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Asteroids Emulator (2013-03-02) +1D   [2013]

Asteroids Emulator (2013-03-02) +1D Released by :

Release Date :
2 March 2013

Type :
C64 Crack

Videosystem: any
Proper release: OK

Asteroids Emulator (Build March 2, 2013)

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Crack .... O'Dog of Laxity
Trainer .... O'Dog of Laxity
Original Supply .... Didi of Laxity
Docs .... O'Dog of Laxity

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadLaxity Intro #49 (Raster Jumper) by Laxity

Download :

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User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 8 March 2013
please have ALiH in the team :)
User Comment
Submitted by VoDKa on 8 March 2013
I feel the need.... The need of a new issue of Gamers Guide to guide us through the hard path of quality-kraxx.
User Comment
Submitted by Digger on 8 March 2013
Does he give a s**t? ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 8 March 2013
hear hear. now convince perff =P
User Comment
Submitted by daison on 8 March 2013
Well, (obviously) I meant enforced by the technical implementation, rather than moderation.

It's a lot easier to accept that way than getting corrected afterwards.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 8 March 2013
"this whole 'archive' is crying for a more strict implementation of these rules"
hear hear. funny how once we even start enforcing them a little bit, all hell breaks loose =)
User Comment
Submitted by daison on 8 March 2013
Yeah, that's what I figured...

But there are loads of cool features here, like a forum, these very comments, shoutbox, who's online, etc that make it more of an active platform which makes it really confusing where the archive ends and the activity begins.

Apart from that, with all these fuzzy moderation rules, this whole 'archive' is crying for a more strict implementation of these rules, rather than leaving it up to the *active* sceners...
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 8 March 2013
he isnt. csdb _IS_ an archive.
User Comment
Submitted by daison on 8 March 2013
@hednig: What is exactly your definition of a "database"?

You make it sound like you are mixing it up with an archive.
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 5 March 2013
@Moloch: That's why I change these tags to [import] if I stumble over them and the entry is not locked.
User Comment
Submitted by Moloch on 3 March 2013
There are shitloads of entries here containing this false [ntsc/pal] tag as fixed. We all should know that US groups simply slapped intros on whatever they imported back in 1987, 1988, and into 1989 without fixing anything.
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 3 March 2013
Ohhhh ****yaaaaawwwwnnnnnn****

User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 3 March 2013
I do understand that there might be needs that could be implemented, but until these needs might be implemented we should go for how it works. This is not a "democratic" platform - not yours, and not mine, nor is it thought to be a first release site, and your entries here are not "yours" either even if you can lock them - it is a database. The admins will tell you (and are telling you) how this database works, and you should be thankful that it exists and humbly add stuff by their guidelines; if you want to change how things should be you do that through discussions and the forum (and also accept a "no", if that will be the case), not by fucking up the conventions.
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 3 March 2013
@hedning: Life is full of changes and everything can be improved. But there are always some people blocking every try of doing so. The TV standard compatibility is of importance for C64 so it should be mentioned somewhere and the database does not offer any other way of doing so by now. Tags for this were requested for a long time by different people. It might not be of importance for the admin team, but for several users spread all over the world, may they be using real hardware or emu. As soon as there is another possibility, I will be among the first to immediately rework all our entries. This has become a global platform and the admins and developers should think that way, too.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 3 March 2013
Didi: Call your release whatever you want in scrollers and filenames, but csdb is a database that follow certain guidelines. Of course it pisses people off when someone steps in and tries to change something that worked for ages.
User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 3 March 2013
A [pal/ntsc] tag on a crack based on how the original game works doesn't belong here any more than credits to the game developers.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 March 2013
again: it doesnt matter. entries are not systematically checked, so ofcourse there are others that are not correct. that does in no way justify creating more incorrect entries.
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 3 March 2013
And still many of them are the way they like it to be, without nagging. That's the difference.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 March 2013
I have frequently fixed entries from NOS. the difference between them and you is: no drama.
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 3 March 2013
Do not nag us for taking over other people's inventions just because you have fun slaying on me and my group. You do not dare to slay on N0 or GRG for something like that, because you would not have any backing against them, unlike against us.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 March 2013
a) the vast majority of their releases actually contain a fix
b) it doesnt matter at all.
c) you dont decide
got that?
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 3 March 2013
N0 started tagging [pal/ntsc] without a fix in March 2011, we took this over in November 2011 after my return, because it makes sense. I tipped GRG once to use it the right direction on a PAL fixed release to make it clear at first sight which was the original format. So please go on someone elses nerves.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 March 2013
"[pal/ntsc] tag on most releases"
check your counting skills. its far less than half of them even. you might also notice how [pal/ntsc] vs [ntsc/pal] is used properly to indicate what was actually fixed.
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 3 March 2013
@Groepaz: Check yourself. F-tag for NTSC or PAL fix and [pal/ntsc] tag on most releases even without a fix and even before we started doing so. Nothing else to say.
@Slator: I am not sure myself how to judge this release. But let's dicuss this in the forum and with the release it belongs to:
Release id #116405 : Asteroids Emulator (Build March 2, 2013)
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 3 March 2013
Good point, Slator.
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Submitted by Slator on 3 March 2013
well the game doesn't change at all it is just the emulator for that which gets updated. Is this a tool being released or is it a game?
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 3 March 2013
Hmm... I agree this is no preview parade after all. The game works and he is just enhancing stuff. That said, I believe there are too little differences to release every updated version or so as separate "cracks". But hey, maybe it's only me.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 March 2013
"Nostalgia does it the same way"
lol. no.
User Comment
Submitted by Flavioweb on 3 March 2013
Maybe too simple, as also for other questions csdb-related, but why don't change "ntsc/pal" flag name to "ntsc/pal fix"? Just to be clear... imho. (the result of a communication is in how is received, not in how is transmitted).
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 3 March 2013
I don't see any other "we" complaining about proper tagging besides you.
Nostalgia does it the same way and I did not see "we" complaining about it.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 March 2013
we know already that you think you have to do it differently. "we" dont do it like that here. [pal/ntsc] indicates fix. really. and no, there werent too many of these wrongly named entries until you started screwing up the db.
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 3 March 2013
Not that discussion again. We add notice about PAL/NTSC compatibility in the entry name of all our releases until there is another possibility to do it. (maybe 2 checkboxes in entry edit: PAL, NTSC, displayed in view below releasetype if at least one is set) There are plenty of entries with the pal/ntsc mark which were working on both formats without a fix, so please don't nag with that. +F is the tag for a fixed release.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 March 2013
i know about the updated game. i was referring to the entry indicating a pal/ntsc fix.
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 3 March 2013
@Groepaz: RTFM or the production notes. ;)
@hedning: Added build date to our previous version.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 March 2013
what was fixed in this release?
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 2 March 2013
Sure thing, but perhaps you should add "Prv" to your previous version Asteroids Emulator (2013-02-23) +1D (same thing with Triad's Asteroids Emulator (2013-02-23) +)?
User Comment
Submitted by Didi on 2 March 2013
The coder does not make any versioning himself. He still makes impovements to it, so you will never know which one will be final. ;) This might be preview 3 or v1.02, who knows... that's why we chose the build date.
/edit: As long as no new version is released, this build should be treated as final.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 2 March 2013
Aka. Preview 2?
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