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Vicious Sid   [2008]

Vicious Sid Released by :
Mixer, SounDemoN, The Human Code Machine

Release Date :
29 October 2008

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :

User rating:*********_  9.1/10 (57 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.2/10 (20 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Mixer of Origo Dreamline, Side B
  SounDemoN of Church 64, Dekadence, Onslaught
  The Human Code Machine of Masters' Design Group
Music .... Charles Deenen of Maniacs of Noise, Scoop
  Mixer of Origo Dreamline, Side B
Graphics .... Decoy Design of World Wide Expressive
Charset .... Slash

SIDs used in this release :
Hunter's Moon(/MUSICIANS/T/THCM/Hunters_Moon.sid)
Shitty Disco Dump(/MUSICIANS/D/Deenen_Charles/Shitty_Disco_Dump.sid)
Total Triple Trouble(/MUSICIANS/T/THCM/Total_Triple_Trouble.sid)
Tristar Boulder(/MUSICIANS/T/THCM/Tristar_Boulder.sid)
Vicious SID (part 2)(/MUSICIANS/T/THCM/Vicious_SID_part_2.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by enigma on 1 February 2019
Cited in "Zeitschrift für Computerspielforschung"

"Computerarchäologische(s) Spiele(n) mit historischen Sound-Prozessoren"
STEFAN HÖLTGEN, published 1. Februar 2019


as 59
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 29 October 2012
Just saw it now. It's mega cool!
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 15 October 2012
It's a marvelous production. Very well designed.

To give it an atmosphere I choose to quote the following:

- - - "When I hear what we call music, it seems to me that someone is talking, and talking about his feelings or about his ideas of relationships,
but when i hear traffic, the sound of traffic, here on 6th avenue for instance, i don't have the feeling that anyone is talking, i have the feeling that... sound is acting.
And i love the activity of sound. What it does is it gets louder and quieter, and it gets higher and lower, and it gets longer and shorter. It does all those things which I'm completely satisfied with that, I don't need sound to talk to me.

- - - People expect listening to be more than listening, and so sometimes they speak of inner listening or the meaning of sound, when I talk about music, it finally comes to peoples minds that I'm talking about sound, that doesn't mean anything. That is not inner but is just outer, and they say, these people who understand that finally say, "you mean its just sounds?", thinking that for something to just be a sound, is to be useless, but whereas i love sounds just as they are. And i have no need for them to be anything more than what they are, I don't need them to be psychological, I don't want a sound to pretend that its a bucket or that it's president or that it's in love with a another sound. I just want it to be a sound.

And I'm not that stupid either, there was a German philosopher who is very well known, Immanuel Kant, and he said that there are two things that don't have to mean anything:
One is music and the other is laughter... don't have to mean anything , that is , in order to give us very deep pleasure" - - -

John Cage, NY 1991
User Comment
Submitted by Repose on 18 March 2011
I'm sure a few ppl invented the silent SID technique, I did as well 20 years ago. I played a 3bit digi in the luma values, except connected the luma pin to an audio amplifier. Worked great except for the loud from the vertical sync signal. Obviously could hear it leaking in the monitor as well.
I also invented the waveform digi independantly. Did a lot of work with Nate Danneburg. This was convered in C=Hacking I believe. I used the SID filter as well, but went even further with envelopes and real wavetable instruments. Should be quite easy to make a great sounding weavesynth with realtime MIDI.
Did more stuff with the serial port of CIA, that can be used for stereo digi as well.
Used the paddle with 8x slowed down music for a sampler.
I can't tell you how many other experiments I've done.
Anyhow way cool demo! Very fast mixer. I've worked on exactly the same problem, helping Nate with his Modplayer 128. Good job!
User Comment
Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 30 October 2010
@FatFrost I don't know? Perhaps when it's finished! The interest in it is generally low and only a few people from the beta team created something original with it. I don't want to see csdb flooded with simple Amiga module conversions. The real power of the converter is the mixture of sid and samples and that it sounds good with all sid revisions. If you want to join the beta team, just leave me a message and I'll have a look.
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Submitted by FATFrost on 29 October 2010
Hi THCM, when is the converter gonna be available?

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Submitted by ThunderBlade on 26 September 2010
Is the turn disk part working ok? I only hear a strange sample, sounds a bit like SAM/Receiter, but it is very garbled. More like a "Heh hmpf heeey hm". Then the scroll: "Yeah you heard him, Flip Disk", etc. - sounds as if the original intention was to have someone say "Turn disk" or something?
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Submitted by Scout on 26 August 2010
From the Aphex Twin (Richard D. James) wikipedia page:


Richard claims to have produced sound on a Sinclair ZX81 (a machine with no sound hardware) at the age of 11:

When I was 11, I won 50 pounds in a competition for writing this program that made sound on a ZX81. You couldn't make sound on a ZX81, but I played around with machine code and found some codes that retuned the TV signal so that it made this really weird noise when you turned the volume up.
By displaying patterns that induced excessive sidebands in the video signal, the lower sideband was forced to spill over into the audio portion of the TV signal's spectrum. While the ZX81 was designed to filter the lower sideband of the video signal out, its simple circuitry did not remove all of it, and James' software was supposedly able to overcome the filtering.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphex_Twin#ZX81_competition
User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 26 August 2010
Regarding the part that plays sampled data via the VIC border colour register... it isn't actually anything new. I have an old tape recorder program which does a poor attempt of playing the recorded sample data this way. Still, this is an excellent version of the technique.

Also, on real C64 you can actually hear the SID oscillator doing the sound processing if you have set the frequency and waveform registers but have the volume control off. Maybe this can actually be combined with the $d020 sample playing technique? In other words, a "silent" way of playing SID with samples, which requires you to boost the TV volume to maximum :)
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Submitted by Jammer on 2 April 2010
will mixer's track be added in hvsc? ;)
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Submitted by V-12 on 24 September 2009
Awesome job! Those modules blowed up my 120W speakers!
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Submitted by Mixer on 13 May 2009
Added few lines on 8 bit samples to Production notes.
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Submitted by booker on 20 March 2009
Quoting Jetboy
While the stuff is great, i don't think it deserves to be in top 10. Music is amazing, but demo side of this "demo" somewhat lacks.

Well nearly whole CPU time is eaten up by the realtime MOD player, so what do you expect? :)

It's amazing this does not go in completelly blank screen :)
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Submitted by Urban Space Cowboy on 24 February 2009
Nice tunes! VICE fans, remember to use 2.1 or newer and enable the new SID engine (right-click -> SID settings -> SID engine -> ReSID-FP). Happy listening!
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Submitted by Jetboy on 12 January 2009
While the stuff is great, i don't think it deserves to be in top 10. Music is amazing, but demo side of this "demo" somewhat lacks.
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Submitted by notalentcoder on 6 January 2009
I don't know why this isn't a solid 10 commodores. This technology clearly goes to Eleven.
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Submitted by Dafunk on 15 December 2008
holly crap! any info on the editor/player release? :P
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Submitted by McMeatLoaf on 3 December 2008
Second screen: Planetarium (by Static)
The mod in the third screen is a cover of Hunter's Moon, tune 3. :)
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Submitted by booker on 4 November 2008
I've changed my vote from 9 to 10 coz this stuff and it's potential is f0king amazing.
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 3 November 2008
please make my day and convert zakazak.s3m for me :)
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Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 3 November 2008
I'll soon start the closed beta for my converter and perhaps you'll find something under your christmas tree :) My converter creates runnable .prg files and doesn't need an external replayer.
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Submitted by Frantic on 3 November 2008
In fact, I somehow like the choice of music, hehe. Crappy .mod's, in a good way. ;)
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Submitted by elkmoose on 3 November 2008
i love this! most innovative stuff in years!

i demand a follow up, maybe 10 diskssides of greatest amiga mods?

or or or give us the mod converter and make a stand alone player :D
User Comment
Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 2 November 2008
Yes, the choice of the music... everything was done in a hurry and none of our musicians had time to do something for the demo so we had to improvise a little. Most Amiga modules won't fit into the memory of the C64 and my routine doesn't support any musical effect commands. So it's not so easy to find a good one so I took some very old ones which had great impact on me when I was a lot younger.
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Submitted by Jucke on 2 November 2008
I've always loved samples on the c64 and this release just blasted me away and sent shivers down my spine! Last time i got this surprised was the first time i heard a pollytracker module, and before that.. hmm.. that thing by soundemon the other year, and before that, cycleburners stuff. I am with rambones, this is a milestone release. Love the gfx by good old Decoy Design too. Only thing I wasnt quite up with was the choice of music, but thats another story. I cant wait for Vicious Sid 2 to be released! (:
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Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 1 November 2008
@burglar Thx for releasing the mp3 versions of the songs. So I could hear the sound without sid part for the first time. The monitor of my SX 64 is too small to produce the sound loud enough to hear. By the way you can't compare ModPlay or Pollytracker with my routine. I've got a real nmi based replayer and so I can mix screen display and or sid sound at the same time. Did you ever try ModPlay? Then you know how it sounds :)
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Submitted by Burglar on 1 November 2008

there you go
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Submitted by Exploding First on 31 October 2008
Super sound!!! That's why i love my C64.
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Submitted by Burglar on 31 October 2008
link removed, too many ppl leeching

mp3s recorded by rambones
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Submitted by Sasq on 30 October 2008
Incredible work - made my whole day :)

Is it my imagination or does the samples on disk 2 in the fixed version sound a bit less clear then when it had the clicks ?

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Submitted by Mace on 30 October 2008
ZOMGWTF... amazing samples!
Especially the filtering is awesome.

Pity the song isn't that great.
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Submitted by Scout on 30 October 2008
Okay, just forget what I wrote earlier.
It works fine!

I used a brand new formatted disk now and every thing plays back perfectly.
The disk was f0xx0red :-/
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Submitted by Shadow on 30 October 2008
This was a nice surprise! The best sampled sounds I've heard out of my C64 so far.
User Comment
Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 30 October 2008
I added a fixed version of Vicious Sid. Mixer updated his part and it now 'clicks' a lot less.
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Submitted by Frantic on 29 October 2008
@Mixer: I'd be interested in a fixed version of the last tune.
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Submitted by Burglar on 29 October 2008
somehow reminds me a bit of MODPlay 64 V1.2
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Submitted by icon on 29 October 2008
This is so cool! Me and Rockon just couldn't work after looking/listening to this during morningbreak. This is in many aspects as revolutionary as ThinkTwice, 1001 Escos, Deus ex Machina, EoD and the likes! Much respect and looking forward to see this technique in the hands of some top-kick ass musicians on the scene...
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Submitted by Necro on 29 October 2008
Wow, the first amiga mod part, blew me away. Sounded just like my old 8 bit soundblaster, listening to amiga mods! (never had the luxury of owning an amiga). Sounds just great! Sadly, being in NTSC land, I doubt it would work great on my actual machine, so I was forced to listen in emu. The rest had the typical lowfi c64 digi sound to it, seeing as the first part certainly did not, i was a little surprised at that. (That being said, EMU is by far in no way a fair judgement! I should transfer to see if it plays in NTSC or attempt a fix before commenting on quality..)

Obviously the $d020/$d021 "noise" part did not work on my emu, but what a great idea! That I should like to hear on my real thing... (for those curious as I, change location E1B0 to STA $d418 and you can at least make out the sample)

Anyways, that first amiga mod part? Awesome.
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Submitted by Ksubi on 29 October 2008
Incredible work here. Great little production (Beautiful graphics). X2008: Revolution.
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Submitted by assiduous on 29 October 2008
>sampleplayers too advanced for any emu

not for Hoxs64. the analogue noise in the part4 can be heard only on a C64 though.

a great demo,i was actually quite confused listening to Mixer`s samples live at the radio broad cast. i was like "wat ? are they airing an mp3 remix for a break ?". Soundemon deserves a huge respect for his efforts to find and exploit the new Sid effects,way to go man!
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Submitted by Mixer on 28 October 2008
I did not expect this to be here yet as there is a fix to last part making it less snappy. Snap is due to bad adsr data. Was too tired to fix it before X. Once Soundemon is back we'll see if we release a fixed version.
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Submitted by booker on 28 October 2008
Besides these Amiga mods selected for this release, which I do not really like at all - this is a goddamn kixxass !
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Submitted by FATFrost on 28 October 2008
Yes, this is very good. I love the design too. More of this will make us all happy.
It's weird, this past year the scene has been like it was in 1992. I am very happy as in 1992 they claimed the 64 was dead. How wrong they were, now i think Conic can come back to the scene too. ;)
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Submitted by Frantic on 28 October 2008
I love this.

It has been a great pleasure to follow SounDemoN's progress with this sample playing method on Antidote.
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Submitted by yago on 28 October 2008
sampleplayers too advanced for any emu
part "4" keeps on singing even if your c64 has no sid at all
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Submitted by Ed on 28 October 2008
Some pretty nice stuff in there!
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Submitted by Jammer on 28 October 2008
hell yeah!
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Submitted by Richard on 28 October 2008
Another stunner. ;)
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Submitted by Linus on 28 October 2008
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Submitted by null on 28 October 2008
this wins at so many levels.
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Submitted by SIDWAVE on 28 October 2008
a milestone production!
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