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Chase That Feeling   [2009]

Chase That Feeling Released by :
Warriors of the Wasteland [web]

Release Date :
31 October 2009

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :
Syntax 2009

Achievements :
Mixed Demo Competition at Syntax 2009 :  #1

User rating:********__  8.3/10 (21 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  8.5/10 (12 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... A Life in Hell of Warriors of the Wasteland
Music .... A Life in Hell of Warriors of the Wasteland
Graphics .... _V_ of 64ever, Padua, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Viruz, Warriors of the Wasteland
  A Life in Hell of Warriors of the Wasteland
Concept .... A Life in Hell of Warriors of the Wasteland

SIDs used in this release :
Chase That Feeling(/MUSICIANS/J/Julian_Jaymz/Chase_That_Feeling.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 6 May 2016
reminds me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtHsqAjoXXY

awesome demo this, and the soundtrack is just hilarious :)
User Comment
Submitted by snerg on 15 April 2010
This is so... fucked up but so stylish with own taste and flow. Here what you see fit/harmonize with all you hear and vice versa. Very coherent design. One of several (just!) chunks of modern art around - shame!

I really enjoyed all that "dirt" in this demo. Hmm just not so sure about selection of female faces but... it works.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 15 February 2010
I like the music, maybe BECAUSE the sample sounds so "fucked up beyond repair", maybe I just have a very sick taste.

Thx to an F64 member the riddle of the ori could be solved:
User Comment
Submitted by The Shadow on 21 January 2010
This is a radically cool demo :)
User Comment
Submitted by _V_ on 15 January 2010
ALIH my MAN! You actually got the parts and your groove together into a demo! And first place again! YUSS YUSS YUSSS! :)

By the way, the circle part idea is something I lamely stole from Psylteflesk on Amiga. Never thought it'd convert so smooth and nice to the c64! I wanted to do advanced circle designs (the one in the demo was just a fast test design), but my life has turned basically into a repeating sequence of eat, sleep, work...
User Comment
Submitted by pvcf on 6 January 2010
very nice production, first i could not believe that you have managed to get something modulated sync-singing out of the sid 8) very nice routine!
ofcourse it could need some polish (filters, and the single instrumentvoice could done be better and i have the feel the singing sometimes goes out of sync).
the effects in the demo are very nice, a good and fast loader. the transitions could need some more polish, also the music should not repeat 3 times ^^
i gave 9/10 8)
User Comment
Submitted by Ksubi on 22 December 2009
The highlight for me in this demo is the 264 Kefrens. WOW! The transparent bars are also very nice, but just doesnt have the same impact. Nice work though ALiH, looking forward to your next creation!
User Comment
Submitted by El Topo on 30 November 2009
Mr SID seems to be under a lot of pressure in this demo, I like it. There should be more elephants in it though :)
User Comment
Submitted by plagueis on 16 November 2009
I liked this music. Its distortion was what made it cool to me, and it paralleled the harsh transitions.

The best parts were the 8x8 effects...some people still enjoy 8x8 resolution effects. :)
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Submitted by wozza on 10 November 2009
really liked the prod and some awesome routines here, just felt at the time that it needed more polish in blending everything in, if you get my drift.
Still, bloody amazing stuff!
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 9 November 2009
errh, some very nice routines in there, but the roughness is getting too much for me :] the vocals dont work, the converted pics are boring by now (eventho the converter does an awesome job), the zoomers at 8 bit precision suffer, cant enjoy such low precision eventho 50fps, make it rather slower please:)

i love the kefrens, the circle stuff, and the interference thingies.
User Comment
Submitted by A Life in Hell on 8 November 2009
jazzcat: The hilltop hoods song in question, btw, was originally going to be the soundtrack for this (i've been a hilltop fan since one of my friends bought a bunch of minidisks into the office around 2000) - i swapped it out at the last minute when I was too drunk to be able to combine the breakbeat and the piano riff into one channel and have it sound cool - it always sounded like some lounge music instead. but there is a pile of audio files aorund of chicken and i rapping that will proabbyl one day see the light.... but I didn't change the name of the demo, because I broke the tool I used to draw the main logo, and I did not have time to fix it, so I could not re-do the title picture in time!

algorythm: i seperately have coded a VQ based codec, actually, which is going to be used in something soon. And yes, it does sound a lot better, natch, but it has the downside that it takes about 40% of the CPU to run the bastard :).
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 7 November 2009
Just watched this again at home for the first time after watching it on the big screen.

My favourite part is the transparent keffren bars, lovely indeed. I also enjoyed the overall feel of the demo, it has a real dirty data feel to it, enhanced by the music which is so robotic and different. Unlike others, I enjoyed the track...

Looking forward to the next one from Jaymz.Bee.Chicken.Duck

p.s. Chase That Feeling is a song by the aussie band Hilltop Hoods.
User Comment
Submitted by fade on 6 November 2009
i appreciate this soundtrack, plus the code is awesome. chatting with alih during syntax gave me a better understanding of how it worked, the possibilities and running with all that codepron makes me think it is being very underappreciated. I'm with Linus, i likes it. Even Jaymz pissed himself with a few squeaks during the democompo. It deserved it's placed and i think the next installment of the alih demo saga is going to blow many away.
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Submitted by booker on 6 November 2009
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Submitted by Radiant on 5 November 2009
booker: Still a manual effort AFAIK, as opposed to this machine-generated one. :-)

I totally forgot about Progress without Progress though, which is a bit more hifi, but at the same time very "robot-like" (intentionally) whereas this one sounds more organic.
User Comment
Submitted by booker on 5 November 2009
Quoting radiantx
Whoa! NICE song synthesizer! Who will beat it? :-D

Another try :)

http://hvsc.perff.dk/MUSICIANS/M/Mitch_and_Dane/Dane/Edge_of_Di.. - how about Daft Punk's part?
User Comment
Submitted by Conjuror on 3 November 2009
I really enjoy the experimental nature and the pushing of limits in your work. Great write up of the thinking that went into the demo as well.

Congratulations on your victory. Well deserved.
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Submitted by clonK on 3 November 2009
@ne7: I agree with what you're saying but disregard this tune as an example for your point. I love experimental, glitchy stuff (I'm an Autechre fan), but to me this just sounds broken. /MUSICIANS/G/Goto80/cykonys.sid is an example of stuff I love. Each to their own. If everyone had the same taste I guess life would be a little less interesting.
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Submitted by booker on 3 November 2009
@radiantx: not sure what you mean ^^

As to tune: perhaps there's something code-wise in the tune that makes it special and I am not to deny it. But for the ear-result it just doesn't work for me. Sorry, not being judgmental here, just the way the effect plays hurts a bit. I agree with Linus though, it fits the wrathy style of the demo and this is well worth #1 for the compo.
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Submitted by PAL on 2 November 2009
Well then I am just too normal human to understand the brilliant stuff with the music then... I just think it is bad for my ears and slows down the demo a lot. The demo is good, but the music really puts it down for me... well I like your demos a lot so please do more... maybe with other music? ...or not? I just did not love this sound.
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Submitted by algorithm on 2 November 2009
Not sure why so many people are mentioning bad things about the music. It is a worlds first in regards to conversion of audio to sid at least what is released so far. Although using VQ based audio would have given it more definition :-) (at the expense of the usual updating every 2 raster lines or nmi etc)
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Submitted by Linus on 2 November 2009
Am I the only one who actually likes the music? It gels very well with the demo's rough attitude imho.
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Submitted by ne7 on 2 November 2009
dunno why people are being so heavy on the music - if everything had the same warm and smooth sound on the c64 it would be SO boring. i really dug this a lot - would love to see alih doing some sorta glitchy crazy musicdisk in the future with some of these visuals. some brill effects and some great ideas in here too!
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Submitted by NecroPolo on 2 November 2009
With all the respect, the music sounds fucked beyond repair, even for me (I must add that I like raw, dirty, evil and experimental stuff). There are cases when good bands play bad notes with intention, there is some sense of humour in that - but this feels like a bad band makes only bad notes all the way. Annoying and that's it. No direction, concept, whatsoever. No mercy for the audience. Poking in random values to SID registers might give a better result.

Probably I miss something (perhaps it contains groundbreaking coding achievments) but for me the reason that made it a Syntax 2009 winner is a complete mystery. Okay, there are some really great visual trix in there and some very nifty parts. I like the dirty visual work but still the demo doesn't work as a whole. The sound makes it completely totalled.

Sorry dude, it's not something that I will load again.
User Comment
Submitted by daison on 2 November 2009
Mixed feelings here...

The effects were nice and I still like the true-colorish graphics format.
The filled cirle face thing is fresh!
\0/ for Shaded kefrens, but the transitions hurt my eyes.

The music totally ruined the entire experience for me. It actually made me think I had vice running in warp speed...
User Comment
Submitted by clonK on 2 November 2009
The 'vocal' part of the music is awful.
Am I totally missing something here?
Tried on the real thing (6581R4AR and 8580) and vice.
I love messed-up sounds but this just sounds broken to me. Sounds like the 'vocal' is a speed channel but has been added at normal speed.
I wouldn't be suprised if that was ALiH's intention, but it still makes me cringe.
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 2 November 2009
hmmm... this were like I just thought someone had worked a lot for nothing as I really dislike the music and also the slow phase of the demo(the speed is even less with that music to it...). It were really not any good for me even I see the work put into this one. Sorry!
User Comment
Submitted by Style on 1 November 2009
Im sorry ALIH, but I just dont "get" your stuff. couple of nice effects hidden in there tho :)
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Submitted by MagerValp on 1 November 2009
Demo stopped with a cute girl looking at me. Loader worked for a while, but then nothing...

Weird, worked on the second attempt.
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Submitted by Radiant on 1 November 2009
booker: Those aren't song synthesizers though, but manually tweaked and tuned instruments.
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Submitted by TomoAlien on 1 November 2009
Nice demo, but i had to mute the music because of the synth. Does it sound like that on a real machine too? Also some effects are somewhat sloppy.
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Submitted by Sander on 1 November 2009
Great demo!
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Submitted by Sasq on 1 November 2009
booker: It's "The most beautiful girl in the world". Never liked Prince...
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Submitted by Cresh on 1 November 2009
Some handpixelled gfx would be nice, too.

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Submitted by booker on 1 November 2009
radiantx - check this and this out ;)
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Submitted by Radiant on 1 November 2009
Whoa! NICE song synthesizer! Who will beat it? :-D

Awesome demo, save for the odd glitch between parts. 100% respect, 10/10.
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Submitted by booker on 1 November 2009
I think the 'weird' part of tune is actually some form of speech synth, and the tune is a cover of a pop tune I think.

Nice prod :D
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Submitted by Sasq on 1 November 2009
Great effects, but yeah, the music is too weird (and it sounds like that on real hardware too).
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Submitted by Ed on 1 November 2009
Slow demo but with some nice routines. Love the roughness and the wicked music.
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 1 November 2009
The roughness is ok, but the loading and transition in-between the different screens are way too slow and take away the flow.
+ For the odd music.
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 1 November 2009
nice code, although sometimes a bit rough looks for my taste.

but wtf is it with the music? is it really like that, or is it a major emu fuckup? have to transfer i guess... =)
User Comment
Submitted by JackAsser on 1 November 2009
Extremly good!
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