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Forums > CSDb Discussions > Plogue Chipsounds is released.
2009-10-15 09:49
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Registered: Sep 2009
Posts: 48
Plogue Chipsounds is released.

I'm really surprised nobody has mentioned this yet.

Plogue Chipsounds is a VSTi/AU plugin that emulates several different old systems (including NES/GB/C64/Atari 2600). It's been a couple of years in the making and they seem to have gone to great lengths to make it as accurate as possible.



I've just bought my copy and will be giving it a test soon.

I've been quite excited about this for some time but it raises interesting discussion I think:

- what does this mean for purists who think you should only use the original hardware?

- does it mark the death of the "chip sound", making it available to the masses with none of the limitations/work-arounds we are so fond of working with?

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2009-10-15 18:16

Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 639
One fine day not too soon, a tune like JT in space, or another funky tune by Jeroen tel, written in 1988, has a very good chance to become a real world hit, in its original raw form.

"World hit" and "raw" don't gel too well.

There might be even more mainstream tunes using typical 8Bit sounds in the future but I don't see raw sid/nes/gameboy/whatever tunes entering the charts *ever*.

Also, I think it's a trend quickly passing by again. Does anybody remember the DnB hype back in the 90s? :)
2009-10-15 20:15
Hate Bush

Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 460
Linus OTM. quite unfortunately.
2009-10-15 23:15

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 138
Really looking forward to see what will be made with this VST. I'm assuming that more hardcore things can be done than what was featured on the EP.

Nitro2k01 - the techy kind of musicians - tried to convert a song from LSDj (Gameboy), but it was one of his few that was even possible to do, he told me. Even if the soundchip is perfectly emulated doesn't mean that the specialities of software on the original machine can be done.

But I hope that Chipsounds will promote new uses of soundchips (trackers might be real good, but hey - there are other ways of making music too) but not shallow ones for that sake.
2009-10-16 07:51
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Registered: Sep 2009
Posts: 48
I had a good play around with it last night, mainly with the SID stuff.

You can do quite interesting wavetable stuff (not limited to just notes and waveforms but can also sequence MIDI control changes that are mapped to sound settings - needs more investigating) plus set the speed of the table independently of the song tempo (up to ridiculous speeds). Looks like it could be very useful.

PWM is there but it's not possible to directly set a minimum/maximum pulse value and so you have to balance the start value with the depth of the sweep to avoid sweeping to 0, which produces quite a horrible sound.

Filters - you can set type/resonance/cut-off but there are no modulators/envelopes. You can assign a MIDI control message to affect the cut-off but that's about it. You could also use the wavetable to sequence a list of filter parameters, like a manual filter sweep, but this is a bit crude. So, a lot of work to do for the developer in this area to make things interesting. Actually while on filters, they sound pretty crude at the moment and are very easily distorted (which some will find useful I guess, some not...). This is noted in the manual and improvements are apparently planned.

Away from strict chip emulation, some of the preset sounds that use combinations of chips and some of the more esoteric applications of parameters/controls are really fantastic. My feeling at the moment is that this is where it's strengths are. Personally I don't think that's a bad thing.

The Chimera preset made me chuckle. :)
2009-10-16 08:29
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
I have 0 money so im not getting it before nov 1 :D

But you telling me that it dont comply to VST standard, so you can automate everything ?
2009-10-16 10:21
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Registered: Sep 2009
Posts: 48
Quote: I have 0 money so im not getting it before nov 1 :D

But you telling me that it dont comply to VST standard, so you can automate everything ?

It seems you can control pretty much all the parameters via dedicated MIDI controller number assignments so......probably :)
2009-10-17 10:17
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
Neil, the VST standard includes, that you can control ALL. it dont use midi CC, but you can hook a midi CC to a function in automation.

The renoise tracker has direct automation on any vst, you just open automation, and assign a vst param to a command in the tracker, or to a painted envelope.

You can automate the vst with commands, painted envelopes, oscillators - anything that generates data, that is sent to the chosen vst param.

its a lot more circumstancial in f.ex sonar. but it works same way.
2009-10-17 12:58
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Registered: Sep 2009
Posts: 48
I use Logic Jan which is not VST based.

I do have Renoise though - I'll give it a try (though I'm not that familiar with it!)
2009-10-17 15:57
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
If you need help with renoise, fire an email.
2009-10-18 16:07
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Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 211
use buzz as a host it's amazing and free!
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