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Zoo 2019

Zoo 2019

- We Are The Chimpions!

Event Types :
Demo Party, C64 Only Party

Dates :
4 - 6 October 2019

Place :
Viialan Seurahuone, Keskuskatu 44
37830 Akaa

Website :

Organizers :
Dr. Dick, Electric, Flex, Jangler, Micron, SkY, Terwiz, Vent, Zamdee, Ziili

Organizer Groups :
Alumni, Artline Designs, Byterapers, Extend, Topaz Beerline

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Out of Contex by Artline DesignsDownload9.29.3
2Void Mind 84% by Extend
3Able Marble by AccessionDownload8.5
4Metadimension by Pers' Wastaiset ProduktiotDownload
5Rebirth by Finnish Gold
6Rebels 1989 by RebelsDownload8.9
7Nine Rings by Dr. TerrorZDownload8.8
8Odysseija by Wide LoadDownload
9Demo1988 by Gorbat SoftDownload
10Tales from the Crypt PETSCII Edition by wbocharDownload
11Kolmiolaeaeke by Galtin BallwayDownload
12Dobbelganger by GrueDownload

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Cakewalk by JanglerDownload9.5
2Touch the Sky by FlexDownload9.4
3Ten Pokes by JojeliDownload9.6
4Break Rulez by ApollyonDownload
5Mala Gente by ZardaxDownload9.4
6Sour & Salty by JuzdieDownload9.3
7The Wrath of Yamo by AbaddonDownload9.5
8Jälkilöyly by DeetsayDownload9.2
9Amazing Discoveries by LManDownload9.89.7
10Smoke and Mirrors by Stinsen/dLxDownload9.5
11Shartnado! by AomebaDownload
12Agent of Lies by oceanDownload8.3
13Magical Shower by WarlordDownload
14Zoo Much Information by TDMDownload8.9
15Banana Island Song by FlotsamDownload9.3
 The Scobble Lotcher by VegardDownload
17Atomshelter by SlimexDownload8.0
18Retrospect 130 by FerraraDownload
19I Held That Cheese for 2 Mins and Then I Ate It by Spider JerusalemDownload8.0
20Lo-Fi in My Basement by UneksijaDownload
21Hardware Malfunction by ProtonDownload
22Zooong by BarikDownload

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Raster Split by ElectricDownload9.89.9
2Phoenix by FacetDownload9.49.3
3Scene Farts [party version] by Electric
5New Messiah by L3nin666Download
6Crystaleyezed by ProwlerDownload9.6
7Mayor of Candytown by DebrisDownload9.0
8Escape from Zoo by EdiDownload8.4
9Resting Ronin by MisBugDownload
 Stroll by ptoingDownload9.89.8
 High Hopes by ApollyonDownload9.3
12Kaiser Wieners Keg & Pickle by MntrkDownload8.8
13Super Off Road Homage by ilesjDownload9.4
14Yksitoista by DebrisDownload8.5
15Sauna Anyone? by Mr. MasterzeusDownload
16Medusa by FabsDownload8.8
17Hanami in Roihuvuori by MoraffDownload7.0
18Brazil Nuts by MozizDownload
198th Gate by Rail SlaveDownload8.5
20Sweaty Pear by ptoingDownload8.7
21Spacesplash by Dr. TerrorZDownload8.0
22Sunset in Varlaxudden by MoraffDownload
23Ilbu by IlbuDownload

C64 Basic Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Basic V3 by Jupp3Download
2Necessity by CodetsuDownload
3Sosialistinen tietokone by JumalautaDownload

PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
225 Years Later by Electric (Disk Cover)Download

C64 Disk Cover
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Jack of Apes by ElectricDownload
2Damones at Zoo-Karaoke by DuceDownload
3Void Mind by Duce
4Pääkallot by IlbuDownload
5Late Night Zoo by JunkieDownload
6Death Trip by HaniDownload
7Space Bar / Honey I'm Going to Zoo by DebrisDownload
8Young God by SipsitjadippiDownload
9Run U Fool by SipsitjadippiDownload
10CCCCCCCCCCC by ManuDownload

Mixed Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Swimming Pool by Exotic MenDownload9.3
2Ajattelija by LaserzoneDownload9.0
3Grill Master by ExtendDownload9.6
4Limpo by FitDownload9.49.5
 Channel0 by AtlantisDownload9.6
6Soft Eagle by ExtendDownload9.3
7Revenge! by FitDownload9.0
8Madame by PanicDownload7.8
9Hardware by YleisradioDownload
10Elin by YleisradioDownload
11Lion of Zoodah by phObos teamDownload
12A Clown Called Morpheus by Zefyros
13Light by Dr. TerrorZDownload7.5
14Fast Blood by PanicDownload7.4
15The Muumio Is from the Ranch, From the Texas by HiRMUDownload
16Ghost of the Zoo 19 by HaniDownload
17Manga Cat by Alice LiDownload
18Death by wbocharDownload
19Dragon by BemaSoftDownload
20Skull by wbocharDownload
21Ilmeenikunzoo by ManuDownload
22Örmi Ötökkä by VilkeDownload
23Tupladiski by LaserzoneDownload
24Hampaat by UnkkubanaaniDownload

Attendants : (101)
Abaddon, Agemixer, Aomeba, Apollyon, Argon, B, Barfly, Britelite, Chaj, Cipi, Claustro, Codetsu, Codise, Debris, Deetsay, Dr. Acid, Dr. Dick, Dr. TerrorZ, Duce, Edi, El Visio, Electric, Exca, Fabs, Facet, Fedja, Ferrara, Flex, Freon, Gallstone, Grendel, Grue, H7, Hani, Hoffi, ilesj, jab, Jammic, Jangler, Jate, Jmi, Jojeli, Jope, Jupp3, Juzdie, Kakka, Mankeli, Manu, Mayor, Micron, Mixer, Miy, Mntrk, Moraff, Morbeus, Mr. Sex, Mr. Z, Muhmi, Nosfe, Oasiz, ocean, Parkitus, Poro, Proton, Prowler, ptoing, Reward, Rock, Rockstar, Rolex, Roz, Scapegoat, Scorpion, Sivu, SkY, Slimex, SounDemoN, Spemu, Spiikki, spq, Suckho, Tao, Tape, Terwiz, TNT, Uneksija, Vent, Visy, Viznut, Wacek, Waffle, Warlord, Wavecrest, wbochar, Yip, Zados, Zamdee, Zardax, Zefyros, Zer0-X, Ziili

External links :
Zooparty @ Facebook  (http://fb.me/zoopartyC64)
Party location  (https://goo.gl/maps/fGfZ66UHvsr)
Official webpage  (http://www.zooparty.org/)
Preregistration  (https://zooparty.org/register)

Releases containing information on this event :
Attitude #20  Party report in the "Reports" section.
Vandalism News #70  Report + results
Vandalism News #70  Report + results
We Are the Chimpions  Invitation

User Comment
Submitted by Electric on 1 October 2020
The final version of pic 'Scene Farts' was released today: Scene Farts

User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 8 August 2020
and Rebirth still non existant

User Comment
Submitted by Raistlin on 8 August 2020
No download yet for either Void Mind 84% or Void Mind 100%?

User Comment
Submitted by Luca on 11 October 2019
What Ian Coog said.

User Comment
Submitted by Codetsu on 9 October 2019
oh. Man i am still totally exhausted. vacation came in need 7o7
it was a APEing journey...

User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 8 October 2019
Mixer: You are one of the CSDb people.

User Comment
Submitted by Mixer on 8 October 2019
Organizers will of course do as they want with the shown entry. Kudos for the groups that did complete their demos in time to keep CSDB ppl happy.

User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 8 October 2019
Remember that party releases only should be linked to the party. After party fixes and 100% versions should not be linked to the party entry.
Also, what stops the orgas to make all party releases available? Lots of stuff are still missing.

User Comment
Submitted by Mixer on 8 October 2019
Void Mind will be out in a week or so. Sorry for the delay.

User Comment
Submitted by Electric on 7 October 2019
If you missed it: https://m.twitch.tv/oasiz_demo/profile

User Comment
Submitted by Electric on 7 October 2019
Suckho, and that (B) demo out in 2021, right? :)

User Comment
Submitted by Suckho on 6 October 2019
Such a great party! Thanks to the orgs and all visitors!

User Comment
Submitted by Carrion on 6 October 2019
Zoo is strong with it's gfx compo.
We wait for true C64 pixel art masters, Duce, Electric, and Ptoing.. upload them !!!! NOW... PLZ!!! :D
Acording to Demozoo there are some strong entries from these artists!

User Comment
Submitted by Vent on 6 October 2019
ZOO 2019 Results


1. #07 377 pts Cakewalk - Jangler / Artline Designs
2. #11 373 pts Touch the Sky - Flex / Artline Designs
3. #10 371 pts Ten Pokes - Jojeli / Artline Designs
4. #06 365 pts Break Rulez - Apollyon / Artline Designs
5. #08 356 pts Mala Gente - Zardax / Artline Designs
6. #09 352 pts Sour & Salty - Juzdie / Artline Designs
7. #17 350 pts Wrath of Yamo - Abaddon
8. #05 343 pts Jälkilöyly - deetsay
9. #01 340 pts Amazing Discoveries - LMan / MultiStyle
Labs^Maniacs of Noise
10. #16 334 pts Smoke and Mirrors - Stinsen and dLX
11. #13 331 pts Shartnado! - Aomeba/Artline Designs
12. #12 322 pts Agent of Lies - ocean / phObos team
13. #02 314 pts Magical Shower - Warlord / phObos team
14. #18 313 pts Zoo much information - TDM/Triad
15. #15 302 pts Banana Island Song - Flotsam / Soundstorm
#20 302 pts The Scobble Lotcher - Vegard/SOA
17. #03 294 pts Atomshelter - Slimex
18. #04 287 pts Retrospect 130 - ferrara / phObos team
19. #14 282 pts I held that cheese for 2 min and then I ate it -
Spider Jerusalem
20. #19 267 pts Lofi in by basement - Uneksija / SvenOnAcid
21. #21 264 pts Hardware Malfunction - Proton/FIG
22. #22 236 pts Zooong - Barik


1. #19 533 pts Swimming Pool - edi / Exotic Men
2. #17 512 pts Ajattelija - Urkki/Laserzone
3. #11 472 pts Grill Master - Electric / Extend
4. #01 463 pts Channel0 - Lobo / Atlantis
#10 463 pts Limpo - Marq / FIT
6. #02 440 pts Soft Eagle - Electric / Extend
7. #06 403 pts Revenge! - Marq / FIT
8. #04 392 pts Madame - Debris/Panic
9. #07 391 pts Hardware - Engineer / YLE
10. #24 381 pts Elin - Biologinen Isae / Yleisradio
11. #03 379 pts Lion of Zoodah - Cipi / phObos team
12. #18 375 pts A Clown Called Morpheus - zefyros/GIN
13. #22 372 pts Light - Dr. TerrorZ
14. #16 363 pts Fast Blood - deetsay
15. #08 360 pts The muumio is from the ranch, from the Texas [sic]
- HiRMU Valtias / HiRMU
16. #21 296 pts Ghost of the Zoo'19 - Hani
17. #20 293 pts Manga Cat - Alice Li
18. #09 269 pts Death - Wbochar
19. #23 263 pts Dragon - BEMA
20. #12 255 pts Skull - Wbochar
21. #15 250 pts Ilmeenikunzoo - Manu / FIT
22. #13 221 pts Örmi Ötökkä - Vilke
23. #05 192 pts Tupladiski - Murray Moochin/Laserzone
24. #14 181 pts hampaat - unkkubanaani


1. #01 506 pts Jack of Apes - Electric / Extend
2. #05 478 pts Damones at Zoo-karaoke - Duce / Extend
3. #08 474 pts Void Mind - Duce / Extend
4. #09 467 pts Pääkallot - Ilbu
5. #07 426 pts Late Night Zoo - Junkie / Extend
6. #02 368 pts Death Trip - Hani
7. #03 339 pts Space Bar - Debris/Panic
8. #06 332 pts Young god - sipsitjadiippi / phObos team
9. #04 326 pts Run U fool - sipsitjadiippi / phObos team
10. #10 301 pts CCCCCCCCCCC - Manu / FIT (B)


1. #07 374 pts Impostor - Jojeli of Artline Designs
2. #02 366 pts 25 Years Later - Electric / Extend
3. #01 347 pts SID 6581R3 DIE SHOT - Grue
4. #03 328 pts moraff's ultimate brixtyfour - Panic
5. #06 312 pts Video distribution system - Streamplay
6. #05 267 pts Beer cover - Extend - tykkäisitkö jos tulisin
Zoohun? - Duce / Extend
7. #04 228 pts Alumni party banner - Terwiz


1. #18 606 pts Raster Split - Electric / Extend
2. #17 553 pts Phoenix - Facet/G*P
3. #23 534 pts Scene Farts - Electric / Extend
4. #22 506 pts Two Fingers - Duce / Extend
5. #16 492 pts New Messiah - L3NIN666 / KARJALA!
6. #20 481 pts Crystaleyezed - prowler
7. #10 466 pts Mayor Of Candytown - Debris/Panic
8. #06 460 pts Escape From Zoo - edi / Exotic Men
9. #24 454 pts Stroll - Ptoing/Funkenstört
#12 454 pts Resting Ronin - Misbug (Giuseppe Longo)
#05 454 pts High hopes - Apollyon of Artline Designs
12. #15 436 pts Kaiser Wieners Keg & Pickle - mntrk
13. #09 427 pts Super Off Road Homage - ilesj
14. #07 423 pts Yksitoista - Debris/Panic
15. #08 408 pts Sauna anyone? - Mr. Masterzeus of Philishave Grew
16. #11 394 pts Medusa - Fabs/Hokuto Force
17. #14 365 pts Brazilnuts - moziz
#01 365 pts Hanami in Roihuvuori - Moraff/Panic
19. #21 351 pts 8th Gate - Rail Slave/Puddle
20. #13 349 pts Sweaty Pear - Ptoing/Funkenstört
21. #19 322 pts Spacesplash - Dr. TerrorZ
22. #04 309 pts Sunset in Varlaxudden - Moraff/Panic
23. #02 231 pts ILBU - Ilbu
24. #03 171 pts https://tinyurl.com/art-of-coding-c64 - Jumalauta
compofiller committee


1. #01 346 pts BASIC V3 - Jupp3
2. #03 254 pts necessity - Codetsu
3. #02 235 pts Sosialistinen tietokone - Jumalauta


1. #04 352 pts Qvicanddirty - TRIAD
2. #01 351 pts Igaku - Quadtrip
3. #03 235 pts Paahtoleipa - SIDrock
4. #02 225 pts Flying - MIY / Finnish Gold


1. #11 605 pts Out of Contex - Artline Designs
2. #10 446 pts Void Mind 84% - Mixer + Electric + Barfly + Duce +
3. #08 434 pts Able Marble - Accession
4. #04 418 pts Metadimension - PWP
5. #12 411 pts Rebirth - Finnish Gold
6. #03 382 pts 1989 - Rebels (RBS)
7. #09 381 pts Nine Rings - Dr. TerrorZ
8. #05 370 pts Odysseija - Wide Load
9. #06 341 pts Demo 1988 - Codetsu / Virgo
10. #02 297 pts The Crypt - Wbochar
11. #07 286 pts Kolmiolaeaeke - Galtin Ballway
12. #01 268 pts Dobbelganger - Grue/EXT+Kasettilamerit

User Comment
Submitted by Marq on 6 October 2019
Evil genius Fu Manflu stopped me from going, but it's evident how the compos were of higher quality than ever. Well done!

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 5 October 2019
just thought i failed the deadline just a minute then noticed it's long gone due to timezone GMT+3 lol

anyway, have a great party!

User Comment
Submitted by rail slave on 4 October 2019
Nice, twitch. Us sofa sceners being spoiled with human interaction !!!
thanks guys, looking forward to compos

User Comment
Submitted by Electric on 4 October 2019
Full schedule: https://zooparty.org/zoo19#schedule

Watch the stream: https://www.twitch.tv/oasiz_demo

User Comment
Submitted by rail slave on 4 October 2019
What time are the compos ?

User Comment
Submitted by Shine on 26 September 2019
There Is No Data, Only Zoo!!! :)

User Comment
Submitted by Electric on 25 September 2019
Remote entries for ZOO'19 shall be sent due midday (12.00/GMT+3) on Saturday 5th of October. Make them to: compoteam@zooparty.org


Wild Demo
Basic Program
PETSCII Graphics
Disk Cover
Party Feature

When submitting your entry please state the title, author and competition you're participating. Any additional information (such as preferred SID etc) is recommended. Author may send two (2) entries for Graphics and PETSCII compos while other individual compos can be participated with one (1) work. Workstages for graphics entries are a good addition.

Full rules on our compos: https://zooparty.org/zoo19compos

We’re expecting YOU to contribute!

User Comment
Submitted by Flex on 28 July 2019
@raphis: Remote entries are welcome! More about it all pretty soon.

User Comment
Submitted by raphis on 23 July 2019
any remote entries possible?

User Comment
Submitted by Vent on 24 April 2019
Join our troop of chimpanzees at https://zooparty.org/register
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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