! The dysp vectorbobs,the chaos zoomer and the flip flop stretcher are my favorite effects. Also nice music, gfx and closing digi... Reading the list of people involved in this prod = top quality guaranteed. | User Comment Submitted by Mirage on 6 August 2013
Woohoo, Jailbird, way to go! Glad to see something good came out of our shit-demo! ;) | User Comment Submitted by Xiny6581 on 6 August 2013
Totally insane! This must be one of the best/ultimate demo ever made.
Respect guys! | User Comment Submitted by Magic on 6 August 2013
Wait a minute.. Jailbird isn't working since 2008 on EoD 2 gfx ? :) | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 6 August 2013
joke ---------------------> ...
| User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 6 August 2013
"I think axis' marching square part is technically marvellous"
yes, best thing in this demo, imho :) | User Comment Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 6 August 2013
@HCL - Swallow is indeed cheating ;) he's still using PWM output with the ugly carrier noise, but this saves him 6 cycles per sample against the waveform output. He did a very good job on the timing with screen on and upward scrolling! It's insane... and he only forgot one thing to save a few cycles on the stable NMI Routine. | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 6 August 2013
hcl, you're right for the most part, but I think axis' marching square part is technically marvellous, the cube bob is probably made of sprites and is a "simple" multiplexer, still it probably wasnt easy and looks cool. the color cycle stuffs I cant help it looks fuckin cool, and very creative, technically easy or not.
what I really like that most parts are not the usual effect cliche, each of them is new visually or technically. | User Comment Submitted by Mixer on 6 August 2013
I really enjoyed this demo, first I saw the color cycle effect, then I was amazed by another color cycle effect, then I was blown away by another colorcycle effect. Then there was an effect that did not look like a color cycle effect, but I was surprised to find out that it was a color cycle effect :) I thank Censor for their recent diversity in demo design. The sample part has some clever marketing on it, but is very very good :) I am looking forward to hearing the next one without the carrier! (As I get older I'll lose high frq hearing and thus become more PWM friendly audience. :) | User Comment Submitted by Zyron on 6 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by HCL on 6 August 2013
Jailbird, that is exactly what i want to hear, and if it shows to be true then i really do love Censor Design.
As for the effects in this demo, they are all crap and easy peasy for a god like me. Vsp + color cycling is still just vsp + color cycling, the only effect that really gains from it is the flip-scroller. I really hoped that Bob would make some kind of progress, but now we have seen the same fx in 3-4 demos, how boring. At least Axis brought some new vibes to the group though it wasn't his best parts ever rly. Swallows digi-part may be unbeatable, but i know he is cheating ;).
Ok, that's just 5¢ from yer fkkg god :P. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 6 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by Yazoo on 6 August 2013
i see another thrilla coming up!? | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 6 August 2013
Okay dudes, I decided to be active again just to beat this shit :D
HCL, Dane, Archmage, Jackasser, Valsary, Raveguru, will do it? :D Easy-peasy, crew. | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 6 August 2013
Congratulations censor design, you made a demo i expected you to create, just even slightly better. Hype is not what it is about, it is hard work and time consumation for making something great for the scene and oneself, i am very inspiered by your demo and just say: way to go!
We made the thrillahhhh to be great, we can both be proud of that. We all used so much time and hard struggling hours on these demos! That the c64 can do all the stuff created today are simply amazing! Must be talented dudes making these things... I will now vote a 3 for your demo to inspire you and show that we care about your hard work, to make people like you keep the scene alive again! Lol | User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 6 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by ne7 on 5 August 2013
flipping fantastic to see a new Wonderland demo <3 lovely code+gfx work + especially ace music by Magnar in this one, simply brill! it def. made this cheshire cat grin :) | User Comment Submitted by wacek on 5 August 2013
What can I say. Thank you, Censor Design! :)
This really made my day. | User Comment Submitted by ALIEN on 5 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 5 August 2013
@knoeki. Thats what I initially assumed about the digi part but this was due to not turning on resampling in the sid vice menu. Apparantly there is still some minor background sound on a real c64 however | User Comment Submitted by null on 5 August 2013
There were a couple of nice effects in there that genuinely made me go "haha, awesome"... a couple of very nice transitions as well, though the pacing seemed a bit all over the place (with some parts seeming to take a bit too long)
The 16kHz samples were fucking horrendous though. I'm not sure if that's just vice, but they sounded annoyingly high-pitched.
Maybe they're "better" from a technical standpoint, but those old 8kHz samples sound a hell of a lot better, if you ask me. | User Comment Submitted by N3XU5 on 5 August 2013
shocker ... effects, gfx and zaks are top notch! | User Comment Submitted by lbp on 5 August 2013
code gfx and zak are ace^3. respect! | User Comment Submitted by Stone on 5 August 2013
Oh man, this is simply fantastic. Art and design to match the awesome routines. Even the digi stuff, which I don't normally care for (except for Mahoney's stuff), I had to watch again and again. I don't care if half of the effects were done using color cycling. It's all about creativity. The illusion is created and the mind is blown. Thank you! | User Comment Submitted by psych on 5 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 5 August 2013
Really nice demo. The bitmap LUT color routines have been used to great effect surpassing previous censor demo's to a great degree. That Chaos rotator and the wiggling donkey kong part is great.
Is it just me or is there a vibe of the edge of disgrace music when it shows the cat with the all border circles? :-)
The digi-part is great as well. It has the censor trademark just by the text alone. | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 5 August 2013 User Comment Submitted by Killsquad on 5 August 2013
What to say.. A masterpiece. Great pace. Very creative use of colorcyling. Love the cat and the girl, and the audio matches the demo very nicely. Now I only need to find out how you colorcycled those vectorbobs and those incredible good looking metaballs ;-P | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 5 August 2013
probably the fucking best demo since EoD. Congrats guys. The "chaos zoomer" managed to fool me for a few minutes, digged in the memory how you do it to realize its the damned color cycle again :) awesome creative great & cool effects. | User Comment Submitted by Fuzz on 5 August 2013
Amazing work guys!! Incredibly inspiring. | User Comment Submitted by Skate on 5 August 2013
following the same path but getting better and better. make 18 more and let we enjoy Wonderland XXX with a nice theme. ;) | User Comment Submitted by Sixx on 4 August 2013
Bong Boing Tschak. This is not Wonderland XII, this is THE Wonderland.
First: part after part with amazing effects that most of the time fools you into thinking you're actually watching a really, really good AMIGA demo.
The graphics, the great code and pace together with what i would like to say Magnars best SID yet makes it totally perfect. Amazing coderpron throughout the whole demo.. and then the classic Censor Sample showoff at the end which twirls the whole demo together very nicely. :) Boing! 11/10.
It's a killer. | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 4 August 2013

I love it | User Comment Submitted by Firehawk on 4 August 2013
This was just awesome.... A definitive 10.5 | User Comment Submitted by Deev on 4 August 2013
Excellent! I love all those swirling and waving colours throughout the demo, the blinking cat and the second turn disk part. | User Comment Submitted by CreaMD on 4 August 2013
Taper. Very true. Congrats. | User Comment Submitted by taper on 4 August 2013
It's a lot of work arranging parties, but when great visitors award you with compo-entries like this, it's all so worth it! Talk about hard work, guys! :)
Edit: Surely the two bald twins are a flashback of Adolf and Dr.Cool from times gone by? ;) | User Comment Submitted by G-Fellow on 4 August 2013
Censor Design is the reason the Commodore 64 was made, in fact Censor Design made the C64 and I Love Censor Design, I only want Censor Design in my life,
I do not need anything else in my life...
EDIT: The cat in the demo had hypnotized me, I could resist now, but I must say this is a great demo, too!!! I did enjoy the demo, thx for the magic!!! | User Comment Submitted by Magnar on 4 August 2013
Due to coders being guilty to use all memory for effects, each demo side song had to be broken into half to fit between $1000-$1fff. Therefore, I aim on releasing a new long-version of the music for easier listening without sound-effects etc special tailored for visual effects. Stay tuned on my http://Soundcloud.com/magnar page for listen to it or come back here later for download. Cheers Magnar | User Comment Submitted by Metal Maniac on 4 August 2013
Really nice job guys, cool to see the Creeper comeback aswell :) | User Comment Submitted by CONS on 4 August 2013
Beautiful in almost ever aspect. Great work! | User Comment Submitted by Sander on 4 August 2013
Top notch work! I loved the Catro and Flip the Flop part most. Congrats on winning the first price. | User Comment Submitted by Dr.Science on 4 August 2013
Are you guys doing anything else in your life beside Demos??? Great stuff: wonderful music, delicious arts, massive codings! Thank you! | User Comment Submitted by CreaMD on 4 August 2013
The visual and technical part is really nice. And I can't judge audials without being too insensitive towards my fellow colleague from musical department and that just because I'm totally biased towards brilliant soundtracks that Danko had produced for previous Wonderlands. This or that I'm sure I need to watch this on real thing .. PAL TV becouse youtube doesn't give it enough honor. Thanx for bringing us early Christmas goes to the whole creator team. | User Comment Submitted by Joe on 4 August 2013
There is a lot of beautiful spaces here.
More to be discovered from a second view.
A stunning intermezzo. | User Comment Submitted by Toxic on 4 August 2013
The Samples from Disk3 are perfekt and works fine on Vice2.4 thit settings in Sid-Model 8580R5 3691 +digi boost (ReSID-FP) and in ReSID Resampling.
Kraftwerk non-stop..-) | User Comment Submitted by Pex Mahoney Tufvesson on 4 August 2013
Did I just experience 16kHz samples, disk loading and a full screen upscroller at the same time? o.O I realize you guys, beside doing a marvellous demo with all the bells and wistles, just gave me 50 hours of my life - now I don't need to try to code that myself! ;) Respect! | User Comment Submitted by Dr.j on 4 August 2013
Keeping the "Coma Light" spirit and for me another brilliant demo from
Censor Design. great design and of course very strong coding and music. | User Comment Submitted by xIII on 4 August 2013
Great demo ! Only bad thing about it is that WOW is not in the greetings. | User Comment Submitted by groms on 4 August 2013
W0W!!! I´ll buy you a beer next time we meet bob :) Thx for the magic.... | User Comment Submitted by celticdesign on 4 August 2013
I wanna stay in wonderland forever.
Excellent work! Awesome FX and you feel the OXY influence.
Not sure if it's a good or bad thing ;-) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 4 August 2013
"And that colourful fractal zoomer is truly brilliant!"
mmmh where did you see fractals? referring to the "chaos zoomer" there? not much "fractal" in it at all :) (world of code has a very similar routine, btw) edit: crap, i ment Unsound Minds ofcourse
i have mixed feelings with this demo, while it has a lot of nice looking screens, i am slowly getting bored of static color scrolling. my personal hilight is the particle stuff right at the start, and then some of the parts axis provided. more of that next time, please :) (then again, i'd prefer to see it in another coma light, but thats just me =P) | User Comment Submitted by encore on 4 August 2013
Cool demo! The part that really made me go 'Wow!' was actually the 'insert diskside 3' part. Looked on it for a minute before realizing that I was supposed to change side. :) I also think/liked that the music was more variated here. The title and balls part looked really great and KW-samples is always nice. | User Comment Submitted by Devistator on 4 August 2013
Awesome design and direction with great looking routines and excellent gfx! | User Comment Submitted by xpo on 4 August 2013
This is a great pleasure to watch this demonstration of magnificent scene works. I thing the best years of C64 demoscene is right now (and last few years). Skill of demomakers is now fantastic and really impressive. But I love the scene from the beginning till now and forever :) | User Comment Submitted by Rough on 4 August 2013
I'll wait til my hangover's gone to watch and enjoy this fully. | User Comment Submitted by Hein on 4 August 2013
Ugh, impressive stuff. No EoD killer yet, but maybe next demo. :) | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 4 August 2013
What a blast! Great work! The effects, the gfx! Yummy! | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 4 August 2013
Great work on this. And that colourful fractal zoomer is truly brilliant! | User Comment Submitted by Fungus on 4 August 2013
Very nice demo. I see Censor still enjoys playing with their balls. ;) |
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