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Input  (IPT)

Ex member of :
Input's Breaking Men, Pulsar [web], Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs
Functions :
Coder, Cracker, Musician
Founder of :
Input's Breaking Men

Handle alternative spelling :
Input Inc. 1971, Input Incooperated Worldwide

Country :

Releases released :
DownloadBMX Simulator ... 1986 Crack
DownloadDuplicator II ... 1986 Crack
DownloadGremlins - The Adventure ... 1986 Crack
DownloadRealm of Impossibility ... 1986 Crack
DownloadScrollo ... 1986 Crack
DownloadSuicide Express ... 1986 Crack
DownloadThe Rocky Horror Show ... 1986 Crack
DownloadWhistler's Brother ... 1986 Crack
DownloadBlazing Paddles ... 1985 Crack
DownloadF-15 Strike Eagle ... 1985 Crack
DownloadPharaoh's Grave Adventure [german] ... 1985 Crack
DownloadQuest for Quintana Roo ... 1985 Crack
DownloadSpelunker + ... 1985 Crack
DownloadSpiders ... 1985 Crack
DownloadStellar 7 ... 1985 Crack
DownloadSummer Games ... 1985 Crack
DownloadThe Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils ... 1985 Crack
DownloadThe Way of the Exploding Fist ... 1985 Crack
DownloadSnoopy ... 1984 Crack
DownloadCritical Mass ... ???? Crack
DownloadLetter to TGG ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadManic Miner ... ???? Crack
DownloadMultitasking 1 ... ???? Demo
DownloadMultitasking 2 ... ???? Demo
DownloadMultitasking 3 ... ???? Demo
DownloadMultitasking 4 ... ???? Demo
DownloadSexy-Music ... ???? Demo
DownloadSorcery ... ???? Crack
DownloadSquish 'em ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Way of the Tiger ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Wizard of Oz ... ???? Crack
DownloadW.A.R. to SCG ... ???? One-File Demo

Credits :
DownloadNo Wonder by Lower Level ...  1991 Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe Lame-Buster by Z-Circle ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadApologize! by Magnetix, Pulsar ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadCookie by NATO ...  1989 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadMusic Collection V3.1 by The Spench ...  1989 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadRipp-Box XI by FBI Crew ...  1989 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadThe Rocky Horror Show by Input ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadScrollo by Input ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSuicide Express by Input ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWhistler's Brother by Input ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGremlins - The Adventure by Input ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSpy vs. Spy II - The Island Caper by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Last V8 by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Serpent's Star by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDuplicator II by Input ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBMX Simulator by Input ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRealm of Impossibility by Input ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStellar 7 by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadF-15 Strike Eagle by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSummer Games by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBlazing Paddles by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSpelunker + by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadThe Way of the Exploding Fist by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSpiders by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadQuest for Quintana Roo by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPharaoh's Grave Adventure [german] by Input ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSnoopy by Input ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTarzan by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMusic Ripp by FBI Crew ...  ???? Music  (Music)
DownloadA Bonus Song ...  ???? Music  (Music)
DownloadBMX Simulator by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadInternational Karate by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSexy-Music by Input ...  ???? Demo  (Code)
DownloadW.A.R. to SCG by Input, Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Code)
DownloadMultitasking 1 by Input ...  ???? Demo  (Code)
DownloadMultitasking 2 by Input ...  ???? Demo  (Code)
DownloadMultitasking 3 by Input ...  ???? Demo  (Code)
DownloadMultitasking 4 by Input ...  ???? Demo  (Code)
DownloadShortest Demo by Input's Breaking Men ...  ???? Demo  (Code)
DownloadSilent Service by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLetter to TGG by Input ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Code)
DownloadThe Wizard of Oz by Input ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSpindizzy by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadI.C.U.P.S. by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGreen Beret by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGhosts'n Goblins by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBomb Jack by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDeactivators by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThing on a Spring by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadShadowfire by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Way of the Tiger by Input ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMercenary by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCritical Mass by Input ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFast Tracks by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCalifornia Games by Input's Breaking Men ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadManic Miner by Input ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSquish 'em by Input ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGhettoblaster by Verstaatlichte Cracker Oesterreichs ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)

User ratings :  
As Coder:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Cracker:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Musician:awaiting 8 votes (7 left)   See votestatistics
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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