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Forums > CSDb Entries > Event id #2312 : Je suis #Linus music compo
2015-01-16 13:06

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Event id #2312 : Je suis #Linus music compo

Compo's premise is as simple as that:

You 'just' have to create a tune which imitates Linus' trademark sounds and ideas. Seems simple but it's not :D

There is only one rule - Linus himself cannot participate! (No wonder, huh? Still, I can and other MSL guys can too, eh eh :P) Naturally, he can vote for all contestants :D

Apart from that all composers have total freedom regarding entries' number, playtime, speed, editor, executability etc. - all in all it shall be judged by the people and results will be based on average of Linus' CSDb vote and other CSDb votes to make it more spicy ;)

I guess it might be great introduction to whole compo series covering all musicians. Have fun!


Having thought a little more on the subject I've decided to add one quite necessary rule - GT composers cannot use original Linus' GT worktunes if they are luckily in possession of any. I guess it would be as aimless here as imitating Hubbard in his own player with stock instruments :D
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2015-02-14 12:32

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2948
Lets not lie, ok?

This is exactly the message that was sent to you:

> Hiya,
> Please make sure to only write in English here
> Thanks,
> - Moloch (CSDb staff)
2015-02-14 12:48

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Ok, as Buddha's Polish comment has been removed - dunno if it's his action or mods' action - posts of mine and Gerard about boozing are now totally out of place so maybe some authority would clean it up? Thank you :P
2015-02-14 12:52
Account closed

Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 17
well that CSDB staff is still only agreed to publish my Buddha music disk #02 and after release of this collection will remove me from CSDB :)
2015-02-14 12:54

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
If CSDb clocks work as I expect - deadline is 16th of February, 23:59:59 or 11:59:59 p.m. if you prefer ;)
2015-02-14 13:23

Registered: Jul 2012
Posts: 382
Quoting Jammer
If CSDb clocks work as I expect - deadline is 16th of February, 23:59:59 or 11:59:59 p.m. if you prefer ;)

CSDb doesn't synchronize with pool.ntp.org so far as i know. ;) Maybe i am wrong, but there is a delta from +-15 sec (shoutbox).
2015-02-14 13:50

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
Buddha, I have completely no idea what you're thinking but I see what you're writing. I'm not inside your head, right? You're responsible for your own words and actions.
2015-02-14 13:57

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 1342
It's a matter of agreement and common sense to use language that everybody can understand here and can participate in discussion. If you piss on it and want to be the king of the castle - don't be surprised that people take a piss on you too. GET A GRIP FFS, DUDE!
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