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Vandalism News #44   [2005]

Vandalism News #44 Released by :
Onslaught [web], Vandalism News Staff [web], Wrath Designs [web]

Release Date :
22 May 2005

Type :
C64 Diskmag

Website :

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (5 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Jolz of Onslaught
Music .... Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  G-Fellow of Civitas
  Klax of Clochard, Draco, Oxygen64, Tropyx, Voodoo
  Maktone of Fairlight
  ne7 of Rebels, Retroguru, Triad
Graphics .... Almighty God of Level 64, Onslaught, Surprise! Productions, The ArachnoPhobia Staff, Vandalism News Staff
  Joe of The Postmoderns, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs
Disk Cover .... Serio of Obsession
Text .... Cactus of Oxyron, Padua
  Derision of Driven Staff, Scene World Magazine, The Renegade Programming Group, Vandalism News Staff
  Duke of Onslaught, Scene Plus Magazine Staff, The Dominators, Vandalism News Staff
  Fungus of Nostalgia, Onslaught
  Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff
  KBS of Laxity, Phantasy
  Klax of Clochard, Draco, Oxygen64, Tropyx, Voodoo
  Macx of Chromance, MaZZA, No Name, Onslaught, Vandalism News Staff
  Vengeance of Onslaught, The Force, Vandalism News Staff
Charset .... Joe of The Postmoderns, Vandalism News Staff, Wrath Designs
NTSC-Fix .... Jolz of Onslaught
Linking .... Jazzcat of First Blood Entertainment, Onslaught, Onslaught-Antiques, Vandalism News Staff
Loader .... Jolz of Onslaught
Interviewed .... Deev of Onslaught

SIDs used in this release :
No Name 13(/MUSICIANS/K/Klax/No_Name_13.sid)

Contains information on the following event(s) :
Floppy 2005  Report & Results
Forever Hex  Report

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User Comment
Submitted by subjik on 26 June 2005
I have exactly the same problem as H.O even if I'm using the real thing to run it.
User Comment
Submitted by DRAX on 9 June 2005
Hey... Have you tried choosing "true drive emulation" under VICE?
User Comment
Submitted by Moloch on 9 June 2005
I'm having the exact same issues as H.O with this issue - previous issues worked fine with emulator - very strange. This weekend I'll breakdown and convert a copy to disk to view on the C64.
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 8 June 2005
I would say that it has to be an emulator issue only. Absolutely have no idea what is wrong with that, as most people it works, a very few it doesn't. Anyone know what could cause this?
User Comment
Submitted by H.O on 8 June 2005
Am I the only one who cant get it to work?

I've tried both with Vice and CCS64, and even downloaded it a second time in case something got screwed up, but no luck.

The mag starts to load fine, the preface is displayed and I can enter the menu to pick what to read.

But, once it starts loading the chapter nothing else happens. The music keeps playing, and the disk light (in Vice) keeps flashing, but nothing happens. Even left it runnig for some 10 minutes just to see if it was slow.

I really dont want to make room for my c64 setup again, since I live kinda crowded, so I was hoping to be able to read it in an emulator.
User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 26 May 2005
Stan you just need to find the right time and place to read the C64 mags ;-). I recall one particular experience when I loaded new fresh issue of VN into C64 and started it... old color monitor, real C64 machine.. partyplace after midnight.. joystick in hand moving through pages... reading... smoking cigarette and drinking beer. Apart from the unhealthy features of this experience, maybe it sounds weird, but it's one of my top 100 reccolections connected with C64 in this millenium ;-))
User Comment
Submitted by Stan on 25 May 2005
Well, I quickly browsed through all chapters and most things look fine to me, I am always surprised that there are people outside that still put effort in a diskmag despite all new media available. Yet I also see the problems addressed by some other people below.
Oh, one different thing that rushed through my mind: Why don't you consider the telnet boards in terms of necessary places for groups to u/l their first releases? BBS like The Antidote or The Hidden would also get some more attention and support this way. Bests, Stan/HIT!
User Comment
Submitted by Nightlord on 24 May 2005
- it is great that vn is released according to a schedule.
- nice news chapter
- nice floppy report. more macx articles please

- it is a very hard thing to write a funny chapter. especially aimed towards such an old-age scene. "scene show" is really not funny for me.
- there is a certain amount of naiveness in duke's writing. i feel like reading mags from mid nineties. i think he will get better and more "present" with next issues though.
- vn tries so hard to keep a certain amount of focus on cracking scene. is it really the right thing to pay so much attention to cracking even at the expense of doing more serious demoscene chapters than cut & paste
User Comment
Submitted by Tch on 24 May 2005
@Duke and Jazzcat,
I have really enjoyed the issue (as my vote shows),and I know the Demo section will be better next time.
It is hard to be a magazine-editor,people expect new stuff with every issue.
Impossible!(I know,I have been there..)
Anyway,keep it up!
It has been interesting and fun!! 8D
User Comment
Submitted by Twoflower on 23 May 2005
I'm not overly positive to this issue either. As VN is the #1 magazine around, it simply have to be viewed from another perspective. After ages of doing Domination and VN, Dave and Matt ought to know the score. The outright brilliant stuff in this issue are the very nice tunes by Ne7 and Drax, and the fact that only a short time have passed since the last issue. That's really great. Most of the text in the mag is somewhat standard, though, with the interviews and Fungus article as the great highlight. The reason for me to experience it somewhat negative is the fact that you use tend to use text as "space filling" (and you even have the guts to admit it!). A slightly smaller mag with some lacking content is far better than cramming chapters full of cut'n paste tripe. I would prefer a one-sided VN#44, cutting down some chapters. A distilled version, sort of.
User Comment
Submitted by hollowman on 23 May 2005
i mentioned scene worlds news chapter as a comparasion to how the demo reviews where handled in this issue, thats all.
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 22 May 2005
I share Duke's thoughts also. World of Demos was intended as a summary of people's views and as a space filler for one issue only, as with the next issue we introduce our review staff (in the same vein as The Pulse, as I explained in the Preface).

Some outfit mistakes due to my own fault of using an older version of the outfit. Next issue those bugs are gone as I will be using the latest version which will also include some new main menu graphics.

Regarding the cut and paste of news from c64.sk, well it actually isn't from there at all. Memberstatus, webpage addresses and a lot of the news is available from the respective group sites only or exclusive to the magazine. c64.sk news has nothing on our chapter, which is presented in a different way.

Regarding chapter names and content mismatches, I'm afraid that this is also incorrect. Each chapter title in the main menu loads it's correct chapter.

Hoping that there is some feedback on the music in this issue as well as some of the other chapters that were in this magazine.

User Comment
Submitted by Duke on 22 May 2005
Alright, I think people completely misunderstood the meaning of the World of Demos chapter. The idea was to list all the demos and the ratings given on CSDb, and put everything into charts. Obviously people didn't like the whole concept, and that is fine, and certainly it won't be included in the next issue. However, we did a ton of other chapters for Vandalism News, and I don't see any words about that, really. Would be nice with some feedback on the whole package, people. It can't all be bad. Thanks.
User Comment
Submitted by Raf on 21 May 2005
great mag as usual but there is a problem.. I ran it on newest vice with things like real drive emulation set up , but after entering CSDB scandal's last page and entering menu , the selecting misc , it all screwed up giving only violet border and real mess on screen (which changed few times then all stopped). what did I do wrong?
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 21 May 2005
Superior Art Creations is listed as a member of Panda Design in the mag... Which would be weird, were it true. :-) And I agree with the others that it feels a bit like a rush job, but it's still great. Loved the party reports. But please skip the cut & paste from CSDb next issue, it just felt sad... And I don't think that's how VN should feel.
User Comment
Submitted by hollowman on 21 May 2005
most of the magazine is really good. interesting people interviewed in the different chapter. and i really liked fungus article. but, the lack of support from wrath designs, the missing charts and the totally disatrous demo section brings down the impression. people didnt like when scene world cut and pasted their news chapter from c64.sk, and i doubt that demo "reviews" taken from csdb interests anyone. why put it in a magazine, when we can get the information elsewhere?
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 21 May 2005
I didn't like the demoreview chapter. Cut and paste from CSDB doesn't interest me the slightest.
User Comment
Submitted by Tch on 21 May 2005
Thanx VN-staff for an afternoon well-spent. 8D
Hope to see a little better W.o.D. next issue,looks like a rush job,this time.

But the errors Blackdroid is talking about,I haven´t noticed anything.
User Comment
Submitted by blackdroid on 21 May 2005
quite alot of errors in this issue, chapter names and content mismatches for example. wtf is goingz on ? :)
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