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Ex member of :
Paramount ( -> 1990), Silicon Designs 3003
Function :

Handle alternative spelling :
TC, Taron Chorwich

Trivia :
TC used a hacked MON music routine for many of his tunes. He wrote his tunes with a machine monitor. AFAIK the routine he used was the same one used in Alloy run.

But there are also digi tunes by T.C. done with SoundMonitor.

Was kicked out of Paramount in 1990 (News, News).

Country :

Credits :
DownloadKrionyX Thawed by KrionyX ...  2008 Intro  (Music)
Download10 Years HVSC by HVSC Crew ...  2006 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadA Lost Gem by Paramount ...  2006 Intro  (Code, Music)
DownloadGame Over(view) #32 by Game Over(view) Staff ...  2006 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadSid Victory 2.5 by Samar Productions ...  2003 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadParty Results ...  2000 Charts  (Music)
DownloadMusic Mayhem by Mayhem ...  1996 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadBlurred Vision by Agony Design ...  1995 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadRevealed #2 by Camelot, Profile Entertainment ...  1993 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadSmovs by Bronx ...  1993 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadGreat Tunes 4 by Presence ...  1993 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadCovers Jukebox by Entropy ...  1993 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadJust for Fun by Device, Presence ...  1992 Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe Chicken Is Dead by The Sachsenboys ...  1992 Demo  (Music)
DownloadShocker Megademo by Eastline Corp ...  1992 Demo  (Music)
DownloadGreat Tunes 2 by Presence ...  1992 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadEnduro Talks #03 by Enduro ...  1992 Misc.  (Music)
Download3 Page Noter by Mayhem ...  1992 Tool  (Music)
DownloadUltra Violet 5 by Matrix ...  1992 Demo  (Music)
DownloadSmiling Panda #4 by Twin Eagles Group ...  1992 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadThe Pioneers Demo by Pioneers ...  1992 Demo  (Music)
DownloadCall Neveness by Paralax ...  1992 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadBlubb-Sucker V0.0 by Raiders of the Lost Empire ...  1991 Tool Collection  (Music)
DownloadLogo Show Three by Lore of Arts ...  1991 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadLogo Viewer V2 by Kraze ...  1991 Tool  (Music)
DownloadSati by Mystic ...  1991 Demo  (Music)
DownloadSensei ++ by Sense Designs ...  1991 Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe Best of 1003 by Dynamic Projects ...  1991 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadSmiling Panda #3 by Twin Eagles Group ...  1991 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadSound Collection 5 by Gloom ...  1991 Music Collection  (Music)
Download1 Year Radius by Radius ...  1991 Demo  (Music)
DownloadTranscom Utility Pack #3 by Transcom ...  1991 Tool Collection  (Music)
DownloadSwap Non Stop #07 by Tabasco ...  1991 Charts  (Music)
DownloadMusic Disc #15 by Ikon Visual ...  1991 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadQ-Noter V1.2 by The Ancient Temple ...  1991 Tool  (Music)
DownloadJukebox 2 by Time ...  1990 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadTNT Powerpack by The New Terminators ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadMegademo I by Creation, Hightec ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadRandom Intro by Random ...  1990 Crack Intro  (Music)
DownloadWorld News #3 by Silicon ...  1990 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadAbove the Law by Yankees ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadWorld News #2 by Magnetix, Silicon ...  1990 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadMoonscape by Cross ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadInformation by Dark Angels ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadInter-Laser-Show by Trans-X ...  1990 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadMusic Disk Part 3 by Trans-X ...  1990 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadNew Wave by Warrant ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadBone Harder by Impulse ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadAaron Sux by All Against Aaron ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe Second Hightec Megademo by Hightec ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadSparetimes by Akrak ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadAlcoholic Hangover by Crest, Pioneers, The Guardian Angels ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadLOTU Sound Collection by Lawbreakers of the Underground ...  1990 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadTGS Logo 01 by The Incredible Fantastics ...  1990 Graphics  (Music)
DownloadCollusion Logo by Collusion ...  1990 Graphics  (Music)
DownloadEscapade by Radius ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadArt of Noise Volume 1 by The Real Lunatic Designs ...  1990 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadLightning 2 by Union ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadOver the Top by Actual, Lazer ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadFuck Zorlac by Lazer ...  1990 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadHoly Banana by Absence of Mind ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadAtaraxia by Secure ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadMadonkadunk by Psycho Candy, World Wide Expressive ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMusic Selector #05 by Manowar ...  1990 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadMusic Selector #06 by Manowar ...  1990 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadMusic Selector #01 by Manowar ...  1990 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadFuture Ripp #02 by Nothing Inc. ...  1990 Music  (Music)
DownloadFeezyranx #15 by Raiders of the Lost Empire ...  1990 Charts  (Music)
DownloadMade in Berlin by Brainstorm, Century ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadFeezyranx #13 by Raiders of the Lost Empire ...  1990 Charts  (Music)
DownloadAgiliberty II by Unicess ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadNew Wawe II by Warrant ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe Real Demo 2 by Paramount ...  1990 Demo  (Code, Music, Graphics, Text, Charset)
DownloadLast Wave by Warrant ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadCooperation Demo with Oneway by Oneway, The Level 99 Industries ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadLazertic 2 by Lazer ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadJoin Our Family! by Alcoholics ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadRipping Zone #06 by Future ...  1990 Music  (Music)
DownloadRipping Zone #08 by Future ...  1990 Music  (Music)
DownloadRipp Disk #3 by Insanity ...  1990 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadOur Darkness by Duplex, Oracle ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
Download2 Years Lazer by Lazer ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadGhostwriter V1.1 Preview by Duplex ...  1990 Tool  (Music)
DownloadSuccess Intro 37 by Authentic Arts, Success ...  1990 Crack Intro  (Music)
DownloadFriday-Night by Masters of Puppets ...  1990 Demo  (Music)
DownloadSalience by Brand-X ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadIntro 4 Lazer by Army ...  1990 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadAlive! Now+4Ever by Action ...  1990 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadCSC Demo 2 by CSC ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadContact Note! by Atrix ...  1990 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadRIP-OMG! by Alpha Flight ...  1990 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadMusic Number Six by Total Eclipse Software ...  1990 Music  (Music)
DownloadRipp #02 by The Ancient Temple ...  1990 Music  (Music)
DownloadRipp #03 by The Ancient Temple ...  1990 Music  (Music)
DownloadTechno Beat 3 by Paramount ...  1989 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadTechno Beat 1 by Paramount ...  1989 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadTechno Beat 2 by Paramount ...  1989 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadAirwalk by Sentec, Texiax ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadTrebbler V2.0 by Paramount ...  1989 Music Collection  (Code, Music, Graphics, Text)
DownloadLove'n'Regards by Magnetix ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadIntro Sample III by Spreaders of Confusion ...  1989 Intro Collection  (Music)
DownloadEight-Bit-Classics #10 by Ionix ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadUnite Makes Strong by Dualis ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadPHA & TV Co-op Demo by Phenomena, The Voice ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadRanks of Week 28 by World Wide Expressive ...  1989 Charts  (Music)
DownloadWe Beat You by Crypt ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadDelicacy by Lazer, X-Rated ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadBoy Eats Girl by The Sixth Sense ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadHairsplitter II by Browbeat ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadAmazzaxx 07 by Paradox Inc. ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadBlunt II by Force Ten ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadLogo-Move-Data-Worker V1.0 by The Golden Triangle ...  1989 Tool  (Music)
DownloadAccept by Impulse ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadFucked It! by The Golden Triangle ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadRampar Intro 9 - Skulls by Rampar ...  1989 Crack Intro  (Music)
DownloadFebruary Ranx by The Golden Triangle ...  1989 Charts  (Music)
DownloadBusted Musix #3 by Viper Designs ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadThe Second Venlo Demo by Fantasy, The Byte Engineers ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadWestpac Demo by TERA ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadDemorankings 1 by Beyond Force ...  1989 Charts  (Music)
DownloadParamount Zak #01 by Paramount ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadParamount Zak #02 by Paramount ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadParamount Zak #03 by Paramount ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadParamount Zak #04 by Paramount ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadLaw of Nature by Paramount ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadContact Us by The Critters ...  1989 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadMessage Creator I by Madonna Cracking Group ...  1989 Tool  (Music)
DownloadJoke by The Heavy Boys ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadPoopoe by Noise ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadExploding Eye by Paramount ...  1989 Graphics  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadBye Bye by Xades Society ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadTecmob Sprite Editor V1.0 by Silicon Designs 3003 ...  1989 Tool  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadAn Invisible by Paramount ...  1989 Graphics  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadAn Visible by Paramount ...  1989 Graphics  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadAnother Face by Paramount ...  1989 Graphics  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadFuture Megademo by Genius, The Galactic Stranger, Cement Crew, Idler Company, Sector, Very Important Persons ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadCool Ripp 02 by Actual Trading Generation ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadMoonwalker by Actual Trading Generation ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadStad's Anti War Demo by Magnetix ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadCoop Demo by Beastie Boys, Contex ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadT.C. Sound Sampler ...  1989 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadMosh Up by Paramount ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadBlue Monday by Paramount ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadOdysee by Paramount ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadJapan Music 1 by Paramount ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadDarkness by Paramount ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadAmiga Theme by Paramount ...  1989 Music  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadDemo 27 by M and M Worldwide ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadRipp #02 by German Software Pirates ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadDesire by The Scanners ...  1989 Demo  (Music)
DownloadManiax + TGT by The Golden Triangle ...  1989 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadZak #02 by The Ancient Temple ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadZak #03 by The Ancient Temple ...  1989 Music  (Music)
DownloadTrebbler V1.0 by Paramount ...  1989 Music Collection  (Code, Music, Graphics, Text)
DownloadPLK Demo Part II by Playboy ...  1989 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadMiracles by The Duo Infernal ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadAnti-War-Cooperation ...  1989 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadDestroy by Beastie Boys ...  1989 Intro  (Music)
DownloadDon't Worry Be Heavy by Unitrax ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadIntrocollection Volume 1 by 4712 ...  1988 Intro Collection  (Music)
DownloadBeastie Boys Intro by Beastie Boys ...  1988 Crack Intro  (Music)
DownloadMega-Demo-Disk I by Crazy Cracking Crew, Magic Circle Projects, The OUG-Team ...  1988 Demo  (Music)
DownloadWheelchair by Unic ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
Proud to Be German by Men at Work, The Cracking Mission ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadAmazing V4 by The Moose ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadRock-Mix V by Men at Work ...  1988 Music  (Music)
DownloadRock-Mix VII by Men at Work ...  1988 Music  (Music)
DownloadRussians by Plasma ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadWrestling Show by The Softkiller-Crew ...  1988 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadMusic-Master V1.3 by Beastie Boys, IOS ...  1988 Tool  (Music)
DownloadMusic-Master V1.3 by Beastie Boys ...  1988 Tool  (Music)
DownloadTwice by Crypt, Plasma ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadClean Germany II by Men at Work ...  1988 Demo  (Music)
DownloadRock-Mix I by Men at Work ...  1988 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadRock-Mix II by Men at Work ...  1988 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadRock-Mix III by Men at Work ...  1988 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadRock-Mix IV by Men at Work ...  1988 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadFerrari 88 by A.P.P. Intelligent ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSwap or Die 2 by Red Boys ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadName Change by United Crackers Division ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadDemo-Tune 2 by Asphuxia, Unitrax ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadThe Rock Writer V1.0 by The Streamers ...  1987 Tool  (Music, Help)
DownloadThe Ultima IV Demo Version 2.0 by The Paco Crew ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadDemo Tune by Beastie Boys ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadThe Anti-Nena Demo by The Paco Crew ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadI Ball Imitation by The Paco Crew ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMuskuripp #28 by Tommyknockers ...  ???? Music  (Music)
DownloadThe Gronk by The Gronk ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadIntellekt Writer V1.0 by Magnetix ...  ???? Tool  (Music)
DownloadFabulous by Wanderer ...  ???? Intro Collection  (Music)
DownloadIntro Pv II by Asphuxia ...  ???? Intro  (Music)
DownloadLegionnaire [seuck] by Silver Wing Software ...  ???? Game  (Music)
DownloadA Lame Musicpack by Oregon ...  ???? Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadThe Raster Editor V1.0 by Crypt ...  ???? Tool  (Music)
DownloadSuasive Writer V1.0 by Divine Deflection ...  ???? Tool  (Music)
DownloadRead'n'Spread by Divine Deflection ...  ???? Misc.  (Music)
DownloadRock Disk V2.0 by Cookie Crew ...  ???? Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadSmovs by Bronx, Epic ...  ???? Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadPacker Collection by Defcon 1 ...  ???? Tool Collection  (Music)
DownloadRaptyle's Demo 2 by Raptyle ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSilence by Silicon Designs 3003 ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadFirst DYCP by Raiders of the Lost Empire ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMasterpiece #62 by Pioneers ...  ???? Music  (Music)
DownloadEscada #04 by Salem ...  ???? Graphics  (Music)

Attended :
Venlo Meeting November 1989

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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