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Stiff    (1996 - August 1997)

Ex member of :
Apidya [web], Scorn, Tigers
Function :

Other handles used by this scener :(Display only info for current handle)
Shapie(Currently used handle)

Country :

Releases released :
DownloadFilety Logo 2 ... ???? Graphics

Under handle: Shapie
DownloadSatellite Info ... 1998 Misc.

Credits :
DownloadHollandaisesås by Judas ...  2022 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadFlurry De-Mo Preview by Mad Squad ...  2003 Demo  (Music)
DownloadDigital Talk #37 [german] by Digital Talk ...  1999 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadFilm Bits 2 by Mayhem ...  1999 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadComic Art 45 by Mayhem ...  1999 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadMen Only #10 by Mayhem ...  1998 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadScene Music Volume #1 by Axicon ...  1998 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadThe Simpsons Vol I by Mayhem ...  1998 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadIronworld by Scorn ...  1997 Music  (Music)
DownloadIncredible by Scorn ...  1997 Music  (Music)
DownloadRenaissance by Scorn ...  1997 Music  (Music)
DownloadTechnomania by Scorn ...  1997 Music  (Music)
DownloadPiccy by Vaudeville Crew ...  1997 Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadWild Techno by Tigers ...  1997 Music  (Music)
DownloadStiff Ctx Note by Scorn ...  1997 Misc.  (Code, Design)
DownloadPrehistoric by Scorn ...  1997 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadEor and... by Tigers ...  ???? 4K Intro  (Music)
DownloadFilety Logo 2 by Stiff ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadCTX Note by Apidya, Scorn ...  ???? Misc.  (Code, Design, Text)

Under handle: Shapie
DownloadRetro SID-Cover Essentials by Finnish Gold, Onslaught ...  2022 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadSprythonic by Cascade ...  2021 Intro  (Music)
DownloadCiA 2014 Banner Competition by Commodore Is Awesome ...  2014 Intro  (Music)
DownloadContribution 2 (+ The Magic Font's Collection) by Apidya ...  2008 Tool Collection  (Music)
DownloadBreakpoint 2008 Invitation by Resource, The Dreams ...  2008 Invitation  (Music)
DownloadDigital Talk #81 [german] by Digital Talk ...  2007 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadDigital Talk #80 [german] by Digital Talk ...  2007 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadBy the Way by Onslaught ...  2004 Graphics Collection  (Code, Music, Graphics, Design)
DownloadVandalism News #40 by Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs ...  2003 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadPublication #50 by Civitas ...  2003 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadSpeed by Creators, Onslaught, SHAPE ...  2003 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadSid Victory 2 by Samar Productions ...  2003 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadLet Me Try by Onslaught ...  2002 Music  (Music)
DownloadCommy Music #3 by Voodoo ...  2002 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadVandalism News #38 by Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs ...  2002 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadI'm Back by Onslaught ...  2002 Music  (Music)
DownloadXmas Postcard by Onslaught ...  2002 Misc.  (Code, Music)
DownloadSupremacy 2 by Jazzcat ...  2001 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadFilm Music Collection by Neax ...  2001 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadVandalism News #32 by Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff ...  2000 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadClouds by Axelerate ...  2000 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #1 by Axelerate ...  2000 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadInverse #7 by Oxygen64 ...  2000 Diskmag  (Music, Interviewed)
DownloadDomination #13 by Jazzcat ...  1999 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadJazzland by Onslaught ...  1999 Music  (Music)
DownloadTropyx Music 4 by Tropyx ...  1999 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadSID Hits #1 by Satovia ...  1999 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadContribution by Apidya ...  1999 Tool Collection  (Code, Music, Graphics, Charset, Translation)
DownloadAction Replay Tools Pack by Apidya ...  1999 Tool Collection  (Music, Graphics)
Download2nd Stiff's Music Collection by Apidya ...  1999 Music Collection  (Code, Music, Graphics)
DownloadBlondie by Apidya ...  1999 Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadRDS Stereogram Collie by Apidya ...  1999 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadDruid '99 by Onslaught ...  1999 Music  (Music)
DownloadReflections by Onslaught ...  1999 Music  (Music)
DownloadCommy Music #1 by Voodoo ...  1999 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadDigital Talk #37 [german] by Digital Talk ...  1999 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadNo Future by Onslaught ...  1999 Music  (Music)
DownloadSid Agony 2 by Anubis ...  1999 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadMozkit #1 by Anubis ...  1999 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadAfter the Break by Vaudeville Crew ...  1999 Music Collection  (Code, Music, Graphics, Idea)
DownloadEndeavour by Onslaught, Vaudeville Crew ...  1998 Music  (Music)
DownloadDimension #1 by TempesT ...  1998 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadSid Agony by Anubis ...  1998 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadC-64,5 #11 by Alliance ...  1998 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadFreeside #2 [polish] by Sataki ...  1998 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadPivo #05 by Tengu ...  1998 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadBlondie by Vaudeville Crew ...  1998 Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadMy Heart Will Go On by Apidya, Vaudeville Crew ...  1998 Music  (Music)
DownloadTechnex by Apidya, Vaudeville Crew ...  1998 Music  (Music)
DownloadFreeside #1 [polish] by Authority ...  1998 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadBlasphemy #3 by Hitmen ...  1998 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadSpeaker Magazine #6 [polish] by Vaudeville Crew ...  1998 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadSatellite Info by Shapie ...  1998 Misc.  (Text)
DownloadOnly Code by Ascraeus ...  1997 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadI Love This Game by Scorn ...  1997 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadWild Jesus by Scorn ...  1997 Demo  (Music)
DownloadHunchi's Ctx Note by Hunchi ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Charset)
DownloadMSX Collie #2 by Tiger-Crew ...  ???? Music Collection  (Music)

Attended :
Center Party 1997
North Party V1.0

Under handle: Shapie
North Party V7.0
Satellite 1999
Satellite 1998
Scenery 1998

User ratings :  
As Musician:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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