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Forums > CSDb Discussions > deleted Mommy They're back
2010-08-21 19:20

Registered: Jul 2009
Posts: 274
deleted Mommy They're back

for the simple reason i am sick to fucking death of having my stuff turned into a flame war. and having the same flames fanned by Groepaz who as a fucking mod should be preventing this NOT trolling it.

Groepaz u love to quote rules at people so why wasnt the one pertaining to "release comments only, anything else will be deleted" acted upon?

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2010-08-22 09:22

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11302
that would pervert the idea of having comments quite a bit. comments are also for stuff that someone might not like, such as the truth.
2010-08-22 09:26
Account closed

Registered: Apr 2002
Posts: 2238
A proper mod would enable the "Lock thread" long ago..
2010-08-22 09:57

Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 255
Perhaps it would be useful to add a button/link for each comment that lets the maintainer flag a particular comment for moderation? (You could even extend this to let anyone flag any comment, but such a user privilege should be revokable by a moderator if it is being abused.)
2010-08-22 10:06

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11302
i am not sure if that would really solve anything.

some may remember how it all started and why moderation regarding the forum and comments is now handled like it is. at one point it was much more strict, mods put a lot of work and time into keeping the forum and comments "clean" - and the result was complaints and whining. then they stopped doing it (and some mods completely quit, because they didnt feel like dealing with that crap anymore) and the result was complaints and whining.

so, honest, i dont expect more than complaints and whining if such mechansim would be in place. what exactly would it change and why?
2010-08-22 12:16
The Communist

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 485
Quote: It would be a good idea if, anyone who uploads a release that they are involved with should have the rights to moderate the comments should they wish to do so. Not edit comments, simply delete. It would save having to contact the mods, who ‘seriously cant be arsed ‘ as Groepaz puts it.

In general the comment politics in this db is ok like it is. When comments are not offensive or insulting and just e.g. describe the quality of the product or discuss the product itself they can stay otherwise they get deleted like it happened in the past. And for your given example, I think you reacted a little bit thin-skinned. There is also something like free speech. If we would censor everything which could be ment insulting people would call us depressors of free speech.

2010-08-22 12:16
The Communist

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 485
Quote: A proper mod would enable the "Lock thread" long ago..

text above matches also
2010-08-22 12:25

Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 2918
I've requested it in the past with Perff, and he told me others have also, the maintainer should have the option to turn comments off for that entry.
2010-08-22 12:30
The Communist

Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 485
Quote: I've requested it in the past with Perff, and he told me others have also, the maintainer should have the option to turn comments off for that entry.

But you should remember that same maintainers are/could be biased.
2010-08-22 12:59

Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 271
ooohhhh... booooring... The simple way to get a better forum is to behave, not more functions or rights and rule...

This forum is quite pleasant and nice most of the times but when something goes just off topic it is like all mass explode and jump in and everyone wants the others to understand their point, like myself. But when one do think about it, who am I to think that my opinion is the right one, the world will stand another day without me shouting or posting 100 posts with my opinions...

Are we nerds the new gay? The feminine way of being male?... We are men, we should just say "well, fuck that, whats the next thread..."
2010-08-22 13:23

Registered: Dec 2001
Posts: 11302
Are we nerds the new gay? The feminine way of being male?

go make a demo about it, damnit! :=)
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