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Flyboy (1 October 1985 - ??) |
Ex member of : Energy (1990 -> 1990), Exodus (6-1989 -> 1-1990), Fantasy (2-1990 -> 1990)
Functions : Phreaker, Sysop
Handlestory :
A nickname given to pilots...
Trivia :
I was running a US BBS called Fabulous Disaster for Exodus/NATO and later Fantasy. Also had a short stint in Energy (NRG) before quitting the C64 and moving to the Amiga 500. Before that, I ran one called Eyes Of Horror at the same phone number. Currently live near Daytona Beach, FL and still use a C64 and Amiga 500 daily.... I also mess around a lot with emulation, although I still play with the original hardware.
Equipment for the time period: BBS run on Ivory BBS using a C64 breadbin at first. Moved on to C64c with standard 1541, 1571 and 3 1581's daisy chained for the BBS. Also used a C128 on the side for actually getting to play some of the games...
Using today: C64 with multiple 1541 drives, single 1541 attached to ZoomFloppy, card reader and more.
Amiga 500 / 512 Expansion / External Floppy / Gotek with DF0 switcher
Country :
United States
Sysop on BBS : Eyes of Horror (Main), Fabulous Disaster (Main)
User on BBS : Channel Zero, Contrast, Disintegration, Elm Street, Highway Star, Once Upon a Time, OPTiCAL iLLUSiON, The Addiction, The Disk Shoppe, The Underground, Transworld X-Change, Vital Signs, Warez Castle, Warez Galore, Wild Warez
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