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2007-06-24 03:16

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
C64 Emulator Bugs

after stumbling about a bunch of VICE bugs myself in the last couple of days i have decided to compile a list with issues current emulators have. the goals for this are

- make people aware that emulators are by far not perfect (yet?)
- make it easier for emulator authors to improve the emulators, by showing problematic programs and possibly provide simple testcases
- allow c64 coders to implement emulator detection if desired

so well, check this: http://hitmen.c02.at/files/docs/c64/c64_emulator_bugs.txt

help welcomed :)
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2007-10-02 14:38
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 48
Quote: Bad file, at end there are $fe bytes (one entire sector) all zeroed, and seems too short because decrunch routine reads from $7ddd, there is nothing there. Most probably there was a bad sector in the middle of the file.

Oh come on, please "test" bugs on different emulators and if all show the same behaviour then test the image on a real C64 before claiming another VICE bug here. How shall I fix existing bugs when I have to waste my time with these "fakes".
2007-10-02 14:45

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
uh, thats exactly what are we doing in this thread? =P
2007-10-02 15:00
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 48
Quote: uh, thats exactly what are we doing in this thread? =P

Well, the thread is called "C64 emulator bugs" and if you post "TheWisdom" without any comment (with the comment that the buglist file has to be updated which could mean that "The Wisdom" should be included in this context), I got the impression that TheWisdom IS already tested.

Okay, now that I'm writing this I remember that you're a Linux user and don't have other emulators to crosscheck the file. So please forgive my impatience.
2007-10-02 15:10

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
hehe well, actually i can run ccs64 and hoxs64 fine in wine.... but infact i do little testing myself, i just collect the comments and maintain the list (if in doubt, i prefer programming over anything else really =P)
2007-10-09 10:25

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11296
Trilight ... in the final fairlight intro the rasters in the middle of the screen flicker a bit in vice 1.22 ... didnt check on the real thing
2007-10-09 12:25

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 5077
AR reset fails (goes to AR freeze instead) in Vice 1.18 when setting breakpoints in the Vice monitor. oh curse me I'm lazy to dl the latest one and retest :P

ed: AR75h.crt
2007-10-10 08:41
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 48
Quote: Trilight ... in the final fairlight intro the rasters in the middle of the screen flicker a bit in vice 1.22 ... didnt check on the real thing

I guess it's a bug in the intro. The check for the raster line takes too long in some frames and so the bad line will delay the D021 change.

Good frame:
.827E 170 060  351892482  CD 12 D0   CMP $D012 A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8281 171 001  351892486  F0 FB      BEQ $827E A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8283 171 003  351892488  8C 21 D0   STY $D021 A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8286 171 007  351892492  E8         INX       A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8287 171 009  351892494  E0 19      CPX #$19  A=$AA X=$03 Y=$0A SP=$F9
*** DMA VICII  351892496  43
.8289 171 054  351892539  D0 EC      BNE $8277 A=$AA X=$03 Y=$0A SP=$F9

Bad frame:
.827E 170 059  351872825  CD 12 D0   CMP $D012 A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8281 171 000  351872829  F0 FB      BEQ $827E A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.827E 171 003  351872832  CD 12 D0   CMP $D012 A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8281 171 007  351872836  F0 FB      BEQ $827E A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8283 171 009  351872838  8C 21 D0   STY $D021 A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
*** DMA VICII  351872840  43
.8286 171 056  351872885  E8         INX       A=$AA X=$02 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8287 171 058  351872887  E0 19      CPX #$19  A=$AA X=$03 Y=$0A SP=$F9
.8289 171 060  351872889  D0 EC      BNE $8277 A=$AA X=$03 Y=$0A SP=$F9

But there's another graphic glitch visible in VICE under the two shifting fairlight logos. This is incorrect emulation of video mode changing. I hope to fix this soon.
2007-10-10 09:58

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
@rubi: How do you get that kind of output? That could be highly useful...
2007-10-10 10:28
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Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 48
Quote: @rubi: How do you get that kind of output? That could be highly useful...

Enable #define DEBUG in debug.h and compile VICE, then you'll get several debugging options (for WinVICE look into the File menu, debugging output will be written to the vice.log file).

DEBUG isn't defined for official releases cause it makes thing a little bit slower (even if you don't debug).

And while we're at debugging: Krill implemented some stepping through frames in WinVICE-1.22 (which is available even without DEBUG): Pause emulation with ALT-Pause, then you can step to next frame with ALT-+

Hope that helps.
2007-10-10 11:33

Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 2014
@rubi: ahh yeah ok, nice to know. How is a DMA VICII presented when it's executed in the middle of an RMW-opcode?
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