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13:37   [2024]

13:37 Released by :
Fairlight [web]

Release Date :
11 May 2024

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at X'2024 :  #1

User rating:**********  9.7/10 (137 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  10/10 (56 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Trident of Fairlight
Music .... Danko of Fairlight
  Fegolhuzz of Fairlight
Graphics .... Soya of Fairlight
  The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight
Design .... The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight
  Trident of Fairlight
Storyboard .... The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight
  Trident of Fairlight
Concept .... Trident of Fairlight
Loader .... Bitbreaker of Nuance, Performers
Directory Art .... The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight

SIDs used in this release :
Fight the AI(/MUSICIANS/F/Fegolhuzz/Fight_the_AI.sid)
Load the Demo(/MUSICIANS/F/Fegolhuzz/Load_the_Demo.sid)
Release the Rastersplits(/MUSICIANS/F/Fegolhuzz/Release_the_Rastersplits.sid)
Song for K(urzer)(/MUSICIANS/D/Danko_Tomas/Song_for_K_urzer.sid)
To us it's Love(/MUSICIANS/F/Fegolhuzz/To_us_its_Love.sid)
Top Secret Flescos(/MUSICIANS/F/Fegolhuzz/Top_Secret_Flescos.sid)
You Were There(/MUSICIANS/F/Fegolhuzz/You_Were_There.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by F7sus4 on 20 June 2024
Or maybe not, especially when it comes to turning to disk 3.
User Comment
Submitted by WVL on 19 June 2024
@F7sus4, yes, I wonder why they didn't try that yet. Let's hope someone will do that now.
User Comment
Submitted by F7sus4 on 18 June 2024
Let's hope someone turns that disk now. ;-)
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Submitted by 饾榿饾棥饾棜 on 31 May 2024
No one been drunk enough to find the easter egg yet?
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 25 May 2024
Just found the time to rewatch it again. This demo is one of the few that really tickles me. The pacing is right. It has the right amount of "glue" that holds everything together. The soundtrack fits perfectly. It even has some kind of story and message - which isn't too cheesy. And it has the kind of tech behind it that i want to see - and that without being too techy at the same time.

Something in me wants to complain about it not fitting on a single disk, but i wouldn't know what things to cut away to make this happen either :)

Instant classic. *Bows*
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 25 May 2024
Magnar, I checked on the flamingo today - it's still holding pressure so I think we're good for another round <3 :D
User Comment
Submitted by WVL on 23 May 2024
I only just noticed the first file loads to $1337 馃槉
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Submitted by Rhythm on 22 May 2024
Well Done Guys! Love the greetings part :-) Oh and I'm all in for GubbData!!
User Comment
Submitted by Stinsen on 22 May 2024
That end tune is really something:

User Comment
Submitted by TLF on 22 May 2024
Back because the beautiful end tune by Danko has been released, perfectly suited to the part. Will hunt out the 'original'.
User Comment
Submitted by Magnar on 20 May 2024
@Trap : Mysdata 2024 in the works - don't forget your flamingo! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 20 May 2024
Did somebody say GubbData?????
User Comment
Submitted by Bacchus on 19 May 2024
The flood of love <3

And an opening for new Gubbdata sounds really promising :-)

Here with the crowd reactions:
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Submitted by t0m3000 on 19 May 2024
I already said it on YouTube. It's the best demo I've ever seen.
User Comment
Submitted by Hornet/Agony Design on 19 May 2024
Loooong time from classic FLT intro with "Druid" music thru this breathtaking demo! Outstanding! This is what I call SCENE.....Not to forget genuine machine we're using...
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Submitted by hedning on 18 May 2024
One of those demos that makes me wanna start up Gubbdata again, whatever the cost. Good job.
User Comment
Submitted by WVL on 18 May 2024
Wonderful stuff! I'd love it if it would be possible to keep the rastersplits on the screen to admire them in all their glory!
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 17 May 2024
Are there any plans to release a converter for the new gfx mode? ^_^
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Submitted by Isildur on 17 May 2024
Masterpiece in every way!
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 17 May 2024
@Raistlin: no offence but you've probably missed quite a historic moment in C64 demoscene when Trident jumped a league above Crossbow in cycling and VIC abuse department ;) Any criticism towards Trident's code is invalid by default, no matter what your arguments are. Amen xD
User Comment
Submitted by Slajerek on 17 May 2024
I spent hours with the debugger trying to understand how some effects work, and I must say there's a lot of impressive code porn and a pinch of magic here. Congratulations, Trident. I thought we couldn't get that much fresh juice out of our favorite platform, but as usual, I was wrong. FLESCOS is truly an achievement.

Btw. here's a link to a full RetroDebugger's timeline of this demo to quickly rewind to effects:
User Comment
Submitted by TLF on 16 May 2024
I loved this from start to finish, the story was so good I was actually hooked and invested in seeing the outcome. Everything about this demo was top notch.
User Comment
Submitted by tubesockor on 16 May 2024
I was there in the room when it happened - at X’2024 on the big screen. Such an awesome production! My focus was totally on the story and I was truly brought to tears in the end. Specifically liked the soundtrack, with the very controlled gradual intensity increase as well as different filtering inside/outside the battle room. Really enjoyed it!
User Comment
Submitted by El Jefe on 16 May 2024
What a wonderful demo. Hats off!

The many funny moments that made the party crowd cheer, the impressive graphics, the balanced mix between technical parts and the movie-like story ... just delightful. 鉂わ笍 Definately want more of this!
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 15 May 2024
Not often that you see a massive demo with only one coder associated to the project. Absolutely monumental effort by all of you guys. It definitely has some mindboggling stuff in there and some very witty moments. What's not to love. Thank you for spending months of long nights to make this reality.
Watched 4 times so far and still not done <3 Thank you guys <3
User Comment
Submitted by Mr. SID on 15 May 2024
I've watched this a bunch of times now, and while there are a few rough edges, I think this is by far the best concept demo on the C64. It's a perfect blend of effects and story/flow. It keeps you interested, the timing is impeccable and never does it get boring. None of the effects overstay their welcome. It all fits together nicely.
More of this, please.
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 15 May 2024
@Sarge: on soundtrack, I totally agree - I much prefer having less tunes through a demo. Ones where the tune changes between parts can feel disjointed sometimes… having a theme running through is much better IMO.
User Comment
Submitted by The Sarge on 15 May 2024
Thank you all for the lovely comments! It means a lot to me hearing and reading what you say.

For me, this started at the beginning of March. I was very sceptical we could make it for X. But we tried to do it anyways. No point in not trying and regret it afterwards, right? :)
Knowing Tridents speed when I helped out with some stuff for The Ghost I was convinced we had a chance.
Also we had a really, like REALLY, great way of working together, we both more or less think alike with the idea of having a theme and/or a story to make a demo a bit more interesting to watch (at least that is my opinion).
One important thing was that this was the first time I worked directly towards GitHub and all the pros that it brought for me being able to implement the graphics by myself here locally, build, and make as many adjustments I wanted without ever having to disturb Trident from his coding, at least most of the times when I didn't fuck up! :P I think that was a dealbreaker for this demo if we would make it or not in time.

Also we had this idea of more of a soundtrack for the music instead of a bunch of different songs not really connected together and Fegolhuzz delivered massively on that front.

Soya and Danko did their part adding to the mix with some wonderful graphics and music.

What a journey! Hopefully more to come some day.
User Comment
Submitted by trident on 15 May 2024
@raistlin: many thanks for the clarification! after almost 40 years of demos, getting correct prominence and attribution for effects is almost as difficult as coming up with new ones :)
User Comment
Submitted by Gadget MCS on 15 May 2024
Lovely concept, the plot and countdown is thrilling, not counting the overall quality. Great release thx
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 15 May 2024
@Trident: sorry, you may be right - I may be getting mixed up with pictures where only top/bottom border are open. Doing so with side borders open is of course a whole new kettle of fish. Sorry about that!
User Comment
Submitted by Ziaxx on 14 May 2024
This is excellent and so very well executed. Simply l33t.
User Comment
Submitted by MCM on 14 May 2024
Oh boy, it is so crazy how much amazing stuff you guys still squeeze out of our beloved c64 after all those years ! I love all about it, specially the raster stuff , I am addicted to sweet raster colors. The 1st flip disk part , all border stuff , new gfx mode , just wow. but the fast zooming bobs are so fucking great. main Sid is amazing and a end track by Danko himself made by ears melt in a good way.
And on top the gfx are top notch too. For me as a unworthy spaghetti code coder , i don’t need ultra super great code porn or record‘s to be broken. As long as it looks and entertains so great I am on it with all my love to this amazing scene. Thx for such a great demo guys and please keep feeding trident with whatever magic mushrooms you have in stock. I want some too. ;-)
at the end u guys are motivating me to do more and better stuff for my first real True love.
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 14 May 2024
The ending, the way it speeds up, movie style. I did like that. A lot.
Maybe the future of C64 demos is in story telling through demo effects. Lunatico (2016) is probably next best example when it comes to consistency, when it comes to sticking with a theme from start to finish.
User Comment
Submitted by trident on 14 May 2024
@quiss: cool that you saw this particular detail :) the csdb entry was created and the demo was uploaded from the HomeComputerMuseum in Helmond at 13:37 on the day after the compo. kind of an interesting feeling: we were in the midst of a bunch of historical computers, but were living very much in the present, actively waiting for that specific minute to upload a demo developed for one of those historical artifacts.

@rastlin: would be great if you could elaborate on where you've found FLESCOS-style all-border/fullscreen unexpanded graphics before. i haven't found anything myself, but as we know this was top-secret-do-not-spread! until this weekend so i couldn't exactly ask around. there are obviously plenty of alternating-line sprite techniques out there (the earliest i know of is judge's eci rasterbars in A Load of Old Shit and i'm sure there could be even earlier examples) but as far as i know this is the first time all borders are open.
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 14 May 2024
Watching the live stream from X2024, other than Layers by Finnish Gold, 13:37 saved the day,
as it felt like a weak event compared to some X events.

As much as i admire 13:37/Fairlight, i prefer:
Uncensored/Booze Design
Coma Light 13/Oxyron
Next Level/Performmers
Comaland/Censor Design
The Shores of Reflection/Shape
User Comment
Submitted by Stinsen on 14 May 2024
I was hoping (and almost expecting, shameful to say :D) to see something from you guys in the compo as you've been on fire recently, but this surely was above and beyond expectations. Super entertaining and awesome in all regards! <3
User Comment
Submitted by Mikael on 14 May 2024
I’m a simple human. When someone has invested so much knowledge, humor, references to our own scene history, making room for others to pick up from. I’m truly happy. To be part of the heritage, eager to add new pieces to the puzzle. As simple as that. Thanks guys and congratulations to a historic demo, bound for the future <3
User Comment
Submitted by Stone on 14 May 2024
What a fantastic production through and through! If the spa at Fjälldata gives you the energy for this kind of production, I really must join in next time.
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 14 May 2024
superb demo, which doesnt get to me, I see the hard work, the story the tech achievments, but I am not in awe somehow. seeing all the nice comments, the problem is with me. Which does gets me into awe tho is how Trident is able to pull off so much in such a short time, and there is a lot of nice technical ideas. Thumbs up.
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Submitted by mankeli on 14 May 2024
OK demo. Nice that there were less entries at X this year so this got the place it deserved :)
User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 14 May 2024
Love it! Very well done guys!
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Submitted by Hate Bush on 14 May 2024
ps. wouldn't rate code/graphics/music separately, it's a bit irrelevant in this case.
User Comment
Submitted by Hate Bush on 14 May 2024
deserves an all-time #1 spot imho. it has a lot to offer separately as a technical achievement, but it is all fully channeled into a captivating story - during which a spectator has all kinds of emotions.
i don't think any of the demos i know could say it about itself with that much strength.
i see it compared to Mojo direction and scenario wise... well, Woody Allen movies and fart jokes are both humour too. (and both i like, but i can also tell one from another. i hope.) :)
User Comment
Submitted by Pantaloon on 14 May 2024
awesome stuff!
User Comment
Submitted by Quiss on 14 May 2024
I keep rewatching this demo.

You could submit this to a non-C64, non-demoscene short film competition. And still win!
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Submitted by HCL on 13 May 2024
Very entertaining!! Very clever and original! Unbelievable that you manage to stick to the theme all the time and still make such a good demo around it. I'm speachless, that's probably why i'm babbeling so much :D.
User Comment
Submitted by Mibri on 13 May 2024
A supremely entertaining demo with a breathless, exhilarating pace. The graphics are every bit as lovely as what you would expect from The Sarge and Soya, Fegolhuzz's soundtrack is suitably bombastic and compliments the flow of the production at large very well indeed, and as for Trident... he's a superstar. Just how many (dazzling) effects are there in this thing, exactly?! The passion for creativity burns so brightly. Mega well done, Fairlight!
User Comment
Submitted by Speedcracker on 13 May 2024
W(hat) T(he) F(airlight) is going on?
Saw this demo and ... love. :)
A real great demo from one of the best groups in history and today.
Congrats dudes - nice story line and technically fantastic stuff.
User Comment
Submitted by bexxx on 13 May 2024
I started last year on the C64 and I never thought I will read "new graphics mode" ever again ... thanks for this beautiful production!
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Submitted by ilesj on 13 May 2024
Fantastic execution with the demo! I was wholly entertained with it! Congrats y'all.
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Submitted by Zierliches Püppchen on 13 May 2024
Looks great, without beer too, great demo. Congrats. Very nice production.
User Comment
Submitted by Jucke on 13 May 2024
Truly one of the best if not the best Fairlight demo Ive ever seen. I was in tears at the end. A parade of "oh that's a new one" smacked me all the way thru. Im usually not all about the "wow, new effect" kinda demos but here it was so brilliantly put together with the theme it elevated. When I was in my teens, if I got hold of a really hot ware for my c64 I would carry it around with me on the packet holder of my bicycle, in case I'd meet some of my computer friends randomly so i'd have something cool to share. Thats what I feel like doing with this demo.
User Comment
Submitted by SMC on 13 May 2024
I really enjoyed watching and hearing the demo. Pace was perfect, storyline had an excellent flow and the music is superb. Add to that code pron in perfect balance with the storytelling. What more can you ask for. Really, really nice work guys and congrats!
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 13 May 2024
The standout for me on this one is the direction. The story is fantastic, making the whole demo very clean and coherent while also leaving complete freedom to do whatever the heck effect can be dreamt up. Starting the story at the end, looping back and the finishing with the final moments is very Hollywood.

With this, Trident's clearly done some great work to allow The Sarge to be able to create those animated segments easily - it shows, particularly given the short development time.

Code, graphics and sound throughout are solid.

Controversial opinion here, but I'll stick my neck out ... Trident is a very accomplished coder, 100%, and clearly very very fast. But he needs backup from his team, other FLT'ers. By spreading himself so thin, there aren't all that many jaw-dropping code parts. That said, my taste is a very niche subset (codep0rn) of a very niche hobby - so, as with some of the X2023 demos, I know that many don't need the p0rn.

Eg. FLESCO is an alternate-line sprite format to fill the full screen width.. it's already been done, though others just chose to use that aspect of it in top/bottom borders previously - allowing for full-resolution (no alternate line thing) within the regular screen area.

The zooming bobs was nice, that's something new - though doesn't work as well I feel as HCL's regular bobs or Bob's bobs (from loads of Censor demos and, more recently, GP's No Bounds).

Overall, absolutely stunning demo. Would've made top 3 at X2023 for sure.

To compare this to last year's entries.. I would tie this one with Mojo... so, on code at least, I would place Wonderland 14 higher. On graphics and direction, both Mojo and 13:37 stand out very high.

Direction: 10
Graphics: 10
Music: 10
Code: 8*
Linking: 10

*- as I say above, Trident is a bloody good coder. But to do this demo in such a short time meant that we lost out on the big codep0rn. Creating a demo of this size isn't easy in the timeframe, it's a shit load of work, but personally I want records to be broken and truly new jaw-dropping "how the f*** did they do that?" moments from X demos.

FLT: get Trident some backup, allow him time to focus on more of the big AAA effects.
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 13 May 2024
Super cool demo from the parts to the style and art, just a great work! Very deserved of the compo win!
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 13 May 2024
Impressive and innovative!
User Comment
Submitted by nomistake on 13 May 2024
WOW! This is AWESOME!! What a great work of art!
User Comment
Submitted by Copyfault on 12 May 2024
This is an absolute stunner! Codepr0n mxied with a perfect story line, clearly an
?out of praise words error

What Trident did here and in the past month also for other releases is beyond imagination. So@Trident: either you are an AI yourself, or you are the best thing that could ever happen to the C64 scene so AI will be frightened away from it forev4!!!

Thanks to everyone involved for gracing us with this masterpiece!
User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 12 May 2024
Such a fun production where all things come together. I absolutely love the whacky story and execution - this demo is already a classic imo. <3
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 12 May 2024
I love everything about this demo, hard to decide what to mention first :)

Maybe it's the consistency of everything throughout the demo, from consistent style, new effects (inc FLESCOS and zooming bobs), driving soundtrack (the speech-syncing on side 1 is awesome!), funny cool storyline, excellent pace, etc etc etc.

this was such a joy to watch and cheer to :)
User Comment
Submitted by marty on 12 May 2024
It really was a blast sitting in the first row on X'24 and enjoying 13:37! (Right next to the coders) :D
Wow... speechless! Fairlight, well deserved 1st place incredible! 10 out of 10!
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 12 May 2024
Yeah whats next.. c64 demos on cinema! WOW amazing work put together, Trident . how? is it possible to do such a demo in no time? when we had lunch like 3 month ago or something like that.. you haven't even started making the demo yet. The Sarge what can I say, the unlimited painter. stunning story greatly executed I mean there is so much content I don't even know where to begin with this demo.
so I dare say a Hollywood production comes next! and the rest of people involved too should be gratulated for their efforts Soya and Fegolhuzz and ofcoz Danko.. interesting 3 ex Censors in this prod ;) that do make me proud!

Finally!! Congratulations for winning X ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Fresh on 12 May 2024
This cannot deserve anything lower than 10, it's clearly a huge, awesome and totally enjoyable craftwork.
I particularly loved the raster effects and some borderless scenes.
Still (for now) this is not one of my favourite of all the times, too much cinematic vs code porn/fx, say I didn't feel that "diagonal-raster feeling" that I felt while watching Uncensored (just an example).
But that's just my very humble opinion: again, this is pure art, kudos to FLT.
User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 12 May 2024
Finally a demo that taught me to appreciate rasters as meaningful demo effect. Zooming bobs was something new. This was a lecture on consistent character design and stylistic consistency. Top class. Also the story was so epic, that I forgot that's it's being narrated by a dude driving a futuristic car. What a trip. I love you guys.

P.S.: the greetings part. 馃憣馃槀馃憦
User Comment
Submitted by Magic on 12 May 2024
For me this summs it up:

- New coding ideas/finds by Trident! -
- Amazing pacing and flow
- A nice story with Humor
- And a new kind of gfx style by
The Sarge

And in only 2 months!

Live compo recording here:
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 12 May 2024
That was amazing.. The amazing gfx, their unique style and volume, the storyboarding, the crazy pace and theme driving the demo along, the way you integrated the FX into the crazy fast flow while still somehow giving them space to breathe.. thank you for that, i can barely believe this was just done by 3.5 people (according to Soya) in 3 months, remembering how many people worked for how long on last year's epic productions!
User Comment
Submitted by Flotsam on 12 May 2024
Oh my, haven't been this impressed by a release in a long time. Consistent, clever, beautiful, amazing.
User Comment
Submitted by Barfly on 12 May 2024
This is not a demo... it's a production! Wow, I was entertained from start to end. Lots of respect! R E S P E C T, that is what you get from me.
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Submitted by Smasher on 12 May 2024
wow! love everything in it!
well deserved 1st - congratz!!
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Submitted by Quiss on 12 May 2024
"Created [...] 13:37:30+00" <- I see what you did there :)

Absolutely stunning. Amazing work!
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 12 May 2024
Congratulations for a fantastic demo! Great story, code, music and graphics! Well done to all involved, absolut deserved winner! Loved the zooming bobs, rastersplits and all the other amazing FX!
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Submitted by 4gentE on 12 May 2024
<3<3<3 Thank you Fairlight!
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Submitted by Viscid on 12 May 2024
Loved the story and the graphics. Always remember, Rasterbars saved the world. :)
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Submitted by Mixer on 12 May 2024
Great punchline.
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Submitted by ChristopherJam on 12 May 2024
Absolutely incredible.

Love love love the realtime scaled infinite bobs part.

And.. is that raster splits using PAL colour mixing to get updates every 16 pixels? Because gdit if I didn't have that exact idea when reading the raster splits record thread a few months ago, only for FLT to get out there and release first, as the climax of a beautifully sequenced artistically coherent mega demo.

*shakes fist appreciatively*

Damn y'all are good, mad props to all concerned :D
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Submitted by Wile Coyote on 12 May 2024
..and, i like the 007 'style' tunnel.
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Submitted by Jammer on 12 May 2024
Amazing combination of great directing, 1st league art and codeporn! <3 I thought it's not gonna be heavy on code and expected Trident's usuals until zoomed bobs kicked in and then I lost it xD Mindblowing! <3
User Comment
Submitted by katon on 12 May 2024
Watching this Demo on Twitch during the competitions, I was simply speechless. Fairlight, you are a phenomenally talented group of people! I am sure that this Demo will go down in the history of the C64 Demo Stage as an amazing event that provides amazing audio visual experiences. Hearty congratulations to coders, graphic designers and musicians! <3
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Submitted by syntaxerror on 12 May 2024
Is it a 40 tracks demo for each floppy disk side ? I just want to be sure and it will help to gain time when transferring the file to real hardware :) Thanks
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Submitted by Dymo on 12 May 2024
Great demo!
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 12 May 2024
I really the image of the circuit board.
The scaling credits logo's part - very movie like.
The audio at the end sounds really something.
Great demo all round!
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 12 May 2024
Very fun concept! Really nice demo-parts and great flow!
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