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Dark Dream   [2008]

Dark Dream Released by :
Wile Coyote

Release Date :
25 October 2008

Type :
C64 Graphics  (HiRes)

Released At :

Achievements :
C64 Graphics Competition at X'2008 :  #21

User rating:******____  5.7/10 (11 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Richard of Blazon, Civitas, People of Liberty, Psytronik Software, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension
Music .... Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
Graphics .... Wile Coyote

SIDs used in this release :
Worktune (= Promises.xm)(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Worktunes/BLIP.sid)

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Production Info
Submitted by WHW on 3 January 2009
Logged in case the comment changes again:

Submitted by wile coyote [PM] on 30 December 2008

‘Remember where credit lies and all should be well.’
All will be credited with their input. The ‘Turn Disk’ pt. looks great, and the intro ‘Menu’ is doing things I don’t think I’ve seen done on C64 before.

'you couldn't release the bitmaps on their own'
They are more than just 'bitmaps'.

Groepaz - heh, no drama.

PS. Here's hoping the scrolltexts or accompyning note will include the fact you went behind my back and passed the Night Train part to Crossbow to fix without my consent because you thought I was taking too long to learn coding and finishing a demo idea you essentially hi-jacked.

It's really indicative of how the c64 scene can go wrong when a graphics artists relys on a artist/coder to help push their parts along. What's even more worrying is the demo "Zeros and Ones" originally started as a WOW-only demo entitled "Return of the Living Dead" (check "Return of the Living Dead 5% release on CSDB) and then was subsequently renamed without discussion with me, the lead and only coder.

A TV screen bitmap featuring a static picture that is switched out with another picture is, to me, a bitmap. When a flooder and some dxcps are added, then it is a coded effect and of course, constitutes as being more than a bitmap. Much like a SuperIFLI picture featuring a copy of a Tamara de Lempicka (http://amweb.free.fr/andart/gallery/20eme/lempicka.jpg) with a scroll added by Crossbow is only more than a picture because you asked him to add something to it.

Work with this artist at your peril!
Production Info
Submitted by WHW on 11 December 2008
Rather off topic this and apologises to all:

Zeroes and Ones, again? Seriously Shaun? It really was cheeky of you posting that entry on CSDb in 2006.

Remember where credit lies and all should be well. The preview code I sent you way back (was it 1997?) - The Night
Train is the only idea of yours that remains mostly untouched by me, design wise.

Remember our original deal: You can only pass on the original designs of these parts to your new coder - not the
preview code. This specifically means, your Dali picture shouldn't feature the horizontal flooder effect and 2
dxcps. I guess the NMI part can't be avoided for Mona Lisa as how else will you play the samples without SID
noise? I don't recall getting very far with the end animation even though the graphics were really nice there.
There was probably another part I'd started work on but didn't get very far - was it the DOOM Cinema? I don't
remember starting on the intro or any other parts though.

Just what else was there to this demo of yours you placed so much importance you couldn't release the bitmaps on
their own and let this "release" rest in peace? :-/
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