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2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition

- Keeping it short and sweet!

Event Type :
Standalone Compo

Dates :
1 - 30 November 2020

Organizers :

Competition Results :

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Quash by psych858oDownload9.89.9
2Flightmode Preview by SteelDownload9.1
3Ext Volume In by LinusDownload9.810.0
4Yamanote Riders by MibriDownload9.49.8
5200mph 24/7 by FlotsamDownload9.69.9
6Garry's Glittering Saliva by JammerDownload9.89.6
7Simple as That - Loop Version by SteelDownload9.4
8New Teller by LManDownload9.5
915-15 by SMCDownload9.49.8
10Aqua Trip by JammerDownload9.69.9
11Dancehall by LManDownload9.39.5
12Loopers Delight by FlexDownload9.39.8
13Platformer by Magnar HarestadDownload9.5
14Untz by StinsenDownload8.99.2
15Bécsi szelet reggelire by dalezyDownload8.8
16One Pope and His Alzheimer's by ChuinhoDownload9.2
17Awry by JCHDownload9.1
18Smoothie by The SyndromDownload8.9
19Gimmicks Over Substance by ChuinhoDownload9.2
20Chopin Calling by ShogoonDownload8.8
21Ringaround by ApollyonDownload8.3
22The Jazzman by LManDownload8.8
23And the World Held Its Breath by LinusDownload8.5
24Eleven Seconds of Nothing by ChuinhoDownload9.2
25How Not to Do a Song by MCHDownload8.8
26Morning Fog Lifting by MibriDownload8.9
27Édes a zsiráf by dalezyDownload9.3
28Entropy, Life, Yours and Mine by LinusDownload9.1
 Saturn Ride by MCHDownload8.8
30Longing for Summer by NordischsoundDownload9.09.3
31Ryan Went Sling by JammerDownload8.9
32Forgotten Technology by NordischsoundDownload9.1
33Orange Electron by IsildurDownload8.8
34Gentofte by JCHDownload8.1
35Sounds of History by GHDownload9.09.6
36Loop 1101 by The SyndromDownload8.7
37Escherian Stairwell by FlotsamDownload8.8
 Titkos alagút a Berghain alatt by dalezyDownload8.4
39Short Escort by SoyaDownload9.0
40Da Fat by AMBDownload8.4
41Bomb Scare at MSL Corporate Headquarters by MibriDownload
42Heavy Industrial Machinery by JojeliDownload8.4
43Screwed by ProtonDownload8.0
44(CH3)2CHOH by WacekDownload8.39.0
45November Disco by HairdogDownload8.7
46Happy Go Gummy Boy by jabDownload8.8
47Greetings from 90's! by FlotsamDownload7.2
48Melancholic Sea by NordischsoundDownload8.5
49CH3-C(O)-CH3 by WacekDownload8.1
50Loneliness by WazDownload7.4
51CH3(CH2)3OH by WacekDownload8.0
52Persei by F7sus4Download7.6
53TURBO! by BåtsmanDownload7.8
54Bassloop by SlaxxDownload7.58.0
55Ampfire by Warp 8Download7.8
56Alphadrop by Warp 8Download7.9
57Xi Jinping's Dream by IsildurDownload8.3
58I'll Si'thee by WazDownload7.0
59End of Level 2 by WazDownload7.1
60March of Independent Ants by HairdogDownload6.8
61Short Dream by Dex-DDownload6.2
62Escape Route by VazDownload6.6
63T3llme by Warp 8Download7.0
64Bass Sample by Eric DobekDownload2.1

Productions released outside compos :
3.6 - Not Great Not Terrible by Samar Productions/MultiStyle Labs/EXclusive ON (Music)
A Józsefvárosi utcák by Triad (Music)
Dirty Minds by MultiStyle Labs (Music)
Hasta La Vista, 6502! by Samar Productions/MultiStyle Labs/EXclusive ON (Music)
MOSH Technology (Music)
Nem érzi magát olcsón by Triad (Music)
Poszeidón villa nélkül by Triad (Music)
Sh4ke (Music)
Soup de Loop by Finnish Gold (Music)
Speed of Light by MultiStyle Labs (Music)

Attendants : (2)
Båtsman, psych858o

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 15 December 2020
VOTING HAS ENDED! In the end, there were 24 genuine voters, which was quite a lot considering the sheer number of entries, and thus the effort to vote. I would like to thank you all for putting your time into it! And thanks to all participants too, of course. :) This was fun!

As a sidenote: You people were really good, kind and honest with your votes. Yes, there were a few voters who gave their friend(s) 100 and gave no points to anyone else, but as described in the voting rules, these votes were removed. All other votes seemed very genuine, and not blatantly self- or group biased. There was quite a lot of variation in the points given to each entry, but this was more of an indication of people's personal preferences than attempts to manipulate the average.

Considering the aforementioned, there was no need for any fancier algorithms than just a simple average of points given. Without further ado, here are the final results.

1 Quash by psych858o 90.91
2 Flightmode Preview by Steel 87.05
3 Ext Volume In by Linus 86.95
4 Yamanote Riders by Mibri 86.13
5 200mph 24/7 by Flotsam 85.91
6 Garry's Glittering Saliva by Jammer 85.86
7 Simple as That - Loop Version by Steel 84.95
8 New Teller by LMan 83.78
9 15-15 by SMC 83.73
10 Aqua Trip by Jammer 83.50
11 Dancehall by LMan 82.64
12 Loopers Delight by Flex 82.50
13 Platformer by Magnar Harestad 82.36
14 Untz by Stinsen 80.90
15 Bécsi szelet reggelire by dalezy 80.59
16 One Pope and His Alzheimer's by chuinho 80.05
17 Awry by JCH 79.29
18 Smoothie by The Syndrom 79.14
19 Gimmicks Over Substance by chuinho 79.05
20 Chopin Calling by Shogoon 78.76
21 Ringaround by Apollyon 78.40
22 The Jazzman by LMan 78.35
23 And the World Held Its Breath by Linus 78.09
24 Eleven Seconds of Nothing by chuinho 77.73
25 How Not to Do a Song by MCH 77.45
26 Morning Fog Lifting by Mibri 77.42
27 Édes a zsiráf by dalezy 76.95
28 Entropy, Life, Yours and Mine by Linus 76.91
28 Saturn Ride by MCH 76.91
30 Longing for Summer by Nordischsound 76.81
31 Ryan Went Sling by Jammer 76.33
32 Forgotten Technology by Nordischsound 76.19
33 Orange Electron by Isildur 76.17
34 Gentofte by JCH 75.48
35 Sounds of History by GH 73.67
36 Loop 1101 by The Syndrom 72.86
37 Escherian Stairwell by Flotsam 72.64
37 Titkos alagút a Berghain alatt by dalezy 72.64
39 Short Escort by Soya 72.52
40 Da Fat by AMB 72.05
41 Bomb Scare at MSL Corporate Headquarters by Mibri 71.41
42 Heavy Industrial Machinery by Jojeli 71.29
43 Screwed by Proton 70.45
44 (CH3)2CHOH by Wacek 70.09
45 November Disco by Hairdog 68.65
46 Happy Go Gummy Boy by jab 68.24
47 Greetings from 90's! by Flotsam 67.38
48 Melancholic Sea by Nordischsound 67.33
49 CH3-C(O)-CH3 by Wacek 67.09
50 Loneliness by Waz 66.82
51 CH3(CH2)3OH by Wacek 66.45
52 Persei by F7sus4 64.73
53 TURBO! by Båtsman 64.52
54 Bassloop by Slaxx 63.19
55 Ampfire by Warp 8 61.15
56 Alphadrop by Warp 8 61.10
57 Xi Jinping's Dream by Isildur 60.70
58 I'll Si'thee by Waz 58.55
59 End of Level 2 by Waz 58.23
60 March of Independent Ants by Hairdog 58.05
61 Short Dream by Dex-D 52.82
62 Escape Route by Vaz 52.04
63 T3llme by Warp 8 46.35
64 Bass Sample by Eric Dobek 27.75

User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 5 December 2020
Any chance of getting full disk with all releases in executable format so I can download them all at once and check on real thing? That would be awesome.

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 1 December 2020
Let the voting begin! Votesheet is here: https://forms.gle/Pvjhnth4gAaYka1C8

Please read the instructions in the beginning of the votesheet, and also please let me know if there are any errors, issues or strangenesses.

I set the voting deadline to end of Monday 14th December (CET), but if the voting seems to totally dry up before that, we may bring it forward a bit.

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 1 December 2020
THE COMPO IS OVER! Thank you for the overwhelming amount of interest and participation. Now preparing the voting, will update when the votesheet has been published.

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 18 November 2020
Changed the compo name to "2020 Short Music And SFX Loop Competition" to clarify the scope. If it is SID that makes the sounds, and entry adheres to the rules, everything goes. Use your imagination! :)

@TheRyk, sorry I didn't notice your comment until now, should have added it to the event discussion thread mate. ;) Let's stick to custom player or PSID64 for now, as PSID64 can show the rastertime usage too, and thus indicate tune speed, and I'm not familiar with PlayIt at all. In fact this is the first time I heard about it, I'll have to have a look into it.

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 6 November 2020
Why not allow PlayIt as it even displays the required speed info?

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 5 November 2020
As not everyone have the skills to create their own player adhering to the aforementioned rule #2, using PSID64 is now allowed: PSID64 V1.2

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 2 November 2020
As participants have begun using other background colours than black, other colours are now allowed as well (I don't feel like nitpicking about these). I suppose it doesn't really matter that much, even though the colours can be chosen to create or at least accentuate a certain mood for the loop, and thus affect how listeners hear it. But so does the name of the loop... And the composer too.

So, final adjustment to rule #2: Free choice of one background colour, one text colour, and one rasterline usage colour (allowed only in border). But that's it! That is enough visualisation for a music compo. :)

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 1 November 2020
A small adjustment to the visuals rule #2: Changing border colour to visualise rastertime usage is now allowed. Just switching border colour to one's choice when calling the playroutine, back to black when out.

Of course no trickery allowed to generate any raster effects, for example by alternating timing when playroutine is called, alternating the colour etc.

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 1 November 2020
After learning how the song lengths for HVSC's Songlength database (which the SID players use) are determined, and understanding that copying the loop over several times until the whole song loops doesn't affect the song length in HVSC at all (and thus doesn't affect the playtime in SID players), rule #9 is now dropped as redundant.

9) Because many SID players would play the loop only once until progressing to the next tune, please lengthen the playtime by manually copying the loop until the length of the tune is at least a minute, and then jump back to the beginning (for infinite looping on C64 and such players).

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 31 October 2020
After the deadline, voting will be done outside CSDB, and will last for a couple of weeks or so, so that people have time to vote.

Voting outside CSDB will
a) Allow people to give the tunes CSDB points they deserve, regardless of where they think the tunes should place in the compo, and
b) Minimise the possibility for last minute vote manipulation and other trickery.

Details TBA around the deadline.

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 31 October 2020
All discussion about the event goes to the event thread on the forums: Event id #3001 : 2020 Short Music Loop Competition

Any possible updates to the rules will be added here, so this event page is the place to look for the definitive list of rules.

User Comment
Submitted by Frostbyte on 31 October 2020
Let'em few seconds shine! Finally a compo to publish those sweet, sweet patterns that never evolved into complete tunes!


1) Original, previously unreleased work. No covers, no remakes or parts of composer's own (released) tunes, or anyone's tunes, from C64 or other platforms.

2) No graphics or effects of any kind. I know this rule isn't going to be everyone's favourite, but this is a music competition, not a demo/graphics competition, and fx & gfx do affect people's ratings.
Black screen with the following static, undecorated single colour text (using standard unmodified PETSCII) in the upper left corner:

[Loop Name] by [Composer Name]
(C) 2020 [Group Name]
[SID type, e.g. 8580] / [Tune Speed, e.g. 4x]

For example:
'Short, thank Cthulhu' by Jojeli
(C) 2020 Artline Designs
8580 / 4x

No transition or screen wipe effects, replacing standard characters with PETSCII's graphical symbols, or other sneaky ways to add effects or to decorate the player.

3) Single SID at standard $D400. In other words, the loop must be playable on an unmodified C64 with either 6581 or 8580 SID.

4) No samples in any form. We don't want this to become a "best sample loop" competition. Otherwise, anything you can do with a SID goes, and you can use as little or as much rastertime as you want.

5) No lower limit for the length of the loop. Yes, even very short but interesting loops are allowed, even encouraged. :)

6) Upper limit for the length of the loop is around 15 seconds. However this is a flexible limit, depending on the tempo of the loop. For example 8 bars in 4/4 time signature @ 120BPM (16 seconds) is perfectly okay. So no, you don't have to cut your loop one bar short just to meet the length requirement. :) For arrhythmic loops, stick to the max 15 second limit.

7) Loop must be immutable: Every time the loop is played it should sound the same, and it shouldn't evolve in any way. No trickery or utilising SID's ADSR bugs etc. to add random note skippings or other variation to the loop. Think of a loop sampler playing the same loop over and over again - that's the goal here.
However, as an exception to this rule, a tiny overlap of the end and beginning of the loop is allowed. For example letting an instrument on a channel play from end of the loop until the first note in the beginning of the loop on that same channel. But this must be within reason, for up to 1-2 secs. Any longer than that is considered to be an evolvement of the loop, which again isn't allowed.

8) Up to three entries per composer, with permission to replace one of already submitted three entries with a fourth one. It is preferable to stick to the entries already submitted. However if you just made a fourth loop and it is an absolute killer, one of the three entries already submitted must be moved outside compo. This can be done only once.

9) Because many SID players would play the loop only once until progressing to the next tune, please lengthen the playtime by manually copying the loop until the length of the tune is at least a minute, and then jump back to the beginning (for infinite looping on C64 and such players).
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