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Keine Termine und leicht einen sitzen [2025] |
Released At :
BCC Party #19
Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at BCC Party #19 : #3
Credits :
Code | .... | bexxx of Slackers |
| | LDX#40 of Onslaught, Slackers |
Music | .... | SoNiC of Onslaught, Slackers, Smash Designs, The Art Project Studios, The Obsessed Maniacs |
Graphics | .... | CopAss of Leader, Primal, Slackers |
| | LDX#40 of Onslaught, Slackers |
Test | .... | dyme of Onslaught, Slackers |
| | Higgie of Kraze, Slackers |
| | MCM of MCM Designs, Onslaught, Slackers |
Help | .... | Higgie of Kraze, Slackers |
Directory Art | .... | LDX#40 of Onslaught, Slackers |
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Trivia Info Submitted by LDX#40 on 1 March 2025
Unofficial subtitle (used on the compo slide): "Wir hassen Fasching, da saufen auch die Amateure." (We hate the German carnival time, because then even the amateurs drink.) - based on another quote by Harald Juhnke (he was referring to New Year's Eve, though). | Trivia Info Submitted by Higgie on 26 February 2025
For those of you who are not aware of Harald Juhnke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harald_Juhnke
Besides his work as actor, singer, comedian and entertainer, Harald Juhnke left behind a few wonderful sayings for posterity, some of which have become part of everyday language. For example: “My definition of happiness? No appointments and a little drunk.” Of which the second part in its original German form was taken as title for our demo: "Keine Termine und leicht einen sitzen." :) |
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