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C64 Demo Competition at X'2023 : #24
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Trivia Info Submitted by Martinland on 8 June 2023
EAN stands for European Academy of Neurology, the annual event macx is attending each year.
I drove up to Vienna to meet him there for the very first time. We spent a most wonderful afternoon and early evening, downing two liters of Irish Red Ale each and discussing everything from Stanislaw Lem to brain/(real)AI research, and the scene of course.
Then we hit upon the last couple of years and how small this piece of RNA really is (found it on the net and kept it hidden from myself in a folder somewhere, as it was too painful a reminder for various personal reasons) that rectified our delusions of grandeur on this planet.
Beer notepads of that beautiful pub w/ a garden right in the sunny historic center of Vienna were scribbled upon (still have macx' original fragments of scene poetry <3), and the idea of runes to symbolise our inability to properly read this thing and deal with it, just like pre-school children, was hit upon.
8K is what the scene has for breakfast, no problem, so to juxtapose this with all of humamity struggling for years felt right.
Strange coincidences and other things see Production Notes... |
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