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LCP 2011
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C64 Demo Competition at LCP 2011 : #2
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User Comment Submitted by 4gentE on 17 February 2025 User Comment Submitted by lemming on 15 February 2025
Important. A demo for these times. When was the last time you watched it? Watch it again! | User Comment Submitted by Flotsam on 11 June 2021
Interenstingly divided comments. I'm locating myself in the "this is fucking genious!" group. | User Comment Submitted by McMeatLoaf on 11 June 2021 User Comment Submitted by Frantic on 10 June 2021
I have very good memories from when this was shown at Hemvärnsgården (RIP) in Lund! Thank you Mahoney for that. | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 8 June 2016
ok... sorry - this is just the best one-file demo ever - a lot of my friends outside the scene ask me if I can put on that cool tune on the kåmmandååhhhre.... and it is this one they ask for | User Comment Submitted by JAYCE - THE MiNiSTRY on 23 June 2014
Can't believe I didn't see this demo until now. Simply fucking awesome, some of the coolest samplework I've ever heard and an amazingly chunky tune. Hat's off for Mahoney. | User Comment Submitted by Scarzix on 22 September 2013 User Comment Submitted by Cresh on 30 September 2011
I still got goosebumps watching this:
And many thanks to Zyron for sharing the original song.
Intro/background sounds like Jeff's 8x tune. No shit.
| User Comment Submitted by HCL on 30 September 2011
This is so damn good!! gotta say it again :). | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 27 August 2011
ha ha... now all those left... ohhh... left all alobe... noone online... arrrggghhh,,,,.... ha ha... this were just a special moment... man ha ha... people dancing here to the sid tunes... ha ha... nei I am to wasted here now.... | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 27 August 2011
I played this demo on on repeat as I normally do every night nowadays... but this night I am at the office with my speakers and all, and there were some dudes shouting outside my office... they were all hello... what are you? can we come in and listen to the wonderful music you are playing? So I let them into my office, several dudes, like 5 or 6 think we are 6 here now.... I played sid tunes, only this demo and the latest drax compilaton and they are all loving it so much that I almost think it is a hidden camera show... they are dancing ,the dudes are dancing right now....ha ha.... ha ha ha.... they have puff puff the magic dragon with them and we all are dragons flying around in the office space listening to insane sidf musicsf now.... laterg or tomorrow... ha ha ha ha having a lot of fun heress now!
| User Comment Submitted by Sander on 18 August 2011
Superb demo! Amazing how Mahoney manages to translate his effects into entertaining shows, with a proper eye for marketing :) | User Comment Submitted by wacek on 18 August 2011
Swedish people should understand that people that don't speak the language (plus don't get the political reference etc) lose half of the appeal of this demo, no matter how brilliant technically, therefor don't get the hype, and may even consider it a populist maneuver.
Non-Swedes should understand that they will never feel it in their hearts as Swedes probably do ;) and should not feel regret when expressing it in any way suitable, voting included.
P.L.U.R ;) | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 18 August 2011
Mahoney, if you do the singing as you did it at Cubase64 then I'd say vocoding was done at a precalc step. Changing playback rate of prepared samples I'd not call it vocoding. | User Comment Submitted by Wile Coyote on 18 August 2011
@Groepaz: Krestology does contain a message: Meet Crest - Comming Soon ;D | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 18 August 2011
so much about being ridiculous :o) | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 18 August 2011
gpz: yeah, you're most certainly the resident expert on ignorance, Mr. "If I don't need it, nobody else ever will" aka Mr. "A license should be mandatory before people are allowed to use a computer"... 8) | User Comment Submitted by Dane on 18 August 2011
I forgot to applaud the one-man-army effort. But then again, I'm biased! :D | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 18 August 2011
not at all. i am just being as ignorant towards certain things as you are. | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 18 August 2011
Gpz, now you're just being completely ridiculous, sorry... | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 18 August 2011
Quote:It's an impressive tech demo with a message, nothing more
that also applies to krestologie. except without a message. | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 18 August 2011
the same machine was never supposed to run NUFLI but it can and you're so proud of it. that;s fine with me. go your own way an allow others to go their way.
Yes, but NUFLI follows the old adage "Make it smooth or don't make it" that has been the staple of good demos for ages. It neither looks nor feels like the machine was never designed to do this...
But I will check this out on real hardware to see if the the quality improves! ;-)
And ofcourse, to each their own. I just think it's a slap in the face of all the people that worked months and years on a proper demo to call this the best thing ever since sliced bread... It's an impressive tech demo with a message, nothing more, it's neither a holy grail nor the best demo ever made, and I don't think even Mahoney himself feels that way! ;-)
And no, Mahoney, I'm not "not happy with this", I just think people are blowing this out of proportion! ;-) Actually I totally support the message you're sending and I quite like the demo itself, I've been humming the tune on and off for a few days now! ;-D
And yes, SAM was about 20 years ahead of its time, truly amazing. Very few people actually know that it could do much more than the stuff people normally did, like the throat/mouth parameters to change the voice or the possibility of changing pitch to make it sing... Have you tried making a version using Waveform-Samples?
HCL: Please listen to the second youtube link I posted and tell me that you cannot understand what SAM is saying/singing...
P.S: Carrion, could you *please* finally answer your mails? | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 18 August 2011
Mahoney: Thanks for your explaination! I appreciate the graphical trickery a lot more now. :-) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 18 August 2011
personally, i dont get whats hot about an animation player, regardless what gfx format used. i prefer small beautiful masterpieces like this one. end of story :) | User Comment Submitted by HCL on 18 August 2011
@Deekay: Before you compare this with "3D-effect in 8x8 and with 3fps", make sure you listen to it on a real 6581 chip (and learn Swedish). Then you will hear the message quite clearly.
This is narrow (since it is in Swedish), but i can mostly neither hear what SAM is saying if it wasn't for the text that someone just typed. And i know (enough) English.
About other demos not getting enough attention.. No, they are too mainstream. BD did #1 but also get less attention than this. Deserved. | User Comment Submitted by Pex Mahoney Tufvesson on 18 August 2011
I love the way I've tickled your brains with this one! I personally think you (and I) need it! To keep this discussion tied to some facts, I'll give you a few:
@Oswald: Yes, it is a vocoder. The exact technique used is called phase vocoder (as used in Auto TuneTM), as described here:
The C64 lacks audio input (lacks audio input that can reach the CPU with decent quality, that is), hence the FFT calculations can be precalculated. And the phase information has to be static, to eliminate the need for IFFT calculations as well.
@DeeKay: I understand that you're not happy with this. It was made with the LCP2011 audience in mind, Scandinavians, who all understands Swedish. Anyway, SAM uses algorithmic hard-coded waveforms, just a couple of them, and some sampled/generated tables with noise. And it's really clever made, way ahead of its time. I have made an 8-bit adaption/version of SAM, but the new audio quality didn't make any larger difference, since the limitations were not in the 4-bit $d418 output, more in the algorithms used.
@algorithm: You're right. The music takes some 34kB of uncompressed memory. The Android rotation uses (before it starts, that is) some 7kB of RAM, which is partly "hidden" beneath $d000-$dfff until it is needed. Expanded, the Android rotation uses 8 charsets (one codebook generated with the excellent CSAM_v3 utility), rotated/mirrored in all possible 8 directions. It also uses 23 pre-rotated androids, covering the first 1/8 turn of a circle. The other 7/8 parts of the circle are calculated on the fly together with the sample playing. The resolution is 184 androids per full circle turn, and I can pick any of them anytime.
@PAL: Thanks for the nice words! And thanks for exposing our small scene to the rest of the world! They deserve it! :)
@CreaMD: Yes, I feel good. But that's because of loads of other things, not related to this! CSDB is a nice place, but I don't live here... ;)
@MR_Sid: Yes, the screens are a charset (codebook) and a couple of screens. The decay effect is a matter of substituting one char on the screen with another "with less pixels in it". And, whenever a corner is removed in this transition, the neighbor character gets a transition as well, from completely filled into something that lacks a pixel in that corner.
@Dane: I also preferred the Camelot "Pimp my snail" demo at LCP2011. A true winner, in my eyes. I mean, with a bouncing snail, what could go wrong? :-D
@HCL: You've got the mindset to understand how this is done, if you wanted. Please do, I think you'll like it! The source code is found in the download link starting with www.livet.se.
@Jucke: I personally think you're exactly the target audience for this demo. You know audio, you're Swedish, you have heard of Electric Banana Band, and you've followed the introduction of Internet monitoring in Sweden, and you know the scene. That's 5/5 in background requirements! :-D Congratulations!
@radiantX: Yes, I will listen to feedback. I have, I do. But usually I don't make loads of demos looking the same, so the feedback might not be useful. Yes, c64mp3, Cubase64 and Storebror uses the same principles for audio compression... but I personally think I need samples/singing to reach the non-scene people with demos. Arpeggio is kind of scaring non-scene-people away from enjoying SID music, I think.
Some more background details:
There are 3 different audio samples, bass drum, high hat and snare drum. The SID player routine is
based on Rob Hubbard's "Monty on the run", since it's an excellent written music player
for the 6502 CPU. The sample playing is initially played by a plain NMI, then when the
singing requires it, it switches to playing rendered audio from the stack. And, at the
end of the demo (when the android robot starts rotating), the sample playing switches
from using 8-bit samples to using the $d418 volume switching for playing 3-bit samples.
The reason for this is that I needed the clock cycles for the real-time mirroring/rotation
of the android robot screens. If I had to, I could save a couple of clock cycles by removing
the jitter correction for this $d418 sample playing. But I didn't need to...
The main problem of the music was how to get the amplitude of the samples to match the
amplitude of the SID bass instrument. Hence, there's a built-in compressor with a soft
knee in the final volume table, acting as a limiter and volume booster for the samples.
Now, you've all got something to think about! Thanks for your opinions guys, I love them all! :-D Enjoy your day, gentlemen! | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 17 August 2011
Showed this to some non scener friends today and they all loved it very much and two of the females were dancing and actually asking for me to start it over again... Guess it is beyond the scene boundries this one... It felt good to show non sceners something that they did not ask me to explain to them... why is that cool? what is ram? what is mhz? what is the c64? what is this and that... they loved it....... they just loved it so much.... telling yeahhh... that is it... they look at us... why... are we crimminals? They were moved by it in a different fashion, cool! ... Mahoney: that is the greatest thing you could ever get as feedback in my mind! Nerds aside... normal people love this... like cycleburner in the past, one of the few sceners to be able to produce things my non scener friends thought were cool... Way to go Mahoney! Go further the next time... blow us away, again! | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 17 August 2011
@mr sid/oswald Please read the documentation. The charsets were generated via the csam v3 encoder.
This demo is truly very remarkable. Yes, there are some speech demo's on vic20/c64 etc but nowhere near as clear sounding as this demo. Very impressive! Take out the gfx data etc and you are only looking at probably around 8-10 of waveform data. perhaps even less. (i would estimate codebook data and vq look up data for animations/images would take around 25k or so) | User Comment Submitted by CreaMD on 17 August 2011
If I was Mahoney, I would feel very good now. Everybody important in todays scene is talking about "Storebor". | User Comment Submitted by Mr. SID on 17 August 2011
@Oswald: Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the character drawing and the decay effect is just a very well optimized charset containing various angle/corner shapes. Decaying is done by updating the screen, not by changing the charsets. There are no cycles left for expensive things anyway. The rotating android logo has the benefit that the singing is over at that point, so all the sample data is purged from memory and replaced with lots of (unpacked?, generated?) charsets. | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 17 August 2011
Regarding the WOW factor from the sid/audio pespective, I'd rate Geir Tjelta's echo routine higher. | User Comment Submitted by Perplex on 17 August 2011
@DK: Too each their own - if everyone liked the same thing it would be a dull scene, right? Nothing to make a big furor about. Spend that energy on posting more positive feedback on the stuff you love instead. :-)
Personally I love the direction in which Mahoney is going with his productions, and this is a very, very good demo. I wouldn't go so far as to call it the best thing ever, but for a one man production it is far beyond anything else out there, in my opinion. | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 17 August 2011
I'm kinda on Deekay's side on this one. The Susan Vega stuff blew my mind, Cubase64 I still found very cool, but it was the same thing. And now finally here it is what I thought Mahoney should do with it: a singing demo. But it does not have the wow effect one me, because it's the 3rd recycle of almost the same routine and it weared off for me.. I'm more in awe of the font decay & droid rotation effect (how are those done ???:)
HCL, you should read the white paper provided with cubese64 to understand what it does. Its VERY cool, but its not a vocoder. :) Actually it demoes my principle about c64 coding: it can only be fast if you manage to find a very primitive solution. you have to think very primitive. And indeed mahoney manages to solve problems so, and all the ideas and how he did it are very cool.
yeah and I agree with WEC, it should have been in english. I dont understand at all whats sung. So it does not have the "wow I can understand a singing c64" effect on me. Neither the message comes through. It's like watching Robotic Liberation in chinese.
Also the first mp3c64 version I think had a clearer voice, but maybe just because it was in english. | User Comment Submitted by Sixx on 17 August 2011
For me this demo is not about the technical part, it's the WIBE, maaanan. Easily one of the best demos ever, if not the best demo. In my book, IMHO. | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 17 August 2011
Some say Tomato some say Tamato. Some love the redhead, some love the blond and some even love the blue. Some love the pussy some love the stinky.
We all differ and that is for me also part of the message in this demo... We are not the same and should not be!
I consider myself as a quite good democreator, I have a totally different style than this demo holds, but I love this demo! Absolutely brill! Love the raw design, the timing, the presentation, the colors the content of the demo both text and voice... I play it loud on my big sound system with the right sid model and view it on the big cinema wall and I LOVE IT to death...
FOR ME THIS IS REALLY GOOD - NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE MIGHT THINK I SHOULD THINK OF IT! It stands as something really fresh and cool to me... | User Comment Submitted by Skope on 17 August 2011
If there wasn't people who pushed the envelope and did out of the ordinary stuff we would still be watching demos that consisted of system font notices that said "CRACKED BY BORED SEAL OF 1337". Big up to all you dudes/dudettes who actually INVENTED cool stuff and brought something new and different to the steady avalanche of conforming productions. I don't give two fucks if Mahoney's stuff fits the demo template of current or not, he continues to blow my mind away with every production he releases. I still get chills when I watch Storebror live at LCP on YouTube. Compared to the $FFFF DYCP-scrollers I've seen it's an easy ten. Whine all you want, I'm always gonna consider it a demo. That of skill and innovative thinking. | User Comment Submitted by Wile Coyote on 17 August 2011
if there were no lyrics onscreen, nobody could ever tell what is being sung
- dk
Good point.
Admittedly it was early in the morning, and I was bleary-eyed. When I first ran Storebror, all I picked up on was the effect on the letters, which I liked. Not being able to understand the language, the message was lost on me . As I originally posted Atmospheric tune. I was hearing a noisy tune, not picking up on the words. If the language had been English, then maybe / probably I would hear with the aid of the on screen graphics what was being sung. | User Comment Submitted by NecroPolo on 17 August 2011
Damn! Now that is as cool as Biggles remix, almost as cool as Task III. Jawdroppin'. Time/space continuum bent. Whatever. Improbable. I haven't seen or heard anything like that on anything else like this. 39KB...?!? Damn. Great :) | User Comment Submitted by Burglar on 17 August 2011
Mahoney does it again! Listened to this live on the stream and was amazed when the vocals kicked in. Really digging the vibe in this one.
@DK, out of almost 60 comments only one person said "this is the best" and 2 ppl said "one of the best". so uhm, why the rant? it isnt in the all time top ten either, so again, whats with all the fuss. feels like trolling to me.
anyway, mahoney, you should take it as the biggest compliment when ppl compare your work with SAM (which is THE BEST \o/) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 17 August 2011
maybe you should've read the readme :)
"If you fail to see the beauty in this, don't bother. You'll find your happiness somewhere else." | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 17 August 2011
JA: Well, if the new gfxmode actually produced noisy results and was inferior from a quality standpoint to previous ones, we wouldn't bother releasing it! ;-) Isn't something new supposed to be superior to the previous tech?
Someone finally explained to me now what the essential difference between this and SAM is: This takes an existing voice and digitizes it using vocoder techniques, while SAM synthesizes an artificial voice. However, technical brilliance aside, i still fail to see how this can rate higher than proper demos. If Soundemon's waveform samples sounded worse than traditional samples, why bother? It's about the same here, if there were no lyrics onscreen, nobody could ever tell what is being sung...
If some coder does some really complex 3D-effect in 8x8 and with 3fps it sucks, but this is now suddenly the best demo and the most amazing technical feat ever? Even though it is just as clear that the machine obviously was never built to even remotely handle something like this? Gimme a break!.. You can barely tell what it's supposed to be, but hey, they did it on c64! Yay!
Nah, props for the technical achievement, but this doesn't at all blow me away like Suzanne Vega or the Cubase stuff did (which i've been told is pretty much the same, just without the knobtwiddling! ;-)...
Sure, tastes differ, but if this is the best demo ever, what exactly is "Vicious SID" then? And Dane, i cannot remember anyone ever saying that Crest Slide Story is the best demo ever - Probably because that's because it's a slideshow, not a demo! ;-)
Oh, and David: writing a posting is actually not *that* much of an effort, but if you really have to know: I just consider it unfair that everyone goes jerking off on how insanely great this is while other demos don't get the praise they deserve (e.g. Toxyc Taste) | User Comment Submitted by Dane on 17 August 2011
Deekay, your ignorance of the skill involved in this production is rather amusing. I think Jackasser's comparison is on the money. However, taste always differs. Some people prefer lengthy slideshows, others want audio coder pr0n. Me, I preferred the Camelot demo this time, but very curious to see what Mahoney will come up with next time. | User Comment Submitted by JackAsser on 17 August 2011
@Deekay: If you and Mr. Tögel does a fullscreen picture in all borders using all colors at full resolution that would be really awesome, right? Then somebody comes and posts: "It's a simple image... I don't understand the hype, people have been showing images all the time". | User Comment Submitted by Zyron on 17 August 2011
@dk: Seriously, how can you compare SAM to a 3 channels SID tune using filters + real time vocoded singing on top of it? | User Comment Submitted by lemming on 17 August 2011
Definitely 10/10 from me. A CSDB 10/10 is "among the best demos on the C64" on my scale, just to clarify that up.
So to whoever gave this 1/10: Do you really think this is among the worst demos ever released on the C64? Really??! :D
| User Comment Submitted by HCL on 17 August 2011
@Deekay: I can't understand that you put so much energy into this, because you think ppl appreciate this too much. Why is that such a problem?
And can't you just face that you are, as opposed to a graphical pro, a dummie on audio (just like alot of others, including me). I try not to judge stuff too much that i don't have any clue about. You may even be right that stuff not far from this was made long time ago, but you don't know, you just think so. To you SAM sings just like this, maybe because you don't understand better. If more ppl did stuff like this, perhaps it wouldn't be so magic.
But for now, can't we just agree that I don't have a clue how to do this, You don't have a clue how to do this. So it's f**king cool :).
PS. i <3 you | User Comment Submitted by Total Chaos on 17 August 2011
Stunning... just stunning... 10/10 | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 17 August 2011
which of those has a realtime vocoder? :) | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 17 August 2011
I still can't understand the insane hype about this. will you guys step it down just a notch? Better than EoD etc? Gimme a break! It's nice, okay, but SAM could do pretty much the same in 1982 - yes, that is 29 years ago:
Am I the only one that remembers that?
Also, you could actually understand what SAM was singing, and I'm not just talking about the lyrics being in Swedish! ;-)
Edit: Also, this: Lautschrift
4k, dudes... So much for "OMG SINGLE FILE, TOO!!!!111!eleventy" | User Comment Submitted by FATFrost on 16 August 2011
I'm so glad i didn't throw my c64 in the dustbin when everyone said the c64 was dead in 92.
Every year it has got better and better with the releases!!! And this is like on the top, 1, because it's plain cool. 2, because it shows up peoples idea that there are limits to this machine, but not the users?
Thanks Mahoney, i was watching in 89, and i'm still watching now.
ps: the grumpies are lucky we have people this skilled who bother to make the effort. parp! | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 16 August 2011
May I dear to say that this is the single most outstanding demo ever created on the c64 as I know of(sorry hcl and the others of genious minds)... what you have done within the memory of this machine is absolutely beyond the forbidden forrests of the c64 as geir put it... This is not possible.... you really are fooling us with an optical, design, content and audio illusion... you are the David Copperfield of the c64 scene... this is not true...
I hate you for this one... it is so good... man it is the best ever! And if you also sung this yourself it must be a dream!
The ref is so cool too:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087803/ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYecfV3ubP8
Your PAL | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 16 August 2011
Quote:@Axis: The lyrics are about the increasing levels of "Big brother"-ness in the Swedish society. "Storebror" means precisely "Big brother". You know, bugging the phone lines and computer traffic of citizens even before they are actually suspected of crimes etc, and disallowing anonymous forms of money transfers etc etc, usually motivated with reference to fighting terrorism etc.
Sounds *exactly like* Germany.... Fucking bastards.... | User Comment Submitted by DeeKay on 16 August 2011
Nice tech, but hello english? Also, how can this rate higher than Toxyc Taste or We Are Mature? I mean - I love Mahoney's tech experiments as much as the next guy (Suzanne Vega blew my mind just as much as Cubase64 and the subpixel stuff!), but i'm still irritated when a mere techdemo with hardly any style or gfx places much higher than a proper demo... P.S: Okay, the font-melt and rotating android were nice, i admit! ;-)
Edit: In how far is this different from SAM/Reciter (IIRC from 1986 or so) now? And yes, SAM could sing, anyone that has the demodisk remembers the US anthem! ;-) and you could actually understand what he was singing... | User Comment Submitted by GT on 15 August 2011
This is way Beyond the Forbidden Forest on a C64. | User Comment Submitted by encore on 15 August 2011
Mahoney: If that is the case, then that's very impressive. :) Thanks for the sources. | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 15 August 2011
Sung by you... what does that mean?... did you really sing this too...? | User Comment Submitted by Pex Mahoney Tufvesson on 15 August 2011
Thanks for your nice comments, guys! The whole source code is available for download. Grab the download link starting with www.livet.se, and you'll get the full monty. And, yes, it is a real time vocoder. Next time, do I have to add midi input to make you believe me? | User Comment Submitted by encore on 14 August 2011
I agree with the others about this demo being cool on more layers than one. The '1984'-theme is of course more relevant now than ever (quite ironic how Apple, who used '1984' as a theme for their Mac-commercial back in 1984, briefly were the most valuable company in the world a few days ago) and the Kraftwerk-references are also there. I also hummed the song-theme a couple of days after seeing the demo, it's a nice rendition of the EBB-track. :)
The filesize thing didn't impress me as much though. Somehow, you make it possible. :) The 'hacker-style-typing' scroller was really neat.
I saw someone mentioning on Facebook that this demo made use of realtime vocoding. I don't believe that though, but maybe that's yet another impossible task for your next demo. :) | User Comment Submitted by Jucke on 14 August 2011
Two days after experiencing this live at the LCP compo i had to ask myself "did that really happen?" because if i would have called up anyone of my old scene friends to tell them about this demo they would have replied "yeah sure, and then you woke up with the pillow in your ear". After this was shown at the party i actually felt no need to watch any of the other contributions. To me this was one of the coolest moments in swedish c64 demo history, a future classic. I've been a fan of Mahoney demos since the 80's because they have a special feeling and way of communicating that i can identify strongly with, but this one beats all previous. Just watch how the demo communicates with the crowd at the video from the party. I was there and it felt really intense, almost like a kraftwerk concert in their way of using simple words and pictograms accompanied by funky robot rhythms. I love that shit. To all you swedish sceners who didnt go to this party (which by the way rocked!) to experience this compo and especially this demo live, you really missed out on something. Watch the vid and cry, suckers. (: | User Comment Submitted by X-jammer on 12 August 2011
Awesome on so many levels. Been humming this every day since LCP. :) | User Comment Submitted by RaveGuru on 12 August 2011
What most ppl seem to miss out on, is that this demo doesn't just contain samples, it contains a full on real-time Vocoder, which is just insane. Things like this usually requires a pretty powerful DSP!
Love the cover tune. I got the "Livet i Regnskogarna" LP for my 10:th birthday and always enjoyed this tune. It feels more relevant than ever!
By the way, I just took the plunge to Mac after using PC's for 25 years. Watching this on my brand new Apple MBP was quite a pleasant slap in the face.
Pex, du äger! :)
| User Comment Submitted by Sledge on 10 August 2011
This is very impressive! I don't know what to say, but I really enjoyed this demo! | User Comment Submitted by Yogibear on 9 August 2011 User Comment Submitted by Skope on 9 August 2011
Perfect combination of style and tech. One of the most inspiring demos I've ever seen. Period. | User Comment Submitted by Sasq on 9 August 2011
By the way, I failed to start this on hardware yesterday... does it not start at all on 8580 C64s? | User Comment Submitted by Frantic on 9 August 2011
@Axis: The lyrics are about the increasing levels of "Big brother"-ness in the Swedish society. "Storebror" means precisely "Big brother". You know, bugging the phone lines and computer traffic of citizens even before they are actually suspected of crimes etc, and disallowing anonymous forms of money transfers etc etc, usually motivated with reference to fighting terrorism etc. | User Comment Submitted by Axis/Oxyron on 9 August 2011
Again very good work on the sound compression and handling. And thanks for at least adding some eye-candy. This is more enjoyable than e.g. Cubase64. A good direction but still a bit too less for me as a c64 demo. And please someone outthere explain what the text is all about. I didnt get the joke, if there is any. ;o) | User Comment Submitted by Skate on 9 August 2011
Dude, this one is really great! I liked the unusual music, i liked the fade out effects, rotating android symbol. Also congrats for fitting all the data in a single file. | User Comment Submitted by Kristian on 9 August 2011
This was an instant favourite for me at the party. A little bit disappointed the music wasn't an original composition, but imo it has been improved a lot compared to the youtube-video posted below. | User Comment Submitted by ZZAP69 on 8 August 2011
Brilliance. A full tune with Mahoney-samples in how many kb? 39? I love the tune aswell. Been humming "INTE FACEBOOK" all day long. :) | User Comment Submitted by Cruzer on 8 August 2011
Completely kicked ass at the compo, and should definitely have won in my opinion. Maybe it would if everyone had understood Swedish? Very technically impressive/innovative, and I couldn't agree more with the message. I was suspecting it had to be streaming from disk at the party, so it was a pleasant surprise to discover it was a one-filer when getting home and running it in Vice, where it also sounded surprisingly good with the right settings. | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 8 August 2011
I guess I'm with RadiantX and will have to find my happiness someplace else. No doubt, technically amazing stuff but otherwise rather boring i must say. Sorry. | User Comment Submitted by v3to on 8 August 2011
english subtitles ftw \o/ well, guess it is the poem at the beginning ?! well, i actually felt like an alien when this demo was running. nethertheless very impressive. would have like to see some more pictogram-ish things | User Comment Submitted by Mixer on 8 August 2011
This is just brilliant! Also, single 39kb executable only? There is some insanely clever programming going on here. | User Comment Submitted by PAL on 8 August 2011
Mahoney - you always surprise and inspire.... I were totally blown away with this, how cool to have your own stuff, great ideas and not being a copy-cat coder. I would like to say that it is so good to have you creating demos for us. I can hear the text being sung very much even the small memory on the c64 and the voice do work very well along with the text display and so on.
Another ting is that I admire your constant cool designs, you are one of the greatest.
Thanx and hope you will do lots of more demos! | User Comment Submitted by Yazoo on 8 August 2011
i totally agree to what radiantx said. plus i would have liked english subtitles ;-) i missed some of the fun i guess. anyways, impressive to have all that in a small file. | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 8 August 2011
Some insane code here, but I'm still a bit disappointed with the result. I can certainly appreciate the amazing technical feat of stuffing a couple of minutes of vocals into the C64 RAM and playing it back along with a soundtrack, but to be honest I think it sounds too lofi from an artistical viewpoint. The visuals didn't do much for me either; they felt too rushed.
I can't determine if the "if you fail to see the beauty in this" remark is anything other than a way of saying "I'm not going to listen to feedback anyway so you might as well not bother". Well, I bothered...
Apart from that: This is technically amazing and it's even more amazing that you manage to pull these things off in such a short time. | User Comment Submitted by Hydrogen on 8 August 2011 User Comment Submitted by Dane on 8 August 2011
In total agreement with HCL. Gotta start practising my singing for future compo tunes I guess! :) | User Comment Submitted by HCL on 8 August 2011
Total pwnage!! Ok, i didn't know it was a cover-song (have to listen to the original now), but it is just too good anyway. This one + Camelot ruled the party compo!! | User Comment Submitted by BHF on 8 August 2011 User Comment Submitted by Clarence on 8 August 2011 User Comment Submitted by ne7 on 7 August 2011 User Comment Submitted by Sasq on 7 August 2011
One of the best demoes ever. | User Comment Submitted by Zenox on 7 August 2011
Who downvoted this?!?! FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 7 August 2011 User Comment Submitted by hedning on 7 August 2011
This is so awesome. Mahoney, my honey! \o/ | User Comment Submitted by algorithm on 7 August 2011
Great and innovative as per usual. | User Comment Submitted by Zaz on 7 August 2011
I usually don't vote on demos since my internal rating system works so differently from what's usual on CSDb, but I had to make an exception and upvote this one. Entertaining, technically excellent, and with artistic merit as well. | User Comment Submitted by JackAsser on 7 August 2011
Impressive! Extremly good work Pex! :) Now, will you release a paper about the compression technique or is it the same as in Cubase64, but with effects stripped out? :D | User Comment Submitted by Pex Mahoney Tufvesson on 7 August 2011 User Comment Submitted by Zyron on 7 August 2011
Akta dig för storebror,
han ser mera än du nånsin tror,
TVn pejlas in i kväll,
du är kanske kriminell.
One of Electric Banana Band's best tracks.
Wonderful demo! | User Comment Submitted by Fredrik on 7 August 2011
Really good song
| User Comment Submitted by The Human Code Machine on 7 August 2011 User Comment Submitted by Joe on 7 August 2011
Awesome sound! I really like the effect of the font. | User Comment Submitted by Wile Coyote on 7 August 2011
Atmospheric tune. Interesting font melt effect. I didn't understand the language, maybe I'm missing something ?
LCP 2011 No.2 ?
No.5 for me, as there were 4 other more entertaining demos released at the party. | User Comment Submitted by macx on 7 August 2011
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