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High Voltage SID Collection #46   [2007]

Released by :
HVSC Crew [web]

Release Date :
21 January 2007

Type :
C64 Music Collection

HVSC Update #46

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (1 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Linking .... Adam Lorentzon of HVSC Crew
  Chris Abbott of HVSC Crew
  Ian Coog of Hokuto Force, HVSC Crew
  Jockstrap of HVSC Crew, Warriors of the Wasteland
  Laust Brock-Nannestad of HVSC Crew
  Magnate of HVSC Crew, Obsession
  Mr. SID of HVSC Crew, Megadesigns Incorporated
  Raf of HVSC Crew, Vulture Design
  Rambones of Ancients, HVSC Crew
  Ramos of HVSC Crew, Samar Productions
  Simon White of HVSC Crew
  Six of Cincinnati Commodore Computer Club, Dark Lords of Chaos, HVSC Crew, Style
  Steppe of HVSC Crew
  The Shark of HVSC Crew, The Eternal Force
  Wilfred Bos of HVSC Crew
  Yodelking of Defiers, HVSC Crew

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User Comment
Submitted by Steppe on 30 January 2007
No, we won't add all 1014 sid paths to this db entry. Forget it! ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Inge on 23 January 2007
lda #01
sta $ff

jsr 122c
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 23 January 2007
$1612/$1264 what did you use?
User Comment
Submitted by Inge on 23 January 2007
I had no problems with the tune. Maybe you didn't init the song correctly?
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 23 January 2007
talking about rip protections: try the Pulsar Intro tune on the game Tanium, I managed to get it playing but after a 30 seconds delay only. anyone do a proper one? (hint, hint)
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 23 January 2007
INC_Shark_The: yea, diff ppl, diff prefs. someone else mentioned it already, we should make a neat platform independant frontend for hvsc ;) the naming conventions wouldnt matter anymore then

@others: you can save a lot of time and energy by ignoring a certain complaining crappy composer.
User Comment
Submitted by Yodelking on 23 January 2007
@Nata: If we'd trust CSDB we would get lots of errors. Many people add the credits that are found inside the production. Those credits are often proven wrong, especially when it comes to music in old productions.

So according to you, if we'd rip music from Game Over view, we should set Nata/Protovision as released?
Game Over(view) #33

It's the same with Gamebase, many credits have been wrong, even in original manuals they have been printed wrong.

We try to correct both HVSC, Gamebase, and CSDB when we find something, and on the other way around too!
We've got a lot help from Gamebase and CSDB.

We don't have time time to verify EVERY credit on all products, therefor it's highly appreciated if composers send in their tunes, so we save time from ripping, save time from trying to find out correct credits, and save time from answering on complaining mails.
User Comment
Submitted by The Shark-INC on 23 January 2007
Burglar: Some people like the first_last sorting, but I've spent a life time sorting last_first, so it's hard for me to change my preference now. :) Majority rules, though, so we'll see if enough come foreward to support this. I suspect that with so many people having the same first name, using surnames to sort on became popular in this world.

Nata: Thanks for the corrections. Do keep in mind that HVSC strives for accuracy but we are not perfect. Think about how many things we got right rather than thinking about the few errors in the update that we can always correct. :)
User Comment
Submitted by dalezy on 22 January 2007
what hein said.

also, i like the new structure. i was better off downloading the whole new hvsc instead of the update though, as waiting 45 mins for the update-tool to be done didn't seem like an option. =)
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 21 January 2007
shark, I would indeed suggest /R/Rob_Hubbard, /J/Jeroen_Tel, /M/Martin_Galway, /F/Fred_Grey, etc. the name they're known by, for lots of others the handle in an appropriate dir.

if anyone disagrees, they should speak out aswell though
User Comment
Submitted by j0x on 21 January 2007
Rough: I believe Steppe means that the Co-Op tune turned out to be identical to Venom_03.sid (and that this was discovered back in update #46, beta 2)
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Submitted by Hein on 21 January 2007
Finally, it was worth the wait. So much work goes into this growing collection, why nitpick on details?
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 21 January 2007
@Steppe: update 2? no,no, just take a look at the file of the current update at the instructions for dir /DEMOS/UNKNOWN a tune called Co-op_tune.sid supplied by Ramos.. it isnt in HVSC
User Comment
Submitted by Inge on 21 January 2007
Yes. The more difficult a tune is to rip, the more interesting...
User Comment
Submitted by Inge on 21 January 2007
@nata: ... sometimes I really think about a rip protection...

Don't! We'll rip it anyway... ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by The Shark-INC on 21 January 2007
Burglar, for the folder names, we use the name that the composer was most famous for. In cases where the composer used their real name, we then sort on last name. This style is based on how libraries and CD stores sort their music. What do you propose instead, something like /R/Rob_Hubbard?
User Comment
Submitted by Steppe on 21 January 2007
Rough, I thought it was a tune that you submitted, but we didn't include it! :-)
Here's what happened to the Co-op_intro.sid after update 2 or so:

> # same as /VARIOUS/S-Z/Venom/Venom_03.sid
> /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/Co-op_intro.sid

We only forgot to remove it from the script.
User Comment
Submitted by Yodelking on 21 January 2007
@Nata: Don't bother helping out, if you feel that way.
But if others wants to send in tunes, we appreaciate it a lot. That saves us time that we can spend on ripping other stuff.
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 21 January 2007
Steppe: no, you got me wrong, the update46 file says it would put a file DEMOS/UNKNOWN/Co-op_Intro.sid into HVSC but it isnt there.

Yodelking: as I just sent the last update recently I though of the old packs, and yes, I promise: smaller packs for the future 8)
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 21 January 2007
"... "it's not entirely up to the HVSC-crew to go through all new and old releases"

If the HVSC Crew rips the tunes from productions without permission from the composers - WHY NOT?"

he's saying that the least YOU could've done was to supply correct sids to hvsc of your own tunes. you didnt, so dont complain
User Comment
Submitted by Yodelking on 21 January 2007
@Rough: If you mean from your last pack, it's still not checked through, due to the size of the pack. :)
They will be added on the next update, and you will get feedback when it's processed.

@Nata: This update was supposed to be released ages ago, but we got delayed. We try to add as little tunes between our internal-beta and the final release, so there's more new tunes missing.
Also, it's not entirely up to the HVSC-crew to go through all new and old releases. Preferable the composers can send in their SIDs with correct credits, to save us time.
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 21 January 2007
great! new dir structure!

bad! you keep the Lastname_Firstname convention for most popular musicians, I cant stand it! ;)

great! thanks for the huge amount of work you guys put in this update (edit;)
User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 21 January 2007
Yeah, love the dir structure too!

Hey, why not do such a thing as Last.FM and keep chart of the SIDs ppl are playing by some plugin that connects to a server etc. etc. ;-)
We could use those stats to create the proposed 'lite' version.
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 21 January 2007
I agree about the new dir structure being much better as well, but I guess there are quite a few non-sceners who don't. Why not offer a "HVSC Lite" containing only the tunes by Hubbard, Galway, Hülsbeck and Daglish to those people? Then everyone'd be happy. :-P
User Comment
Submitted by Sidder on 21 January 2007
I like new "dir-tree": just more rational. It's easier to find composer.

Good work. :]
User Comment
Submitted by Steppe on 21 January 2007
Rough, I have no idea (from the top of my head) what happened to your Coop tune. Maybe it was a repeat, maybe it's still lurking in that smelly pile of sids nobody really finds time to wade through... ;-)
I can only ask you again not to send packs of such sizes anymore, it really kills our motivation, as the time required to sort them is enourmous.
I check tonight when I'm home and get back to you via email.
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 21 January 2007
actually there is no point to discuss Coke vs Pepsi.

Coke is fine, Pepsi equals zero.

Although I right now drink Spezi, a Bavarian mixture of coke and orange juice. Great stuff!

and what about that Co-op_tune.sid? Did my computer do a mistake or is it really missing?
User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 21 January 2007
The new directory structure is so much better, everything in its right place.
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Submitted by 6r6_Nostalgia on 21 January 2007
Ah, Kewl. :)

I always wondered who did:
This nice little tune
is done by somone with skills..
But who ?
User Comment
Submitted by The Shark-INC on 21 January 2007
The new HVSC structure is not unanimously supported by all HVSC members, but it is supported by the majority. After roughly 10 years of debate, the number of votes has shifted for change. The old structure is more suited for those who like a distinction between old and new scene, and has several advantages despite the criticism from newer sceners. Whether you like the new or old structure really comes down to a Pepsi vs. Coke type of debate. In other words, which structure you prefer is highly opinionated. So perhaps the best solution is to offer both views through front-end support as Steppe mentioned in his announcement. Let's hope this happens.
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 21 January 2007
hm, nothing of my work although there must be plenty left of my old submissions. grm0hx! also: the in the update file announced /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/Co-op_intro.sid is not included ?!!??!? plenty of coool new tunes but I dont like the new dir structure
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 21 January 2007
Cool. I was waiting for this. Let's see how much of my work was used. off to leech
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 21 January 2007
Oh yeah! :)
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