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Oh Noes, They Be Stealing My Bench [2007] |
'It's my playground, i can copy all i want'
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User Comment Submitted by ptoing on 26 June 2017 User Comment Submitted by hedning on 26 June 2017
Umm. ptoing, you can't just manipulate a 10 years old file and upload it like it's the same release. This release should have the exact "bug" that it has. Your fixed version is released by you today, and should have a new entry in the database. I am deleting your file now. Feel free to upload your fixed version as a new entry. | User Comment Submitted by ptoing on 26 June 2017
The hidden thing is lost though in the "fix", oh well. | User Comment Submitted by ptoing on 26 June 2017
I only recently checked this on my actual C64, and found out that it has quite bad grey dot action going on in the right border.
I ran the pic through a newer version of Timanthes, which fixed this issue. So I decided to upload the "noes - fixed.prg" file, so people can enjoy it without they grey dots. | User Comment Submitted by apprentix on 24 November 2013 User Comment Submitted by mikme on 10 October 2008
awesome one, great colors and idea. 10/10 | User Comment Submitted by Ed on 22 December 2007
ik houd werkelijk van de draak op het hogere juiste gebied. het is aardig om te zien dat u uw eigen kleurencombinaties hebt gekozen. u kent het oude zeggen: een bank is waar de mensen zitten en een danken voor het trekken van de bank van liers liggen. | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 15 December 2007
That tree almost gives me a hardon and the dragon's head is just amazing! 8)
I also love Mirage's rendition of Vanja's "dynamic duo"! ;-D
Two of the best c64 gfxians ever duking it out, what can be more amazing? ;-D
Someone wrap all of this up into a Demo and call it a day already. Jesus fucking christ, all the "wasted" work just for us CSDB-dwellers! <:-)
Name suggestion: "Tales of a tree" | User Comment Submitted by Lobo on 14 December 2007
Obserwuje i widze i wiem, że to jest na 5 plus hehe (sorry for my language) ;D | User Comment Submitted by Joe on 14 December 2007
Another Serial? Thank GOD I don't watch TV! Very nice prodz. | User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 14 December 2007
Wile Coyote: Yes...because I never ever talk to Mirage...or show him previews or anything.
Bizzmo: We are trying to transcend the borders here! Breaking the rules! | User Comment Submitted by Bizzmo on 14 December 2007
Dammit, you've broken the first rule of pixelling (and Hein will back me up on this one I'm sure) - "If you're going to paint a picture of a dragon and a girl, you better make sure the girl is naked with big ta-tas!" Ahem... | User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 14 December 2007
Quote:I miss the serious productions, the ones which dare to leave the eternal circle-wank and transcend the borders of the scene.
RadiantX: First of all, why does something have to be *serious* to transcend the borders of the scene? And second; what makes you think this *isn't* serious?
Lighten up sir, and have a hug. Personally I'd much rather see the scene as a playground than a job. | User Comment Submitted by Deev on 14 December 2007 User Comment Submitted by Cruzer on 14 December 2007
Amazing color scheme. Looks very beyond the standard 16 ones.
| User Comment Submitted by Ninja on 14 December 2007
Technically awesome pic, no doubt; but I personally prefer the atmosphere of vanja's (and leon's) picture.
radiantx: Everything is a sine, there will be a more serious phase somewhen :) | User Comment Submitted by Yazoo on 14 December 2007 User Comment Submitted by leonofsgr on 14 December 2007
song of dragon?! ;_) cool... | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 14 December 2007
"Playground"? I think that summarizes the current C64 scene pretty well, as well as being the main reason for my only just recently overwon desire to quit it all.
I miss the serious productions, the ones which dare to leave the eternal circle-wank and transcend the borders of the scene. | User Comment Submitted by JackAsser on 14 December 2007
@perff: You seriously need to add more steps to the voting system. I keep giving Mirage tens all the time even though I do think some of his pictures are better than other he did... :D Or all vote should be renormalized so that you map f.e. 0-10 into 0-8 making 9 and 10 free again. ;D
Nah, not serious here, but it is a small problem even so. | User Comment Submitted by Hein on 14 December 2007
I'd have done a different composition ;) but other than that, excellent. | User Comment Submitted by DRAX on 14 December 2007
Absolutely brillant. This is greatness, Lars. | User Comment Submitted by Motion on 14 December 2007
Hip Hip hooray for Mirage! The man strikes back with a vengence and a bounty of humour for good measure. The man rocketh hard!! :D
| User Comment Submitted by Ksubi on 14 December 2007
Amazing work (as expected) by Mirage. I love the detail shown in the leaves, and the "nc" near the roots :-)
(I also have noticed in a few pics "m" appearing in the background...wonder if any others in the past have this signature) | User Comment Submitted by Graham on 14 December 2007
"Even on the worst television available you'd get hints of the differentiating blue and brown lines."
You don't see hints of blue and brown, but hints of odd and even rasterlines. This is true for ALL colors, not only the mixed ones. Every unmixed C64 color is slightly different on odd rasterlines compared to even rasterlines, so ofcourse also the mixed colors show this too. | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 14 December 2007
i am officially supporting screenshots with pal-emu :) (and i have to admit that i didnt recognize it before). and yes its still a great picture =) | User Comment Submitted by Twoflower on 14 December 2007
I'm officially against screenshots with PAL-blending. But that doesn't take away the fact that this is a stunning pic which I like very much. | User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 14 December 2007
Twoflower, this is way closer to what it looks like on the real thing, and it is *exactly* what it looks like in vice with pal emulation turned on. If you want to look at the individual pixels you can always load the file in vice and turn pal emulation off. I really don't see the problem...? | User Comment Submitted by Twoflower on 14 December 2007
Yes, but screenshotting with PAL-emulation on doesn't make an image appear with a strange soften-filter applied. I suggest you click on the image and look at it zoomed. Even on the worst television available you'd get hints of the differentiating blue and brown lines. And besides, I actually appreciate to be able to see the technique on a 160X200 pixeled image. But perhaps such wishes are limited to graphicians? | User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 14 December 2007
Oswald: I'd like to think of it more as a gentle and affectionate pat on the bum :) | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 14 December 2007
mirage once again kixx everyone's ass, its starting to hurt badly :) awesomeness. | User Comment Submitted by Graham on 14 December 2007
@Twoflower: The "every-second line technique" is a way to mix colors. It is required to have PAL emulation turned on to see the color mixing. | User Comment Submitted by Twoflower on 14 December 2007
Is this a fuzzy PAL-emulation screenshot or have I got old contacts on? Seriously though, change the screenshot. The nice every-second line technique on the tree is totally unnoticable - and in a way it looks like an IFLI pic. Nice topic, nice picture and an interesting technique. | User Comment Submitted by Mermaid on 14 December 2007
Dane will have to fight me for you now Mirage <3 | User Comment Submitted by Matt on 14 December 2007
awesome! I made it my desktop wallpaper!

btw, it'd be lovely to see your graphics appear in some demo some day. or vanja's, or ptoing's, or archmage's.
| User Comment Submitted by SIDWAVE on 14 December 2007 User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 14 December 2007
yay, great stuff =D
(but, why is the screenshot so blurry? it looks like ifli kinda *shrug*) | User Comment Submitted by null on 14 December 2007 User Comment Submitted by Burglar on 14 December 2007
somehow reminds me of... ah sod it, mirage strikes again ;) | User Comment Submitted by Steppe on 14 December 2007
Hehe, dragons and cute girls, the perfect ingredients for an interesting C64 pic. ;-) I like the dynamics in this picture a lot, it's almost as if you could see the figures moving! Very well done, Mirage! | User Comment Submitted by Sander on 14 December 2007
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