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SiVsC   [2024]

SiVsC Released by :
Samar Productions [web]

Release Date :
25 May 2024

Type :
EasyFlash Release

Silicium Versus Carboneum

Released At :
Moonshine Dragons 2024

Achievements :
WiLD Demo Competition at Moonshine Dragons 2024 :  #3

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (6 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Crossbow of Crest
  Slajerek of Samar Productions
Music .... Isildur of Samar Productions
Graphics .... Ged of Onslaught, Samar Productions

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Trivia Info
Submitted by Isildur on 27 May 2024
Ged asked me to put his text in trivia:

"Laziness, cutting coupons and graphomania.

At the Polish demoparty Moonhine Dragons 2020, our demoscene group won the top prize for a C64 demo. We enjoyed this success for a year and a half and our dream was to repeat it this year.
Well, we may succeed - but certainly not at this party because life's responsibilities and lack of time meant that this production would still be quivering in the cradle and sucking our group's nipples before it matured and took off into the eight-bit world.
However, we needed something to release in connection with MD24, a digital souvenir, some small production to which the logo of Moonshine Dragons 2024 and the SAMAR group could be affixed. It was then that I (GED) came up with the idea of pulling out some of my old drawings, converting them, pinning them down with some least absurd narrative, putting them together as a slideshow with the power of our programmer's old code (SLAJEREK), and covering them with an old tune by our musician (ISILDUR) pulled from the archives. And, for the most part, plant it on the NUFLI algorithm from CROSSBOW so that there would be no need to retouch the graphics.
The job, which was supposed to be simple, easy, fun and cost us neither a lot of time nor a lot of effort - took a WEEK.

DAY 01_ Rummaging through my old works resulted in a handful of proposals. The qualifying condition was seriality, i.e., similar subject matter to produce a reasonably meaningful slideshow. The choice fell on an 18-picture storyboard made many years ago for a 3D movie that was an amusement park attraction. The color sketches were perfect for conversion to NUFLI without retouching. These were quick, sloppy graphic impressions, so any shortcomings will be explained by "artistry."

DAY 02_ The problem arose when trying to select additional graphics. There is no shortage of dragons in my archives - I was able to deal with this point of the program right away, mounting the SAMAR logo with the Moonshine Dragons 2024 logo was easy. But what to add at the beginning and end of the demo?
Two key questions had to be answered: Where is the cursed ship going? And above all, why is it flying at all?
That is, in a word, it was necessary to give this production a TITLE and thus give the story some SENSE.

DAY 03_ And this is where the chore I had hoped to avoid finally caught up with me. I believe that the plot in computer games and graphic demos is as necessary as the dialogues in adult films. And I guess I was hoping to avoid this extra work. Vain hopes. I've been jotting down various ideas all day, I wanted the storyline to be a supplemental value to this demo and not just empty text filler like codified HUMAN RIGHTS in today's world.

DAY 04_ A coincidence suddenly came to my aid. I received another image in the chat room that was the result of someone's compulsive fascination with AI graphics generators. Looking disapprovingly at this picture - beautiful, empty trash, puked out by a mixer of graphics stolen on the net, I realized that I already had a slideshow theme!

DAY 05_ I decided to link the storyline of all the graphics with a common theme: AI as a threat to humanity. When the idea of the theme solidified - throughout the day I wrote the text for the demo. It had to meet several requirements: it had to be meaningful, interesting, related to the theme and not long. I have been an opponent of AI work for years. At the same time, I realize that mankind is like a stupid little child and until it burns itself it will not learn what is dangerous in life. However, the problem with AI is that this lesson will end with the annihilation of humanity and no human will survive to learn from this lesson.

DAY 06_ The use of AI in graphics creation is neither good nor bad. As long as the "artist" doesn't sign off on it as an author - then AI tools are as neutral as a lawnmower or a flush toilet - they do tedious, crappy utility work. It is neither human creation (man did not create it), nor machine creation (AI is not yet the real artificial intelligence that will finish us off, this one is still learning) or above all - IT IS NOT CREATIVE.
So I titled the demo as : "SiVsC", it stands for "Silicium Versus Carboneum". I also added some post-apocalyptic graphics in an appropriate atmosphere. With the main part of the work already done, I came up with the idea to add a motto in the forefront. After a short time, the motto became the main title and the existing title took over as the subtitle.

DAY 07_ My intention was to develop the texts for this demo exclusively in Polish. I love Anglo-Saxon fantasy, admire American and British culture but at the same time criticize its bloody past and degenerate present. However, I am painfully aware of the use of Poland as a crumple zone between the West and East of Europe, the treacherous politicians in our government and the treatment of Poland as a warehouse with human and raw material resources. That is why I would like Polish demos to be created in my native, beautiful Polish language, which I am proud of. Let's not be Celts speaking Latin, Algerians speaking French or Germans speaking Arabic.
Since it was the decision of the SAMAR group that an English-language version was necessary - it fell on me to translate all the texts in the slideshow.
Since translating the rhyming poetry and the idioms and word games used in the title and lead-in is not feasible in a literal way - this proved to be a separate and difficult task for the rest of the day. But I conquered it. My part of the work on the demo was over. My graphic and storyline Blitzkrieg lasted as long as the German one at Westerplatte, where Polish soldiers resisted German attacks for 7 days. And just as then - it is both a failure and a success.

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