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Unboxed   [2018]

Unboxed Released by :
Bonzai [web]

Release Date :
3 November 2018

Type :
C64 Demo

Released At :

Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at X'2018 :  #2

User rating:**********  9.5/10 (119 votes)   See votestatistics
**********  9.8/10 (40 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Ricky of Bonzai
  Trap of Bonzai
  Walt of Bonzai
Music .... Drax of Bonzai, Camelot, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  Laxity of Bonzai, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  Metal of Bonzai, Camelot, Vibrants
  Scortia of Bonzai
Graphics .... Carrion of Bonzai
  Dize of Bonzai
  Fox of Bonzai
Design .... Dize of Bonzai
Loader .... Lft of Kryo

SIDs used in this release :
Unboxed 4Pics(/MUSICIANS/M/Metal/Unboxed_4Pics.sid)
Unboxed DustBuster (8580)(/MUSICIANS/M/Metal/Unboxed_DustBuster_8580.sid)
Unboxed Ending (8580)(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Unboxed_Ending_8580.sid)
Unboxed Intro (8580)(/MUSICIANS/L/Laxity/Unboxed_Intro_8580.sid)
Unboxed KamelTis (8580)(/MUSICIANS/M/Metal/Unboxed_KamelTis_8580.sid)
Unboxed Koffein (8580)(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Unboxed_Koffein_8580.sid)
Unboxed Pillars (8580)(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Unboxed_Pillars_8580.sid)
Unboxed Rubricked (8580)(/MUSICIANS/S/Scortia/Unboxed_Rubricked_8580.sid)
Unboxed Rubricked Outro(/MUSICIANS/S/Scortia/Unboxed_Rubricked_Outro.sid)
Unboxed Turn Disk (8580)(/MUSICIANS/L/Laxity/Unboxed_Turn_Disk_8580.sid)
Unboxed Wacky (8580)(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Unboxed_Wacky_8580.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by 4gentE on 5 March 2021
This is insanely good.
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 3 February 2021
Thank you guys. It is so awesome to have you guys back on the scene. Your latest release was crazy cool. Keep at it <3
User Comment
Submitted by Nightlord on 13 January 2021
Just watched this for the first time with Norvax on a zoom-demo-watching party:)

I LOVED LOVED LOVED this demo!... Look, I really am furthest from your typical oldschool demo fan. Yet this demo was so so inspiring for me. Had a great time watching, had a few laughs, had a few "wait! what?"s and a few "cooool"s.

On the gfx front, seeing Carrion's work is always a treat for me.

And finally, on the sound front, you have as mind-blowing a team of musicians as anybody can hope to hear in a demo. It's always horizon-expanding to listen to the wicked funky-jazzy progressions by Laxity and Drax.
User Comment
Submitted by Norvax on 13 January 2021
Catching up with what we have missed past few years with Nightlord. Finally had the chance to watch unboxed. What a solid demo. The quality and quantity of effects and coding, the jazz mood extraordinary tunes. All in all came together with great art direction. Huge respect. Quite a lot of talent in one group!
User Comment
Submitted by F7sus4 on 1 June 2020
User Comment
Submitted by ChristopherJam on 25 January 2019
That shadescroll is goals 👌🏼
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Submitted by DivertigO on 25 January 2019
That sure does check all of the boxes for me. Drax's final tune is so lovely and whole. Inspiring end to an inspiring demo.
User Comment
Submitted by Magnar on 22 January 2019
One of the things I really like with this demo, is the clever usage of skipping a pixel or pixel-row to actually make the effects looks either more dithered or simple fit more of it on the screen so you have more CPU to do it bigger. Examples are the intro credits with the sun-rays, the flip disk, the bottom oranged-boxed interference circles, the sprite-twister-upwards scroller aka Offence-style. What blow me away was the "Shadescroller" on the bitmap, and the "Bizzare twisting scroller". Those two effects alone gave me "This is a Winner" feeling. :) Great Music, and wonderful graphic together with excellent transitions and marvelous code. How the hell did Star Wars top this? ;) Cheers Mates
User Comment
Submitted by Walt on 29 December 2018
@Jak: You are not the only one, this is from pouët : "Awesome scrollers, some annoying music, some very good music."

Of course taste in music is personal, I think the music suits the demo just right :)
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 28 December 2018
Ultrastunning code, neat design and to see that you really returned back as a family and not just made one comeback demo... just great and heartwarming! I seem to be the only person, though, who doesn't like the creamy music style.
User Comment
Submitted by Kronos on 6 December 2018
As much the 2016 demo was overrated (on my mind, sorry mates), as much the 2018 demo tore everything apart. From my side, the best of x2018. Guys, you dropped my jaws down...
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Submitted by DKT on 21 November 2018
Watching Bonzai demos in 21th century on parties is a bliss :)
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Submitted by Golara on 15 November 2018
My number #1 from the party
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Submitted by Yogibear on 15 November 2018
Wow! What an awesome demo! Love the end tune!
User Comment
Submitted by Dwangi on 14 November 2018
Also my favourite from the compo. Hope to see more from BZ.
User Comment
Submitted by Rock on 13 November 2018
This demo is so stylish and awesome, pure 10/10 and what Stinsen said.. the end tune <3
User Comment
Submitted by The Phantom on 12 November 2018
Amazing production.

Thank you to all involved for sharing :)
User Comment
Submitted by Danzig on 12 November 2018
Blown away... Pure awesomeness... Walt.. Ricky... So, Trap, what you need to convince THA?
User Comment
Submitted by Saphir on 11 November 2018
Wow.. What for an amazing production, really brilliant :)
User Comment
Submitted by Radiant on 11 November 2018
Top 10 demos ever made on the C64. Top 5 maybe?

I was not at X, but still felt the urge to watch the demos in a bit more structured way, so I gathered a bunch of scener colleagues to watch the X entries together on my C64 last Friday. Good thing we picked a relatively soundproofed meeting room, because I cried out some perhaps not entirely professional words rather loudly when that scroller appeared, including as I recall some combination of "mother" and "fucker".
User Comment
Submitted by Steel on 10 November 2018
i knew this was coming from the moment i saw you guys sat together on a pic on FB. i expected nothing less than a winner demo! i love the power of message and the bonzai sense of humor. wonderfull in all aspects, for me especially the dream team of musicians with Drax delivering another shivering end tune ♥
User Comment
Submitted by Walt on 10 November 2018
@Axis: I like the way you think :) No the guys are representing us, being horny with our dicks out ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Axis/Oxyron on 10 November 2018
By the way, is that guy falling down Ecco of X-Factor? I remember some incident on Brutal Hurricane Party... ;o)
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Submitted by Dr.j on 10 November 2018
top level demo!!! and for me the Same!! level as Star Wars demo , in my heart i wanted to Bonzai Demo gonna will win cause the music lineup was incredible and the guyz sat near me and of course awesome demo with a lot of humor and zillions of great effects so i really want them to win , you are bunch of sweet and cool guyz and top friendly. damn... nevertheless thanks for the great show you presented , i enjoyed your demo so much , the concept and all the rest aspects but for me the music from every each of the musicians were excellent and it always great to hear from Drax (and the rest!!) thanks - thanks - Thank-q
and much luck at X'20!
User Comment
Submitted by lbp on 9 November 2018
wonderful demo.. thanks for the show. good work on the transitions. and what a luxury with such a musical lineup.
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 9 November 2018
Awesome! A special thanks to Walt for keeping up the good work. Thanks!
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Submitted by AMB on 8 November 2018
Amazing demo! Thank you all!
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Submitted by iAN CooG on 7 November 2018
Unboxed [6581 edition]
New version, new entry. You're welcome.
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Submitted by Walt on 7 November 2018
@Axis: Not impossible with black background color and scrollspeed 4 :)
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.Science on 7 November 2018
Another amazing BONZAI demo hit our C64! Congtaulations! Wow, this felt like a nice ride. Like those scrollers....ohhhh. Can't get enough. Mixed with fantastic soundtrack and awesome Graphics! Great job, and meeting you all in person was a real honor! Keep 'em coming :-)
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Submitted by Viscid on 7 November 2018
This was my personal fav live @X2018. Actually the Scroller on top of the bitmap surprised me the most. Looked even more impressive on the beamer. Nice release!
User Comment
Submitted by Axis/Oxyron on 7 November 2018
Wow, this brings up a very nice early 90´s amiga vibe. And some of the best SID music i heard for ages.

Walt, someone forgot to tell you that the shadescroll is impossibru.
User Comment
Submitted by DRAX on 6 November 2018
Thank you very much for the nice comments and thanks alot, Stinsen, for letting me know what impact that end tune had on you :) ... Man, the overall level of greatness in the demos released at X is high :)
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Submitted by psych on 6 November 2018
This type of productions pushes me to drive all the way from Poland just to see it. X is a blast thanks to such guys as you, dear Bonzai! Thank you for that.
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Submitted by Trap on 6 November 2018
Right, as I mentioned yesterday. We in Bonzai have a little extra gift for you all today. I have uploaded another version for all the 6581-purists in the scene, Unboxed 6581-edition as well a zip with all same SID's. Why? Because we love both SID's.
Drax wanted to add a little extra details to his Wacky tune. Check it out <3
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 6 November 2018
Phew. You got me there, Bjørn :) ... still, can't wait for your code-based response - so if our comments inspired you to write more code, then we have more than achieved and met our goals <3

Carrion, I totally forgot to explain that to you. The Solution tribute/poster is there because of this: The Little Things ... there's just too much goddamn love in the demoscene these days :D :D :D
User Comment
Submitted by rail slave on 6 November 2018
@Carrion ... Now that's a logo !
User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 6 November 2018
hehe. actually I was wondering myself why the solution logo there... not that I have anything against it, but I actually haven't asked why?
so, why?
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 6 November 2018
someone put a poster of your group in their demo

[x] achievement unlocked

User Comment
Submitted by BjørnRøstøen on 6 November 2018
Trap, I am not insulted, I am amused. I think you guys are awesome. I love your work. I wasn´t sure if I should post my comment, in fear it could be interpreted the wrong way, which unfortunately maybe it was. It was meant humorously. I cannot wait to see what clever new demo tricks you come up with next. Thank you for blessing us all with your great contribution to the competition. Peace!
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 6 November 2018
Thank you for your comments and thoughts, Bjørn. I am honestly not sure how to react to it though.

Everything in the demo was intended to take the viewer back in time, but with respect for the technological achievements over the years. Yes, we did aim to tease other sceners, but it was all with a blink in the eye and a smile. The last word that springs to mind when talking about Bonzai is "arrogance" really. If you had met us at the party, I think you would get a very different impression of us :) I don't think you should be insulted, but try to laugh a bit for exactly the same reasons that you point out. I am deeply sorry if our references came out in a way that insulted you. It was never our intention to hurt anybody and to be honest, I am a little bit unsure if you were or if you are pulling my leg here.

As an example, take the "war" with Camelot. It's just for fun, because today the scene is a much more open, warm and welcoming place than back when you and I were kids. Competition was everything and if you didn't have talent, then you would spend your energy on giving everybody else a headache. For the fun of it, Camelot and Bonzai agreed that we needed a war - only for the entertainment value and I think people get that.

I am happy to hear that you take on the challenge though and look very much forward to enjoy your next release. After all, there is nothing as healthy as a bit of competition.
User Comment
Submitted by BjørnRøstøen on 6 November 2018
It´s funny what one can learn from reading scroll texts these days. Watching this, I just had this weird deja-vu moment where I was suddenly transported back to the scene wars of 1989, when I was told by a pimple infested nerd that I don´t know what a demo is supposed to look like.
And now that same kind of nerd has grown wrinkled and grey. His IQ is still phenomenally high, but damn, his social skills haven´t developed one iota since his teenage years.
Apparently, I still don´t know what my own demo is supposed to look like :)

Joking aside, there´s absolutely nothing laughable about the rest of this demo. It´s filled to the brim with displays of your tremendous talents. It strikes a near perfect balance between its respective great parts. I love everything about it, even your arrogance. I think you have earned the right to elevate yourselves up onto that pedestal, which foundation I was trying to erode slightly in the previous paragraphs. This was a worthy winner for sure. But.. wait.. oh nooo! That´s the nature of demoparty voting for you. It can sometimes be hard to justify the outcome.

Instead of writing more, I should probably sit down and code a reply. Yes, I will do that. In fact, I already have.
User Comment
Submitted by Hein on 6 November 2018
Winner. Thought so when I was smoking outside during half of the demo. Could hear the bliss from behind the doors. Carrion is a mighty fine addition to the team. Love those graphics.
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Submitted by CRT on 6 November 2018
I think we share a similar taste. Very slick demo indeed.
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Submitted by Trap on 5 November 2018
Hang on guys! Bonzai has a small extra gift for you coming up in the next 24 hours or so. While you wait, please enjoy Metal's alternative edit of one of the tracks in the 8580sid collection I just uploaded.
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Submitted by Stinsen on 5 November 2018
Totally awesome throughout and that end part tune really hit the spot for me. <3
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Submitted by hedning on 5 November 2018
Super polished and sweet. I couldn't get enough of this demo at X... Thank you, guys! Mooore! <3
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Submitted by Burglar on 5 November 2018
omg what a soundtrack again, arguably best soundtrack in the compo.
especially for a scroller-focused demo, it has great pace.
memorable moments: the shadescroller, diagonal scroller (charset!!), fab gfx (especially that huge logo with parallax) and of course the puns and messages to camelot :)) I see a co-op coming up in my glass sphere :)

well deserved #2 and almost the winner :)

honestly I didnt expect such a big one from our bonzai buddies immediately after their previous smasher, awesome you're back to stay!
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Submitted by Slajerek on 5 November 2018
I was amazed by this demo seeing it at X. Winner for me too!
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Submitted by BokanoiD on 5 November 2018
My fav demo of this year's X. Ticks all the right boxes; code pr0n, amazing graphics, fucking awesome music. Just excellent stuff, well done all of you!
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Submitted by Bob on 5 November 2018
What an effort you guys have put down in this demo ... OMFG... the sheer amount of work and the quality. left me speechless. Once again we are so sorry for left you out from our greetingslist that was totally unintentional we will fix that. Stressed out until the deadline. (excuses) ehm ehm ;) Anyways I am so glad that Bonzai is here to stay! and make sure that none of us gets too lazy ;) (Chamelot wink wink) totally blown away. there is not enough superlatives to describe the overwhelming feeling. 10/10
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Submitted by redcrab on 5 November 2018
mind = blown
User Comment
Submitted by grip on 5 November 2018
Great demo overall, but as usual I'm completely taken aback by Carrion's graphics. Those colours aren't really in the C64 palette, now are they? Excellent work guys!
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Submitted by nomistake on 5 November 2018
what an AMAZING demo - my favorite from the compo! it stood out from all the other releases and i enjoyed every second watching it. it was great to see you at x and i hope there is a lot more to cum (reference to the mini parts) from you :-) thank you for the delysid greetings and thank you for making such great demos! "things are just so much sexier when bonzai does it"
User Comment
Submitted by Walt on 5 November 2018
@Compyx: Sorry I was not being more accurate:

The demo was shown at X on a real C64 but using a projector and a screen that worked kind of like debug borders in VICE.

When running it in VICE when the sprites are at a certain X position in the area left of where the left and lower border meet they disappear, i think it is for about 4 pixels and then they reappear.

TLDR: When running it in VICE you might see sprite bugs using normal borders :(
User Comment
Submitted by Bitbreaker on 5 November 2018
You manage to pick up the bonzai style that i knew from back in the days and transport it into the now. Deep respect for all the transition work, as one who has done many transition, i know what a painful work that is, but worth every effort! Definitely my #1 from this party!
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Submitted by Shine on 5 November 2018
Yeah, this is of course more than just a tree!!! Massive quality effort and execution! :)
My favorite in this compo!
User Comment
Submitted by Ksubi on 5 November 2018
What's not to love about this incredible production? Beautiful graphics, mind blowing scrollers (love the zoom-rotating-scroller and the DYPP) and music from 4 of the best! Add some smut and references to old BZ demos and you have a masterpiece. Should have won no doubt.
User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 4 November 2018
Really nice demo. For me, this and Censor’s Star Wars demo were level on pretty much all aspects. The voting at X reflected that too I reckon.

I love the diagonal bitmap scrolltext. And I love that you guys still love scrollers. I’m nervous about using too many of them in my own demos - but you guys show that they can still be cool.

Great meeting you at X too.
User Comment
Submitted by Smasher on 4 November 2018
I told u TrapCrapWrap I could reach your level in 30yrs if u stop evolving. after seeing this... maybe in 40! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Compyx on 4 November 2018
@Walt: Yes, the bug is most visible in the lower left corner, which makes sense, having more sprites close together. So it's not a VICE bug but rather a "too wide screen" bug, something a lot of my old part suffer from as well.
Anyway, really great demo, should have won in my opinion :)
User Comment
Submitted by LMan on 4 November 2018
Massive love and respect to you guys. Great demo!! And @Trap, was great to meet you and have a chat!!
User Comment
Submitted by Trap on 4 November 2018
I am blown away by all the love and high appraisal you gave us at X this time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We are all humbled, happy and tired ... and a bit sorry that we didn't get the missing 20+ points to beat Censor :) but in the end it means a lot more to hear from you guys at the party and now here on the web that you liked our work. That is what makes it fun. That is what drives us and that is what makes me say: "You haven't seen the last of us. We will be back!". We love you all!!!
ps: Remember to check out our mini parts whem booting directly from disk 2 and 3.
User Comment
Submitted by Walt on 4 November 2018
@Compyx: What I have seen in VICE (both version 2.x and 3.x) is that just left of where the left and the lower border meet there might be a few frames where a sprite is not shown.

This does not appear on my test C64 (C64 Reloaded MK2 with old VIC chip) on an old 14" Nokia CRT TV. The 'bugs' shown at the party was due to the projector kind of showing the demo like using VICEs debug borders :(

The actual sprite-bugs referred to is when sprites are at a certain position in the right border, the first line of the sprites are messed up.

@All: Thank for all your kind words both here and from those I was so fortunate to meet at X'18. It was a real blast hearing all your kind comments and it really made my (first) X party a fantastic experience :) Love you all ;)
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Submitted by Carrion on 4 November 2018
Gut Thanks to all of you here on CSDB and at the party for the kind words. It was a bless to be there. What a party.

Here's the logo in case you wanted to see it in full size

As always an article with my "Creating of the logo" material should be ready this week + maybe so more party report and/or more infos about the stuff I created for the demo.
User Comment
Submitted by Clarence on 4 November 2018
It's hard to criticize anything about this one. Super polished art fx, and transitions, with an orgy of a soundtrack. Also good humour involved.
It was fun seeing Oswald jumping in awe, when the text brick was rotating in. :)
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Submitted by Mixer on 4 November 2018
Some bad ass scollers.
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Submitted by Chrom_ on 4 November 2018
I'm totally speechless, this demo is unbelievable
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Submitted by DAM on 4 November 2018
Pure class.
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Submitted by Compyx on 4 November 2018
Really awesome demo. My favourite of X2018. However, the sideborder dypp part claims to have no sideborder sprite bugs, but there clearly are some when using VICE's x64sc. So can someone confirm there are no bugs on the real deal? If so, VICE needs some work.
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Submitted by chatGPZ on 4 November 2018
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Submitted by Joe on 4 November 2018
Very nice!
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Submitted by celticdesign on 4 November 2018
Winner, do doubt!!!
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Submitted by Dymo on 4 November 2018
Great demo!
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Submitted by Zyron on 4 November 2018
Too good.
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Submitted by ALIEN on 4 November 2018
Friggin geniouses @work! Definitively should have won this year.
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Submitted by X-Raffi on 4 November 2018
Also my personle #01 this Year. Great Work!
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Submitted by Digger on 4 November 2018
It kind of won: Bonzai got 2111 points with 228 votes and Censor 2077 with 224 votes. So, depends how you look at it.
Great demo regardless, I love the sublime messages behind it and of course the soundtrack. Drax pumpin’ da bass!
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Submitted by F7sus4 on 4 November 2018
My personal favorite. And yes, it should have won.
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Submitted by Raistlin on 4 November 2018
Cool stuff, awesome job, some really fantastic stuff in this!
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Submitted by Brush on 4 November 2018
Should have won :)
Scortia’s tune and the rotating scroll were the highlights of this awesome production.
To honest the whole music was from another galaxy.
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Submitted by Pantaloon on 4 November 2018
really nice and packed with awesome graphics.
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Submitted by Jammer on 4 November 2018
My #1 out of whole compo! Design, transitions, editing and soundtrack just ooze of impossible awesomeness! <3 I was quite sour about your victory two years ago as I thought couple of demos deserved it much more but this time... Chapeau bas!

And you made great use of Carrion. Bonzai was really in need of top artist last time, I can tell that :P
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Submitted by sLASH on 4 November 2018
Really impressed... My favourite from the compo. Keep it up guys!
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Submitted by Motion on 4 November 2018
We strongly 'ADVICE'? WTF! 'ADVISE'! ...off to watch it, it'll be amazing I'm sure! : )
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Submitted by Xiny6581 on 4 November 2018
This is how a demo is supposed to be!
Excellent music! Awesome graphics! Tremendous code! Stunning design!
Well done :)
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