Music | .... | A-Man of Abyss Connection, Action, Arcade, Avantgarde, Eccentrix, Lazer, Legend, The Cracker Devils, Tropic, Xenon |
| | Bax of Lepsi De, No Name |
| | Ben Daglish |
| | Bleed Into One |
| | Brian of Graffity, The Imperium Arts, Tomcat |
| | Brizz of Lepsi De, U-Turn |
| | Chotaire of Image, Onslaught, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. |
| | Cleve of Albion Crew, Amorphis, Diamond |
| | Compod of Agony Design, Amorphis, Funeral Moon |
| | Cosowi of Plush |
| | Decoy of Excess, Sunrise |
| | dEViLOCk of Arsenic, Oxyron, Performers, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. |
| | Echo of Comic Pirates, Excess, Plush |
| | Frank Schäfers |
| | Gangstar of Bad Boys Company, Laxity, Plush |
| | Iceman of Patience |
| | Icon of Tiger-Crew |
| | Iron Cat of Alcatraz, Avantgarde, Brutal, The Ruling Company, Wolfen |
| | Jeroen Soede of Fire-Eagle |
| | Jörg Schäfers |
| | Metal of Abnormal, Bonzai, Camelot, Contex, Flash Inc., Imagination Developments, Regina, Sacred Noise, The Pulse Magazine Staff, U2, Unitech Designs, Vibrants, World Wide Expressive |
| | MHD of Airwolf-Team, Excess, Motiv 8 |
| | Morbid of Bass, Onslaught, Rebels, Success + The Ruling Company, Warriors of the Wasteland |
| | Nebula of Excess, Hardcore, Onslaught |
| | Odi of Masters' Design Group, Presence |
| | PRI of Depredators, Duplex, Oxyron, Relax Magazine Staff, The Imperium Arts |
| | Quasi of Nipson |
| | Reyn Ouwehand of Di-Art, Maniacs of Noise, Paradize, Scoop |
| | Ronny Pasch of Art of Noise, Audial Arts, Flash Inc., Mega Industries, Ruthless |
| | Scortia of 2000 A.D., Blasters, Bonzai, Crime, Faction, Noise, Rhythm Nation, Sacred Noise, X-Factor, Zenith |
| | Sidewinder of Migs Designs |
| | Steel of Doughnut Cracking Service, Genesis Project, Megablast, Origo Dreamline, Padua, Shining 8, Six, Success, Success + The Ruling Company |
| | The Blue Ninja of Airwolf-Team, Protovision |
| | The Magical Garfield of Motiv 8, Tiger-Crew |
| | Xayne of Beat Machine, Crest |
| | Yoko of Collision, Cosmic, Fiction, Girls, No Name, Rebels, The Freaks, Zyrox |
| | Zardax of Albion, Artline Designs, Brains, Elysion, Origo Dreamline, Side B |
| | Zonix of Bonzai, Rhythm Nation, Sacred Noise, X-Factor |
| | Zyron of Antic, Deceit, Fantastic 4 Cracking Group, Genesis Project, Judas, News Press Magazine Staff, Nostalgia, Oxsid Planetary, Swemix, The Crest Magazine, The Remembers |
Design | .... | Odysseus |
Idea | .... | Odysseus |
Text | .... | Odysseus |
Ripping | .... | Odysseus |