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Credits :
Code | .... | BYB of Hokuto Force |
Music | .... | 505 |
| | A-Man of Xenon |
| | Danko of Fairlight |
| | Deek of Crest |
| | DJ Space of Hokuto Force |
| | Drax of Bonzai, Camelot, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants |
| | FΛDE of Exceed, MoonShine, Onslaught |
| | Fegolhuzz of Fairlight |
| | Flex of Artline Designs |
| | Flotsam of Phonics, Pretzel Logic, sidDivers, Soundstorm |
| | G-Fellow of CODE7 |
| | Hairdog of BOOM!, Dream |
| | Iron Cat |
| | Jason Page of MultiStyle Labs |
| | Jeff |
| | Laxity of Bonzai, Maniacs of Noise, MultiStyle Labs, Vibrants |
| | Linus |
| | Michiel Soede |
| | Mutetus of Artline Designs, Onslaught |
| | Narcisound of Commodore Plus, Onslaught |
| | ne7 of Rebels, Retroguru, Triad |
| | Nordischsound of Hokuto Force, PET SCIIENTISTS, Pixelbrei, Quantum, RetroBytes |
| | Picrard of Mayday! |
| | psych858o of Censor Design, Genesis Project, MultiStyle Labs |
| | Response of Darklite, Dekadence, Hoaxers |
| | Shogoon of Elysium, MultiStyle Labs |
| | SIDWAVE of Ancients, Protovision, The Supply Team, WaveFX |
| | SMC of Pretzel Logic, The Imperium Arts |
| | Spider Jerusalem of Mayday!, Slackers, svenonacid, The Solaris Agency, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. |
| | Stinsen of Genesis Project |
| | The Syndrom of Crest, Pretzel Logic, The Imperium Arts |
| | Vincenzo of Lethargy, Molecoola, Singular |
| | Warlord of phObos team |
| | Xiny6581 of Dees Productions, Digital Sounds System, Genesis Project, Gheymaid Inc., Pretzel Logic, The Solution |
| | Youth |
| | Zyron of Genesis Project, Judas, Nostalgia, Oxsid Planetary |
Ripping | .... | BYB of Hokuto Force |
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